Before we dive in to The Bachelorette Men Tell All episode recap…
The winner of the #sheaffertoldmeto contest over on ig for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is Alison (ig handle @alisonhughes84)! CONGRATULATIONS, Alison! You have won a $250 gift card to Nordstrom that I will send you via e-mail so you can shop the sale before it’s over!
And the winner of the Special Mamas giveaway is Meghan Dickinson (nominated by Alyson Lee)! Congratulations, Meghan! You have won a $1,000 Nordstrom gift card! I know you are incredibly deserving, and I hope you are blessed by this.
I will say that I was absolutely blown away when reading all the entries and nominations of all the amazing special moms out there. I will tell you that I of course wish I could honor each and every one of these moms with a shopping spree. Heaven knows they need a little treat and just a pat on the back. JOB WELL DONE, MAMAS! Your babies are lucky to have you, and I have no doubt that friends and family are proud to know you. All of your stories were truly inspiring.
Both winners need to e-mail me at to claim your prize! You have 48 hours until another winner is chosen (so you have until Friday at 5:00 a.m. CST).
To both of the winners, I would like to strongly and politely suggest, if you don’t have THE BRA and THE UNDIES yet, you HAVE to get them. I’m being bossy because it’s for your own dang good. TRUST ME. Time is running out to get these at greatly reduced prices!
Other favorite items I scored from the sale that are STILL IN STOCK that you might want to consider include the following: what I think is potentially the best value in the entire sale and possibly my favorite purchase of the entire sale (and it’s UNDER $25!!!), My favorite no show socks are also still available, as is the eyelash serum my sister got me hooked on! Oh, and I can’t believe it, but the pajamas are still well stocked. Click HERE to see me in the pajamas.
If you missed last week’s recap, you need to go check it out now. It will be worth your time, even if all you pick up are pointers on how to properly run, jump, and straddle your man.
Also, if you’ve been reading for awhile, you might remember that Shay and I actually went to a Men Tell All episode taping years ago for Kaitlyn’s season. And as you can see, I had a prime seat directly behind our host! Click HERE to see my recap of the show we attended.
Before the men even got on stage this week, they showed an extended preview of Bachelor in Paradise and OHHHHHHHHHHEMMMMMMMMMMMMMWOWWWWWWWWW. Y’all. I’m not quite sure I’ve ever seen anything like it. Lots AND lots of man tears and crazy amounts of drama. Like, it very well might be THE MOST DRAMATIC BACHELOR IN PARADISE SEASON EVER. #youhearditherefirst
I’ve had some questions already, and I’m sorry to report that I won’t be covering it with recaps. I have a busy end of summer and fall, so I’m just not going to be able to make the recaps happen. Maybe I can share thoughts here and there, but I won’t have full posts dedicated to the show. So sorry!
The men were introduced, and right off the bat it was evident that Grocery Joe and Jason were MUCH BELOVED. I feel you, studio audience. I FEEL YOU.
After the introductions, they aired a pretty long recap of the highlights of the season. And you know what? It was even more stupid at times than I remembered. I guess I must have blacked part of it out as some sort of coping mechanism.
So, in the interest of time AND MY SANITY, I’m just going to do my own personal highlight reel of the show. Some general musings, if you will.
Jason got a haircut, and it seemed he was a bit more conservative when applying the Dippity Do. And I was a fan. #lessismore
David’s eyebrows were aggressive.
Jordan looks at himself like you want others to look at you. With love and adoration.
As always happens at a Men Tell All show, there were a couple of guys there that I could not have identified in a line up.
Jake? WHO?
Kamil? HUH? #neverseenhim
Grocery Joe was adorably awkward. Or maybe he was awkwardly adorable. Scratch that. He was just adorably adorable.
Several times during the 2 hour episode, Jordan went totally wheels off. He definitely got the most air time of anybody, and the boy was WHACK. He talked about mice and elephants, Lambohrghinis and rolling down windows, Cap’n Crunch and orange juice, having fun in cardboard boxes, building condos in people’s heads, and paving roads. At one point he even said “I should have wore a work vest.” #youmeanworn #youshouldhaveWORNaworkvest #whateverthatmeans
It was like this Men Tell All was Jason’s personal audition tape to be the next Bachelor, and I’ve gotta say, I think he nailed it. He made it clear that he loved Becca and was broken hearted, and he cried genuine tears…but he went on to say that he wished her the best and hoped they could be friends. He even hopped out of his chair and said “Gimme a hug.” And then he sealed the deal with an air kiss and an “I love you, mom”. Yep. #NAILED IT #WELLPLAYED #jasonforbachelor
I prefer a man in a simple black or navy suit with pants that cover his ankles, with shoes that are a classic brown or black, and a respectable pair of socks.
If I never hear about Colton’s virginity ever again, it will be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too soon.
This girl eating her hair was EVERYTHING. This girl was me. This girl was you. This girl was ALL OF US.
Harrison always spends 90% of The Men Tell All episodes looking like the cat that ate the canary. My goodness he enjoys himself on these shows.
And he is SO PROUD of the blooper reel every year.
When Becca arrived, she looked gorgeous. And happy. And perfectly glowy. I think Jason’s mom must have shared a skin secret or two with her back in Buffalo. I’m still hoping this is one of her secrets (since I recently scored one for myself)!
That’s all for today. Leave your thoughts on The Bachelorette Men Tell All episode in the comments! Do you love Jason’s new do as much as I do? Did Colton kind of turn you off like he did me (I think he could have handled himself way better). Do you like it when men wear short and tight pants and no socks? I’m dying to know.
See you back here on Friday, ladies!