I want to remind everybody about the super fun contest that is currently going on!
And I’ve changed the prize to a $100 Nordstrom gift card!
(It was $50 before.)
I know it takes effort to take pics of yourself and get them to me,
but hopefully the $100 Nordstrom gift card is worth it!
I will put some specific picks in my post on Monday, but I realized this morning that I hadn’t talked about the kid’s shoes that are on sale at Nordstrom right now!
Click HERE for all kid’s shoes,
and then narrow your search by size and gender!
It’s a GREAT time to order new shoes for the kids!
Dang those kids always outgrowing their shoes!!!! 🙂
*Update on the shirt:
On Sunday, the shirt went completely out of stock in all 10 colors. On Monday morning it was re-stocked in 4 colors, and then by the afternoon there were 6 colors.
I immediately got online and ordered the black one for myself.
When I ordered it, I saw it was on back-order until mid September.
I didn’t care (not like I’m going to be wearing the shirt until after that anyway), so I went ahead and ordered it anyway. Well, last night I got an e-mail that it has already been shipped!
If you think you want the shirt, I would go ahead and get it asap. If they sell out again, I’m not sure they will re-stock it again until after the sale is over. And the price goes up $20 after the sale.
Click HERE for the shirt.
Remember to order 1 size down.
I had every intention this week of naming a new MUST HAVE: A boot for Fall 2013.
So, here’s my crazy on display for all to see…
I really really REALLY put a lot of thought into what I’m going to name a MUST HAVE.
When I name something a MUST HAVE, I want that to carry a certain weight with it.
I don’t want to over use the label at all.
When you hear it, I want you to know that I mean it.
I also want to try to keep MUST HAVE items under $100.
I’m not saying I will never name a must have that’s over $100, but if I
do name a MUST HAVE over $100, you will know I’ve given it careful
See what I mean? I’m crazy. Some (hello, hubby) might say I tend to over-think things.
In fact,
I actually get a little nervous before giving something the MUST HAVE title.
If I have readers spending their hard-earned money on something, I want it to be worth it for them!
I have received TONS and TONS of feedback from you ladies about the wedges and the denim jacket. All of your feedback has confirmed for me that MUST HAVE status was totally deserved for both items. You are all wearing the heck out of the wedges and the jacket and think they were definitely worth the money.
And I imagine I’m going to get the same feedback about the newly named MUST HAVE shirt too!
That was all background to tell you the following:
lean towards more classic looks.
If an item isn’t MUST HAVE worthy, but it still meets certain criteria,
it will be considered a STYLE STAPLE.
I’m not saying that you HAVE TO HAVE them.
But I am saying that the item is going to be one of MY wardrobe staples, and if you like it enough, maybe it will become one of YOUR wardrobe staples too!
Love the color, love the wedge, love the side zip, LOVE the detail on the back, love the quality of the leather.
In case I wasn’t clear,
I love them.
I have received lots of e-mail on these boots today.
Most of you are professing your undying devotion to these boots! 🙂
However, I’ve received 2 e-mails today from readers who although they LOVED these boots, were having to return them because they wouldn’t zip up over their calves.
I have never thought about calf size before, but there’s been lots of conversation about calf size surrounding tall boots.
So, I measured mine, and my calves are 13 inches.
I still have some room in them, so I imagine a 14 inch calf would fit just fine.
If your calf is over 14 inches, these might not work for you.
Just something to consider!
Nordstrom has a great return policy, so you could always return them, but if you don’t have a Nordstrom close to you I know that returning is a pain.
Anyway, just wanted to give this calf size disclaimer.
Click HERE for the boot.
I hope you are appropriately impressed with my dedication.
therefore, it’s being named one of MY Fall Style Staples!
Click HERE for the boot.
And if you are curious, since “FALL STYLE STAPLE” is a new title, I thought you might want to know the other things that I’ve purchased over the last couple of months that I’m also declaring as my Fall Style Staples! Again, these are items that I have no doubt I will be wearing like crazy!
My Vigoss jeans (found HERE).
I know that a lot of you were upset that you waited to get these jeans until too late, and then you found out that your size was sold out. Well, good news! They have now re-stocked in 2 sizes! Fingers crossed it’s the size you need!
I seriously can’t say enough about these jeans.
And they are on sale for only $38!!!
If you can’t find these exact Vigoss jeans in your size, click HERE for other Vigoss options.
My nude wedges (found HERE) in Bisque.
I know these are going to be fall staples, because I’ve already worn them quite a bit this summer.
I’m going to go ahead and add one more pair of jeans to my STAPLES list.
The Kut from the Kloth dark wash skinny jeans
(found HERE) at anniversary sale prices.
There are only 2 reviews on them so far.
One 5 star review, which I totally agree with.
One 1 star review, which makes me laugh. That girl is bitter. 🙂
The brown wedge boots (found HERE).
In the fall, I wear jeans around 5/7 days per week, so I definitely need a couple of favorites.
No doubt these are going to be my favorite pairs this year!
