How many more episodes are left?
They start out the episode with Huhwahn heading to see Cameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeela!
He loves on Cameeeeeeeeela and talks to his cousin about the remaining girls and confides that Sharleen “may be the one”.
However, I cannot concentrate on what Hwahan is saying.
All I see is that the cousin is wearing a mouth full of braces on what appears to be beautiful, shiny, and SUPER straight white teeth?!? I mean, he’s got some fabulous teeth!
And while we are talking about braces, I thought you might find it interesting to know that during part of my 7th grade year I had to wear a series of different rubber band combinations with my braces to align my bite. Super cool. And for a couple of weeks I had to wear one that went from the top of the left side of my mouth to the bottom of the right side of my mouth. Awesome.
The rubber band phase of my life was after both the Herbst device (doesn’t it sound glamorous?) and the chin cup head gear that rubbed a tiny little bald spot on the top of my head.
But that is neither here nor there.
The dress code for the hometown arrival consists of tank tops and short shorts.
Huhwahan shows up at the girl’s condo and hands the
first date card to Sharleen.
It says: Come SEA my City
She is MORE THAN reluctant when she finds out she has the first date and she keeps looking at the date card like she has no idea what it is.
Huhwahan lets her know that they are leaving immediately.
So, she copes with her confusion and anxiety by heading upstairs and putting on a sensible navy blue dress that she belts at the waist.
And now I’m confused.
Sharleen, you’re not going to high tea. You are going to make out with a guy on a beach and in a boat. The “dress” for that occasion should be much more casual.
They hop on a yacht, lay in each other’s arms, and moan.
I wish I was kidding.
But then they start kissing, and I wish they would just go back to the moaning.
Please, I beg you, put your tongues away.
They get out of the yacht onto a private island, and Sharleen and her ROCKING BACK are both on the date.
Sharleen’s back needs her own twitter account.
She tells Hwahan that she would be willing to leave opera for him.
They hop in the ocean and kiss some more.
For the evening portion of their make-out fest (talking is too smarty pants for Huhwahan), they get dressed up in fancy clothes and get back on the yacht.
More kissing.
Which means more tongue.
Lots and Lots of tongue.
And lip biting.
Sharleen says, “Why can’t I stop kissing you?”
Hwahan says , “I don’t know, you tell me.”
Let me interrupt.
I’ll tell you why Sharleen. Because deep down you know that he can’t hold an intelligent conversation and actually talking with him would just solidify your decision that it’s time
to pack your bags girl.
So you are simply trying to put off the talking.
Sharleen gets back to the girl’s house, and she runs to Mama.
She says she’s not sure and isn’t feeling like it’s fair to take the opportunity
from somebody that is sure.
Mama has this unbelievable ability to separate herself from the conversation and give really good advice. I sure do love me some Mama.
The date card arrives.
It’s for Nikki.
And it says Listen to My Heart Beat.
Huhwahan tells Nikki that they are going to Cameeeeeeeeeeela’s dance recital.
And in addition to meeting Cameeeeeeeela, she will also be meeting Huhwahan’s mom and dad AND Cameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeela’s mama.
I wonder how quickly Miss Nikki regretted the decision to wear the teensy tiny bootie shorts.
I know it’s hard to see in the picture below, but she is in fact wearing shorts.
Cameeeeeeeeeeeeela and the other children perform some type of recital with both singing and dancing, and right when it’s over Cameeeeeeeeeeela goes to hug her daddy and hugs Nikki before she hugs her own mom. And part of my mama’s heart died a little.
I’m thinking that Baby Mama is going to be Miss Nikki some SERIOUS stink eye, but she doesn’t.
She is looking gorgeous and is acting totally polite.
Well played Carla, WELL PLAYED.
And just in case you didn’t see the show and need proof that BABY MAMA IS FINE,
here’s your proof.
See? Fine.
Nikki and Huhwhan head to his “office” (Marlins Park) and throw the ball around. And this portion of the show was sponsored by double sided tape.
I kept waiting for her boob to just pop out of the side of her tiny little outfit,
but they stayed contained.
Sad face.
When investing so much time into something like this, I wouldn’t mind a little boob poppage.
Just sayin.
Sharleen walks out in a sensible pair of shorts and a classic blouse.
Which is why she is telling the girls that she is all PEACE OUT.
The girls try their best to act sad, but nobody is falling for it.
She heads to Huhwahan’s place to tell him.
