Okay, if you’ve been reading the blog for awhile now, then you probably know
I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist.
Oh, the stories I could tell!
I really should write a book. The stories would warm your hearts. 🙂
Exact moments where I feel like I made a positive impact in a child’s life and their families lives.
And you know, getting to know the families is such a neat part of the experience,
a part that I never anticipated.
They would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for their kids, and they often do.
I of course have always had a heart for these sweet kids.
And you wouldn’t believe the sacrifices they make.
They are constantly working with and loving on their kids.
They go to bed tired, and they wake up tired (many children with special needs
have a very hard time sleeping).
And they start it all over again the next day.
It’s truly something to witness.
But in addition to all of the sacrifices that are made for the children, in addition to all of the work…
it’s also of extreme importance to note that these precious kids bring their parents and their families SO MUCH JOY!!!
Yes, the kids are blessed by their families.
But in turn the families are also blessed by their kids.
It’s wonderful to see.
They deserve a little celebrating, that’s for sure. 🙂
Are you dying to know the specifics?
Well, I’m dying to tell you!
Who is joining forces with me?
LOFT, that’s who!
Pinch me.
Seriously, somebody pinch me.
Hold tight, and I’ll tell you what’s up for grabs in just a bit.
You must be the mom of a child with special needs, and
you must enter your e-mail address in a blog comment for the rafflecopter below.
By doing this, you will be signing up to receive e-mails from LOFT.
(You will see that there are additional ways to gain entries, but they are not required.)
so they came on board in a BIG way.
Wait for it…..
I’m BEYOND thrilled.
So, how’s this all going to go down?
Well, on Wednesday I will be highlighting lots of my favorite FALL things from LOFT so we can help the special mama that wins get some ideas on how to spend her money!
If you haven’t see the fall line at LOFT, well then you’re missing out.
The winner is going to be totally set with pants, jeans, cords, sweaters, t-shirts, scarves, and jewelry all in gorgeous fall colors and patterns.
And that’s not all!
Pinterest Told Me To is also going to be gifting 3 items to the lucky mama!
The mama will also get:
*a pair of MUST HAVE jeans
*a pair of boots or shoes
*a necklace
I wanted to give everybody a chance to join in on the fun, so
YOU ARE ALL going to get a chance to vote on what specific items
the lucky lady is going to receive from PTMT.
You will decide which pair of jeans, which pair of shoes, and which necklace the mom should get!
I want us all to have a part in blessing this mama!
So, here are your choices………
Every lady needs a great pair of jeans that makes her feel great!
This year I found THE BEST and MOST AFFORDABLE jeans I’ve ever had on my body, and I’m now totally and completely obsessed with this Vigoss brand.
I’m giving you guys 3 jeans to choose from. They all have the perfect amount of stretch in them.
(They have a little give, but they aren’t sagging by the end of the day.)
Any of them would be a great addition to any woman’s closet!
a. clean cuffed jeans HERE
You know these are my absolute favorite jeans right now.
The cuff makes them SO cute with booties and flats! I probably wear these every other day. Okay, not probably. I wear these every other day. 🙂
b. boot cut jeans HERE
These boot cut jeans have great pockets in the back (so important in a jean) and fit just right.
c. black jeans HERE
These black jeans from Vigoss are new, and I am so excited about them! If you like the idea of a black legging, but are scared to death of an actual pair of leggings, these would be perfect.
They would look great paired with cognac boots!
So, we all know that everybody needs a great shoe or boot that’s a GO TO in her closet.
You get 6 different choices for this one!
I LOVE every single one of these pictured above, and they are all under $110.
a) tall brown riding boots HERE
A great cognac riding boot is such a great and versatile item to have in your closet, but it does come in black too. And you know a cognac boot is on my FALL STYLE STAPLES checklist.
b) taupe suede tall wedge boots HERE
This boot is new to Nordstrom, and I think it’s great! You know I love a wedge, and I really like the mushroom color of these (a really great neutral) and the cute buckle detail.
c) taupe wedge TOMS booties HERE
If you read my blog, you know that these are the newest addition to my closet. If you don’t read, check out the fantastic reviews on these babies. I’m going to be wearing them fall, winter, and spring with my Vigoss cuffed jeans as well as skirts and dresses!
d) cognac flats HERE
I love the detailing on these, and you know how I feel about cognac.
I tried these on and they are super comfortable.
e) cognac suede booties HERE
Say it with me!
Leopard is a neutral.
Plus, these have near perfect reviews!
I’ve had this necklace for a little over a year now, and it is hands down the
most worn piece of jewelry I own. It adds just the right amount of “oomph” to any outfit.
I seriously have no idea how I got dressed in the morning before I had it!
Sanibel Pendant HERE
This is the newest Stella and Dot piece that I’ve added to my collection, and it is surprisingly getting as much wear as the Kimberly necklace! It’s reversible (see above), and the length can be adjusted to be a single or a double strand making it super versatile. A good pendant necklace is a great addition to any jewelry collection because it looks great with just about everything.
(If you want to get one of these for yourself, remember to enter “Sheaffer Sims” as your hostess! I love using my credits to buy gifts for future contests!)
So, get to voting ladies!
And don’t forget, this is just the first part of her prize….
Stay tuned for Wednesday where I will highlight loads of my favorite things at LOFT right now!
(I went to LOFT on Friday and on Sunday. That’s how much good stuff there is.
Can’t wait to share the pictures with all of you soon!)
Before you go, I would like to ask for your help.
If you are one of those incredible moms with a precious child with special needs, please enter!
Or if you know a mom that this contest is perfect for, please let her know about this.
If you’re a special education teacher, maybe send a quick e-mail to all of your moms!
Blog about it, tweet about it, put it on facebook.
Do whatever you need to do to get the word out to your circles of friends!
I am praying that whomever wins this is going to be so blessed by it…
so let’s tell as many people as possible!
(It is also my hope that the mama who wins will feel comfortable sharing her story with us!)
The contest ends at midnight on Friday,
and I will announce the winner on facebook Saturday morning.
If you would like to share the contest on your blog, I would of course LOVE that!
Feel free to use the graphic above or this one below by just copying and pasting it into your post!
Also, if you shop at LOFT and you’re a teacher, you need to know about the LOFT
Loves Teachers Program (if you don’t already).
Click HERE if you are a teacher and don’t know
about it.
Lots of great perks, including 15% off of your full price purchase all day every day!
LOFT is having $20 off of all full price jeans and cords HERE!
I LOVE the cords. They are stretchy, flattering, and SO comfy!
Here’s a preview of one of pics for Wednesday!
Click HERE to shop a great selection of items at deeply discounted prices!
Okay, now it’s time to enter!!!!!
Good luck mamas!!!!
AND REMEMBER, YOU MUST LEAVE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IN THE COMMENTS TO ENTER! In fact, even if you’re not entering, leave you e-mail address if you want to be put on the LOFT’s e-mail list. I love getting my sale updates and you will too!
you can follow me on Pinterest HERE
you can find me on twitter at @simsslp
C says
As a special needs momma my heart is over flowing with joy! Thank-you for putting the spot light on our children and how incredibly blessed we are to have them in our lives. I might never get any sleep, but the love of my boy is worth all the dark circles under my eyes (plus, they have creams for that!). – (Mom to G-Aspegers, ADHD & Sensory Processing Disorder).
Mix and Match Mama says
I had so much fun voting!! What a wonderful, wonderful idea! I know a really deserving mama is going to win this. Such a sweet giveaway!
Slightly Askew Designs says
Seriously AWESOME! I can't WAIT to see who the winner is and see all the picks! 🙂
Vesti says
As the mother of a child with special needs (mylomeningocele spina Bifida) AND a speech path, this makes my day!!! My sweet boy has made me a better therapist since before he was born…I can relate to parents in a way I never could before. Thank you!
Vesti says
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
This is such a super sweet idea. It brought tears to my eyes just reading it. The voting was so much fun!
Paula says
Wow! Talk about overwhelming! I am a mommy to 4 children. My second has Angelman Syndrome. Ww are in the throws of learning to communicate effectively!
Thank you!
Paula says
Wow! How incredibly sweet abd awesome! I am a mommy to 4 children. My second child, Carmyn Marie has Angelman Syndrome. Rare genetic disorder. Often misdiagnosed as severe Autism.
You are right, we come last.
Thank you so much!
Mysweetgirlsx2 says
What a wonderful post this is! Only wonderful people that work with special needs children or are parents to these kiddos can appreciate how true your words are! My daughter is a beautiful 10 yr old who has caudal regression & spina bifida, she has changed our whole lives & outlook on life. Be thankful for everyday you have with your family & make everyday count! Thank you for this!
Lisa B says
Wow! What a great contest. Thank you for the chance to win. My email is
Lisa B says
Wow! What a sweet idea! Thanks for the chance to win. My email is
Jen Pogue says
This is the best post I've ever seen, Sheaffer! It's so awesome that you're able to help a special Mom this way! I'll start spreading the word!
Kathy Olson says
Thank you so much for the contest! We have a 21 year old daughter with CP and a 7 year old with special needs. I've never known anyone to do anything like this before!
Krafty-K says
this is amazing! I can't wait to see who wins! Good luck to all the momma's! How fun!
Maria says
This is such a great contest! I am sure whoever wins is going to be thrilled and I can't wait to see what they pick!
jakedawn says
Wow great idea. Thanks. Having a little one with special needs is hard.!
