Happy 4th of July Everybody! I know we are all so very thankful to all of the men and women (and their families) who have served and continue to serve our country to ensure our freedom! THANK YOU TO ALL OF THOSE WHO WORK TIRELESSLY and MAKE SUCH GREAT SACRIFICES FOR OUR COUNTRY! I know ...
What WE Are Obsessed With Now!
First things first....let's get right to it... the winner of the $400 Black Friday Gift Card giveaway is Rebecca Thomas! CONGRATULATIONS Rebecca!!!!!! (If there is more than 1 Rebecca Thomas that entered the contest, I will confirm your identity with your e-mail address. Please email me ...
What I’m Obsessed With Now!
I've got a round up today of some things I'm loving right now. I of course always love Shay, but today she is doing Shopping with Sheaffer and Shay HERE, so that means I love her just a little bit more today. I know she's highlighting lots of goodness, she always does. My ...
Okay, so when I went to bed last night the title of this post was "A Little Bit of Everything today on the ol' blog..." And then Shay left a comment, and I totally changed the title. Because when she's right, she's right...and there is a whole lot of awesomeness in this post. First of all, I want ...