If you missed yesterday's post, I listed my 10 GO TO items for Spring.... which also work for early fall...... and also for summer anytime there's air conditioning.So pretty much you could almost call them "year round GO TOs". :) Click HERE if you want to see the post in all it's glory. And if you ...
Denim on Denim. Yeah, I’m Going There.
Denim on Denim. Yeah, I'm Going There. And not only am I going there.... but by the end of this post, I firmly believe at least SOME of YOU are going to be convinced to go with me! Where are we going you ask? To a world where DENIM ON DENIM is not frowned upon, it's ...
My Necklace, New T-Shirts, and Totes OH MY!
THIS necklace caused quite the excitement yesterday when I posted it. Apparently you girls love it just as much as I do! So, let's just start off with some GREAT news! Bauble Bar has extended the 20% OFF code until Midnight on Sunday! Ya'll, if you don't take advantage now with the code, you are ...
For those of you that still don't have any leopard print in your closets, this post is meant for you. Listen Up. This is your captain speaking. I understand, I really do. Just like you, I felt leopard was too "out there" for me Well, I was wrong. So, gather round... I want to share my ...