Narci D says
So proud of you, Sheaffer and Loft is awesome! Some beautiful momma is going to be so happy to win!!
jakedawn says
Thanks so much. This is great! Having a lo with special needs and who is medically complex your priorities change. It is great of you to help out the moms too. Jakedawn@
Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam says
This is SO awesome, Sheaffer! Spreading the word right now 🙂
Anonymous says
WOW! Thank you!! My two year son has a rare disorder called Glut1 DS. He is non-mobile and non-verbal at this time, but we are praying for great development in his future. – Sara
Megan says
Thank you so much for this! Since my son was diagnosed with Down syndrome I have been overwhelmed with kindness from people.
aprilparrish says
What an amazing idea!!!! I just want to give you a big hug!!!! What a great way to give back for something that is near & dear to your heart. Will be praying that one extra special Mama will walk away winning these awesome gifts!!! Have a blessed day!!!
Anonymous says
How exciting. As a special needs mom, what a great little pick me up this would be!
Nicki says
This is exactly why I love the blog world so much. Not just for all the fun style tips, but to be used to bless someone else. This is an awesome contest and I can't wait to see who wins!
Anonymous says
What a very sweet thing you are doing! Thank you for working as a therapist with children with special needs! I am blessed to be the mother of an incredibly sweet and feisty six year old little girl who has cerebral palsy, hearing loss with auditory neuropathy, and some vision loss! Praying for blessings to come your way! Christy
Becky Norton says
Wow, what an awesome idea! My friend has 9 year old TRIPLETS. Two of the three are autistic and she pays thousands of dollars to get the therapy they need daily. She is an amazing mother whom I look up too. She is an advocate for her kids and they are so very lucky to call her mom. She is a preschool teacher and is exhausted all the time. I would just love for my friend Lee to win. My email is:
Anonymous says
Such a fun giveAway! I never enter these things but I am a proud mommy to a sweet little boy born with spina bifida. He is such a blessing!
SavannahsSmiles says
Awesome giveaway and gift to a mama who gives and gives. My awesome friend Abby is so deserving!
SavannahsSmiles says
My awesome friend Abby is so deserving!
Charla Liedahl says
I love this! My oldest son has autism and we LOVE AND DEPEND on therapists like you! Thank you for choosing such a selfless profession! He turns 7 on Wednesday and if I were lucky enough to win this gift card and / or prizes, I'd buy an item or two for myself and then spoil some of his wonderful therapists too! Thank you, Sheaffer, from the bottom of my heart!
Charla Liedahl says
I love this! My oldest son has autism and we LOVE AND DEPEND on therapists like you! Thank you for choosing such a selfless profession! He turns 7 on Wednesday and if I were lucky enough to win this gift card and / or prizes, I'd buy an item or two for myself and then spoil some of his wonderful therapists too! Thank you, Sheaffer, from the bottom of my heart!
Shawna Hodges says
Aw, this is so sweet of you! I wish you were closer as my 5 year old with DS is non-verbal and needs so much speech therapy! I would love for you to share my website- I started a non-profit for kids with special needs and its 100% FREE!! I do petsitting and farm birthday parties with a petting zoo, train etc to help earn the money to keep the non-profit going for these special kiddos! The site is and my email is
Kim Kauffman says
You are awesome sheaffer! What a wonderful thing to do for someone. I can't wait to see who wins and what they pick out!!
Jill says
I am the mom of an awesome son with special needs. We adopted him as a baby and he is now 14. He is a challenge – but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Jill (
Shawna Hodges says
Please excuse me if I added two comments but I don't see mine, so trying again- oops!! This is such an awesome giveaway and to choose a mom who has a child with a disability is even more special! Thanks for doing this (and all you do in your daily job too!!). Our youngest has DS and is non-verbal so people like you are such blessings in our life! My email is or I would love for you to share our non-profit info as we do it a zero cost to those who come. I raise the money by doing pet-sitting and farm birthday parties etc. Thanks Sheaffer!
Katie Ault says
My heart is touched……thank you so much!
Kristy says
I think this is the best and sweetest giveaway on any blog I've ever seen – like ever. Great idea and super special to a very deserving mommy!
Katie Ault says
My heart is touched…..thank you so much.
Kaylee says
This is so sweet of you! I have a special place in my heart for Speech/Language Pathologists as so many have helped my daughter overcome so much. My daughter is 15 months old, has a tracheostomy and was born with various other problems. Thankyou for the awesome giveaway!
Kaylee says
Oh and I forgot my email!
Danielle says
This is the sweetest giveaway ever! I currently teach dance classes to children and adults with special needs and it is my absolute favorite class to teach. These children, adults, and their families always hold a very special place in my heart.
Julie Heath says
What an amazing giveaway!! So happy we get to vote and make this so special for the lucky winner 🙂 Awesome job Sheaffer!
Sabrina says
This is SO awesome!!! I can't wait to see who the winner is & what items win the most votes!! Thanks for sharing your heart with us Sheaffer, I know that your clients are blessed to have you as their therapist 🙂
P.S. — I totally bought the CAMO pants from Gap yesterday— 35% off if you use your card…SCORE! (totally off subject, but I had to tell you, haha!)
Renee I says
Such a touching job you have. God Bless yoU!!!
Do you have an email? I'd love to email you. Thanks kindly.
Anonymous says
Great idea. I have 3 small boys, and our 3rd one who is 8 months old has down syndrome and I work full time! So not much time for me, but oh so worth it 🙂
Amie says
So if I understand this correctly we aren't able to submit a name of someone we know that has a special needs child, they have to enter themselves? Just wanted to make sure because I have a co-worker who really deserves this.
Anonymous says
As a mother of a severe non verbal Autistic son and 8 months pregnant with my 3rd boy, I am one crazy busy momma! This is very exciting to have an opportunity to treat myself!!!
Julie Olesen says
Wow…this is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I have a three year old son who was recently diagnosed with autism. He is non-verbal and received speech and ABA therapy in our home. I am floored with the patience of the therapists that work with him. They have no biological claim or bond to my son yet they give him unconditional love and support. Today is his first day of special ed. pre-school….I am already crying as I type this! I'm going to be a mess when I drop my baby off!
MorganizewithMe says
This is such an amazing gift, I love that you are doing this for these special mommas. Bless you!
Susan Smith says
This has to be the most awesome blog post EVER! What a fabulous idea! As a school psychologist, I see first-hand the patience and dedication of so many parents of special needs children and the self-sacrifice they willingly make for their kids. Passing this along to some deserving moms! Can't wait to hear who wins!
Jennifer says
Entered my email, but forgot to comment! Thank you for doing this! You rock… – Mama to an awesome kid with Asd.
Anonymous says
Thanks so much for doing this! My daughter is an amazing gift! I'm so blessed and humbled that God chose me to be her mommy!
Missy –
Shantel H. says
Love this contest idea….. I'm a mommy to two precious boys, both with autism (14 yrs old and 9 yrs old). Blessings to all you amazing mama's…. thrilled for whoever wins the contest 🙂
Anonymous says
You are absolutely amazing!! What a wonderful gift it would be for any of the mothers out there with a special needs child. I have a four year old daughter with Autism. What a blessing she is in our family. Everyday brings on new adventures but we are so grateful there are people who are willing to help us teach her and give her the therapy that she deserves and needs. Thanks again!!
The Dietzen's says
This is so beautiful!! I am a mama to 2 boys with Joubert Syndrome. My 3 year old was diagnosed when he was seven months old and my 11 month old was diagnosed 3 weeks ago. We are still processing our youngest diagnosis and trying to manage school, therapies, apps, etc. it's so physically demanding since neither can walk, but I love my boys more than anything! You can read about our journey here and my email is
Jill says
My name is Jill Sapp and I am mama to 3, my oldest (Andrew, 8 years old) having severe autism and severe language delay. I am blessed by your post, contest and heart for us tired mamas!
The Dietzen's says
Wow this is beautiful! I have two sons with Joubert Syndrome. My 3 year old was diagnosed when he was 7 months old and my 11 month old was diagnosed just a few weeks ago so we are still processing that diagnosis. You can read our journey here and my email is
Haley says
My son has apraxia and a developmental delay. On behalf of other speech parents, thank you for your job. You are a huge blessing to my family along with other therapists. Thank you for this contest & God Bless you & all the other parents of special needs children.
Elaine~ Honey Pie Accessories says
I love, love, love this idea!!! I'm sending it to one of my dear friends whom I met when I was her sons SLP. She and her husband joke that b/c of her son, they gained a friend! You're so right, our job is so rewarding; not a day goes by that I don't regret my career path!
Mallory says
I love this so much! I am a pediatric occupational therapist and teach a ballet class for children with special needs, so I too see first hand the sacrifices these parents make and it is incredible. I shared the link on our facebook ballet page and sent an email with the link to all of my ballet moms. I know they will be thrilled! Here is the link to our ballet page if you want to see some precious ballerinas…
Also- I think I'm going to have to start a blog called Pinterest Told Me To Told Me To 🙂 But I'm loving all of my new wardrobe pieces!
mel @ the larson lingo says
This is SO awesome!!!! You rock!!! Loved voting. So fun!
KR says
This is so awesome! Thank you! I am a Momma to a precious 2 year old little girl with Down syndrome who was made perfectly by God. I would love to win this!!!!
KR says
This is so awesome! I would love to win! (I am the blessed Momma of a 2 yr old little girl with Down syndrome who I believe was perfectly made by God).