Lots of tears.
Lots of Huhwahan wiping away tears.
And lots of whispering.
And I have a HUGE question for the people over at ABC:
Throw me a bone here people! WHAT IS HE SAYING?
Huhwahan is staring at her like he doesn’t understand…and I’m thinking it’s maybe because he truly doesn’t understand.
She keeps on saying that she is afraid this might be a decision she ends up regretting.
Don’t worry.
By the time you get to the plane you’ll be high fiving yourself and well on your way to Living La Vida Loca.
She leaves, and he heads to the balcony to sit on a chair and gaze out into the great beyond.
So in Bachelor speak, she pulled a Brooks, and he pulled a 1/2 Mesnick.
(To be clear, a Full Mesnick would involve leaning over the balcony railing and LOTS more tears.)
Date card arrives for Cheslie, Mama, Clare, and Andi
The date card says: My Hometown for Yours
They are also informed that there’s going to be a rose on the date that catapults one lucky lady straight to the hometown dates.
(Just an aside, somebody on the crew knows how to do a mean fishtail braid. Both Andi and Mama have rocked them so far this show.)
(One more sidenote, Chris Harrison’s penmanship is lovely.)
They head to the beach.
Chelsie takes Huhwahan to the side and reads some letters that her mom and dad have written her.
It’s cute.
Here’s the summary:
Mom says keep your clothes on and don’t get drunk.
Dad says whatever. YOLO.
Andi and Hwahan get some time, and she discusses her concerns with him over the whole process. He calms her down. Again.
And it’s here that I realize that Huhwahan is like a mama monkey.
He likes to wipe things off and pick things off his ladies.
Now It’s Clare and Hwahan’s chance for alone time.
She is very emotional about her dad (who passed away) and apparently left a video for her future husband to watch before they get married. I thought that was such a sweet sentiment for a father to leave for his daughters when he knew he wasn’t going to be there.
But something was weird about how she was talking about it.
Like she wasn’t just opening up and being vulnerable, it was like she was trying to be sexy when talking about it. Did anybody else get that vibe?
And listen, they were in swimsuits and could have easily hopped into the ocean for a quick romp. Buy Huhwhan took out a restraining order against the ocean and he is not allowed to go within 75 yards of it in Clare’s presence.
Andi gets the rose.
Which means she for sure gets to take him to her hometown, AND she gets 1:1 time with him while all the other girls get shuttled home in a teeny tiny little plane.
Clare declares “Let’s BLEEPing wrap this BLEEP up and go home.”
For the first time EVER I am in complete agreement with Clare.
But I’m talking about the season, not just the date.
It shows Andi and Huhwahan making out in the ocean as the plane flies away, and I want to shout out a warning,
As the girls are headed back to their penthouse, Clare declares “Well, on the upside, we get to hang out with Nikki. I want to hang out with Nikki like I want to get stung by jellyfish.”
Clearly, she’s not a fan.
The girls all walk in to their condo, and they call Nikki down.
Chelsie explains to Nikki that Andi got to stay and they all got sent home.
Nikki says, “You guys are funny. Chelsie is giggling. Mama is smiling from her to ear. And Clare is just like checked out.”
To which Clare responds, “I’m not checked out, I’m just not going to sit here and be fake.”
Clare puts it out there that maybe Andi got the rose because she “needed that reassurance.” Nikki piped in with a, “That’s so stupid,” and then she ran off upstairs.
Mama is left nervously twirling her hair on the couch probably pondering if she has the power to send one of them to time out.
Well, Clare WAS NOT GOING TO STAND FOR Nikki’s behavior.
She actually said she “would not be disrespected like that”.
Did she get counseling after her public shaming in Nam, because that sounds like something a therapist has told her to say.
She hops up and runs up after Nikki and was all “What was that about?”
Nikki says she doesn’t want to sit around while “people are talking sh%$ about her friend.”
That confused Clare (and me), because I don’t think she said anything bad about Andi.
Clare said, “Um, who was talking sh%$?”
And that’s when Nikki said,
“Okay. You interrupted.”
Oh no she dih unt.
Then Nikki says “I was about to say that that is where I feel like it was headed.”
Clare doesn’t understand.
And listen, I’m not Clare’s biggest fan, but I too am confused.
They go back and forth, Clare asks Nikki not to cut her off, they go back and forth some more, and then Nikki lays it on the line.
