Okay, kids. It’s Episode 2. If you missed the recap of episode 1, click HERE so you can get all caught up! JoJo has obviously gotten her groove back (watch out Stella) and she’s ready to start weeding out some more guys!!!!
Here are a couple of “fashiony” things before we get started on this weeks recap. If you follow me on facebook (and you totally should by the way, you can do so HERE) or saw my Memorial Day post, then you got a look at this tote already. Quick review: It was sent to me by the company FashionABLE, and the tote is wonderfully “distressed” and natural. It is crafted in Ethiopia with 100% genuine distressed leather…and not only do I love the bag, but I also love the brand! I had never even heard of FASHIONABLE before, but I sure do like what it stands for. You can click HERE to learn more about their commitment, mission, and values.
I wore this outfit to meet my dad for lunch last week, and I loved how it all came together. The blouse I got earlier this year (I’m wearing a small) and the shoes are a couple of years old. I loved mixing the fresh white with my leopard shoes and turquoise accents in the jewelry. And the bag just topped it all off perfectly! It is simply THE MOST GORGEOUS COGNAC LEATHER. Now, remember, there aren’t any interior pockets, which was weird at first – but the overall beauty of the bag helped me get over that quickly. 😉
top / turquoise circle hoop earrings c.o. Sole Society / $18 necklace / bracelet trio / similar jeans from same maker (just a darker wash and less distressing) / leopard shoe options below/ leather tote c/o Fashionable
Here’s what a couple of readers have had to say about the tote:
I have had that same tote for over a year & a half and constantly have people commenting on it or asking where I bought it. It’s so lightweight and has a great strap length. The leather is incredibly soft! I have used mink oil twice on it to brighten up and protect the leather. I usually carry a purse organizer inside so my stuff is easy to find. By the way, I don’t work for the company or even know anyone who does, but I have convinced at least 5 people to buy the bag because I like it that much! Enjoy xx Natalie
I have the FashionABLE tote and it is gorgeous! It gets better each time you carry it. The founder was in my Bible study this past year, and they are doing amazing things! I love supporting a company that gives back and empowers people around the world. – Beth M.
Thank you Natalie and Beth for your input! I love hearing from others about items that I love as well!
And since my exact leopard flats have been sold out for awhile now, here are some leopard footwear choice for you:
One more fashion thing… I’ve received 3 e-mails in the last two weeks all about one subject: earrings. And I always know for every e-mail I receive, there are probably at least 10 other people with the same question. So, after receiving 3 in one week, I knew we needed to talk about earrings. One reader talked about how she loved her Gorjana hoops and wished she could find some similar with color! One reader talked about how she doesn’t wear necklaces so she’s always looking for fun statement earrings that aren’t too heavy on her ears. One reader talked about the fact that she is wary of wearing statement earrings, but she wanted to branch out and needed some direction.
Enter me.
I surfed the web (I’m kind of good at it now ifidosaysomyself), and I found several earrings that caught my eye. I ordered two of them (one of them I was wearing in the outfit above), but you can see some of the others that I liked in just a sec…
These are the earrings I got. Click HERE for the earrings on top c/o Sole Society. Click HERE for earrings on bottom. Apparently I’m crushing on turquoise right now. They are both light weight, but the top ones are VERY light.
Here are some other earrings to choose from:
Okay. So here we are. Episode 2.
And before we even really get started, something of note happened. We saw Chad strapping his suitcase (full of protein powder. for real.) around his waist and doing pull-ups on the pergola. No, Chad. Just no. I couldn’t believe he wasted precious suitcase real estate on protein powder. For what it’s worth, my suitcase would contain favorite snack foods and various salsas.
What you should find interesting is that this is the least offensive thing Chad did this episode.
GROUP DATE CARD #1: Let’s Heat Things Up!
Who was going: Luke, Grant, Bill, Evan, Daniel, Vinny, Ali, James F., Wells, and Robby
While sitting around, they heard an explosion and ran outside. And a limo was on fire. I was all, ISN’T THERE A FIRE FIGHTER IN THIS BUNCH? COME ON, FIREFIGHTER BOY! IT’S TIME TO STEP UP AND SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT!!!!
