Also, I have a GREAT story to tell you ladies about the Callisto wedges (HERE) and the Sequin bracelets (HERE). I will tell it on Friday!
If you haven’t figured it out yet, there’s something you need to know about me.
When I like something or feel like I got a good deal on something, I feel a deep need to let the whole world know about it. This might help explain why even when a stranger tells me that they like my shirt, I will almost instinctively yell out where I bought it and how much I spent on it.
Imagine this if you will.
Nice lady at Starbucks: “I really like your shirt.”
I know, I know.
A nice “thank you” would do.
But that’s just not how I roll.
Just ask my friends.
I have such fun sharing great things with them, and I often won’t shut up about them until I have them all agreeing with me.
Let’s take the sandwich of the summer of 2011.
I created the perfect summer sandwich. I really did.
I brought it to the pool every day and talked about it incessantly.
And guess what?
By mid summer, everybody else was totally and completely hooked on the sandwich too.
(I would tell you how to make it, but then I’d have to kill you.)
Shay is actually doing a lunch series on her blog that she just started last week, and this sandwich will be featured soon! I’ll of course link to it when it is up!
But only because I wore it again…and I thought the outfit was definitely blog worthy.
Here is the outfit I recreated.
Blazer| Nordstrom, click HERE
Other blazer options:
HERE is a good option for you if you are looking for something dressier.
It is a bit darker in color, but still a slim cut!
THIS one is collarless (which is a cool detail), it’s on sale, and it has great reviews!
This one comes in petite HERE.
A belted option HERE.
THIS one is on sale too.
Jeans| Gap, similar HERE
I love my distressed jeans! Make sure you get the length you need to.
White Shirt| GAP, HERE
(GAP is 30% off today so you could get the jeans and/or the shirt for a great deal!)
Wedges| Nordstrom, click HERE
Mint Green Necklace| J Crew Factory
You guys know how much I love my J Crew Factory mint green necklace. It’s been sold out forever, but I do love THIS option.

The only thing similar to my necklace is the color, but I think it’s great and could be so versatile…especially in the summer months. I have been astounded at how the mint green is so often the perfect accent color to an outfit (especially white, pink, and coral).
Silver Watch| Michael Kors, similar HERE
White and Silver Bracelet| Nordstrom, similar HERE
So, here I am in the 1st 3 looks I’ve created with THIS blazer.
My next blazer look is going to be with dark jeans and a dark shirt.
So, I’m dying to know?
Oooohhhh…while browsing the internet on Mother’s Day, I found a purse at Modcloth that is crazy similar to a designer bag from Nordstrom. One is from Modcloth for $54.99 and one is a Rebecca Minkoff for $350. Pretty similar, huh?
Click HERE for the splurge, click HERE for the steal.
(I heard reports that the pics weren’t loading on some computers.)

Before you go, Stella and Dot is having a 1 day sale today!
Did you catch that? IT’S TODAY ONLY!
So, if you’ve been pining after 1 or 2 things, now is the time to act!
The savings will be automatically applied at checkout. NO CODE NEEDED.
Click HERE to shop.
I know that several of you have been wishing for The Kimberly Necklace (click HERE).
(I’m wearing the Kimberly necklace on the left in the 3 picture collage above. It is by far the most worn necklace in my closet. I absolutely adore it!!!)
Also, if you need something to get you to the $100, THESE are a fantastic pair of everyday earrings (which would also be great for end of the year teacher gifts).
Did you never jump on the bandwagon for the sparkly green earrings? Do it now! Click HERE!
Or….what about their new line of bags? Click HERE for all of the new travel bags!
If you are going anywhere this summer, you could get a great carry-on and an awesome jewelry organizer (click HERE). I have the jewelry roll and it is awesome.
The poufs have been so popular (click HERE) and keep selling out, but they are in stock now, so get while the gettin’ is good!