And I also found a great jean option for those of you that aren’t a fan of skinny jeans.
Click HERE for some Kut from the Kloth boyfriend jeans!
They are part of the Anniversary Sale too!
In the store they only had sizs 0, 6, 8, 12.
I put the 6 on just to get an idea, and although they were too big, I could tell that I would love them.
They looked they would be the perfect amount of “boyfriend”.
Some reviews say to buy a size down, so I couldn’t tell if I would need a 2 or a 4. Read the reviews and see what you think.
One reviewer said:

budget-friendly denim option. Very stretchy material, so I think I will
exchange for a smaller size just to accommodate the stretch of daily
wear. The bagginess is just right, it doesn’t look slouchy or hoodlum-y;
just the touch of insouciance I was looking for. Highest
Last Friday I guest posted over at my friend Shanna’s blog Because Shanna Said So.
I know this is probably weird to you non-bloggers out there, but it was a post I was really proud of, and I realized I wanted a particular picture from that post on my blog too!
Click HERE for the entire post.
(It’s about styling wardrobe staples through all the seasons.)
If you have little girls that love jewelry, check out Kelly’s Korner to see some DARLING necklaces that can be custom made for you and/or your girls by one of her friends!
Click HERE for Shay’s lemonade pie. OH MY. YUM!
I don’t even like coffee, and THIS post from my friend Cassie made me want this piece of equipment.
And she debuted her new cute and sassy bob HERE.
Do you need a good laugh? Well, let me tell ya, Melanie over at Big Mama posted an old video of her daughter, and it is PURE GOLD.
Click HERE to start your day with a smile.
I’ve received no less than 10 e-mails from readers this week asking
about boots made for wider calves. If you have a wider calf and have a
boot that you love, please sound off in the comments!
Next week, get ready for Christmas in July!
I’ve found all of the best stuff at the Nordstrom anniversary sale that is perfect for Christmas gifts!
Please go HERE and vote for my blogger friend Alison (from Get Your Pretty On).
She is in the running to win a Wallis wardrobe and a getaway to Miraval Spa in Ariona!
It would me a lot to me if you voted for her!
She deserves this!
Mix and Match Mama says
I am absolutely in love with the idea of Fall Style Staples! In love!! Such a brilliant idea!! And so far, I have purchased all 3 of your "must haves"…I can't wait for the next one!!
Anonymous says
Yes! Someone please find me some wide calf boots!! Apparently I have calves like cromagnon man and I ordered both the hunter boots and the born boots from the Nordstrom sale and could not get either of them over my calves even though the born boots said they would fit 15 3/4 size calves! I should have never taken all those years of tap dancing as a kid…how was I supposed to know it would totally screw me later in life when purchasing boots !?!
Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam says
Dang it! You got me again. I've put those boots in my cart like 5 times now but never pulled the trigger. Finally did this morning after seeing the "real" pictures you had vs the online pic from Nordy's. (The color was throwing me off – I'm hoping they really aren't has red as the online picture, right???) At any rate, they are ordered. Oh and I figured I would just throw in the skinny jeans as well. Fantastic. My husband will be so excited 😉
Kelly Wilson says
YES!! Nordstrom finally stocked the Vigoss jeans in my size! I ordered them immediately (before I even finished reading the rest of your post)! Thank you!!
Mary E. says
I ordered the Miz Mooz boots and they came in yesterday. The calves were too tight – I couldn't even zip the left one up all the way. I'm surprised, I didn't think I have extra large calves or anything…disappointment!
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
See, this is why I love you. You're so real. You don't try to get us to spend outrageous amounts of money on things and you only feature what is totally worth it. I'm so looking forward to this fall staples series and more must haves!
And more importantly, I'm blown away by how sweet and generous you are. Sheaffer, you're one in a million! Thanks SO much for the shout out and the votes! Seriously, you have made this girl's day! 🙂
Lauren says
Sheaffer, I am blaming you for my shopping obsession, but I am just loving your posts and sale coverage. I really think Nordstrom needs to pay you for this amazing coverage. I went back to Nordstrom last night to pick up my MK large hobo and the MK boots I ordered that you featured the other day and while I LOVED the bag, I was not a fan of the boots on me. They looked so classy and fabulous on you and they just didn't fit me right and were bunchy. I decided to return them and then I spotted the Tory Burch Brita riding boot. It was like a light shined down and everything stopped. My friend told me it was like I had some sort of love at first sight moment. I didn't want to try them on in case I loved them. I knew my wallet couldn't handle it, but I just couldn't resist. I got the last pair. They fit PERFECTLY. (I had to size down and I don't have small calves. I don't have wide calves either, but they definitely aren't small.) I already have 3-4 pair of brown boots and then there was these. Despite the reviews online which are good, but a little mixed, I am OBSESSED with these boots. Way cuter in person. I know they're on the high end, but I just couldn't walk away. I am so ashamed, but I'm not sorry. It was worth it. Happy Birthday to me x 10? My friend got the Frye slouchy boots and I have to say they looked EPIC. These are two other pair of boots I recommend. I'm just spreading the word. My wallet cannot handle any more of your recommendations because now I want the shirt! This sale needs to end. It has to end.
