I'm absolutely thrilled to be partnering again with Mon Amie today to let you know about their beautiful watches and their initiative to DO GOOD, SEE GOOD, SHARE GOOD. I first partnered with them back in December when I introduced you to the brand and highlighted the blush pink watch (dedicated to ...
Get Pinspired: STRIPES and LACE!
Before we start the actual post today, I have a request for all of you ladies! I've been receiving some blog comments with questions that I am unable to respond to because the commenter is "anonymous" or because they accidentally have "no reply" clicked on their settings. I don't like taking ...
Meet My New Shirt.
Okay, so I have a new shirt. And I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that in about 3 minutes lots of you girls are going to have a new shirt too. #iknowyougirls #youaremypeople I've had it since Monday, and I've been itching to get it on the blog. I even teased the shirt last night on ...
Shopping with Sheaffer: Nordstrom Spring and Summer Accessories!
You girls remember the $1,000 Giveaway to Nordstrom that's still going on?!? Of course you do. :) Well, I have several things to say about it: 1) I still can't get over it. I mean, the $1000 part. I can't get over it. If I won $1,000 to Nordstrom, the practical side of me would ...