I have an awesome guest post HERE from The Hollywood Housewife.
She features some lace shorts, and I feature some nude heels and wedges that would go GREAT with some of the dresses you are going to see in this post.
I also have a post singing the praises of my new neutral colored blazer HERE.
You’ll want one. I promise. 🙂
So….let me start of by saying that I was so sad to see Sean go.
I thought he did a fantastic job working his hiney off and getting better week by week.
He did his family proud!
I was kind of surprised to see him go (because I know he has such a big following)…
but I don’t think anybody was more surprised than Ingo and Kym when they
found out they were safe! 🙂
First up,
Zendaya and Val / Foxtrot
Also, I have an observation.
This girl has super long legs AND crazy long arms.
I almost think that if placed side by side that her arms would be longer than her legs.

Now, before I go on to the other dancers, Zendaya’s dress inspired me to look for some floral dress options for us girls!
Floral print is HUGE right now, just look at any fashion magazine or on the runways!

I found some very pretty options that would be FANTASTIC for shower and wedding season which is all of a sudden upon us!
Check out THIS Max and Cleo option.
It is SUPER similar to the middle picture of above.
One review said Looks like it is a handpainted watercolor work of art with a retro feel.
I like the idea of that!
The colors are beautiful, the neckline and waistline are so pretty, and the pleats and hem are great!
Another fit and flare floral option HERE.
Check out THIS one that is more fit and less flare, with a unique neckline.
And I even found 2 more casual options HERE and HERE (w/ spaghetti straps with a low back).
If you aren’t interested in a dress, but want to try the floral trend out…
Look at THIS GORGEOUS top. It would look great with white skinny jeans.
Less expensive top options HERE and HERE.
When I saw Zendaya’s dress I also thought about THESE colorful TOMS.
Oh…and THIS floral swimsuit is getting a lot of attention all over blog land.
I also REALLY like THIS pretty floral suit that I highlighted it last week.
Okay…back to Dancing With The Stars….
Sean and Peta / Tango
Actually, these are like hammer pants on crack.
And let’s just take a minute to check out Peta’s abs in the above pic.
I bet she’s hungry ALL the time. 😉
I tell myself that to make myself feel better.
They danced the foxtrot and I thought he did a very nice job; however, the judges disagreed.
Score = 21
Do you guys understand him?
What a shame. 😉

It brought out a lot of emotions in her.
Actually, that’s not exactly true. I looked about 30 seconds and then gave up.
Score = 30
Val was soooo excited with his score that he tried to pick up Brooke (the host), but she was having none of it. Come on Brooke! Loosen up!
I was going to try to find a pic of the shennanigans, but when I googled “val trying to pick Brooke up”, this is what I got:

Sean and Peta with Sharna / Jazz
I’ll be honest, when I heard they were doing jazz I was a little worried.
Bruno said “Plenty of Magic with a Little Bit of Tragic”.
The writing was on the wall.
He did it here…
and here…..
(By the way, his face in this picture makes me laugh so hard! HILARIOUS! If you just saw his face you would never now he was in flight.)
Well, now we know he can jump over Karina’s and Cheryl’s heads at the same time.
Couldn’t find a google picture of the jump, and was too lazy to watch on the ipad and screen shot it. Sorry.
There were flames…and lots of throwing…and lots of jumping.
Score = 25
Look. Mark convinced everybody to wear stupid little hats with him.

At least I thought so.
Carrie Ann thought so too. She gave them a 10.
Bruno agreed with us. He gave them a 10.
Len threw a little temper tantrum and gave them a 7.

Here are the faces of the contestants as the judges were vehemently arguing.
Kellie was scared and said that they “shouldn’t fight in front of the kids!” 🙂
So…..who do you think is the next to go?
My money is on Ingo and Kym.
Good stuff people! 🙂
Vesti says
I have been reading your blog for quite some time, but never comment. BUT, I had to say that I am also a speech therapist and I can't understand most of what Jacoby says either!! Glad to know I'm not alone!
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
Dang, those hammer pants look kind of comfy. Hmm, maybe they aren't so hideous after all? I was sad to see Sean go too, but he made it so far, which is awesome!
Jackie J says
I think Sean and Peta danced the Tango, not the Foxtrot.
'They danced the foxtrot and I thought he did a very nice job'
Jill says
Hi Sheaffer…this is my first comment and it has nothing to do with this post, but if you had to choose between the oatmeal blazer or the putty wedges which would you get? I am really trying to stay on a budget. I want to get both eventually…but which should I get first??
Elaine~ Honey Pie Accessories says
I woke up this morning to an email from Very Jane, saying that they had lace shorts for $20.00 today, and I immediately thought of you, and how I hope they still have them tomorrow so I can buy them! And, they look like it's an elastic waist band, which means, I can wear them right after this baby is out!!! Those hammer pants are sad. Looks like they could catch poo if you had a tummy bug…. not a good idea. And, I didn't watch the show, but I'm not so sure I would've loved the threesome dances… the pictures are just strange…. things that make you go hmmm…
Sheaffer says
Hi Jill! You are a "no reply" blogger, so I hope you check back here for the answer! As much as I adore the blazer, I would say you should DEFINITELY get the wedges. And unless there is a certain color you are dying for, I would HIGHLY recommend the putty color. It goes with everything!!!
Sheaffer 🙂
Jessica Still says
I follow your blog & love all your posts! I too love me a good blazer (i'm thinking about adding a neutral one per your suggestion). I was sad to see Sean go b/c he seems like a great guy, but it was always a little rough to watch him dance. Does anyone else notice that Aly always has her mouth open?! I LOVED Zendaya's trio salsa!! Oh & those pretty floral dresses you posted!
aprilparrish says
So sad SEAN is gone!!! 🙁 He did great and should be very proud!!! Aly & Mark continue to get great scores, but I'm just not feeling them. Now rooting for Kelly & Derek!!!
My putty wedges came in and I love them!!!! 😉
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
I totally missed Val trying to pick up Brooke! She does seem a little persnickety. And no…zero idea what Jacoby says. But for some reason I still laugh?!?
Blue-Eyed Bride says
I missed Val trying to pick up Brooke, too, but I have to say…. Brooke isn't my favorite person on the show. Boo. I'm ready for Jacoby and Ingo to go. I was SO sad to see Sean go. I LOVED Zendaya's dance. I'm not a huge fan of hers…. she acts a little big for her britches, but she was stunning in the fox trot. It may have been that gorgeous dress or that she just liked natural and young and happy with her hair down, but I loved their fox trot. I wish there was someone left on the show that I absolutely LOVED. I guess I'll be rooting for Kellie, even though it kills me to root for Derrick. 🙂
Okay… as a 5'8" girl…. will I be a giant in those wedges? Because I think I need them.