You guys!
To say I’m overwhelmed by your response to this contest would be the understatement of the year.
It would be like saying, “Lindsay Lohan needs a positive role model.”
See? Understatement.
(Cassie – that one was for you.) 😉
In short,
Y’all. Are. Awesome.
Not only did I get lots and lots AND LOTS of really cute pictures from you guys, I also received super sweet e-mails that I appreciate more than you will ever know.
I will say this, I’ve learned 2 things:
Apparently I’m way bossier than I thought.
Like WAY bossier.
(And to be clear, I already knew I was bossy.)
You girls have bought tons of stuff that I’ve told you about,
and you’ve put together some really great outfits!
I have some good looking readers if I do say so myself.
You guys are seriously cute!
It was a blast seeing how all of you are really using this blog to
influence what you wear and what you buy!
(And what I’m most happy about is how much you have LOVED the products and
clothing items you have purchased!
All of your sweet messages let me know that you now love these things as much as I do!)
Now you girls are going to get to see what Pinterest Told Me To has been telling all of YOU to do!
You’re going to see tons of pictures (300 to be exact!),
and you are going to get to read some of the sweet e-mails.
there funny lady! I just want to say how much I love your blog. I am
always sad when I come to the end of a post because I want more! I’m
attaching 5 entries for the contest. You’ve inspired me to dress better
and I actually feel better. Crazy! Here are my pics. (Check out my
geometric scarf! I stalked the store and Loft online until I could get
my paws on that scarf!)
off, can’t tell you enough – how much I LOVE your blog!!! I tell so
many friends about it & it is the one thing I read each day. It has really helped me change up my wardrobe as I am such a
“get in a rut” clothing girl and only wear a fraction of what I own. I
have even printed off your Pinterest Pin Pages and keep it in my closet
as reminder of ideas of outfits. Even looking on-line at other people
who do clothing blogs – yours is my favorite because I just love your
style especially the cardigan! (Which yes – now I have bought 5
cardigans thanks to you!)
to church, I wore my denim shirt with the camel cardigan and
black/white zebra print scarf with black skinny jeans and camel colored
boots. Super cute and got so many compliments. I would have never
mixed black/brown, but oh so cute!
dresser–blacks, tans, whites…my friends all made fun of me even!
but, I thought I knew what I liked…
…..Until you!
Now, I
have added color to my wardrobe and am trying new combos…I love it! I
refer to your outfits alot now when trying to put something together. Yours
is the first blog I read each morning eating breakfast and then I
mentally make a shopping list…. Your great writing and sense of humor
are a fun way to start the day.
Fav stores, are loft, limited, and jcrew outlet so I appreciate your sales alerts!
I am on the hunt for a fossil purse now too!
Thanks for all your hard work on the blog…I know it is a LOT of work…. I really do love it! Keep up the great work!
was just going to send my “Pinterest Told Me To told me” to picture
without an email but I just can’t do that – I have to share a story
behind my purchase of the Hue Denim Leggings.
tell you how much I love your blog and thank you for getting me to wear
something other than my tried and true jeans and a turtleneck or long
sleeve t-shirt.
or Loft (long time favorite store of mine) shopping bags and tell them
that PTMT buy whatever I purchased, I now get “the look”. I’m sure you
know “the look” – the one that says, “really you want me to believe that
you bought all of that because some blog told you to?” look.
to ignore “the look” but the other day when I came home with my Hue
Denim Leggings in a Nordstrom bag I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. So
after receiving “the look” I informed hubby that he would be thanking
PTMT once he saw my butt in the Hue Denim Leggings that PTMT told me to
buy. Luckily for me hubby is a butt man as I am not endowed at all in
the chest. I wore my Hue Denim Leggings the other day and sure enough
hubby has decided that it’s okay for me to do what PTMT. I’ll probably
still get the look but I’ll just remind hubby of the Hue leggings and
all will be good!
is my first PTMT told me to entry – the hubby approved Hue Denim
Leggings. I’ll be sending other pictures over the next few weeks.
OMG…I am so excited to actually be sending you
A little about me…I’m a 33 year old wife
and mom of two. I’m currently on mat leave and that’s how I stumbled
upon your blog. I was looking for some fashion inspiration, as I’d been
feeling like I’d lost myself over the last few years. Well, I can
honestly say, finding your blog has changed my life. I’m feeling so
much better about myself, feel more like the old me, KWIM?
Thank-you so much for doing this contest and for your blog. They are both so much fun.
Look for more emails from me.
Just wanted to say I love your blog! You and pinterest
have given me so much inspiration! And I feel like your blog is just
for me. We love all the same stores and have very similar taste! So
here’s my entry. It’s a black, brown, gray combo. Not really recreating
an exact outfit of yours, but I know how you always talk about being ok
with leggings as pants and doing those color combos that used to be
forbidden 🙂 And I just saw you wrote about black/ brown again! I
promise I already had this on this morning and took a pic before I read
todays blog. I guess great minds think alike 😉
to date and fashionable, your site has helped me be more creative and
brave in how I style things. And you have helped me update my wardrobe
without spending a dime! Although I have big plans for spring shopping :
) this stay at home mom could really use this gift card.
haven’t worn all winter just because it felt blah. But you convinced me
to try black and brown together. And wow! It felt instantly up to date
and refreshed. I wore brown boots and a brown belt. And accessories that
I’ve had for ages that have guess what colors?! Who knew?