Stephanie Jennings says
Wow! What a great giveaway! Out of my 4 kids, 3 have "special" needs. They have a speech delay, for which they work with wonderful therapists. The same 3 kids have severe, life-threatening food allergies, which are terrifying. The allergies are often over-looked by most people, because they are "invisible" to the eye. Invisible, but potentially fatal. I try to educate every chance I get. Thanks for the opportunity.
Jessica says
Thank you for this amazing post! You are so sweet. I am a mother of two boys. My youngest wasn't supposed to live past two and we just celebrated his fourth birthday! He is non verbal and wheelchair bound (he has spastic paraplegia cerebral palsy and mitochondrial disease). This little boy has blessed me and brought me more joy than words can express and I am so thankful for him. I don't know what I would do without his incredible therapists. They are like our family. Thank you for doing what you do and loving these special kiddos of ours!
Jessica says
Thank you for this amazing post! You are so sweet. I am a mother of two boys. My youngest wasn't supposed to live past two and we just celebrated his fourth birthday! He is non verbal and wheelchair bound (he has spastic paraplegia cerebral palsy and mitochondrial disease). This little boy has blessed me and brought me more joy than words can express and I am so thankful for him. I don't know what I would do without his incredible therapists. They are like our family. Thank you for doing what you do and loving these special kiddos of ours!
Jessica says
Thank you for this amazing post! You are so sweet. I am a mother of two boys. My youngest wasn't supposed to live past two and we just celebrated his fourth birthday! He is non verbal and wheelchair bound (he has spastic paraplegia cerebral palsy and mitochondrial disease). This little boy has blessed me and brought me more joy than words can express and I am so thankful for him. I don't know what I would do without his incredible therapists. They are like our family. Thank you for doing what you do and loving these special kiddos of ours!
Cindy says
What a great idea, thank you for your heart for special needs kiddos AND their families. I have one special needs son who gets speech therapy and I have another girl on the way (through adoption) with some special needs.
Dinah Cicenas says
Best blog contest ever.
Dinah Cicenas says
Best blog contest ever.
Cindy says
Thanks for your heart for special needs kiddos AND their families! I have a son with special needs who receives speech therapy and a daughter with special needs on the way (through adoption).
kteacher22 says
I am crying…and lauging! My son is 5 and has a dual dx of Ds & autism. I completely didn't expect to read something so beautiful this morning! What a sweet tribute to the mamas (and the sweet babies!) that you know. I also laughed out loud when I wondered what my little man might think of my wardrobe-HA! Who knows! XO
Anonymous says
How wonderful! I have a six year old son with spina bifida who has a trach, vent and g tube along with short bowel syndrome. (And two other typical little boys, 3 and seven months.) Your post is so kind and speaks the truth about this life. Thanks for the chance to enter! – Johnna Hensley
Melody Lietzau says
This is pretty incredible. I have two special needs children. Our oldest is on Transplant list awaiting a heart, and our youngest adopted from china has major heart defect requiring many surgeries. It is a hard road that requires many sleepless nights and Many Doctors, and specialist appointments. You are so right when you said what a blessing these little ones are and I wouldn't trade this hard road for anything. Thanks for al you are doing Shaeffer.
Andi Sligh says
This contest makes me want to cry. I never enter things like this because I never feel like I'll be that lucky, but I'm making an exception this time. I'm a special needs mom – twice. I have a 10 yo daughter with cerebral palsy and a 3 yo son with Down syndrome. He is in twice weekly speech therapy and she is in once weekly physical therapy and I DESPERATELY need some new clothes but I just can't justify them with a 20% copay, max 30 visits, and a $300 deductible for each child. AND LOFT IS MY FAVE STORE!!!! I don't shop there much, but I do go in and touch things and smile and make a wish list often.
I know my odds aren't good, but I'm so thrilled to see that someone will benefit and be recognized. All moms tend to put their children's needs first, but I do think that we SN moms take it to the extreme sometimes.
I'm already on LOFT's email list, so no need to add me again. 🙂
Lisa says
What a great contest! My special needs son has touched the lives of so many. Thank you for doing this, us Special Momma's can appreciate how true your words are.
Melody Lietzau says
Oh No!! I forgot to add my email
Anonymous says
LOVE this idea!!!
Andi Sligh says
I should probably have mentioned that I have a blog about my kiddos: Bringing the Sunshine ( There are almost no pics of me because I dress so abominably!
Angela Ellingson says
Such a brilliant, generous idea! I sent the link to my friend. I hope she enters. She is more deserving than anyone I know. She has twins with very special needs.
Anonymous says
what a great contest! I voted! Can't wait to read about the winner….such a thoughtful contest…you are the best! I already get the LOFT emails….just bought those cords this weekend at the 40% off sale! can't wait to wear them.
Jan Fisher
Allison Fletcher says
This is so great! I am mom to a special needs 10 year old named Grace. Thanks for this opportunity:) my email is
Stephanie Cozine says
This is so exciting! 🙂 Thank you for thinking of us "Special Momma's". My baby girl has Trisomy 9 Mosaic. A very rare chromosomal abnormality. here is my email address:
Allison Fletcher says
This is so great! I am mom to a special needs 10 year old named GrAce. My email is
Liz/happymommy says
oh Sheaffer, this is the best and sweetest and I am so excited for the lucky mama that wins! Just reading through the comments off all the mamas of special needs children, well I just want to give them all a virtual hug because what they do on a daily basis is heart warming and inspiring. I have 2 beautiful girls and I have not had to experience anything like that but I have friends that have children with special needs and I believe they are angels here in earth to care for these beautiful children. Thanks for doing this…. love it!!
Melissa says
What an amazing, bless-filled opportunity! Thank you!
Abby says
I'm a new mama to a beautiful daughter who spent 8 weeks in the NICU. It may not be how I planned it but being a mommy is the best!
Melissa Humphreys says
Thank you so very much for jumpstarting this WIONDERFUL giveaway!! I have a 5 year old with Childhood Apraxia of Speech- a true blessing from God.
Michele Wyner says
Wow – this is truly such a wonderful gift you're giving to one lucky lady! My daughter, Joy, is 8 months old and has Down Syndrome. A sweet friend referred me to this blog post and the gift you're giving to one lucky lady. While I ADORE the Loft and actually feel honored just to be among so many amazing moms (and teachers) of kids with special needs, I kindly ask that you don't pick me. Reading these comments there are other moms that deserve this make over WAY more.
Just wanted to say thank you for loving on us so well, and for recognizing the hoops we jump through for these little ones.
Sincere thanks to all of the therapists and teachers that come along side us – I really think they could use some special love and recognition as well!
Tab & Erika says
I'm so excited about the lucky mama who's gonna win this!! This is such a sweet way to give some special mamas love. I love this!!!
Leslie says
I think it is so wonderful that you are doing this! I have an eight year old daughter with Apraxia of Speech. She started therapy when she was 22 months old, and they weren't sure she would be talking by kindergarten. Well, trust me – she talks! We are so thankful for the wonderful therapists that God has sent us, and happy that our little girl is doing so well.
Anonymous says
Let me hop off the emotional roller coaster real quick. 😉 Thankful for YOU! I always say that while grief comes to our house for an occasional visit, hope NEVER EVER leaves! Thanks for helping families keep hope alive…and for doing it with style! =)
Candace R–Mom of two precious treasures (5YO son with autism and a NT 3 1/2YO) candace dot a dot russell at hotmail dot com.
Constance Estrada says
I have a 10 year old son with Mosaic Trisomy 9 and speech apraxia. Being a special needs Mom is a blessing but also a lot of work. Winning this contest will be a special day in any Momma's life!
Kristi Wiant says
Thank you so much for the opportunity to possibly win a makeover. I am a mother of three, one of which has a genetic disorder. Carson is missing bones, fingers, cannot walk or talk, and is 12 years old, but mentally like a 1 year old. He is such a blessing to our family! I cannot imagine life without him.
Tracy says
Sheaffer, thank you so much for doing this!
Constance Estrada says
I am Mom to a 10 year old son with Mosaic Trisomy 9 and Speech Apraxia. I am blessed to be a special needs Mommy but it does take a lot of patience. This is a wonderful gift to any special needs Momma!
Stacie Steward says
Love Loft!! (I can never bring myself to spend money on ME, but love it nonetheless;) I have a sweet, funny, smart, compassionate little 5 year old lady that has Cerebral Palsy and is the light of our life. She is a big sister and the best daughter I could have ever asked God to bless us with. Love this giveaway, Mom's don't get the credit they deserve most of the time especially dealing with our special ones!!!
Jen H. says
Thanks for being a blessing to us special-needs moms! I love my sweet boy and my life is more full with him in it… 🙂
hc says
What a great contest!
Erin and Josh says
Such a fabulous idea! Love that you use this platform to bless other mamas!
Stacie Steward says I am a Mom to a sweet, compassionate, funny and vibrant 5 year old little lady with Cerebral Palsy. She has brought us more than then we could ever imagine, at times it's overwhelming but mostly she teaches us more about life than we could have learned on our own. It's amazing how they open our eyes and mostly our hearts. Thanks so much for your sweet heart and your desire to want to give something to the Mom's who are indeed SO special!
Blessings to you as you continue to bless others!
