Well, I ended up picking up a darling dress (see it on Monday) and tried on several other things as I was swinging through Nordstrom.
I just couldn’t help myself.
In the next four pictures I’m wearing the following items:
THESE jeans / THESE $8 studs / THIS necklace / sandals very similar to THESE
It’s 3/4 sleeves, but it’s so light and airy that you can definitely wear it through the summer.
I love the details on it! And think how awesome it would look with white jeans!
For size reference, I’m wearing a small.
Click HERE for a white embroidered flutter sleeve top from the same maker.
This is pretty different than anything else I have in my closet right now, but I really liked the fact that it was so unique. I love the grey and white ombre look, and the lace on the bottom is so pretty!
For size reference, I’m wearing a small in this top, but I would have preferred an x-small for it to be not quite so roomy.
I showed this on the blog several weeks ago when I first found it online, but they didn’t have it in my size when I tried to order it.
I meant to take a picture of the back…the back is just like a grey t-shirt material (same material that is under the lace on front).
For size reference, I’m wearing a small.
It has such a cute cut and the blue stripes almost look chambray (which I loved)!
For size reference, I’m wearing a small.
It’s actually quite long and looks cute out too, worn more like a tunic.
And to show the versatility of these tops, here they are all paired with white jeans vs.the
distressed jeans above.
(Notice the top on the very right worn un-tucked like a tunic!)
Click HERE for a similar pair of white jeans with great reviews.
Click HERE for these glitter slide sandals that I ordered yesterday.
I keep picturing them with super casual outfits like a simple v-neck tee and distressed jeans.
This might sound weird, but I’m thinking about wearing them with lots of different items that I typically wear my converse with to give an otherwise casual outfit a little unexpected oomph! 🙂
Click HERE for my post on Monday where I talked active gear for men and/or comfy clothes to hang out around the house in. You know, whatever. 🙂 I also give some information on Chris’s love for his Fitbit. Because the man is obsessed.
Well, in addition to talking about active gear, Nordstrom also wanted me to give y’all some other ideas….you know, just in case your man could give a flip about active wear. 🙂
Here are some other great Father’s Day Gift ideas.
Yes, I’m talking about the Bose speaker AGAIN…because it’s an AWESOME gift.
Also, have you ever seen the Reef flip flops that have the bottle opener on the bottom? I mean, what dad wouldn’t think that was super cool?!?
Kiehl’s men’s starter kit HERE / the exact BOSE speaker that Chris has HERE (10% OFF!)
Sperry Boat shoe HERE (on sale!) / cuff links HERE
men’s Timex watch HERE (only $65) / Patagonia board shorts HERE
Reef flip flop with bottle opener HERE (25% OFF!) / Kielh’s facial moisturizer for men HERE
Cole Hann penny loafer HERE (on sale!) / Sperry graphic tee HERE
Realtree camo crocs HERE / men’s Raybans HERE
Click HERE for all BOSE items
Click HERE for all men’s flip flops
Click HERE for all men’s crocs
Click HERE for all bottle opener flip flops
While talking about Father’s Day, I want to take another second to talk a bit more about the the Bose Mini Bluetooth speaker.
I had some questions via both blog comments and e-mails about the sound quality, like this one:
Hi Sheaffer,
Can you tell me about the sound quality that comes from the second speaker you featured? Thanks, I love BOSE and don’t want to be disappointed in the sound of the songs being played.
Chris, and I say this with love :), IS A FREAK about sound quality.
Like, he was the guy in high school that had a serious system in his Ford Bronco and the neighbors may or may not have called my parents complaining about the volume of his music in the neighborhood.
Anyway, as an adult, Chris remains VERY picky about the quality of sound a device puts out (he’s a total snob about it if we are going to be honest!) :), and he is very impressed with this particular speaker! Hope this helps!
I also got this comment:
I got that speaker for my husband after you talked about it for Christmas. It was his favorite gift. He uses it so much that now my sister in law is getting it for my brother for Father’s Day. It is a really great present.