I’m not a big blog commenter, nor am i a blogger
myself, but I follow your blog and I love what you do. I’m pretty sure
everyone who first sees your blog thinks, “why didn’t I think of that?”
So many people, including myself, use pinterest as inspiration for our
outfit choices. I know I have also purchased items knowing they would
“complete” an outfit that I saw a blogger wear or post, so I thought
this would be a fun challenge to join! So here are nine outfits I
created using yours as inspiration! For one or two of them I tried out
different variations, trying to find something that was more “me.” When I
was going through and creating these outfits, I realised that I don’t
often wear just plain white shirts, so it looked a little off to me. I
don’t know if it is because I am accident prone and always afraid of
spilling on it, or something. I think I just shy away from neutrals a
lot. I like color, which is why most of these are with colored pants. 🙂
You guys are rock stars!
ROCK STARS I tell ya!
Make sure you check back here tomorrow for Part 2!
I will be highlighting the most popular items over the last 6 months
AND I will be announcing the winner that is being randomly chosen by number!
There were 300 entries total (11 collages of 25, 1 collage of 16, and 1 collage of 9)!
Thanks for making blogging worth it! 😉

Mix and Match Mama says
You are bossy. Really bossy. But that is one of the reasons I love you most! If you weren't so bossy, I wouldn't have this obsession for Thai food, a new found appreciation for Loft, a boat-load of Stella and Dot jewelry, a $400 a month Visa charge to Tin Star, and half the stuff in my closet. Bossiness is your best quality!
Tara G. says
So fun!! I am so excited so many participated!
Allison says
I love all the Baked Ruffles entries 🙂
Team Seghs says
I think I'm obsessed. I looked at every picture. It's so cool to see how people interpret your inspirations! And I really think what you are doing here matters…it's mattered to me and made me think about putting together outfits instead of just getting dressed. And that's fun! And you bring so many smiles with your sass and humor. I just love this blog! Thank you! Thank you! And some of your followers have the cutesy leopard sparkley sperry ballet flats which I am now totally drooling over ….
Christie says
Great post! You need to have a secret handshake or statement necklace so if we see a fellow reader we can give the PTMT sign. Lol
Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam says
LOVE this! I didn't submit anything but feel like I should tell you I was inspired by your black/brown combo & denim shirt. So this past week I broke out the black leggings I've been too scared to wear, my denim shirt I bought for family pictures last year but never wore, and paired it with a longer white shirt underneath and my camel-colored suede boots. It was one of those days where I didn't feel like just a mom but actually a 32 year old 🙂 (And considering this momma wears work out clothes almost every day – and I haven't worked out in like a year – it was a big step for me, ha!)
Anonymous says
Amazing! This was the best contest ever!!!!!! Keep doing what you're doing and I'll keep reading. You rock 🙂
Elaine~ Honey Pie Accessories says
I totally missed the Baked Ruffles memo, but apparently, you told 'em to! Such fun seeing how everyone has taken inspiration outfits and made them their own! We're going to have lots of fashionable women walking around thanks to you! Pretty sure J. Crew and Loft need to start giving you discounts for your promotions!!!
Sarah says
haha, I love this, and seeing everyone's outfits. Love that last picture =) You have definitely inspired some outfits for me too. Once I'm done being pregnant, I'm all over trying to revamp my wardrobe…I bought a few great pieces, but got myself knocked up and nothing fits now…arg! Just when I was on a roll. Thanks! Appreciate all of the hard work you put into your blog.
mel @ the larson lingo says
Oh man! I totally forgot to email you pics of what you told me to buy.
Totally missed the deadline!! Oops.
Anyways, you know you have bossed me around with several things I have texted you while shopping….chambray shirt, red jeans and cheetah shoes.
So glad we found each other's blogs 🙂
Love you!!!!
Michael says
Sheaffer I am so happy for you and your blog! I don't remember how I stumbled your way but you very quickly became one of my favorites. I didn't submit anything but you know you started my NEED for leopard print anything. I've got the scarf and am still on the hunt for flats. And mustard denim is one of my major "to buy" pieces.
Thank you so much for you blog your dedication to it, your energy, and of course, your pins! Keep it up lady! xoxo
ashnboys says
I love everything you post, but I wish you were fatter…..'cause my butt is WAY bigger than yours (I'm talking KK large). It might be the only thing that would keep us from being real-life friends…you're too skinny. I feel like this butt in mustard jeans or HUE leggings would just be WRONG! Despite your skinniness, I have been so inspired by your blog. You have freed me from my jeans-and-white-T rut. The Batchelor comments were hysterical (Selma's boobs were my FAVE)! Love that you love Jesus too…so OK, we would totally be friends…you would just have to walk way ahead of me at the mall 🙂
Work it Mommy says
Ok Sheaffer, you totally just made my day by posting the pictures that I sent in to you! I was basically foaming at the mouth as I scrolled through all the amazing pictures of outfits and products and my heart gave a leap of joy as I saw mine! This was the best blog contest EVER and I look forward to more of your entertaining posts! Thanks for everything Pinterest- worthy.
Rachel [at] floral and fudge says
wow! Sheaffer, you are quite the catalyst!
it's fun to see my picture on your blog 🙂
hope you are having a fantastic evening!
Tessa says
I also forgot to mention, I started watching the Bachelor because of your blog! It's awesome to see this and to see how much everyone else has been inspired by you as well. 🙂