Anne Taylor says
Hello! I am the proud mama to a very special three year old little girl name Addie. Addie was diagnosed with a rare, complex, and devastating genetic disorder called Prader-Willi syndrome when she was just 7 weeks old. Everyday since the diagnosis has been an uphill battle, but in a war we are determined to win! I did not choose this for my daughter, but I choose her, over and over, a million times, the answer will never change, I choose Addie. We face the challenges together and accept every milestone as a huge victory. We find joy in the slightest progress and celebrate in the hope for tomorrow. Thank you for taking a moment to read this and thank you so much for this opportunity. Here's to all the special needs moms out there!
jenbrown319 says
What an awesome way to celebrate us moms with special needs kids!! I'd love to be entered:
kteacher22 says
I am laughing and crying at the same time! My middle guy has a dual dx of Ds and autism. I wonder what he thinks of his mama's fashion sense 🙂 THANK YOU for using your platform to share unconditional love for all kids. When I checked your blog this afternoon, I didn't expect such a beautiful tribute to the families you've worked with! Hugs for being so sweet and for helping all of your moms and babies. XO
kteacher22 says
I forgot! My email
The Tristan Family says
Thanks so much for doing this! My email is
Pudgy Pencils says
Thank you on behalf of my two little men, one of whom is deaf -blind with multiple other disabilities, for having a contest that honors special needs moms–even though only one will win, all of us are blessed by the "shout out" in this blog! Thanks again! 🙂 Please enter my email address into the contest.
Andrea says
I am a special needs mama of a little girl with Fragile X Syndrome. Such a wonderful contest! My email is
Momofgirls says
This is so unbelievable! HOW NICE to know that someone understands the JOY and the exhaustion of having a child with special needs! I entered the contest, but I honestly don't even care if I don't win! WHAT A BLESSING to see (and hear the story) of the winner! You are so precious to do this! I have often thought that parents, and teachers of kids with special needs do deserve a little recognition. My middle daughter is my special needs one, and I am so humbled that her older sister is a senior in college studying to be a Special Ed teacher! 🙂 Cannot wait to see who wins and see all her cute clothes! SO MUCH FUN!! THANK YOU!!!!
Momofgirls says
I am the Mama of a 15 year old girl who became brain injured at 8 months old. She had a virus attack her heart, causing it to fail. She is the light of our lives!
What a BLESSING this post was to me…I did enter the contest, but I don't even care if I am not the winner!! I am sooooo looking forward to hearing the stories of the other Mamas and feeling a part of a community!! Yipppeeee!! We are NOT ALONE!!
You are so sweet to even THINK about Moms who have it just a bit harder than others! It's just so nice to know that someone "gets it"! You are always a bright spot in my day, but today~ you are my hero! Thank you!!
Momofgirls says
I forgot my email too….
Kelly Carroll says
This is such a fantastic idea!! My daughter has severe verbal Apraxia, and just like you said she cannot say "Mom you need a style update!!"
Anonymous says
Hi Sheaffer, this is such a wonderful idea. Thank you for thinking of us moms with kids with special needs. Nobody can understand how hard it is unless you have experienced it yourself, so we are a special group of mamas! My 6 year old son has sensory processing disorder and most likely this is co-mingled with ADHD, we are working with a behavioral specialist and an occupational therapist – they are life savers as I'm sure you are to the families you work with. Anyways, thanks again for this opportunity!
V @ X-tremely V says
What an amazing idea Sheaffer!
playthedayaway says
Ok I said a lot of really nice things about you doing this and my browser keeps deleting it. Maybe it's a sign I need to be more sassy? 🙂 Thank you so very much for this opportunity. I could totally use a make over! I'm a mom to 4 kiddos, one with nonverbal autism. Love all my kids, but he is my heart walking around outside my body. So excited to see who wins this fun giveaway…all are deserving. Thank you so much!
Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} says
Sheaffer this is so wonderful! It really made me tear up reading all the thought and love you put into this. Moms of special needs kids are the unsung heros of their families. They do so much. I'm planning on starting my post today (better late than never right?) with this and I know a few moms of special needs children that read my blog so I hope they come over and enter!
The Jacobs Family says
So excited for this wonderful contest! And a big THANK YOU for working with our special children. I am the mother to 5 year old Sadie who was born with CP, hypotonia and left eye strabismus. I feel truly blessed to be her mommy and celebrate (along with her team of therapists, educators, and medical team) every milestone. Big hugs to all of the "special" moms out there!
Anonymous says
I would love to win this! And be so happy to share our story. In fact, I just shared a talk about it this morning for the moms group at our church. And I'm not a public speaker! God totally used me. And you are so definitely right about us moms not have the time or money to shop for new clothes. I keep thinking some day! Btw, I also live in McKinney! And my friend who lives in Kansas told me about your blog today. – Tracie E
The Jacobs Family says
How exciting!
Mom to Sadie, diagnosed with CP, hypotonia and left eye strabismus.
Big hugs to all the special moms out there!
Candice Burnell says
I am a mom to a sweet almost 3 year old girl named Huntleigh. She has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy but they don't hold her back! She inspires me daily with her joy ans strength. Thank you for spotlighting special needs families!
Lindy says
What a brilliant idea! Thanks for thinking of us!
Mandi says
What a thoughtful giveaway! My little girl has Apraxia and other delays on top of that. This momma didn't hear the word mommy until my beautiful little girl was 3 1/2 and didn't hear "love you" until she was 4. She is 6 now (and is still so far behind but making slow and steady progress) and the light of our lives (along with her sister) but to see her struggle and have such a hard time "getting" things that come so easily to others (her 3yo sister included) easy breaks this momma's heart. Thank you for highlighting special needs families. So so great!
Mandi says
Ooops. Didn't put my email
Libby Barrett says
Well this post made my day. Thank you so much for recognizing the hard work all these parents do. My husband and myself have three kids 4 years old and under with special needs.
Our oldest was our foster son for 2 years and now we call him our forever son. He came to us with a apnea monitor, oxygen tank, heart monitor, severe sensory processing disorder and detoxing from meth and cocaine.
Our second little girl is also adopted and is delayed in speech. And our littlest and only biological child has severe life threatening food allergies. It is a challenge every day but the Lord gives me the strength to advocate and cheer on each of my children. Thank you again for doing something so nice. My email is:
tales of dillonhood says
i'm the very lucky momma to the sweetest 5 year old autistic boy. he is an amazing little man that everyone falls in love with once they meet him. and even though he is non verbal he has so much to say in many other ways…we love him to pieces 🙂
thank you for this awesome giveaway…i wish everyone the best of luck!!
tales of dillonhood says
what an amazing giveaway!! i wish all the mommas out there luck!!!
i am the very lucky momma to the sweetest 5 year old autistic boy. he is the most amazing little man & everyone that meets him falls in love with him. and even though he is non verbal he shows us in other ways just what a smart little guy he is….we just love him to pieces!
tales of dillonhood says
i forgot to include my email! it's
thank you!!
Meghan & Josh Reid says
Love this idea! Moms of special needs children never get enough recognition!
TrishCF says
Thank you Sheaffer for your thoughtful giveaway! I am the mom to three wonderful children. My youngest Jack, is autistic and his laugh and smile can light up a room. His behavior is very unpredictable at times and we are constantly on guard for things that can set off his sensitivities or make him bolt away. He has had speech, physical and occupational therapy for most of his life and must wear leg braces because he has severe sensory issues. He struggles with ideas and concepts that come easily for most people, but he also has an incredible memory, sense of direction and a knack for numbers. Having a child with a disability is very hard at times and as I like to say, "It isn't for sissies!". I never thought I was a patient person, but Jack has taught me that life doesn't need to be perfect to be wonderful and each step is a cause for celebration. And when I get a hug from him, it is all worth it!
Kim says
I would love this! I am a mom to a special needs little girl with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome. My email is
Kim says
I love this contest! I am a mom to a special needs little girl with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome. My email is
Sarah says
What an awesome contest! I am a mom to 5 boys, 2 of which who were born deaf. They both have cochlear implants. My email is
Karen M says
Love this idea! My son Stephen is 11 years old and has an autism spectrum disorder. Sheaffer was his first speech pathologist in McKinney ISD and was one of the first to hear him sing and speak! Please enter me in the contest! Thank you!
Abby says
I am a new mom to a beautiful 2 and a half month old little girl. We spent 8 weeks in the NICU and are finally home. We have a long road ahead and it may not be the way I had planned, but I wouldn't change anything. Being a mom is the best!
Abby says
I am a brand new mom to a 2 and a half month old little girl! We spent 8 weeks in the NICU and are finally home. Although we have a long road ahead, and it may not have been the way I planned, I wouldn't change it for anything. Being a mom is the best!
Josha says
I'm mom to 3 terrific, unique people, one is uniquely autistic.
Anonymous says
Fingers crossed!
Sybil@PeaceitallTogether says
What am amazing idea!
Shara says
I have a 17 year-old son with Autism who is a blessing to everyone he comes in contact with. What a blessing! Thank you!
jenn says
I am a mom to 3 wonderful kids. My 3 year old has autism, a sleep disorder, and speech delay.
