And if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, that Pinterest is a bossy little thing.
And not only is she bossy, she’s also quite convincing.
Bossy and convincing makes for a dangerous duo!
It seemed as if every other time I got on Pinterest there was an image of a girl in a super cute fall outfit and she just happened to be wearing skinny cargo pants.
I was loving all of the outfits…and as luck would have it, I already had a pair! WooHoo!
My friend Jeni (you know, the friend that told us about the taupe suede booties that are now sold out by the way)…well she bought THESE skinny cargo pants.
Shay ran into her after buying them, and she bought them too.
And then I bought them.
And they are FAB.
Perfectly stretchy and seriously flattering.
Sadly, there are only 3 sizes left, but don’t worry, I’ll have some other options for you at the bottom of the post in case your size is no longer available.
That’s right ladies, FEAR NOT.
I’ve got this.
So I previewed the following collage for y’all last week and asked you to vote on which outfit you wanted me to recreate. All of the looks got votes, but I think #2 and #4 were mentioned the most.
![]() |
navy tee and scarf HERE / leopard scarf and boyfriend cardigan HERE striped tee and jean jacket HERE / leather jacket and scarf was a spam link |
You’ll get outfit #4 next week!
I did it wearing a lighter colored shoe, a lighter cardigan, and darker tee (because that’s what I had)…but I still loved the look and it was definitely the same idea as the inspiration photo; all varying shades of neutral with a pop of leopard.
(All links can be found on the Get The Look For Yourself collage a little further down in the post.)
Actually, all sweater and tops are 40% off HERE.
Before we go on, something must be addressed.
When searching for a boyfriend cardigan, I found THIS. And they’ve named it the coatigan.
You know I can get all sorts of on board with this. And it’s 40% OFF!
I’ve never seen it in person, so I have no idea what it feels like, but I’m intrigued!
If anybody has this, please leave a comment!
Click HERE for the coatigan.
When LOFT sells out of things, they typically don’t restock it, and I’m thinking this is going to be a very popular item.
This next picture focuses on the accessories that I was wearing in my outfit recreation.
Check out this new bag that Barrington sent me!
I’ve carried it now for 3 days, and I’m not kidding you when I saw I’ve received at least 5 compliments on it out and about town.
(Same goes with some new knee-high boots I have that you are going to get to see on Monday!)
So sad that only 3 sizes remain…but’re about to get some options….
Regarding my pants, I will be having them hemmed this week for a perfect fit. (They are just a tad bit too long on me at 5’4″, and I need them to be the perfect length for flats and booties.)
Don’t worry, I substituted a longer cardigan for you. Let’s learn from my mistakes, shall we? 🙂
leopard scarf HERE / cognac bag HERE / nude flats HERE
boyfriend cardigan HERE /grey high-low tee HERE (several colors available)
skinny cargo pants HERE
gold hoop earrings HERE / similar MK watch HERE / cushion cut bracelet HERE
And here I am to the rescue!
Another option HERE for only $49!
Click HERE to see all skinny cargo pants available at Nordstrom, including a drop crotch pair that is not to be missed. WHO IN THE WORLD would wear those?
Also, a really nice pair from Rag and Bone found at Piperlime HERE on serious sale.
(regularly $275 marked down to $139!
I know there are some die hard Rag and Bone fans out there who will think this is a great deal!
And last but not least, maybe green isn’t your thing…but maybe black is!
Treasure and Bond black moto jeans HERE
These are from the same maker as my beloved cargo pants, so I’m guessing that these too are fantastic.
That’s it for the outfit recreation today!
Now let’s move on to some sale items, because duh…
When looking on the Nordstrom site for some cargo pant options, I found some great sale items!
Doce Vita Myste boot HERE at 40% OFF makes it UNDER $100! FOR A TALL BOOT!
Hawthorne boot HERE at 33% OFF
And I couldn’t talk about the sale items I found and leave these babies off of this post!
Find the grey and pink Cheetah Nike Free shoe HERE.
They sold out very early during the anniversary sale and everybody was just sick about it.
I’m guessing it’s going to be a going…going…gone situation…..
And I noticed that although there are over 50 Michael Kors watches on sale, that THIS one in particular is 40% OFF! Making it $107!!!! WOW!
It’s the slim version, and I love the two tone!
I was contacted by Accessory Concierge last night and they said they would extend the code!
That means you’ve got one last shot at 20% OFF your entire jewelry order!
code: PTMT20FALL
striped shirt sold out, similar MK watch HERE, AG jeans ON SALE HERE, leopard flats HERE
I tried THIS shirt on at LOFT today this is being added to the post Friday afternoon).
It’s 40% OFF and OH SO CUTE!!!!
Click HERE.
For size reference, I’m wearing small.
(For the record…yes I know the number of “p.s’s” are ridonkulous.)
Your continued thoughts and prayers for Manda are so appreciated!
Her counts were down this week after the chemo, but she is starting to feel a bit better and is expecting next week to be a good week. Thank you God!
Remember to keep updated on specific prayer requests just like her facebook page HERE.
You can donate HERE.
And sign up for the 5k HERE .
There is also a Zumbathon this weekend that you can still learn about and sign up for HERE.