I’m not going to quote the argument verbatim because I feel like I need
to give it the respect it deserves.
Nikki: Clare I have nothing to say to you. Let’s be honest. I don’t like you, we’re never going to be friends. You can just excuse yourself from my room.
Clare: I can excuse myself? This is all of our suite.
Nikki: Oh, do you have stuff in here?
Clare: This is NOT your room.
Nikki: Oh, it’s not? Did you sleep in here?
Clare: Did you pay for it?
Nikki: Did you sleep in here?
Clare: Did YOU pay for it?
Nikki: No.
Did you?
Clare: No, so it’s neither of our rooms.
Nikki: Okay.
Clare: So it’s open space.
Nikki: All right. Great.
Clare: Just want to clarify that.
Nikki: Please do.
Me: MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They continue to argue.
When Clare leaves the room she says, “You’re a piece of work Nikki.”
and Nikki says “You’re batsh%$ crazy.”
Two things we can all agree on.
Cut to the cocktail party.
The girls are all BRINGING IT in their short and tight and colorful dresses, and they all look fab.
Chelsie is trying to make things normal when she and Clare and Nikki are sitting there during his alone time with Mama, and Nikki is having none of it.
Chelsie is sent home, but she holds it together.
She’s off to go educate the masses on science.
So, at the end of this episode, I’m left wondering several things?
If you had to choose a side, would it be TEAM CLARE or TEAM NIKKI?
I understand that neither is a desirable choice.
Why is Huhwahn always moaning?
Who do you want to be left in the end?
I love Mama sooooooooo much, but it’s because of that that I don’t want her to be the last one standing. Agreed?
Before you go, I want to make sure you’ve seen my Spring Shoe Post from Friday.

I talked about these wedges all last spring and summer, but there are so many new people to the blog that I feel OBLIGATED to talk about them some more!
And then I got this e-mail last night from a new reader that just received the wedges, and I knew I had to share it!
Boy oh boy do I wish it was summer! These wedges are AMAZING!!!! I
know it might seem like an overstatement, but these wedges will
seriously enrich my life too. I just know it. I can’t believe how
light they are. I think I have flats and tennis shoes that weigh the
same. You were not kidding when you said stupid comfortable too. It’s
too cold to wear them outside so I wore them while I cooked dinner. I
think I’m still in shock with how comfortable they are!! I hope they
never go out of style because I want to order more!!!
Stacey S.
Click HERE and get ya some! 🙂
The putty color goes with EVERYTHING.
And just in case you are new to the blog and are a huge fan of The Bachelor, see below so you can have fun with the previous episodes!
Click HERE for Sean and Catherine’s Wedding
Sheaffer 🙂
The winner of the TIEKS $100 gift card is…..
Tanna Boshart!
Congratulations Tanna!
E-mail me at within the next 72 hours to claim your prize!
Mix and Match Mama says
Every time I see you in those Michael Kors flats…my heart skips a beat.
SarahN says
I'm on team "worst bachelor ever – who cares?" Your recaps are the ONLY fun thing about this season!
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
Those MK flats are the most perfect color ever. I got a pair of coral flats last week but I love the poppy red for spring. SO pretty!!!
Mary says
I can hardly make myself watch anymore this season…I DVR it and fast forward during most of it….especially the kissing parts-YUCK!
Kelly says
Not sure who I would pick.. but next week looks like the most dramatic rose ceremony EVER! ha! I'm getting ready to go to a destination wedding, I think that is the best excuse to go ahead and order the wedges!!
Tab & Erika says
I'm not "officially" watching the Bachelor this season. I'm watching via PTMT and let me just say…it's WAY better this way!!!
kteacher22 says
I just LOVE the recaps too! I literally laugh until I cry! 🙂 I was surprised that you didn't talk about the strange bag (air freshener?) hanging over Chelsie's head when she is crying in the limo. I couldn't believe the crew didn't notice the swinging bag! I couldn't even listen to Chelsie-I just kept wondering what was in the tiny swinging bag over her head :).
Kathy Stevens says
If I HAD to choose, I pick Team Clare. Solely because it seems Mama and Chelsie are also Team Clare which is a pretty good endorsement. But I am not buying any Team t-shirts! I also had to wear crossing rubber bands with my braces, not so great for the ole junior high self esteem. Yours seemed worth it, you have beautiful teeth! Thanks for the recap.