Work it Mommy says
You are such a sweetie! Such deserving moms, for sure! And now I'll know who to ask questions about speech when Im in need with my preschool students :))
Susan M. says
Momma Bear here to an 18 year old son who has been through years and years of speech therapy ( private and through his school) and OT & " out of the box " therapies – potions and hoaxes. My son was first diagnosed with apraxia of speech at 3- did not speak until he was close to 6, later diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome @ 9 – thought to be PPD-NOS also at 9, but now that he has matured his " label" changed to Asperger's Syndrome after some recent testing. My son is a just a sweet soul, with a quick laugh – quick wit & just a touch of rebellion 😉 . He's been through a lot – accomplished a lot – still has a tall mountain in the horizon ahead of him to climb as he maneuvers and figures his way through young adulthood and beyond. I have always said " If I could have one wish ( besides wishing for his disabilities to go away) It would be to be in my son's head and world for just a day. That would be an incredible day that I could truly understand how he sees and understands the world we share and live in .
The Burgin Bunch says
Thanks for thinking of us moms of kids with special needs. My daughter is 4 and is blind, has hydrocephalus, a rare chromosomal abnormality, and many delays. She is is funny, sweet, beautiful, and totally beloved by all who meet her.
Katie Rose M. says
My eyes were filled with tears reading this ever so lovely post and dreaming a little! Thank you for saying it so honestly. I am a mom to a beautiful 4 year old girl who has Cerebral Palsy and Autism. Honored and excited to enter this contest!!
Katie Rose M. says
My eyes were filled with tears as I read your beautiful post and dreamed a little! Thanks for being so very honest and for "getting it", that life does have it's hard moments, but it's graced with these wonderful heaven-gazing, eternal moments as well! I am a Mom to a daughter with Cerebral Palsy and Autism and I am honored to enter your sweepstakes!!
Lisa T. says
I'm not a special needs mom but I am a special needs teacher and this is wonderful! Thank you for doing this, Sheaffer. I too love Loft and now I love them even more. Bless you for making this happen!
Anonymous says
I am a mom to a loving 7 year old boy with ASD. Some days can be more challenging than others but it's people like you who truly make a difference each and everyday. THANK YOU!!!
Andrea says
Thank you for recognizing special moms! My daughter was born with a severe heart defect, has endured cath, open heart surgery, countless hours of it, pt, st, stroke, seizure!! Thank you for this opportunity!
Andrea says
Thank you for recognizing special moms! My daughter was born with a severe heart defect, has endured heart caths, open hear surgery, feeding tube, countless hours of OT, pt, st but she us doing well! Thank you for the opportunity!
Alyshia says
I am mother to two special needs children my three year old son Ayden has been through Ties (Tennessee early intervention specialist) which was a God send for us he has a heart condition called wpw and was behind in his communication skills but has made awesome strides with the help of our language and communications specialist. My youngest son Micah has a cleft palate and at two can only say momma , but with signs he is able to let me know what he needs and after his surgery we are hoping for even more improvement. Being a single mom to three kids is a hard job as it is, thank you for acknowledging us!
Beth says
I am so enjoying reading the comments from the other moms of special needs children. It reminds me that I am not alone, on a journey that can feel so lonely. I am a mom of a beautiful 7 year old son with autism.
Marcy and Rick Comnick says
Be aware. I sure do love awareness! The more that the general public is aware and educated that there are children (and adults) with "extra needs" everywhere, the more it makes my heart smile.
I'm a mom to a 13 year old legally blind, AD/HD, Aspergers boy. He will drive me batty and overwhelm me with pride and joy on the same day many times. Parents, caregivers, friends & educators that love special needs individuals are heroes to me. They all have a special place in their heart and it fills my heart!!
Marcy and Rick Comnick says
Be aware. Raising awareness for individuals with "extra needs" tickles me to no end!
I am a mom to a 13 year old legally blind, AD/HD, Aspergers boy. He can drive me insane and make me the happiest mom on the very same day. Parents, caregivers, friends and educators that love our kiddos are Heroes to me. They are truly amazing and special people to have a place in their heart to care for them. Y'all ROCK!!
Amy Kleis says
Sniff Sniff, so awesome that you're doing this! You are soo amazing for what you do and what you accomplish with Kids. You're my HERO from taking my babbling non verbal to signing thousands of words, even words I don't know and getting sounds out of him, nothing better than tears of joy from hard work done!!!!
Amy Kleis says
Sniff Sniff, what a wonderful thing you're doing!!! You're such an amazing person for all you do for our kids and now this, WOW!
Carrie Miller says
I'm mama to a sweet 3 year old boy recently diagnosed with Autism. He is my world, my oldest, he made me a mother. I look at his diagnosis not as a bad thing, but a blessing. I know it has and will continue to teach me to be a better mother. I'm more patient and much more understanding of others. My husband recently quit his full-time job to be able to take our son to his weekly therapies while I support the family on my income. Thank you so much for recognizing us mamas, but don't forget about the dads too! 🙂
aprilparrish says
I just had to return to your blog tonight to read all the wonderful comments from your readers!!! It's so heart warming to read all the comments especially from the moms of special needs children. Love what you are doing Sheaffer!!!!
Kelly says
Just reading your description is making me tear up. My son is on the autism spectrum. As the parent you feel bad complaining and thinking it's harder than typical kids. But at the same time, the unpredictability, the meltdowns, the inability to communicate, and the always having to be ready can be overwhelming. Plus the therapies, testings, and appointments. Thank you for at the very least helping to affirm all of us out there. 🙂 I'd love to win a makeover!
Heather says
I don't know why a contest to win new clothes made me cry, I feel kind of lame but what an amazing gift! I have a 10yo son with Autism. The daily (and nightly) struggles that come with a child with special needs can be exhausting and expensive. I know I walk into my IEP meetings looking like a total scrounge but the clothes I have are all I got. Thank you for seeing what parents of special needs kiddos go through it was nice to read that you truly recognize that insurance rarely covers the services we desperately need and for that we really don't have the extra money to go to ourselves. Bless you:)
Melody says
Hi, wow. This is so neat that you are doing this. It's people like you who make the world a better place. I've had a few amazing gals in my life like you that have helped hold my hand in the beginning years of navigating life as a mother to a child with special needs. God bless you!
Anonymous says
Mom to a 1p36 deletion baby with a heart condition.
The Patrick family says
I am a momma to a special needs daughter, whom we adopted internationally. She had a cleft lip, cleft palate, and is deaf in one ear. She spends endless hours with her speech therapists, and still has a smile on her face and a jump in her step. She loves life, even though most around her have a hard time understanding her. I want to THANK YOU, speech therapist, for helping our kiddos express what is hiding in their sweet hearts!!
Carpool Mama says
Thank you for this opportunity! I am the mom to a handsome 15 year old boy with Down Syndrome and Autism. He is non-verbal, but has made several strides in augmentative communication thanks to our wonderful therapists!
The Patrick family says
I am a momma to a 5 year old special needs daughter, whom we adopted internationally. She had a cleft lip, cleft palate and is deaf in one ear. After only 3 years home with us, she has endured many surgeries, procedures and appointments. She has spent countless hours with her speech therapists and yet she still has a smile on her face and a jump in her step- even though most of the people don't understand a word she says. I just want to say THANK YOU, speech therapists, who do their best to help our kiddos verbally (or with signs) express the words that are hiding in their hearts!!
Kim says
Shaeffer!! This is so amazing. I'm a mom to a 9 year old daughter with Autism. I'm one of those go to bed tired, wake up tired kind of moms. This contest is so wonderful. I will pass on to my special needs mom's group. Every single one of them deserve it! 🙂
Anonymous says
My name is Lisa, I am the proud mom to a 15 year old boy with Down Syndrome and Autism. Thank you for the work you do, and for this wonderful contest!
mspapier papier says
this just overwhelms my soul! as a single mom of a 7 yr old special needs son I often put aside my own needs. he is my world. what a blessing this contest is to all the special needs mommies!
alicia says
What an amazing idea!! I'm mom to a fantastic 14 year old son with autism (and 2 other boys) who we were blessed to bring home from Russia 14 years ago. I love our time spent homeschooling and know our lives have been impacted in amazing ways because of him and he is a light to all who know him. Thank you for shining a light on all those amazing momma's to special needs kids!
Carrington Clan says
Thank you so much for thinking of us "special mommies." Sometimes it can be so isolating so it is so nice when someone reaches out in kindness. My email is I am the proud mommy to Cooper who is 3 and has PDD.
mspapier papier says
what a wonderful idea! I'm a single mommy of a 7 yr old with special needs. he his medically complicated with autism being one of his 7 diagnosis. life is a never a dull moment and I dedicate everything I have to my Lil guy. what a blessing this contest is to all special needs mommies! I'd love to be entered…
Kimber says
Thank you for offering such a great giveaway!
Kimber says
Thank you for such a great giveaway!!
Becca King says
What an amazing and kind thing for you to do! My email is
Dr. Summer says
I am so excited for this contest. I am a mom to an 8 year old daughter with cerebral palsy.
Susan says
Thank you for such a precious blessing.
Anonymous says
This is such a great idea! I have a friend that is totally deserving, but I doubt she has time to read blogs, even an amazing one like yours 🙂 If you ever have a round where readers can nominate a deserving woman, I'd definitely be putting her name in the hat!
Jessica Leminger says
Thanks so much for this shout-out to support the parents! We definitely need the help of all the professionals too! My email is
Lauren says
What a sweet idea! We just began our journey having a child with special needs 18 months ago. It has changed me in ways that I never would've imagined and I am blessed beyond measure by my precious boy who has Down Syndrome. My email address is For anyone who's interested, I also write tidbits about our life with him at Thanks for offering this amazing gift!
Gwen S says
Thanks so much for this! I have three kids, one with ADD, one with food allergies, and one with Down syndrome. They all bless my life incredibly!