Well, no need to strap on your gear Grant….because JoJo hopped out of a fire truck in those huge yellow pants, a white tank, and the biggest red suspenders I’ve ever seen. And in true JoJo fashion, she somehow looked good. But in all seriousness, try to imagine yourself in that outfit. I’m guessing a majority of you actually laughed out loud (just at the thought) like I did.
So, anyway… the date was the boys going through various firefighter duties in a relay because “she wants to see who can take care of her in an emergency situation”. Uh-huh. JoJo, if what you’re honestly looking for is emergency skills, well then you’re going about this all wrong. What you really need to see is who can create a makeshift trash can the fastest when a kid is throwing up in the back seat of the car. Now THAT is a real life emergency skill. #keepingitreal #youknowiamright So. Whoever won the relay was going to get to spend extra time with JoJo. And I’m thinking that Grant, THE FIRE FIGHTER, had a serious unfair advantage. And I’m thinking that DJ boy didn’t have a shot. All-4-One can’t help you now, DJ boy.
They ran through some exercises so the fire chief could choose the Top 3 to compete in a relay for the extra time. Wells (DJ boy) started struggling. Like REALLY struggling. Like somebody have 911 on hold struggling. The chief told him to take off his uniform, get some water, and lay down. And he got to spend some QT with JoJo. #wellplayed
So who did the chief pick to be the 3 people to compete? Luke and Grant (because they did the best job) and Wells “because he didn’t give up”. And I’m like NOOOO! Not Wells! He needs to rest and hydrate!!!! Then there was this little gem of a moment. After Wells was picked to participate in the competition, he said this:
Now come on, that’s cute.
First one of the three to the top of the tower would win the event. Grant got to the top of the tower before the other 2 guys. And Luke was DEVASTATED. But COME ON, Luke! Keep your head up! Grant is an actual fire fighter! Grant losing the fire fighting competition would be like me losing an online shopping competition. Or a taco loving competition. It just wouldn’t happen.
On a sidenote….did anybody see the Amazon commercial that aired during the break with the baby, stuffed animal lion, and golden retriever? I bawled.
Back to the show. At the group date cocktail party, Grant said he would never leave the house and not kiss her before he left “because it’s messed up and he might not come back”. I mean, probably not the best line when you are trying to woo a girl. But whatevs. They kissed.
Luke was going on and on about how he wasn’t getting any time with her. #maybeitsyourhairLuke #edityourproductusage #dialdownthedippitydo
Time for Wells! He was super cute about his failure as a fireman. I think he’s so charming, and I really like his self-deprecating humor (that’s not pathetic). Take notes, Luke.
But after she and Luke spent some time together, I’m thinking she digs the hair. Because they seriously mugged down. And I’m just going to go ahead and say it. It was kinda hot. Almost as hot as Arie throwing Emily up against that wall years ago. LUKE. WHERE WAS YOUR WALL? A 1/2 balcony isn’t the same. GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME. I do feel as if I have to point out that it was kinda like she was kissing Danny Zuko. If you don’t get the joke, shame on you and go rent GREASE right now.) #igotchills #theyremultiplying Now, in all seriousness, I think Luke is a real contender in this thing. He just needs to be more confident in himself! I really like the whole southern thing he’s got going on.
Wells got the 1:1 rose.
Back at the house, the remaining boys were having a sing along. They were soooooooo pleased with themselves. The song went a little something like this, “JoJo…where’d you go? You went on a date and I’ve been missing you at home. Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo.” And then JoJo was repeated another 3,400 times.
1 on 1 Date: Love is Full of Choices
Who was going? Derek.
I have one question. Who is Derek?
Well, I might have not known who he was, but they sure did look good together.