Sarah E @ says
I decided to take this season off from The Bachelor since I knew I couldn't stomach a whole season of Juan Pablo, but your recaps are the best! 🙂
Liz says
"When Clare leaves the room she says, "You're a piece of work Nikki."
and Nikki says "You're batsh%$ crazy."
Two things we can all agree on."
Best part of the recap. EVER!
Now, about those shoes. For someone who is on the tall side… (as in, 6ft and a smidge), would the height of the shoes make me look overly like a Gigantor? Or is there a nice, 2-3" inch wedge that is similar without putting me into the same altitude as an NBA players? Thanks!
allisonwest says
Oh my! I haven't watched the bachelor in years and years–really I think Travis' season was the last one for me. These recaps are soooo amazing it really makes me want to start watching again! But I have 2 tiny kids and Downton is as far as I can go into a love affair with a show these days. I'll stick to your recaps I suppose. Hi-lar-I-oussss!
Amanda Brezgel says
Just bought the wedges!! I love them! Can't wait to wear them. I also can't believe I waited so long to buy them. 🙂 🙂 🙂 I'm picking Nikki over Clare, can't stand either. I don't think Juan deserves Renee or Andi. I hope it's the editing, but I'm thinking not, he just seems too aloof. I about died when Sharleen said she wished she were dumber!
Lindsay says
You did not just go there with a "Brooks and a 1/2 Mesnick!" Best line ever! Again, completely funny recap. While I'm watching the show I love thinking about which parts you are going to pick apart…makes watching that much more fun. I think I'm on Team Clare, for the same reason that your reader Kathy S is..because she is endorsed by Mama and Chelsie. Speaking of which, I agree with you that Mama has been my favorite the whole time and for that reason, I don't want her to "win" (if we can call landing Huhwahan winning). And lastly, I totally think your man Chris Harrison reads this blog b/c I could swear that when he came out at the rose ceremony to call him away to "think" he stressed his name as "Huhwahan" much more so than normal. I think it was a nod to PTMT!! And since he's reading, Chris, have you thought about Mama and you after the show perhaps??? Wouldn't that be a cute couple?
stacey says
i couldnt wait for her thoughts on baby mama… i was hoping for a little more recap on her 🙂 TEAM MAMA!!
Melissa says
I totally agree, Chris really did stress Huhwahan way more than normal at the rose ceremony.
We all know why Cameeeeeeela's mom doesn't care about other girls "dating" Huhwahan, because she already knows what a tool he is and doesn't want any part of that. She probably went home laughing at the girls still there for him.
Did anyone else find it weird that Nikki (I think) kept calling Huhwahan her boyfriend at the end? It just felt so weird to me, I guess just that calling a guy your boyfriend when he's dating 5 other girls seems strange? Or maybe just that Huhwahan being called a boyfriend is weird.
Love your recaps! The BEST part of the season!
Laura Fuller says
I have also taken a break from the Bachelor this season. He seems a little on the dirty side, which he has proven true. I'm just not interested…
Angela Ellingson says
Team Nicki or Team Clare? I feel like I do when I am about to cast my vote for the lesser of two evils for president. I guess Team Clare because she seems less mean.
Lobster Meets Peach says
I must be the only woman in America who has never watched teh Bachelor. From everything that I have read in US Weekly (because they would never tell a lie) this man seems to need some time to work on personal growth not finding a wife.
Either way, I love the wedges!!! 😉
Desaree Martin says
Oh my gosh your Bachelor Recaps CRACK ME UP! I can't wait to read them every week. I don't understand why I am still watching this season, maybe it is just so I can compare it to your recaps. Everything that you mentioned is spot on. I think Hawan needs to go and they just need to give Mama her chance as The Bachelorette. Oh and those wedges are adorable, I may have to get a pair.
Melissa says
YES! She'd be a great bachelorette!
Melanie Lien says
I agree with you about Mama. She is my favorite one, but I think she can do better. I know what all of the spoiler sites say, but I am kind of hoping Andi maybe? And if I had to pick between the two I guess I would go with Team Nikki.
kbdesign says
I actually fell asleep last night while watching the Bachelor, which is a first for me. It literally bored me to sleep.
I agree with Liz regarding a similar 2-3" wedge that is similar to your putty wedge. I would love to try them out but they would be way to high for me (i would tower above my boyfriend).
I finally went out and purchased the Blardigan and I am in LOVE! I wore it all day yesterday and wanted to wear it again today but I am holding out so that I can wear it to work again on Friday.