Carol Swindall says
Thanks for your support! I have a 13 year old with cerebral palsy who is non verbal and non ambulatory. We think he's awesome:)
Anonymous says
Hi! I'm a proud momma of two boys. My oldest son has autism. I would love to win. Thanks for doing this giveaway.
rita lavender
Warren G says
What a fun giveaway! I don't see too many like this one. 🙂 And pretty colors!
Michelle says
What a fun giveaway! And such pretty clothes!
Michelle says
What a fun giveaway! And such pretty clothes! I love LOFT because they have petites! 🙂
The Harris Family says
I'm the mom of two special daughters with a genetic disorder called PKAN. Our youngest died from it in 2012 and out oldest will turn 11 in December. -Mandy Harris
Shantel H. says
I have 2 sweet boys with autism (14 and 9) 🙂 Love this contest idea!
Danielle Duhon says
What an amazing thing you are doing Sheaffer!!! Bless you. We have 3 gorgeous girls. Our oldest daughter, Grace, still has no diagnosis but has severe mental handicaps and is non-verbal (uses sign language). She is such a joy and blesses all who know her. I believe God equips those whom he calls, and I am so glad he called you to care for special children like my sweet Grace. I love your kind and caring heart 🙂 I also love your blog and am now an even BIGGER lover of Loft as well…Danielle Duhon
VMass says
Hi I am entering I am a mom of three sweet kids and one with autism. You have no idea how this would truly force me to do something for myself. I can not remember the last time I purchased something new for myself. I really enjoy your blog and all the pretty things, it makes me feel like I am still keeping up with fashion. I am always shuttling the kids to school and therapy in my same jeans and tops. lol Thank you for doing this.
Schafran Family says
Thank you so much for this incredible give-a-way! I'm the mom of a 5 yr old incredible boy with Cerebral Palsy. He's so amazing and we thank God for trusting us to raise and care for him! Many days are very hard, but we're so thankful to have a front row seat for all of the amazing things he will do in life!
Becky Stevens says
I am not entering, but I just wanted to comment and say that I LOVE this idea and am so grateful that you and LOFT are doing this for a very deserving mom. That is so sweet and she will be blessed by this!
Andrea Gonzalez says
I have 2 sweet boys who I adore. My oldest has autism. It has been hard to go down this road but I thank God for sending him to me I have learned so much from him. I couldn't imagine my life without either one of them 🙂
smk053078 says
I am sending this link to my friend here in Round Rock, Her daughter has Downs Syndrome and is the sweetest, most genuine girl out there!! Thank you so much for doing this & proud of you too!!! CRAZY exciting!! xoxo
Bebe says
Thank you for doing this! My oldest son has Down Syndrome. What a blessing he is!
joyfulltiredmom says
What a great idea! My son has FASD, ASD, ADHD, SPD…whew. Can't wait to share this with my peeps
dannette says
This is such an cool idea. It's not often that anyone stops and says "hey let's do a giveaway just for special needs moms!" I am the proud mom to our princess Meya who has a dx of quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Our family also currently cares for two littles one with autism and one with moderate mental retardation. I never dreamed this would be part of our life's journey as I was a special ed teacher and loving teaching and then…. we became a foster family and our plan was to keep sibling sets together and God's plan was that we take a little by the name of Meya and adopt her. Life is beyond grand at our house. Thank you for honoring special needs moms!
Emily Hollingsworth says
Sheaffer, you hit a home run with this idea! I've loved reading about these exceptional moms and their kiddos. You met my twins a few months back in banana republic. My Lainey has Down syndrome and is just the sweetest baby ever! Twin sister, Olivia, is the sassy one! Both are my pride and joy! I seriously have no time to shop and your blog has been a lifesaver in keeping me somewhat fashionable! Thanks again, Emily
Anonymous says
Just seeing that someone cares enough about the parents of kids with special needs, has made my very difficult day a little brighter. Thank you!
Anonymous says
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win! I have a son with autism and while he can be a challenge, he is such an awesome kid. Thank you for all that you do for families like mine. You make our lives so much better! My email is:
Courtney says
I am in tears, but now happy tears! I have a son with special needs who is almost 7 with multiple diagnosis. He is in a class for those that need total communication (verbal, visual, signs, technology, etc) and a highly structured environment. I just read an email from friend who informed me of the awesome blog and contest being holding for mom's of special needs children after getting home from therapy with my son. I left therapy crying because of troubles with insurance (I am sure many of you know how it goes) and still feeling down. Not so much anymore! Such an uplifting gesture of winning a gift card to treat one self means so much to a mother like me and those in similar situations. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To my friend that emailed me, to Loft, and especially to Sheaffer for writing the blog and holding the contest! Best wishes to all of those that enter and through your journey as a mother of an exceptional child!
Courtney Halverson
rheateach says
Thank you for this opportunity! I am the mother of a special needs daughter who was born without her cerebellum and is visually impaired. I also teach a first grade class with special needs inclusion. It's great that you are doing this! A friend of mine told me about the giveaway.. It would be a blessing to win!
Carrie McLaren says
Without any prior knowledge and no family history, my sweet Molly was born with Down syndrome. I had a one in 891 chance of having a child with Down syndrome and I was the "one". I couldn't be more proud of my daughter – she's three now and just brightens up our lives. Being a special needs mama is tough work, but it's so incredibly rewarding too.
This is a fantastic giveaway and I'm excited for whomever is deemed the winner. Special needs moms deserve some pampering too! xo
Anonymous says
I have been following you for over a year and I already loved you (since I live in a very small town and have to do all my shopping online, I think of you as my own personal shopping buddy), but now I love you even more. Being the parent of a special needs childs can be very isolating and it means so much that you would think of those of us in the trenches of parenting these incredible kiddos. My four year old son was officially diagnosed with autism one month ago, but we have been looking for answers for him since he was 7 months old. In the yearly months our SLP and OT therapists were my lifeline. Thanks for what you do!
Carrie Strimel says
WOW! Seeing this post and all the comments sure makes a special needs mamma feel warm and fuzzy and not so alone! I am entering because I LOVE the opportunity to share my daughters story. There is so much educating that needs to be out there about her rare condition (only 100 documented cases in the world!) Addison is my rare gem and I know she is here to change the world. She can make the worse day so much better with just her smile! Thank you for this extremely thoughtful post (and thanks to all the companies for offering up the wonderful goodies!) A special needs mommy does deserve all this and what a wonderful way to bring her some joy. I also want to thank YOU Sheaffer for committing to give our special needs kiddos a chance to have what everyone wants, a way to communicate! 🙂
Tiffany Porter says
As a special needs mom to a fearfully and wonderfully made son with Cerebral Palsy and Speech Apraxia and special education teacher by day, my heart is full of joy and thankfulness for your encouragement…knowing that others "see you" and care is so incredibly powerful! May you continue to be blessed for ALL you do for our special kids!!
Anonymous says
I am the mom of a 9 yo autistic daughter. Praying The Lord will continue to bless your blog!
Amy Barno
Katy says
Wow! This is so awesome! As a mom of a profoundly deaf five year old, our problems and visits are just a drop in the bucket for some of these moms. I can't wait to see who wins!
Aubrey says
i'm a child development specialist in early intervention so i go into the homes of these special moms. this totally melts my heart and inspires me to try to do something similar. i'll be emailing you soon.
Julie says
How did I miss you were a speech therapist?!? Speech therapists have been so instrumental in my son's progress….I love you all! My son is almost 6 and has autism and ADHD. He has a typically developing twin and we adopted both of them at birth. Parenting him has been both so challenging and so rewarding….I am amazed at him all the time! I am also a teacher and my son has made me a better teacher….one who works even harder to reach all my students and celebrate more often the uniqueness in ALL my students. Thanks for a great contest!
Julie says
How did I miss you were a speech therapist?!? Speech therapists have been so instrumental in my son's progress….I love you all! My son is almost 6 and has autism and ADHD. He has a typically developing twin and we adopted both of them at birth. Parenting him has been both so challenging and so rewarding….I am amazed at him all the time! I am also a teacher and my son has made me a better teacher….one who works even harder to reach all my students and celebrate more often the uniqueness in ALL my students. Thanks for a great contest!
Anonymous says
What a great opportunity! I have 4 children. My oldest has Cornelia de Lange Syndrome ( Thank you so much for doing this!
Alida L. says
My daughter has SPD, a very challenging but often under-recognized condition. Thank you for doing this!
Kristin says
I am the mama to a beautiful 5 year old boy with Down syndrome. He has come so far in his 5 years thanks to wonderful therapists, special education and other teachers that have encouraged him and believe, like us, that there is nothing that he can't do. This is a wonerful giveaway. Thank you.
Melissa Joseph says
My mom is a special needs mom of not one, but two special needs kids. I am entering the contest for her because I can't think of anyone who deserves this more and because my poor busy mother can barely use a computer. Autism has had a huge impact on my family. My mom will ALWAYS put the needs of my brothers before her own and really only gets to shop when I am treating. Email address is
By the way, this is such a fun blog to follow! I'm a little bit addicted to it.