Their date was like one of those Choose Your Own Adventure books, so they got to make choices all along the way on what the next step of their date would be. But before we talk about the date, let’s talk about JoJo’s outfit. Get her exact short drusy necklace HERE, and necklaces similar to her long pendant can be found HERE and HERE. And a great olive green tank (ON SALE!) can be found HERE.
They hopped in a convertible, and I again wondered why in the world JoJo doesn’t keep a rubber band around her wrist. Doesn’t every self-respecting girl do this?
SEA or SKY? They both chose SKY.
NORTH or SOUTH. They both choose NORTH.
They ended up in San Francisco. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE or LOMBARD STREET?
They chose the Golden Gate Bridge and ate a picnic overlooking the water. And they kissed. I mean, it wasn’t as good as when she kissed Danny a couple of minutes ago, but it was still good. #summerlovinhadmeablast #summerlovinhappenedsofast
They headed to a private table somewhere for dinner, and Derek took the most round about way to tell JoJo that he had been in another relationship that he was very serious about, but that the girl cheated on him. It’s just he wouldn’t say “cheated”. It would have saved us a lot of dang time if he would have just come out and said it. They then balanced on the side of a fountain and made out. I have to say, I felt a little cheated. Did the private concert fall through? WHERE WAS OUR PRIVATE CONCERT? Isn’t there always a private concert?
The guys were back at the house practicing the song. Yes. Again. EVERYBODY NOW! JOJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJOJO
Where were Chad and Daniel you ask? Why were they not participating in the sing along? Well, they were casually sitting on a sofa together outside. Wearing matching black tank tops. And thinking they were better than everybody else. Chad even tried to get all philosophical on us and create some metaphor about a dude protein shake. And it made ZERO sense. Like NONE AT ALL. I even tried to write down what he said, and I couldn’t even do that. I can’t even make a joke about it because it was JUST THAT CONFUSING. Daniel didn’t get it either, but he tried to act like he did. They ended their special time together by high-fiving over the fact that they each think the other one is cool. Which is of course totally uncool, but I was excited to see another bromance brewing. I’m thinking it’s only a matter of time until one of them pulls a JJ and makes the other one cry. #poorclint Or, wait. Was it Clint that betrayed JJ?
GROUP DATE CARD: Prove Your Love to Me and the Nation.
Who was going: Jordan, Christian, Nick, James T., Alex, Chad
The guys headed to the Sports Nation set where JoJo was at the table talking to the two hosts of the show. And I’m thinking this might be in her future. #espniscalling
They switched things around and put together a series of challenges for BachelorNation.
First game: Celebration Dance. The guys each had their turn to act like they had just scored a touchdown. There were lots of shenanigans. And some alleged turf burn. Somebody throw a flag.
Second game: Eyes on the Prize. The boys had to do that ol’ family reunion game where you spin around with a bat and then they had to find their way to JoJo in the end zone and propose to her. Was it silly? YES. But did most of the guys play along? YES. Because they know what they signed up for.
It was cheesy as all get out (this IS The Bachelor), but ol’ Chad just wasn’t going to play along. When he got down on his knee, all he said was “Will you marry me?” When the hosts and JoJo called him out for not saying anything, he accused JoJo of nagging. Now here’s the deal, Wells could say the exact same thing and come off as sweet and charming. But Chad saying it basically gives you a peak into what married life would be like with him. AND NO THANK YOU.
Third game: Press Conference. JoJo sat down at a table with microphones with each guy and they had to field questions from “reporters”.
Chad, tell us again how you are financially stable enough to get married.
He pretty much crashed and burned. What he was saying was fine (that he didn’t know JoJo well enough to know if he loved her), but it’s HOW he was saying it that rubbed me the wrong way. My parents always said, it’s not WHAT you say, it’s HOW you say it. #toneisimportant The way he handled the questions from the reporters and the way he handled the guys calling him out were both VERY telling. He thinks he’s better than everybody else and that he’s always right. Again, neither quality is something you want in a husband.