Sheaffer says
Lauren! Your settings are set to "no reply", or I would have replied directly to you. So glad you loved the purse…sorry the Miz Mooz boots didn't work for you….and sooooo happy you had a love at first sight moment with the TB pair! You better be sending me pictures for the contest!
Sheaffer 🙂
Lauren says
Thanks, Sheaffer! How do I set them to no reply? I keep trying to find it and I am stumped. I'm already preparing to enter that contest! I'm embarrassed to say I will have multiple entries….but that's good right? 🙂
Sheaffer says
Hi Lauren! Go to the blog "Hi Sugarplum" and type in "no reply" on her search bar. It will take you to a post on how to fix it! Good luck!
And listen….multiple entries is PERFECT!!!!!! 🙂
Sheaffer 🙂
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
New graphics galore!!! Love them…love the Fall must haves! Thanks for the link…and how pretty is Allison!! She really does get her pretty on!! Happy weekend! Oh, and what a great idea to snatch up Christmas gifts now!!!
Anonymous says
I found your blog through shay's and wanted to tell you that you have a reader that thinks your posts are hilarious and make me jealous for a Nordstrom over here in London. Cathy x x
Carroll says
Just have to say how much I love reading your blog! Your fashion ideas are so great and it is just pure joy to hear your voice come through in your writing. Thanks for blogging!! 🙂
Anonymous says
I have been debating the wedges forever-finally ordered them today plus the black shirt. I bought the jean jacket a few weeks ago and love it.
Anonymous says
I think I "must have" mustard skinny jeans. Where did you get yours? Super cute!!
Sheaffer says
Hi Pam! Okay, this should come as no surprise….they are from Nordstrom. I got them in the Junior's department last year for under $50, and I LOVE them. I'm really hoping they come back with a similar jean this fall. If they do, you can bet I'll be directing my readers to them!!!!
Sheaffer 🙂
Anonymous says
Thanks for responding, Sheaffer! I'll keep my eyes open. Have a great day!
hollytrippeventdesign says
Just FYI – the Vigoss jeans have more sizes available online now! (except the size i need, of course – 27 – boo too for me.)
Minicoops says
Bought the boots. Wearing the jeans all the time! Just need the shirt! Love you and your blog! Are you an S& D stylist…..I am and was thinking you either buy a lot or are a stylist!
Sheaffer says
Hi there! Your blogger settings are set to "no reply", so I can't respond directly to you. I hope you check back here for your answer! I'm not a stylist. My friend Jenny is, and we will sometimes set up a show on the blog. I buy jewelry with the credits earned. Some I keep, some I give away in contests! I give away a lot of Stella and Dot goodies in contests! 🙂 In fact, I'm about to order a Kimberly necklace to give away in a contest next month!
Thanks for the sweet words about the blog!
Sheaffer 🙂
aprilparrish says
Love your new venture with the "wardrobe staples"— genius!!!
Love the fact that you consider the cost when labeling a must have!!
Can't wait to see what fall boot you pick out for the must have. My personal suggestion would be the 2-color boot black with brown at the top. They are pretty! Looks like they would be very versatile and stylish!
Voted for your friend Alison! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Anonymous says
Hey Sheaffer – I love your Bachelorette posts so thought you'd get a kick out of this. Yesterday, I drove past The Dallas Children's Theatre (Skillman/NW Hwy in Dallas), and low and behold, there was a snowcone truck like the one from Zak's family! Like any loyal follower/stalker, I did a quick u-turn to get a closer look and possibly a Zak-sighting. From what I could see on the drive-by, there was a cute girl working, but no sign of Zak. Important note, my teenage son was with me and was not amused. If it had been my teenage daughter/co-Bachelorette follower, she might have agreed to stop for a snowcone so we could get a closer look and maybe a photo! Great job on your blog! — Lynne
Cathy and Marshall says
Hi Sheaffer from a fellow Kappa! On the boot front…do you have ANY idea of boots that are skinny in the back ankle area – like below the calf? {I know that awesome description makes zero sense.} I am 5'11" and wear a size 11 shoe. I love the BP wedge boots from last season that you talked so much about, and they looked adorable and well-fitting on you, but they looked terrible on me. They were not fitted at all in the back below the calf and just looked sloppy, so I had to return them. I guess I need the opposite of a wide calf boot? Just curious whether you had any insight to share on this topic – although I'm sure probably not because I think you have MUCH smaller feet than I do 🙂 Keep up your great (and hilarious) work! My husband hates you for our credit card bill 😉 – Cathy
emilycobena says
One thing to remember before you buy any tall pair of boots is to measure your calf and check the shaft circumference of the boots. Many of these boots are built for people who have no calves to speak of. People with powerful legs may have to search a lot harder in order to find a pair of super wide calf boots that fits.