See anything you like? Click HERE to place an order!
Linking Up on Wednesday with:
The Pleated Poppy
Get Your Pretty On
Because Shanna Said So
Mommy in Heels
Tucker Up
you can follow me on facebook HERE
you can find me on twitter at @simsslp
Mix and Match Mama says
I do love the blazer! I really do! I especially love it with the boyfriend jeans. That's totally me!
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
Ha! I had that experience yesterday. A woman came up to me at lunch and said "I love your dress". Instead of just saying thanks, I had to launch into where I got it, how much it was and that it was on sale. My hubby said, why didn't you just tell you have a blog and give her your card while you're at it? I told him that's just weird. LOL!
That's an awesome blazer, I've been eyeing one in white.
Blue-Eyed Bride says
Love it!! You look fantastic! I need to go ahead and order a blazer to have for fall… I'm afraid I've missed my window to wear it before the SC heat smothers me! 🙁 but! I ordered my wedges! The wedges sent from heaven! Can't wait to try them on!
Style Journey says
It's a great blazer. I love that outfit inspiration. I pinned the same thing, now I just need to put it to work! Heather
kteacher22 says
The pictures of the bags aren't loading on my computer-boo! Do you have links? I need a new bag! 🙂
Sheaffer says
Hi kteacher! Can you e-mail me directly? Your comments are set to "no reply" so I cannot respond directly to your e-mail. Email me at and I will get some links to you!
kristinwithani says
I caved.
I ordered the wedges.
They are backordered.
Can't wait!
aprilparrish says
I think it's great that you enjoy compliments and don't mind telling others where your items came from. Super Sweet!!!
I too love the neutral blazer! I tried one on very similar at T.J. Maxx this weekend–now I wish I would have purchased it. 🙁 It would also look great with a pair of fitted shorts-maybe black or white and of course those wedges!!!
Hope you had a great Mother's Day!
Elaine~ Honey Pie Accessories says
I'm wondering if you wear the blazer at work and out and about…it's so hot in the summer, that i'm good in a tank top, but I know that's not professional. So what about on hot summer days? Blazer or no?
nikkirm says
I love the blazer!! It get's really hot in the summer. I love how blazers (or even my military jackets) makes a basic tank and shorts look so much more put together… but when it's really hot out what to do??? Is this jacket cool enough to wear outside during summer days? Would love some other ideas on what might work! I keep seeing vests but think they might be too young looking!
Sheaffer says
Hi there!
I would have replied directly to you, but your blogger settings are set to "no reply". I hope you check back here for my answer.
I agree, a blazer totally pulls an outfit together and makes it look SO polished! All summer long I wear blazers or cardigans if I'm going anywhere with air conditioning (an office building, a mall, a restaurant, etc…). But I'm cold-natured, so maybe that's just me?!? I tried a vest on last week, and I couldn't get used to it.
Hope this helps!
Sheaffer 🙂
nikkirm says
Thanks so much!!! Need to change my settings! That def helps!!!
mel @ the larson lingo says
Your outfit!!! LOVE it!! I have all the pieces (or similar pieces) so I am totally going to copy you! Can't WAIT to try your sandwich. Seriously. I LOVE sandwiches!
mel @ the larson lingo says
P.S. I also OVERSHARE if someone compliments my outfit, etc. Totally tell them where I got it & for how much. Hahaha! Another reason we are friends….both talkers!!!!
Team Seghs says
I ate that sandwich, summer 2011! And I still recreate it today. And any time I've made it for others they swoon. So yes it makes the world a better place when 1 or 77 times you mention what you like. For instance, I'm goin to splurge for myself and buy that incredible oatmeal blazer thank-you-very-much because I know when you rave about something it's legit.
Team Seghs says
And girls. Another comment. In the summer it IS sweltering hot and so a tank with shorts and wedges is perfect. But when you go in to the air conditioned restaurant or movie theater or grocery store (or the gap!) it's flipping arctic so buy a blazer to throw on and you'll be perfect!!!
smk053078 says
You nailed the pin….you know I am a blazer fan….I have waaaaaaay too many!! And can you send me one of each of the S&D pieces? Please and thank you!! 😉
Sassy says
I just got a khaki jacket that I LOVE! It's been cool in Nashville this Spring so we have needed jackets and cardigans! Thanks for the advice!!! Also, don't forget to clip your Sassy and Southern pendant on that cute turquoise beaded necklace that you have on!!! It would be so cute!
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
You look super cute — and I just ordered the putty. they are on backorder…probably because of you!
Anonymous says
i just ordered yellow which is my second pair of calisto wedges. i ordered putty, got them last thursday and wore them all weekend long!!! i love you and shay for putting them "out there", and nordstrom should love you even more. they are THE.MOST.COMFORTABLE.SUMMER.WEDGE.EVER!!!!!!! 🙂 i will be ordering black next, just hope they have them! terry from pa
Lala H says
thats just hard coz that blazer is too cute! i love it
Delightful Ideas
Tiffany says
I am exactly like you. I try to just say 'thank you' but it is hard when there is such great info to be shared, like a sweet deal 🙂
Anonymous says
I REALLY like the Kimberly necklace, but can't spend $90. Do you know of any similar options? Thanks so much!
Kellyann Rohr says
I am going to start a blog I call "Sheaffer Told Me To" because I follow all of your advice! Just got my wedges and Toms yesterday. I have also re-created several of your outfits and love them all! Love your blog and I am just kidding about starting my own blog by that name – I am not a creeper! LOL But I do enjoy your enthusiasm and so far your advice has been spot on!
Jennifer Cannon says
I wonder if a blazer will make a 22 year old look too old…. Hope not because I LOVE the look. So classy with a tad bit of sassy!
Jenna {Real Simple Girl} says
I love that you "overshare" when people compliment your stuff! So many times I've "hinted" at someone wanting to know where they got something, but now I just outright ask! I'm loving all your outfits with the blazer!!
Michael says
Just the blazer?! That whole outfit is killer! I have a tan, navy nd white striped bag just itching to come out of my closet. I'm waiting for Memorial Day weekend 🙂
delovelydetails says
I love this look! So cute! I love your blog too, so glad I found you!
jmcr foundation says
I loved the blazer and the Kimberly necklace but it seems to be very expensive.I cant spend this much
facts about christianity
Diana says
What size did you get your blazer? I'm curious about sizing.
Sheaffer says
Hi Diana! I hope you check back here for your answer! (Your blogger settings are set to "no reply" so I couldn't reply directly to you.) My blazer is a medium. Hope this helps!
Sheaffer 🙂
Diana says
Awesome, thank you. I need to figure out a way to change my settings.
Diana says
I only ask because I ordered my normal size and felt like the arms were tight. Did you feel the same?