Max and Marcellus sat down to talk about the guys, and then the Power Rankings came out:
#3: Alex #2: Chad (WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?) #1: James
Chad is totally annoyed that he didn’t get first, and I obviously couldn’t believe that he was ranked at all. But when I really started strongly disliking Chad was when he was sitting in the green room with the guys after the show. He called all of them liars and turned around every single thing they said. Let me just ask you one more time. CAN YOU IMAGINE BEING MARRIED TO THIS GUY?
Time for the group date cocktail party.
JoJo and James Taylor got some time alone together. He read a little note and OH MY HEAVENS WAS IT SWEET! He said he loves his family, manly things, the occasional chick flick, and God (“but I let him down daily and I’m working on that”). Now THIS is husband material JoJo!
Now, I’ll tell you what the worst part of the entire show was for me. Watching Chad SLAM cold cuts. Turkey, Roast Beef, that slick ham (you know what I’m talking about)….it was a menagerie of meats. He was pounding all of it like it was his job. Apparently he had missed his protein shake earlier in the day, and CHAD NEEDS DAILY PROTEIN IN COPIOUS AMOUNTS. Let’s all just admit something right now. As much as we dislike him, we are so glad he’s on the show. Because even though we want to throat punch him, it’s so much fun wanting to throat punch him. Let’s give it to the producers for a second because those guys know what they are doing. And although Chad didn’t really say this, I imagine his internal monologue goes a little something like this. #proteinrocks
Chad continued to totally bad mouth all of the guys. He sat down with JoJo and told her that he’s got a little puppy and that his mom died 6 months ago. Which is obviously so sad and maybe excuses some of his behavior. But I still didn’t like him.
And then Chad headed out by the pool and was confronted by several guys, headed up by Alex. THE MARINE. (Chad made a joke about it being a little something like West Side Story, which was actually pretty funny. Okay Chad, that’s 1 point for you.) Chad was pointing his finger dangerously close to Alex (THE MARINE’S) face, and I tried to mind will Alex into taking the little sword toothpick out of Chad’s mouth and stabbing him in the trachea with it.
My heavens, Chad seems to be pulling out violent tendencies inside of me. #justbreathe
Who does she give the rose to? Don’t worry, it wasn’t Chad. Whew! JAMES TAYLOR FOR THE WIN!
Who got roses: Alex, Christian, Robby, Luke, Chase, Jordan, Grant, Jordan, Daniel, James, Vinny, Grant, Ali, Daniel, Vinny, James F., Nick, Evan, and CHAD. The chad announcement made me want to simultaneously cry and cheer at the same time. It was weird. And Derek and Wells had roses from their earlier dates!
Who goes?: the hipster, one of the James guys (the plastic super fan), and Will.
I have one more thing to say. Next week is a 2 Night Television Event. And I’ve gotta be honest, a little bit of me died inside when this was announced. TWO NIGHTS. FOUR HOURS. I better start carb loading to prepare. Or maybe I’ll take a page from Chad’s book and start slamming protein shakes and/or throwing back cold cuts. Hold the slimy ham.
I have some questions for you: Do you love to hate Chad? Or do you just plain hate Chad? What are your thoughts on the campfire sing-a-longs? Who are your favorites now? Sound off in the comments!
See y’all back here on Friday!
Erika Slaughter says
How did I miss Chad throwing back the cold cuts? She kind of seems into him? I don’t think she sees it yet, right? I completely agree with you…those producers knew what they were doing!
Shay Shull says
Oh my gosh! Chad eating during the rose ceremony was just about the grossest, funniest, weirdest thing I’ve ever seen on this show! He’s such a MESS! And James won a little of my heart with his sweet letter to Jojo.
Lindsay says
I actually like Chad. He’s the only one not totally obsessed with her (aka totally obsessed with winning and being famous). I think he’s funny and real. Plus, their kisses? Come onnnnn.
I like a bit of a challenge in a guy. I CANNOT with these guys who are already writing her poems. Gross.
Melissa says
Exactly! A note is fine, but I don’t want a poem from a man… ?