Elizabeth Stiles says
I just love your recaps becase you, like me, are SO over this season! If I see huhwahnnns tongue ONE more time I might throw something at my tv. And that makes me nervous because we haven't even gotten to the fantasy suite episode. Lord. The silver lining of this awful season is your weekly recap that always gives me a good laugh!
Anonymous says
First let me say I love your blog! But I'm a little confused as to why you can't stand this season of the bachelor? I can't put my finger on it. Is it really worse than every other season? Anyway, I think Clare is beautiful… a little needy and whiny, but beautiful. Nikki is hateful, mean, arrogant and snarky. I don't care for her at all! I can't wait to see what all that was about with clare's family next week!
Funny in My Mind says
I don't think any of those girls should have to end up with that empty, arrogant turd. No matter how annoying they are.
Anonymous says
I think Chelsie regretted wearing a black dress to the rose ceremony. Apparently, wearing a bright bold color was the key to getting a rose this time. Huwhann likey the pretty bright colors.
MorganizewithMe says
I LOVE your sass! Hilarious. I LOVE Mama too, she is one classy lady. But agreed I don't want her to be the last one standing. I am ready for spring fashion and love those flats! 🙂
stacey says
OH. MY. LORT (madea pun).. is this season ever going to end????? i am so over clare… she thinks she is Gods gift to him and i beg to differ. i am still on the fence about nikki. she is sweet sometimes but just so negative… about EVERYTHING!! and someone please get her some frizz-ease. i think mama should be the next bachelorette! VOTE FOR MAMA!
Liz/happymommy says
I can't be on team anything as I feel bad for any girl that ends up with that guy, geesh! What a season. I mean can you imagine how the producers of this show feel picking Huhwahan as the Bachelor now after all this crapola that we have watched….I usually get invested in either the Bachelor or Bachelorette a little bit but this guy, I can barely stomach him. Mama is by far my favorite but she is WAY too good for this guy! Favorite line "she pulled a Brooks and he pulled a 1/2 Mesnick"….too much!!! Can't wait for the most DRAMATIC episodes EVER next week….don't you think poor Chris gets SO tired of saying that every season, I mean really!
Anonymous says
You plagiarized the 1/2 mesnick…someone else had said that the season after jason. Give credit where credits due…
Sheaffer says
Hi Anonymous!
I wanted to make sure that I addressed this comment. There are hundreds of magazine articles, newspaper articles, blogs, and entertainment reports about The Bachelor franchise every season. You say that "someone else had said that the season after Jason", and I'm not arguing that that didn't happen. However, that doesn't mean that I saw or heard that statement. I do also recognize that it is possible that I did hear or see it years ago. (How long ago was Jason's season?) And if that is the case, I guess it's possible that what I thought was an original thought might not have been. I have NO idea what happened in this case. If I did copy another person's observations, it was far from intentional.
Lora G says
1. Sharleen's tongue, no just NO!
2. Clare seemed to me like she was exploiting her late father, which makes me feel like an evil person, but I can't help myself
3. Nikki was a nip slip waiting to happen! Why would you choose her to meet your daughter???
4. "Mama is left nervously twirling her hair on the couch probably pondering if she has the power to send one of them to time out." BEST LINE EVER!
5. On the subject of teeth, don't Clare's bother you???
Brooks and 1/2 Mesnik AMAZING, you are hilariousl, girl!
Narci says
Lol, we did watch this week's episode–and, if I had to choose..I'd choose Team Claire just for the argument that she had with Nikki about the room. Lol, that is an argument from a girl that had 5 older sisters! So funny!
Jill G. says
Your recaps are more exiting than watching the show! This has been the worse Bachelor season ever! My favorite is Mama too and I don't want her to end up with him either. So glad Sharleen made the right decision to leave! p.s. loved your spring shoe post on Friday!
My friends says
Double sided tape was my very first thought when I saw Nickis outfit. Mama for next bachelorette? I think I would be okay with Andi at the end, but the previews don't make that seem very promising.
kristinwithani says
Seriously, at the end of the episode when they promo-ed next week double episodes (groan!) I realized they are trying to cram it all in and hurry up to DWTS. We are all so bored with this season and ready for it to be over. I adore Renee but I think it's because she's mature and acts like an adult while the other girls (who I'm sure are just fine but edited like crazy) act like whiney 3rd graders. Why am I still watching? I have no idea!!! Mainly so I can read your recaps. That just makes no sense at all.