Victoria Adma says
What a nice way to honor mothers who are especially challenged raising a child or children with special needs! As I read the blog entries, it reminds me that our wonderful children come in all packages, and each family is made up of its own unique circumstances. I almost didn't enter because I feel my story may not be as challenging as others. But a really great friend of mine encouraged me to enter as she reminded me that it isn't a contest of 'whose challenge' is harder, but a celebration of what we do every single day for our children. My daughter is now 28, she had a spontaneous brain hemorrhage at age 6 and was left with right sided weakness and some residual brain injury including speech and memory function. She still has the AVM, and we monitor it annually, always trying to staunch its growth (its a tenacious AVM!). I am now a step-mom to two teenage boys who are also challenged, one with ADHD and one with AD and a learning disability. It is all a challenge every day, but I have learned over the years that with the support of caring people, there is lots of joy to be had every single day.
Pam says
This is awesome! I know so many momma who deserve this. My son has sensory issues and ADHD. I took us a special group of amazing teachers to figure out what works but now he is doing AMAZING. Its interesting to learn how to help him cope with the issues we are learning more about my husbands issues and he is becoming a better dad.
Briana Bri says
Thank you so much for your considerate recognition to the effort that we mama's make. I know first hand the dedication that a special child needs, I have two boys the oldest 9, the youngest 7. Everyday is different and we take it a little at a time. (Sometimes minutes at a time!) but I wouldn't change any part of my life for anything. These two little wonders have changed my life, they are the reason for every single thing I do and I don't act without them and their well being in mind. Thank you so much again for dedicating your life to helping children like mine! Email:
Briana Bri says
Thank you so much for the recognition to our (special mamas) love, dedication and effort.. I have two beautiful sons, ages 9 and 7. I wouldn't trade them for anything. Both have been diagnosed on the spectrum level since the age of 3. E. These two little wonders have changed my life, and influence every part of my very being. I don't think a parent with a child with special needs acts on anything without their child in mind. Thank you also for dedicating yourself to your career. I hope you know that you make a world of difference!
Michele says
What an amazing thing you are doing! My six year old was diagnosed with autism when my three year old twins were 5 months old. What a ride it has been the last three years. I am currently a SAHM so I can get my daughter to all her weekly therapies (speech, OT, ABA). My email:
sfitzg2 says
What a great idea! Thank you for all you do for kids with special needs. I am a momma of twin boys with severe autism and severe mental handicaps. To be honest, if I won this, I would love to divide this prize up and give it to the amazing, hard working and loving team that makes school and church possible for my boys. I am continually touched at the genuine love and interest they show in helping my kids succeed. Thank you Sheaffer!
Ryan McLaughlin says
My name is Ryan McLaughlin, and I am the proud momma to TWO special-needs little girls! Our oldest daughter, Ellie Kate, passed away December 23, 2012 and our youngest daughter, Lucy, will be TWO tomorrow! Both of our girls suffer from a rare genetic disease called NKH. We also have two typical and healthy boys.
Through our girls, we've started OKC Hope Link – a Foundation and Support Group for mommas who also have children with rare, serious and undiagnosed disorders. My heart is for this group of people! My friend directed me to your cute blog, and asked me to apply:); I happily did so!
Thank you so much for doing this, regardless of who wins! Special-needs mommas are too often overlooked in our society. Thank you for blessing one in this way!
With Hope,
Ryan McLaughlin
Michelle says
I forgot to put my email address- Thanks!
Unknown says
thank you for thinking of our community!
Kim says
Such a great idea for all of these deserving Moms. Yes, I am one of them, proud of my special needs son who has taught me to cherish all the little things life has to offer. Thanks to you and Loft and the other sponsors. Someone is going to super happy when they are blessed with this giveaway. Shucks, I would be tickled pink, but many of the others are more deserving! Kim (thornpatch
Heather says
What a beautiful gift to a special Mama … honestly, I was hesitant to leave a comment as our daughter's special need is really quite minor in comparison … in 2008, we lost a son to anencephaly, a neaural tube disorder incompatible with life, diagnosed at a "normal" 19 week ultrasound. I carried Owen to term and throughout the pregnancy, through the heartache, we did what we could to make memories as a family. At the time we had two healthy boys … I also had a heart for adoption, my husband wasn't in the same place … through Owen, that changed and our perspective on "Plan A" and "Plan B" also changed … fast forward, we have had one more (healthy) bio child and we brought home our daughter Nora from China last October. God really opened our eyes to special needs, Nora's had unrepaired cleft lip and palate (she has now had surgery here in the states), she will require more surgeries and likely years of speach therapy, BUT she is a blessing and is teaching us more about compassion, grace and mercy every day. Bless you for doing this in conjunction with Loft.
Heather says
Just posted and realized I forgot my email –
Blog –
Anonymous says
My daughter has two special needs children. Her two precious boys were both born deaf. What a wonderful opportunity for these special moms to win something like this. Thank you so much. My email is
Anonymous says
I am mom to 5 kiddos, with one son who has Down syndrome. What a blessing! He brings hugs and smiles everywhere he goes. His first year of life was tough and it has completely changed our perspective on life. I thank God every day for our sweet and precious gift.
Kelly says
What a treat! I am a wife and mom to 2 boys, and my older son, age 10, is on the autism spectrum. He is awesome and smart and creative and fun and hard, and a severe blessing. 🙂 He helps us to reprioritize and focus on what's important – faith and family. Maybe I could stand to focus on fashion a little more too! Thanks for doing this Shaffer – I love seeing all your posts and pins on Pinterest! Best, Kelly
Kelly says
What a treat! I am a wife and mom to 2 boys, and my older son, age 10, is on the autism spectrum. He is awesome and smart and creative and fun and hard, and a severe blessing. 🙂 He helps us to reprioritize and focus on what's important – faith and family. Maybe I could stand to focus on fashion a little more too! Thanks for doing this Shaffer – I love seeing all your posts and pins on Pinterest! Best, Kelly
Anonymous says
Thank you for doing this… My son Jacob has Down Syndrome and is 5 years old. He is such a sweet blessing to our family…
g vick says
Awesome! Daily we moms of special needs kids feel alone. Thanks for making us feel included.
Lyndsay says
This is SO awesome! I have 2 littles with DS. They are the LIGHT of our lives! My email-
Caroline says
I love this contest, thank you so much for making this for mamas who really deserve it. We're dealing with a speech and developmental delay and spend hours every week in therapy. Speech paths are awesome and have made a huge difference in my son's life! carolinemacnab at gmail dot com.
Robby and Stephanie says
Thanks so much for having this giveaway for some very special women. Caring for my sweet baby boy is the hardest thing I have ever done, but it's amazing how one smile wipes away all of the fear and stress..
I'm Stephanie, a mom to a 9 month old with CHD.
Tiffany Martha says
love your blog so much. brightens my days!!
Tiffany Martha says
love your blog. brightens my days.
Christina says
I don't know if I'm eligible. But my daughter battled cancer for nearly 5 years. It was the toughest time our lives. So glad, that it now seems to be behind us. And she is finally able to be somewhat "normal." Although, ever single appointment that we have, I panic. I try not to think of the worst. But that's what happens…. mamasheartloves (at) aol (dot) com.
Hillary says
What an amazing thing you are doing. I never really thought about kids with special needs before. Not until the end of my pregnancy. When tragedy struck. And I'm now a mom of a very special little girl. She has taught me so much. And isn't even 3 years old yet. When I thought I was all alone, going through a divorce, we were in a horrible car accident. And I was blessed with a beautiful daughter! I know that our lifetime, will be filled with years of learning, growing, and loving! Thank you for your kindness. happysurprises (at) aol (dot) com.
Anonymous says
Thanks for posting this. I appreciate it so much! 🙂
Millie Killpack says
How fun! Thanks for thinking of us special needs mommas. I have four children, two of them have spina bifida. It's so true what you wrote in your blog. I was sent this link by a physical therapist that I work with. I've been debating whether or not to even enter because I think, "So many other mommas have it harder than I do." But, sometimes putting on a cute outfit is the best way to get through a hard day, so I'm gladly entering, Thank you! My email?
Anonymous says
Thank you for thinking of special needs moms! My middle child was born at 26 weeks and has been diagnosed with PDD (she is 6 now and just started Kindergarten:). It has been a long road, but she is making progress thanks to her teachers and speech therapists like yourself. Susanne (
Caroline says
Thank you for caring for special families! I so often don't care about my appearance as it's my sweetie girl who needs so much right now. I always make sure she's dressed to the nines as we run back and forth to therapy sessions (8 a week!), doctor's appointments and the like, but forget about me! I appreciate it when someone reminds me that I'm a still woman who can dress up and have some fun with clothes and shoes too! I would LOVE to win this, but know it will go to a wonderful mama no matter what. Thanks for all you do for special needs kiddos. We love our therapists!
Caroline, mom to K (dx Muscle-Eye-Brain disease, infantile spasms, GDD and a wonderful smile!)
Stephanie says
What a nice giveaway! I love the Loft skinny ankle curvy jeans! I have a daughter with DS and dress her nice so to win 500.00 for me would be wonderful!
Anonymous says
Great idea! I'm a mom to a 8 yo nonverbal ASD girl. I love and respect all her therapists!
The Shoemakes says
I'm a mommy to three and my youngest has a rare condition called Noonan Syndrome. He has been through so much but is a trooper and ALWAYS has a smile. Him coming into our lives has been very challenging but the JOY he brings is irreplaceable. You have a heart of gold to think about us Moms. God Bless You! -Cheryl
Anonymous says
Thank you so much for firstly recognizing and highlighting our families. I appreciate how you serve generously and support families like ours. Yes, there are many tiresome days, but our lives are rich because of our love for our children and innate push to see them grow. It drives us to keep pushing them to make steps no matter how big. We celebrate every victory. And yes often we put ourselves to the side and sacrifice daily. So, thank you for giving this opportunity. Our now 7yo princess Zoe Madison was born w/a congenital heart defect, had open heart surgery at 10mos, and was diagnosed on the autism spectrum with PDD-NOS and ADHD. It's been some journey but worth it! She's made so much progress and we are proud!