Heather Bramlett says
I hate Chad! I totally wan to throat punch him, but your right the producers are GOOD! The show would be totally boring without him!!
Oh James and JoJo- that was the sweetest letter!! I wanted to cry!
Love the recaps! so funny! look forward to them every week!
Maggie says
I find Chad rather entertaining. I died at the west side story comment. Do I want Jojo to end up with Chad? No. But he makes for good tv.
I’m rooting for James Taylor and Chase (the guy that made it snow).
chris says
I hate Chad. But, I have to confess, I love to hate him and it makes for great entertainment. The West Side Story analogy was pure gold. And the “I can’t know you enough to love you after spending five minutes with you” is an all-time true-ism. I don’t have any clear faves yet but I think there are a few good marriage material guys in there. And Luke being a Westpoint grad? All of a sudden I was forgiving is hair. Because that is impressive sh*t. On another note, I placed an order from accessory concierge after your post LAST Wednesday and got confirmation right away but no shipping notice yet?!?!? Is that even normal????
Sheaffer says
Hi, Chris! You are right about West Point being super impressive!! It should totally trump the hair! ? What did you order from Accessory Concierge? Some of their items have a 2 week ship time on them (noted on the item’s page) due to the time it takes to create some of their pieces. Hope this helps! Xoxo, Sheaffer
kimberly says
I love you so dang much. HILARIOUS as always!! Chad makes my blood boil. I have to remind myself that this was filmed months ago and it’s not live and that somehow calms me down a bit. Like maybe in these three months, he’s gotten a clue about how he comes across? Prob not. (*eyeroll emoji) Oh and the slimy ham was the WORST!! I hate ham. Tinahhh, come get your ham…”. Anyone? Last thing, I need you to get on snapchat like yesterday. You could take us on shopping trips or give us a peek at your closet or workouts or your tacos. (tacos has never sounded so creepy!?!?) haha! My snap name is @triplekidney so get on it girl!! xo
Melissa says
Tacos have never sounded so creepy LOL
Jennifer says
Chad is HILARIOUS. The West Side Story comment and feeling like he was being confronted by a Care Bear with poor super short Alex was so funny. But, husband material? No. Even if he treated me well, I wouldn’t want a husband that treated everyone around him so disrespectfully and so abrasively. Husband – no. Hilarious welcome dude on TV – yes.
My favorite right now is DEREK! He looks like Jon Krasinski so much!
Melissa D. says
I’m so glad you think Derek looks like Jon Krasinski! I do too but thought it was just me! Lol!
Jamie says
He is 100% Jon Krasinkski, and I’m also glad that my bf and I are not the only ones who noticed this haha.
Brittany says
DEFINITELY John Krasinski! I have been thinking that since day one. And I love John so obviously I love Derek too. Plus, he’s from Iowa so gotta love him for that! (Let’s hope he’s no Chris Soules though..because blech!)
I hope Chad chokes on his protein shakes. He is the worst, but he’s also TV GOLD! I think the producers made her pick him, she seemed to roll her eyes and cringe as she called his name. HAHA
Sara says
I was coming on here to comment specifically on how Derek looks Ike John Krasinski!!! Which only makes me like him more, swoon…..
Brynne says
Completely agree he looks like jon.
Courtney says
YES Derek = John Krasinski! I have been calling Derek “Jim” in my head a la “the Office.” Glad I’m not the only one who sees the resemblance!
Nichole says
I like James T., Derek and. Wells. Also Luke.
The WSS comment from Chad was hilarious indeed!!!
Karla says
I’m a teacher and today is my last day of school, but I’m equally excited (well, close) about your bachelor recap. I just love you! Chad #totesnothubsmaterial is, literally, a meathead. His consumption of processed meats was just disgusting, but his arrogance was more so. Wells, you my dear are a doll and I hope she sees that and gets to know you. #all4oneand1forall. James Taylor is a super sweet guy, but I keep singing #countryroads and #fireandrain every time his name pops up on the screen. I’m a Jordan Rodgers fan, but his pompadour hairstyle MUST.GO!
