Harrison is everything I thought he would be and more.

And Svedka.
And Xanax.
Who’s with me?

And then he was all “Why do we have to watch mom on t.v.? SHE’S RIGHT HERE!”
Seriously. That’s a direct quote.

Don’t worry Peter, you’re going to be the 1st wheel soon enough.

Click HERE for my most comprehensive post on the sale with TONS of items highlighted.
Click HERE if you want to see some of the stuff I got for my little guy.
Click HERE for the one item I’ve purchased so far for my hubby. He liked it so much we ordered an additional color last night, and we got one for my brother-in-law for Christmas. It makes a great Christmas gift!
And Chris already has two of THESE jackets, but if your guy doesn’t have one, get him one right this second! I PROMISE you it will be one of the favorite things in his closet.
You can also click HERE for ALL men, women, and kid’s Northface items included in the sale.
Get The Look For Yourself:
lace mix top
Isn’t this top sweet? And yet kind of sassy at the same time?
I’m wearing the grey flint, but it also comes in ivory and black.
For size reference, I’m wearing a small, so it’s true to size.
This is a great top, and I think it would be so fun to juxtapose it against a leather jacket for a fun fall look! I didn’t get it because I already have two lace blouses in my closet that I love, but if I didn’t already have one, I totally would have purchased this one.
Click HERE.
During Sale Price:$49.90 / After Sale Price: $78
And I’ve received several e-mails about designer sunglasses.
Because I couldn’t love a pair of earrings more.
Yes, they are kind of expensive for what I usually pay for earrings, but they are worth every penny.
Erika Slaughter says
You have a special gift, girl!! These recaps!! XOXO
Julie Clark says
It was so much fun seeing you and Shay!! As always, love your recap! Totally LOL " we were all secretly thankful we had to walk through metal detectors." Also, felt the same about Corey. Love Ben H!! Hope he's the next Bachelor.
Mary Phillips says
The camera loves you! My eyes went straight to you in every shot you were in. You rocked it and looked like you were made for TV. Love the Bachelor/Bachelorette recaps. Hysterical! Keep them coming.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my gosh, I just laughed so hard! Girl, this recap was hysterical!!! I'm going to be laughing about this all day!
Narci says
So funny!! Oh gosh!! And, that grey sweater is so cozy looking!! I love it!! 🙂
gina says
Great recap! Spotted you immediately while watching the other night and many times thereafter. I thought that was Emily Henderson behind you and was so jealous. Don't envy you all had to sit there for hours and hours but to be there in person had to have been fun!! Lucky you!
cookies and cups says
I Loved seeing you guys on the show…so fun! And I might have replayed when you said "What's Happening" like 5 times. Because hilarious and also WHAT WAS HAPPENING!? Fun recap!
lisamcmil says
So funny! I did the same thing…What was happening? I love that they caught her reaction!
Amber says
Loved this recap!!! ???
Shanti says
Every time I saw you on TV I'd shout, "I know her!" and my husband now thinks I'm crazy. He's all, "No. You don't. You read her blog." He doesn't get it.
Paula says
Best recap ever! I am dying! 😀
Andy says
I totally thought you said 'is he stripping?' Instead of 'what's happening'!!
Ash says
I.laughed.so.hard. You guys really made the "Men Tell All" episode…I mean I was texting my friend like "omg do you see them?!" as if we are actually friends with you and Shay. #sothatsawkward. So great!!
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
this might be my fav recap.. #shutyourpiehole… fantastic .. I kept saying I don't even know who Corey is!!
Ian.. for me that was a hide behind my pillow cringing… twice!!
Ben Z.. come to Canada.. oh wait #it's my 15th wedding anniversary soon.. forgot that (just kidding)
Love me some Ben H.. #Benfor bachelor
I can't wait for Monday.. however I can't look at Sean anymore without thinking of ALF lol
Cheryl says
When I saw you and Shay on the show I yelled out "there are my people."
Jenna says
Sheaffer! Amidst the anniversary sale madness… the B.P. earrings have added a color: WHITE! And they are SO pretty. Mine are already on their way & I can't wait! Life is good in the earring game hood. 🙂
Melanie Smith says
Your recaps are my absolute favorite, and completely being honest, the reason I even watch the Bachelor shows. So funny!
Corey- was he even on the show? I don't remember him. shut up dude.
Kupah- You can so tell he was an attention wh—. Pipe it down.
Love the aztec-y top with the over the knee boots. Great look for you!
Kaitlyn S says
At the Men Tell All taping, did they tell you who won? Or do they make you wait for the finale? LOVE your recaps!
Kelly says
You are so funny!!
Kate L. says
"The lady behind me started to ovulate." HAHA I will be laughing about that for weeks. Thank you for sharing your opinion each week. It validates the ones that I have while watching each and every time!! Also, I pulled Shay and Sheaffer and purchased 5 pair of those sparkly Kate Spade studs to give as Christmas gifts. Well 4 for gifts, 1 for me! Thanks for your insight and fabulous blog. I love it!
Anonymous says
Hi Sheaffer,
Your MTA recap was laugh out loud spot on. This time I actually read the #hashtags! Funny.
My only wonder is if airline barf bags ever make it into the studio.
I know I would have had one at the ready, just in case.
You should consider doing standup for sure!
Im going back right now and reading you recap again! Sooo Funny!
Meg A. says
I don't even watch the shows…any of them (except for Sean's season)…because I just cannot get into the insanity. BUT your recaps?! I read those, religiously! And die laughing! They are SO, SO much better than the actual shows!
Leigh Clark says
Your recaps are so funny! I don't even watch the show, but feel like I know the summary of anything I wanted to know by reading this!!
Rebecca Jo says
When I saw you sitting over Harrison's shoulder I was like, "They put these ladies in the perfect seats" – it made it even more fun watching you & Shay in the background. I totally think you 2 need to be advisors on the show for the future Bachlorette 🙂
Katie at Better Off Benedict says
I seriously am laughing so hard right now. I kept telling my husband while I was watching that I knew you guys from the blog world. He was like "so you don't really know them" haha. I didn't even notice that tie thing. When I read that I was laughing so hard. Love these recaps. Please tell me you are doing them for Paradise???
sayyestohappy says
Love your recaps as usual Sheaffer! I did my MTA blog post today too! Was so fun to get to meet you and Shay!!
Kelsey Mann Peacock says
It was so fun seeing you and Shay pop up on the screen! So glad you had a good time! I am ready for the finale next week!
pugfarquhar says
Your comments are as if you are in my head. Thanks for the laughs!! And you looked great during your film fame moments 🙂 #wishihadyourdimples
Staci Ford says
The "ovulate" comment about the woman behind you and Ben Z. made me spit out the granola bar I had in my mouth. SO funny and loved seeing you and Shay all night! I'm pretty sure my boyfriend didn't care every time I pointed you two out. Hahahaha, but I did!!
Sarah Kuykendall says
I was literally laughing out loud and the people around me thought I was nuts 🙂 Love this! So glad you made it to a taping!
Elizabeth Birenbaum says
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your recaps! I haven't watched really any episodes all season but have been reading your recaps and love them. I did watch the men tell all but this is by far way better than watching the show! So excited you got to be there in person!
Anonymous says
Sheaffer! I totally flipped out everytime i saw you on the screen. My sister was so confused until i read her some of your blog posts but then she still didnt see the big deal. #butidid #15minutesoffame. It was so cool seeing u on TV and getting your perspective on the episode that you attended.