And don’t forget about the super cute t-shirts HERE!!!!!
These t-shirts are a MUST HAVE for your entire family!!!!!
100% of the proceeds go directly to Manda and her fam.
The dark heather grey only comes in adult sizes, but the navy comes in kid sizes too!
Remember after you get the tees to put them on social media with the hashtag #mandastrong!
PurseONality says
Hi Shaeffer! I always look forward to your Friday Faves!!!
Love the cargo pant Pinspiration! Also loving that I already have some – got a steal at the Abercrombie outlet lay year!!!
I wanted to tell you the link to the Nike Cheetah Tennies goes to a pair of UH-amazing earrings instead. ? Have a Fab Friday!
Sheaffer says
Hmmmm…I just checked the link for the Nike Cheeta's, and it looks fine to me! Is anybody else having trouble with it? Thanks for the heads up!
Sheaffer 🙂
Tamara says
The link worked fine for me. But sadly they are out of my size:-(
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh, how I love my skinny cargo pants!! Love them. Love. Them. Happy Friday!! See you later :).
Erika Slaughter says
My favorite thing about this post is that hashtag!!!! #2013cledandwantsitsshprtcardiganback. Ha hahahaha!!!
Narci says
So fun! I love those skinny cargo pants!! Also, Ithose suede/leather boots look divine!! I think I need those!!
Anonymous says
The DV wedges are already practically sold out:( Tried to buy a pair at 7:00 a.m. Fri morn and I think they only have a size 6. So bummed!
Natalie Zambreski says
Love this look! They sure are selling fast!
Kelly Bryant says
Maybe I missed it, but what size are you wearing in the cargo pants? I never know what size to order in juniors.
Sheaffer says
Hi Kelly! My pants are not juniors, they are treasure and bond. As far as the juniors sizing goes, it is tricky. Sometimes I'm a 5, and sometimes I'm a 7. I haven't had these pants on, so I can't comment on how they run. So sorry I'm not more help!
Sheaffer 🙂
Melissa D. says
Another great Friday post. You just keep getting better…seriously. I am a new-ish follower and I always look forward to your posts! Anyway, I have a fashion question for you. I love the look of skinny jeans/skinny cargos with a flat shoe. However, living where I do, my feet freeze (like "they may fall off if they get any colder" freeze). I tend to wear boots a lot but the look is completely different with a boot vs. a flat. Are there any warm-type shoes that can be worn with skinnies? Or maybe a sock of some sort? I love the looks I see on your blog but I often think that I can't recreate it since I'd be foot-less after an hour. 😉 Thanks for your insight. Keep up the great posts!
Wendy says
I have the black moto jeans. They are great, very comfortable and don't stretch out. Some of the reviews said the jeans ran large, so I ordered a size smaller. While those did fit, they were very snug. So, I gave that pair to my daughter and ordered my usual size. The fit was much better. I definitely recommend the jeans to your readers.
Sheaffer says
Thanks for the input Wendy!! Love it!
Anonymous says
Thanks for inspiring my outfit today! I was taking a bath this morning contemplating what to wear to work and as I was skimming my morning blogs I saw your post! Wearing my Jolt cargo pants from Nordtstrom, a white tee, cheetah scarf, and flats.
Marianne B says
Love the Sam Edelman Pembrok – I wonder if the Sharkskin and Espresso are true to color from online?
Sheaffer says
I'm not sure Marianne! Sorry I'm not more help!
Lizmarie Steel says
Thanks for posting the Loft Coatigan! It's so pretty and very Olivia Pope-esque too! Ordered it for myself and for my mom as a Christmas gift! On another note, I received my order from Accessory Concierge and love the cushion cut bracelet (gorgeous crystal stones) and the steal necklace! I was pleasantly surprised with the weight and color of it, I know it will be a staple for me this fall!
Sheaffer says
I haven't seen it in person, so I hope you love it!!!!! So happy to hear you like the Accessory Concierge pieces! Yay!!!
Sheaffer 🙂
Lizmarie Steel says
I'll let you know when I receive it! I didn't want to miss out if it went out of stock so I jumped on it now 🙂
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
Bossy and convincing….hmmmm, something so familiar about that?!?!!? #cantputmyfingeronit #ohyesIcan #itsyou 😉 xo
Rachel says
So I just got on chat to see if the pants could be ordered in my size and they are attmepting to do so. I will report back – fingers crossed
Anonymous says
you need more lighting in your room when you take your pictures
t says
Cute outfit! I have a pair of skinny cargo pants that I should definitely wear again this fall!
xo T.
kristine says
I'm totally recreating this look tomorrow. Already have all the pieces in my wardrobe! Thanks PTMT! 🙂
Rdough14 says
Hi Sheaffer I love reading your blog! I am trying to do more with my wardrobe (have very few style of shirt, but lots of color kinda girl) and I am trying to get away from that! Any ideas where to start?! I love the scarf look, but where do go!?!
Sheaffer says
Hi there! So happy to have you as a reader! I'm actually planning a post in the next couple of weeks about scarves and boyfriend cardigans…..that post should help you get some ideas!
Sheaffer 🙂