Carb loading with you for 4 hours of the Bachelor next week!
Beth says
Let me just say that your commentary on all of this is amazing and hysterical! I love reading your posts about the show and seeing what you have to say! Also, I feel like the producers told JoJo to keep Chad as long as possible, simply for the drama, because if he had called me naggy during a game where he was supposed to be proposing to me, his butt would have been sent home!
Just a note, you called Alex and “ex-Marine,” but that’s actually offensive to most Marines! “Once a Marine, always a Marine,” is one of their slogans. My dad is a Marine who served in the 1970s, and it’s just always better to say a former enlisted Marine or to simply refer to him as a Marine. It was ingrained into me growing up because of my dad, but I’m sure you didn’t know! 🙂
Sheaffer says
Beth, thank you so much for your insight on the Marine way of life. I can totally see how that would be offensive. At the grocery store now, but will change it as soon as I get home! Xoxo, Sheaffer
Brittany says
Alison H. says
Chad is a d-bag. Yes, he’s honest but he’s obviously insecure with feelings. I bet he wishes he was like the other guys but since he isn’t, he makes fun of them. I thought their food spread looked really yummy though. I was kind of sad to see Plastic Superfan go, he is odd to look at but I couldn’t help but stare at him.
Erica says
Addicted to your recaps..definitely a weekly highlight during Bachelor season!!
Chad needs to go, but he’ll stay for a few more weeks. He’s too much which is exactly what the producers love. The song also needs to go…it needed to go after the first round. I have a feeling it’ll be staying around for a while and probably make an appearance at the MTA episode. Two weeks in and my picks are Jordan, Luke & James T!
Kerry says
Hate Chad, but I hated the song anymore! So corny! Now I want JoJo to changer her name!
Kerry says
Even more, not anymore. And change, not changer. 🙂
Peyton says
I don’t like Chad at all. I think he is a dirt bag and he thinks he is better than everybody else. As for my favorites, I like Luke, Jordan, Wells, Grant, and Derek!
Jaime S says
First of all, every story needs a villain…insert Chad. I often wonder if editing makes said villains comments sound worse. I am officially #teamLuke. So everything that Chad says just makes me not like him even more. Sadly JoJo doesn’t see this….and please, enough of the camp fire sing along. I had to swallow my vomit then listen to my husband complain about the show for several minutes. He was politely asked to leave the room!
Jamie says
Haha, I just love these recaps..and the hot mess that is the Bach! Chad… obviously not a fan – BUT – the other guys (especially Alex) were driving me NUTS with how obsessive over him they were being. Like Alex was FREAKING OUT that Chad met Jojo outside before the rose ceremony… chillax dude. Why is this SUCH a big deal to you? Mad that you didn’t think of it? By the end of the episode, I was actually hating Alex and his Chad-hating obsession more than Chad. Hmmm.
Susan says
Was about to say the exact same thing!!!!
MelanieL says
Thank you for pointing out that Chad is financially stable, I had not heard. These dudes are a hot mess. I was hoping to love Jordan Rodgers as much as I love his bro but I just can’t. The skinny jeans + THE HAIR + turf burn = NO. Love your recaps and your gift for online shopping. 🙂
Suzanne says
Do not like him and totally the producer pick for the last rose. Which I hate. But secretly love because yes, sometimes it just feels good to NOT like someone that much. On the show, only, of course. Not in real life! 😉
midwestmomm says
Favs are Derek, Luke and Wells! LOVE your recaps!!
Robin says
Did Wells get a rose?? I didn’t see his name on your list!!
Sheaffer says
He did, Robin! He got it on the group fire fighter date! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Renee says
Your comment about useful life skills like the ability to fashion a makeshift trash can was dead on and made me laugh out loud. She’ll learn these things in time!
Courtney says
YES!! I was about to make this same comment! Sheaffer, I love your recaps and have been reading ALL of them for I don’t even know how long. Lots of seasons. This comment was PURE GOLD! Why can’t that be a group date? Tests to show who can do legitimately useful things in life–like throwing together the makeshift trash can?! I just love it so much. Bravo!