And this one:
I got the Bose speaker for my husband for his birthday in February, and it was the biggest hit of any gift I’ve ever given him! He takes it to neighborhood get-togethers all the time, and guys are always wanting it for themselves. I’m always so proud that he loves it so much! Laurie in Fort Worth
So if you are still struggling with what to get the men in your life, you really should consider this speaker! I’m telling you, it’s awesome!
And here are a handful of other options for you:
One more thing before you leave!
I put this on facebook last night, but just in case you don’t follow me there or missed the post, look at the new items on sale!
stripe maxi (15% OFF) HERE / lush floral maxi (40% OFF) HERE
jersey jumpsuit (40% OFF) HERE / camo jacket (55% OFF) HERE / coral henley top (40% OFF) HERE
yellow fit and flare dress (40% OFF) HERE / shirred tank with lots of colors (40% OFF) HERE /
Hunter Boots (30% OFF) HERE
nude patent wedge (33% OFF) HERE / silver MK watch (40% OFF) HERE / gold MK watch (40% OFF) HERE
That’s it for today girls!
Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring the Father’s Day Gift Ideas portion of this post!
On Monday, I’ll be doing a little recap of the wedding festivities from last weekend.
Chris’s cousin got married, it was in Dripping Springs, and everything was PERFECT and GORGEOUS!
Well, except for when a groomsman almost accidentally killed me dead, but you’ll have to wait until Monday to hear more about that….
Sheaffer 🙂
I forgot to announce the winner of the 3 Spray Tan Party Package from Bronzed by Erin!
Congratulations Elizabeth Mitchell!
Please e-mail me directly at pinteresttoldmeto@yahoo.com and I will hook you up with Erin!
Grace says
Sheaffer why do you always do this to me!!! You are so stinking cute and your taste in clothes is always spot on. I bid adieu to my wallet
Erika Slaughter says
Your collage is filled with goodies!! Happy Friday!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Happy happy happy Friday friend! I love the ideas for men…shopping for guys is just the worst! I never come up with any ideas…I totally needed these ideas (and I'm OBSESSED with those jeans in the first pic!).
Katie says
Hi Sheaffer!
I am curious what the brand of the blue dress you wore to the wedding is / is it available online or only in the store? I have a couple weddings to attend soon and I was hoping to purchase that blue dress… it's so cute!
Thank you so much!
Kathy Olson says
I especially loved shirts #1 and 2 on you!
Have a great weekend!
Narci says
So, i LOVE that lush maxi dress!!! Totally need that! And, also I can't believe that the anniversary sale is around the corner!! Wow!!
April Parrish says
Exactly what I need…TOPS!!! Thanks for sharing your favorite finds…love the Orange on you!
Have a great weekend! 🙂
Slightly Askew Designs says
I didn't get the card last year, but those glitter studs have me signing up asap. Considering I've ordered them and had my order cancelled TWICE I think this is a sign 😉
The Boutelle Family says
I love that gray/white overlay tank! And those glitter sandals! Although my 3.5 year old daughter would definitely try to steal them from me 🙂
Anonymous says
Sheaffer, I have to tell you this….was in Dallas this week for a lacrosse event with my teenage daughter and of course we had to pop into the Nordstrom's at the galleria. I'm not gonna lie, was totally hoping to bump into you so you could see me in my KateSpade studs-cushion cut bracelet-vigoss jeans-must have shirt-cognac wedges-leopard belt ensemble!! I even confessed this wish to my daughter who is already embarrassed by my every move 🙂 LOVE YOUR BLOG, HATE TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS :-). XOXO Lauren
Unknown says
I got the Nordstroms debit card for the sale, it is totally worth it. You get the points and benefits and don't run the risk of charging up a credit card! Katie A
Anonymous says
Oh yes,,,I was one of those girls that got the Nordstrom card JUST for the anniversary sale early access last year. I didn't do it the year before and was so sad that many things I was interested in were no longer available after early access and regular people could shop (hello Blardigan, I'm talkin to you!) It is totally worth it just for that alone!