Bama Girl in AZ says
Ok, I don't even watch the show, but I CANNOT wait to read your posts each week!!
Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} says
I really do love Mama, but I think she's way too good to end up with him. But she is by far my favorite. I agree, can't wait for this season to be over. I can't stop watching now; I've come too far. But this season has been a major disappointment.
Jenny Morgan says
OMG, I am sooo over this season. I'm actually DVR'ing it now and watching it in fast forward because it pains me to listen to Huwhann moan and speak unintelligibly. I was so into Huwhann prior to the season starting but think he has taken the cake on the "man whoring". I love Mama–like really love her but so hope he doesn't pick her for her own good—she can do so much better! Oh, and I absolutely love your recaps on these episodes–they are the best!!!!
lyndsay says
The best thing about the Bachelor this season is reading your recaps! Seriously, funny!!!!
Anonymous says
This is so spot on I might stop watching the show and only read your recaps! Way more entertaining and much less awkward!
Katriel-Maria Berbert says
I keep wondering who he would have sent home if Sharleen hadn't left?? Would it have been Mama? Because I agree. She's my favorite person which is why I don't want her to end up with Juan Pablo.
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
thank goodness sharleen left bc I was missing half the show…I had to turn away everytime they kissed!!! So gross and uncomfortable! love the mesnick line…but how did you let the fact that he was wearing SCUBA SHOES on the beach slide?!?
Angie Short says
Watching the bachelor is like rubber neckin… its hard to look away.. and then your recaps are hilarious. You are Kellie Rasberry OMG! You could seriously have a stand up show together on the bachelor recaps…Hwahann is like a mama monkey always picking things off the ladies… I just knew you'd mention how he kept wiping Sharlene's nose (gross!)…just glad there wasn't any tongue after all that…ugh! Can't wait for all the drama next week and the recap that follows…
Kelly says
I can't help but wonder if the bachelor people have already realized what a huge mistake Juan Pablo was. Nobody cared about him before the season started, and now we have realized what an idiot he is. Worst. Bachelor. Ever. I read the spoilers and I know who he picks, but seriously, even if the girls are annoying, no one is actually going to stay with him. There is no way they can actually like him, can they? And ugh, sooo disgusting by all the tongue! Thanks for your funny recap!
The Lovely One says
Juan is maybe the worse Bachelor in history. I hope he ends up with either Nikki OR Clare, because that's what he deserves. Renee and Andi are too good for him. I'm rooting for Andi as the next bachelorette!
Laura says
Your recaps make laugh out loud! The subtitles comment is so funny AND TRUE! Please abc – subtitle this guy for the remainder if the season. I count on this show to be on in the background while I fold laundry, make lunches, etc. But since I have to lip read I'm getting nothing done on Monday nights. I think I'll just read your blog for the recaps! Thanks for the laughs!
Anonymous says
No way could Mama be the bachelorette!!! She doesn't have enough personality. Sweet and motherly, yes. Big enough to warrant an entire season? Heck no! It would be more of a snoozefest than this season!
Kathy Stevens says
I agree with a commenter that Chris Harrison should give Mama a rose. And another blogger suggested that Sharleen be set up with Ames, remember him?!
Anonymous says
Sheaffer – I found your blog through Shay, and I love it! I'm also married to my high school sweetheart (although it's been 30 years since we met, so I REALLY hope no one does the math!) Your happy outlook on life shines through on your blog, and it makes me smile. I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, and you, Shay and Alison have given me the inspiration to get busy! Thank you. P.S. I hate to admit this – but I've never been on PInterest before today – what is wrong with me? Now I may not have time to start the blog….. Lana
Jackson and Clare's Blog! says
Just got my brand new Converse in the mail, and they are on my feet breaking in as a type. Love that they have the "dainty" line now that weight about 80 pounds less then the old ones did!
Anonymous says
ZzzzzZZzzzzZZz Oh!
Hi Sheaffer!
Your recaps are what help me recover from this season of the Bachelor. Snoozefest is right.
I'm now accepting JPG as "Who-wan?", so forgettable.
A pillow and vodka are absolutely required when
watching this show. If I hear just one more "EETS OKAY"
the porcelain convenience is gonna get it.
ATFR doesn't even matter anymore.
Thanks for helping America recover!