Melissa says
Me too! Best recap and comment from Sheaffer. A man needs to know how to do more than turn on the blender for his protein shake. Don’t think every guy from Tulsa is like Chad…not a good rep for Oklahoma.
Claire says
I can’t help it, I like Chad ONLY because his commentary is hilarious. When he they had his voice over during the rose ceremony I wanted more! I wanted to hear what he had to say about everyone! ? “Of course she picked him, she doesn’t want America to think she hates short people.” I died laughing. Now is he husband material? Nope. He is a grade A jerk but he makes for excellent TV! Apparently he hits sweet James which is not okay but until then, I need more Chad!
Page says
I love James Taylor and Luke – and love to hate Chad. I’m pretty sure she’ll pick Jordan, and then my hope is that it’s one of my faves on the Bachelor!
Juliana Gracs says
LOVE these recaps.. Skip the fashion girl I love your ramblings about these guys 😀 Can’t believe you didn’t comment on the face of the “south” pilot after she chose north!! SO funny! My mom and I both look forward to your recaps each week!!
Sanna says
Yes, I noticed that also. That “South” guy was completely upset. Hahaha!!!
Ranisa says
Chad has had too much protein which can lead to being a little grumpy. I mean we’ve all seen a baby that hadn’t had a BM is far too long. Crabby pants.
Marianne says
The only way I could even a little bit love Chad would be if he had a sword toothpick stuck in his trachea! I love to laugh out loud when I’m home alone! Thanks for that!
Debbie K. says
Schaeffer, I totally get what you’re saying about Chad bringing out your violence. When he told JoJo she was being “a little naggy,” I totally wanted her to say, “Hand me that bat!” He is a nightmare and reminds me of my EX (thank God). Who would want to be married to someone who doesn’t get along with anyone else? What fun would that be?
Debbie K. says
Oops! Sorry I misspelled your name. I’ll get it right next time! 😉
Julie says
Hi Sheaffer – I watched it on Hulu and they had a hilarious Clorox Bachelorette spoof commercial where a girl wearing all white walks up to a group of guys with a guy on her arm . She turns to walk away and she has grass stains all over her back. The guys look at each other and say, “He’s SO getting a rose.” It made me laugh!
Samm says
I think Wells is so “Benny-the-jet” hot. #lovethesandlot
One of the guys said Chad is the type of guy who thinks he is the alpha male in any room he walks into. SO TRUE. he needs to go!
I love your recaps! 🙂
Sanna says
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but instead of finding the Chad footage “producer’s gold”, I find it complete overkill. They milked that way too long. Chad has a rude way of saying things and is totally in love with himself, which would be exhausting to date, let alone be married to. However, the marine getting in his face was kind of stupid. After Chad “stole” some alone time with JoJo, when she got to the mansion, and the marine got in his face, I was actually on Chad’s side. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with Chad waiting out front for JoJo. That was just smart usage of time, in my opinion. I’m not a Chad fan but when he kept interrupting other guys having a conversation with her, I kept thinking ‘this has to be producer influenced’. I like Wells, because I love when people can be self-deprecating and humble. I like Derek, although the interaction between him and JoJo was a tad boring to watch.
Angela Ellingson says
I just couldn’t love you more. Never stop doing your recaps! They make me so happy.
Narci says
OH my goodness. Chad is AWFUL!! The lunch meat, all of it….just no ma’am!
Heather says
Chad is definitely the person we love to hate. He makes for good TV (and probably would fit right in with her brothers), but I don’t want her to end up with him.
I like James Taylor, but I think she will deem him as “too nice” at some point and send him home.