I will be buying a couple more blardigans this year for gifts so I'm counting the days and sure hope they are included this year! I adore mine!!!
Get one…now!
Jan Fisher
Anonymous says
Anybody know what the price for the blardigain was last year on sale? I called a N rep last week and she looked up last years sale and said the blardigain did NOT go on sale for the July anniversary sale in 2014……..whhhaaaaaaaa? I couldve sworn it was?! ( I didnt buy one,,,,,,but might want to this year)
Sheaffer says
Hey there! It was FOR SURE on sale last year! If memory serves me, it was maybe $69. Remember, it's not really called a "blardigan", it's called a "Barefoot Dreams drape front cardigan". xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Jenny says
The Bose speaker is awesome! I got it for my husband for Christmas and he is obsessed with it. We listen to it when we are laying out by the pool, sitting on the deck having dinner or just hanging out and we even took it on a cruise in April and listened to it while enjoying a drink on the balcony. My husband and some buddies were sitting on our back deck watching the hockey game last week and he hooked it up to the tv for more sound and all of the guys were very impressed!
Megan M says
Word to the wise, I adored the lush maxi dress of 2014, and ordered three of the 2015 version. Much to my dismay, the 2015 version is totally see-through on the bottom half. Like, "I see London, I see France". Total disappointment. And from what I can tell it is not just one specific print/color as all three of my new ones are see-through 🙁
Sheaffer says
Hi Megan! That is so weird! I haven't heard anybody else talk about this. In fact, I've received lots of feedback from people that they love the dress! The only warning I've heard is that you shouldn't dry it all the way or it will shrink up. Thanks for the heads up on your experience though. Has anybody else had this trouble?
Sheaffer 🙂
Jill Blazevic says
I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get the speaker for my hubs for his bday in July. Father's day is already covered. It sounds pretty awesome.
Kelsey Mann Peacock says
Thanks for always sharing such great Nordstrom finds!
Angelina B. says
I got a Nordstrom card two years ago for the purpose of the early access at the Nordstrom sale and it is GREAT. I love nordies and have grown up shopping there and I don't know why it took me forever to finally get a Nordstrom card because I shopped there all the time. I am saving up for the anniversary sale… Can't wait to see what's in store this year!!
Anonymous says
Do you know of any places to get some dress capris for work? I'm looking for some and figured you might be a good resource! I love buying items that you suggest!!
Sheaffer says
I would recommend LOFT for this! Good luck! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Anonymous says
I got a N debit card just bc of this blog. Last year I was a fairly new reader and I was reading yalls accounts of this huge sale & I was like, what IS all this talk about?! (Im a new N shopper as well, and also bc of this blog) So, anyway, Im a cardholder for the purpose of getting early access and using my Christmas N gift cards!! Ive been waiting and waiting since Christmas for this July sale. Im counting down the days!!
Oh, and I heard N will send out a catalouge a week ahead of time that outlines all the anniversary sale items, so we can plan. Is this true?! I thought it was just a free-for-all once midnight hit- but to actaully know what will be on sale a WEEK BEFORE! i mean, whoot!!!
Sheaffer says
Everything you've heard is true. 🙂 A catalog will come out with lots of the sale items highlighted (but not all). And yes…the early access is for an entire week! GET. READY. 🙂
Sheaffer 🙂
Sheaffer says
Everything you've heard is true. 🙂 A catalog will come out with lots of the sale items highlighted (but not all). And yes…the early access is for an entire week! GET. READY. 🙂
Sheaffer 🙂
Anonymous says
AAAHHH! Whoot for sure! Thank you Sheaffer :)))) Aren't you so excited and counting down the days too? I think you should do a post on just the pure excitement we all feel as the Nordstrom community as we count down to the biggest shopping day/week of the year! 🙂 haha
Ivana says
hi, Inwant to share that I found a top similar to the blue and white strip top you have above at Target. It is made by Merona and its $19.99 it's called Womens gauze strip favorite blouse. Thank you for all your posts, they are so helpful.