Crystal ( says
I would like to enter my friend Courtney, She's the mom of a son with Cerebral Palsy. He's the happiest little ray of sunshine you'll ever meet.
Anonymous says
THANKS FOR THINKING OF US! My sweet Anderson is ADHD and has PDD-NOS.
I am blessed beyond measure with this awesome boy! My email is
Erica says
I have a six year old with Aspergers. I love this idea!
Colleen Pate says
Thank for the amazing opportunity. my email is
My son has ASD/ADAH and while my life is more challenging than I had hoped I would not trade him for anything.
North Carolina McQuhae's says
Thank you so much for thinking about all the moms out there with special needs kiddos. As many moms can relate a moms needs fall by the waist side when your driving your child to daily therapy sessions, doctors appointments or school. My four year old son has Down Syndrome and has entered Pre-K through the school district this year and this gift card would be perfect to update my wardrobe for the countless school meetings instead of work out clothes! Thank You again!
Jill Johnson says
I just tried to enter and it said the contest was over…..I tried at 12:09pm on Friday and the blog says midnight on Friday…
Jaybird says
Came over from Kelly's Korner! Way to go!
Brandi says
What an awesome giveaway! My daugher has agenesis of the corpus callosum and developmental delays. Love her & how much she's taught me over the past 4 years!
jeeper says
My grandson is 6 and is being tested on Tuesday for learning disabilities. My daughter is a single mom and could really use these beautiful clothes.
Karen says
This is so uplifting! I am a mom to a 20 month old son who has a rare muscle disease. He still cannot crawl or walk but is just the sweetest brightest little guy! We do physical therapy daily and he has his own wheelchair too. I am so proud of my son and I long to be the best mom possible to him. We have come a long way but I am trusting daily in God's grace. My email is
The Hawks says
It takes a new perspective, lots of patience and an enormous amount of love to be the mother of a special needs child – you put your everything into it and sometimes loose sight of who you are as an individual. Any one of these mothers deserves a day to pamper themselves with a shopping spree. I am proud to be in the mix to win!! Thank You
Stephanie Johnson says
What a wonderful treat! I would love to win, but I know any one of the mamas who enters is so deserving!
jennybean says
I have 2.5 year old Identical Twin Boys that are both autistic. This is such a great thing to do . We all need a nice break from time to time to do something for ourselves. Whoever wins this is defeinitely deserving. I hope it's me ! 🙂 Thank you for creating this !
My email is :
Jennifer Laurin
Anonymous says
Thank you!!! My email is:
HL says
I'm a little confused but I hope I entered. I have a brother who is autistic and developmentally delayed. I would love to win this for my mom who totally deserves it!
Julie says
Thank you so, so much for this! My daughter is non-mobile, nonverbal, and is currently undiagnosed at age 4. Thank you again for this chance and for all you do for SN children (I am so thankful for my daughters therapists)! 🙂
Longmeadow Mama says
teen years + Aspergers syndrome = a mama in need of pampering! thanks for the give away! email fiveswishers at sbcglobal dot net
Sarah Davis says
What a wonderful thing you are doing. My daughter is 14 and was diagnosed with autism at 3 and also has epilepsy. My email is
Megan says
What a wonderful idea. I often think that I am actually blessed to have my daughter with SN's in my life because she has taught me more about life in 18 months then I've learned from anyone else in the last 34 years.
Brittany Schwaigert says
This is an AWESOME IDEA!!! My son has Tuberous Sclerosis and no one needs a little extra love than stressed out Special Needs Mommies! THANK YOU!!!! Running to tell all my friends!!
Vicki says
Great idea!
April says
What a great giveaway! My six-year-old daughter has Spina Bifida.
April says
What a great giveaway! My six-year-old daughter has spina bifida.
CWestlake says
Forgot to leave my email –!
Anonymous says
This brought tears to my eyes! How sweet of you to think of us special needs mamas!!! I have always LOVED LOFT! I love them even more now!!!
Christy Taylor says
As a mother with a son on the spectrum I think this is a wonderful thing to do!
Christy Taylor says
And I forgot to include my email in my comment 🙂
Morgan says
I'm hoping I can win this for my aunt & surprise her! 🙂 She is the most wonderful momma to my sweet cousin with special needs.
Mrs. SBA says
I am a SLP by trade (past 8 years) and mom to my 16 month old daughter with bilateral hearing loss.
The VW's says
Thanks for this opportunity! Raising a child with severe special needs is very difficult, emotionally draining, but also a life filled with blessing!
Sarah says
As a mom to a special needs child (Asperger's, ADHD, Sensory, and Anxiety) each day brings new layers of challenges to discover but also new layers of joy and incredible love. My son has a huge heart and I am blessed every single day to be his Mom. I think this post is inspiring and as a teacher (Reading Specialist) of children with reading needs, I am touched by what you are doing. Thank you. My email is:
mamatoo says
what a sweet idea. my daughter has Down Syndrome, and her big brothers are homeschooled. nothing is ready, but beauty is everywhere. my fashionista days seem so long ago, but I loved seeing your picks and dreaming a bit. Thanks for a chance at it!
Jessica@ Southern Belle {BOY MOM} says
Thank you for hosting such a thoughtful giveaway! I have two awesome little boys, and my oldest, Knox, has Autism. He is an amazing kid, things can be hard sometimes, but he is the happiest kid on the planet. He is also a loving big brother to our youngest, Brody. They make life so wonderful. My email is mycoffeeiscold(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Ree says
This is so wonderful! My son has Langer-Giedion Syndrome which causes orthopedic issues, intellectual disability, and sensory issues. Ree (
LeAnne says
My husband and I have three boys, one of whom has autism. I have to say, I am so thankful for SLP's like you–we've loved our Ms. Jenny since Evan was 18 months old–and he's almost 13! She's the only therapist (of MANY!) who has stuck with us through thick and thin. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Julie says
Thank you!
Anonymous says
Wow!! What a great thing you're doing. This may be a double-up (didn't see my original post) but I love what you're doing for these special mamas!! My guy is non-verbal, almost 4 and has childhood apraxia of speech. He also has sensory processing disorder as well as a host of other diagnoses that affect his eating, growth and general development. We are always busy running to his various therapy appointments. He has a rock star big bro that we homeschool who accompanies us without complaint! These little people teach me something new everyday. I'm more tired than I ever thought possible and love deeper than I ever knew I could. Thank you for acknowledging the mamas of these precious kiddos!
Sarah says
As a mother of a teenager with ADHD, Asperger's and Anxiety I am touched by your post and the generous offers to help a Mama with special needs child/children become more fashionable! I also am a reading specialist and work with children with reading difficulties. It is amazing what kind of spirit children have….of all levels of need. They all want to be loved and accepted and all children deserve that. Thank you for sponsoring this. My email is:
Diane says
What a blessing!! I am a mama to five, one being profoundly deaf. We have spent many, many hours with speech and language therapists!! Thank you for the opportunity to win!! My e mail is
Anonymous says
wow, this is so exciting! I have a 3 year old son with Down Syndrome. He is an amazing little boy. My email is
Ann says
Thanks for the opportunity. Ann (Jack's mom)
Ruth says
So wonderful! All moms needs something special (because this is a HARD job!), but special needs moms need something extra special!
Kristi says
I think I missed it :(. Thank you for thinking of us anyhow. We have five children, one of whom has Down syndrome. We are so blessed, although I will say these teenage years are harder than I ever expected!
Angela says
How fun. My sweet son Joseph was diagnosed with Prader Willi syndrome at 2 months. He is such a blessing.
Kim says
Wow!! Both of my children have special needs. My first has a genetic disorder and its a miracle he's thriving at six years old. My new daughter, just 4 months, has had brain surgery twice already…once this past week as something happened that our Nuerosurgeon has only seen once in his career. Loft is my favorite store and this would definitely brighten my day. Oh and my 35th birthday is on Monday and because of the surgery my birthday trip was cancelled. This would be a very bright spot in a really rough time. Thanks for your sweet post.
Cole and Jack says
I have 2 sons with autism.
Thank you.
Anonymous says
Thank you SO much for doing this AWESOME give away!!! I am the momma to an sweet 12 year old angel!! She had a stroke while I was pregnant with her. She has totally surpassed all her doctors expectations!! Even though she cant walk or talk, she communicates with her beautiful blue eyes!! Her life has been such a blessing to me!! So thankful for people like u in our lives…..hope you are truly blessed for your thoughtfulness!! My email is:
FrouFrouBritches says
Thank you for this amazing giveaway. I am so excited! I know the lady that wins will feel blessed beyond measure. Thank you for having such a kind and giving heart. Thank you for the work you do with special needs kids. My son is autistic and you have NO idea how much we appreciate our therapists and teachers. My email is:
Lindsey B says
I am so very sad that I missed this giveaway. As the mom to not one, but two, special needs kids I would have loved to win this! You hit the nail on the head when you say that us special needs mommas are pros at two things: Fighting for our kids and putting ourselves in last place. What a blessing for the wonderful SN momma that won this!