As for the song…I guess they need something to do while they’re in the mansion…at least it’s not pull ups with your suitcase attached or forming a bromance with Daniel, who I am convinced may swing both ways… Time will tell! 🙂
Kathy Lang says
Chad doesn’t need anyone to ‘like’ him. His self-love more than makes us for the disgust the other guys and viewers feel about him. I think his bad attitude might be from a lack of carbs and an OD of protein. The song has got to go, and it really makes me want Jo Jo to go by her full name (Joelle), which I’ve always liked better anyways. I like Chase, Jordan and Luke the most of all that are left.
Laura says
james is a really nice and genuine guy. I thought it was so sad that he called himself not as good-looking as the others because he IS a handsome guy and his beautiful personality makes him even more attractive.
Sanna says
Oh, Sheaffer, your comment about the Amazon commercial with the Golden, pulled on my heartstrings….I so relate. This Memorial Day weekend marked the days two years ago that I lost both my 12 yr old dog and my 15 yr old cat, both in one weekend. Still to this day, I can be completely fine one minute, and then you’ll see a commercial that reminds you of them, and somehow that triggers all the tears again. This is especially true when it’s so recent, as it is in your case. I feel for you, I completely know what that’s like. It will get a bit easier with time, I promise…..
Sheaffer says
It was the saddest and sweetest commercial I have ever seen! Thanks for your kind comment, Sanna! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Brynne says
Definitely not a fan of Chad but know he has to stay on the show to keep it entertaining.
Luke’s hair is quite large. I like him though. I feel he resembles the singer Andy Grammer.
I always look forward to your recaps! They brighten my week!
Jaclyn Lorimer says
I think I love to hate Chad. I would be happy/amazed/confused if he stays another 3-4 weeks but then it will have worn thin & he’ll need to go buh-bye. Plus, you don’t need to necessarily say all the things you love about her in the “faux-posal”–but it would have been nice to hear you tell her what you would do to make her happy! Gosh, Chad! The whole confrontation/West Side Story thing was pretty great though.
Also–Canadian/Chad friendship is cracking me up quite a bit. Daniel clearly just wants Chad to think he’s cool and Chad’s just thanking his stars that there is one person who’s willing to listen to him talk about himself.
Sing-a-longs need to either stop or have some more song-writing sessions and less singing the poorly written song sessions. Lol!
I’m really enjoying this season though! Some good contenders!
Mandy says
Not feeling Chad at ALL!!! Can’t wait to see him go. Who I did fall for a little is Wells. His little geeky cuteness got to me.
As for Derek, am I the only one who thinks he looks like Marcus Grodd? Just google the two and tell me what you think.
Lucy says
I love your recaps!! I did think you were going to include Christian’s bath in your recap though. I was looking forward to your hilarious comments about that! Lol
Chad makes for good tv. I sure hope she takes him home to meet the family. Can’t wait for him to meet her two brothers!
Ashley says
Really great recap! Cleverly written and you nicely recapped the episode. Jojo did look really good in that fire fighter get up. Damn her, she looks good in everything! Chad had me laughing so hard at the rose ceremony with the meat and comments about West Side Story. Can’t wait to see him lose his shit even more as the season goes on. Check out my review here: http://acutelifestyle.blogspot.com/2016/06/blogging-bachelorette-122.html
Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Jill says
James looks identical to Jim from the office. Have you noticed?? I can’t get passed it. Also I’ve seen floating around Facebook how much jojo is the spitting image of Gloria (isla fisher) from wedding crashes.
Anna R. says
“and I tried to mind will Alex into taking the little sword toothpick out of Chad’s mouth and stabbing him in the trachea with it.” That has me dying laughing! I don’t even watch the show and I’m dying over these two recaps. I HAVE to start watching this show!
Angela Pino says
I’m glad someone else appreciated the West Side Story comment, it almost made me like Chad for 1/2 a second…almost.
Annie says
Did I miss the recap for part 2 to the two night ‘most amazing bachelor ever!!’?? I am having serious withdrawal!!!
Sheaffer says
Hi, Annie! I’m so sorry, but I didn’t do the recap of Part 2. On Friday’s post, I let everybody know that I ended up catching my son’s stomach bug, and I just didn’t have it in me to write it. So sorry! 🙁