I’m so grateful for each of you stopping by here in 2013, and I can’t wait to see what 2014 is going to bring for this blog.
I can guarantee you this, we are all going to continue to look SUPER cute this year too! 🙂
You girls never cease to amaze me.
Lots of you took the time to send in pictures and super sweet e-mails, so thank you!
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image created by Andrea |
I got LOTS of pictures and LOTS of testimonials about how much you love your stuff, and I had such a great time going through all of them.
AND….A READER HAD AN IDEA (thank you Morgan!) that I got SO excited about as I was opening all of the pictures for today’s post.
Here was her e-mail:
think you should create an Instagram hashtag for those of us who rock
our PTMT pieces & want to see how others wear/style their pieces.
Just a thought!
Have a happy new year!!
Morgan D.
AWESOME IDEA MORGAN! I can’t believe I never thought of this before!
I would LOVE it if you would all start posting pics on instagram wearing your Pinterest Told Me To finds! I think it would be SO FUN to see how others are wearing and styling the pieces that so many of us have. When posting a picture wearing a PTMT item, just include #ptmt.
It’s that simple!
FUN, right?
We can start a little instagram community too!
And just fyi, Ryan thought it was a phenomenal idea.
(fyi: Love scruffy Ryan.)
And look how cute Erika is!
I have these and cannot say enough good things about the wedge booties. They are SO comfy, and they look so great with my camo pants and all of my jeans that I cuff at the bottom. To be honest, I just feel cool when I wear them!
I have 3 pairs of these, and I will be adding a 4th later this year,
I just have to decide which ones I want!
I waited too long to get the pattern I wanted, but there are still some solid colors left!
These look awesome with leggings for a casual look, and they are much less expensive than UGGs.
I have never in my life before owned a pair of TOMS. I never understood what all of the fuss was about. But, I trusted you (you’ve never steered me wrong!) and I asked for some of the wedge booties for Christmas. And OMG. Heaven. I’m a teacher, I’m on my feet all day long, and I know that I’m going to be able to wear these and not have my feet killing me at the end of the day. Plus, they look really great with my must have jeans, which gives me another option on how to wear them.
Thanks again for yet another awesome addition to my closet!
Love from Lousiana,
The BLARDIGAN was another popular item that you ladies received this Christmas!
And you guys probably already know this, but Shay got it too! (She got it in cocoa.)
And here I am in it on Monday. Yes, AGAIN.
And here are some of you wrapped up in it’s coziness!
If you’re still on the fence, these might help you.
Dear Sheaffer,
I have one word about the blardigan.
That is all.
obsessed with my blardigan! My husband actually called it ‘luxurious’-
I’ve never heard him use that word! So warm and soft!
got the ombre blardigan for my sister for Christmas – and couldn’t
resist getting one for myself. My sister LOVES hers – it is the perfect
thing for the weather in Seattle (where she lives.) I took mine with me
when I went to Seattle but didn’t wear it b/c I didn’t want to spoil the
surprise. I wore it home to Houston on the plane. We had a 3 hour
flight delay, and I didn’t get home until midnight, but I didn’t care.
THE PLANET! I was so comfy cozy that all I wanted to do was hang out in
my blardigan, so it didn’t bother me to sit in the airport for a few
extra hours b/c I knew I would have to take it off when I got home. If
you’re on the fence about the blardigan, GET OFF!!!
Kelly Gartner
my blardigan so much that my dad bought one for my mom. She proceeded
to wear it no joke for about 10 days straight (everywhere from Hawaii to
San Diego to Las Vegas) so he bought her two more for Christmas! Oh
and just to let you know the Nordstrom sales girls in San Diego and
Orange County have been told about and are using your term
“blardigan”….. Genius I tell ya, genius!
The blardigan TOTALLY deserves must-have status. In fact, I’m lounging
in mine even as I type this… and I’m LOVING it and keep thinking of
how comfy and yet stylish I am! 🙂
got a Blardigan for Christmas, LOVE!!!…. now I want another. And one
will be making a fantastic gift for my niece who just had a baby. What
could possibly be better than the Blardigan to throw on and cuddle up
with a new baby for a nighttime, or anytime, feeding!?!
Yes yes and yes!! blardigan is definitely a ‘must have’… Truth be
told.. I purchased it November and felt guilty about spending so much..
Kept thinking of other uses for the money…. And so it sat there, on my
glider, whispering to me to wear it and fall in love, to treat myself
for once, to wrap myself in a cloud of cozy goodness… And so finally I
did. And then did so again and again and once I actually slept in it
and it was all over! I wear this baby all the time and it washes so
well… Now I want another, like you, because while this gift from
heaven was in the laundry I felt naked!
Christina M.
Dearest Sheaffer,
I am one of your long time readers and yours is the blog that I check first every morning. Although I love reading your blog, I don’t often buy things that you recommend. Not because I don’t want to, but I don’t work out of the house (I’m a stay at home mommy to 4 kids – 3 girls and 1 boy!), and because of that we are on a very fixed income. I don’t buy a lot of clothes because I simply don’t need a lot of clothes. That being said, I did purchase the MUST HAVE JEANS (they were on sale for $34.80 when I bought them!), and I ended up buying a 2nd pair (when they were back at full price)because I loved them so much. I also bought the fringe scarf because it was only like $20, and I love it so much.
When you started posting about the blardigan, I never even thought about getting it because it was way over budget for me. But you kept mentioning it, I kept seeing how cute it was in pictures and hearing you talk about how “cozy” it was, and I kept really wanting it.
I’m happy to report that I saved up, bought the blardigan in early December (love that you call it that) and it might be the best money I have ever spent. I have it in ombre like you, and just like you, I’m wearing it all of the time. In the house, out of the house, wherever. Totally worth the high price tag if you ask me, and that means a lot coming from this frugal mama.
Thanks for keeping me entertained in the morning, and thanks for forcing me to buy the blardigan!
You ladies are PASSIONATE about the blardigan!
Hey, you’re preaching to the choir here! 🙂
And I agree with Jessica. It’s Yummy. Hilarious.
Yes. The blardigan is expensive.
As hard working ladies and wives and mamas, we need TO TREAT OURSELVES sometimes!
You are going to be wearing it CONSTANTLY, so the cost per wear is going to be NOTHING! 🙂
My Miz Mooz cognac wedge boots were another popular item!
And here’s a reader e-mail:
Hey Sheaffer,
Long time fan here! I can’t even tell you how many things I’ve bought on your recommendation, and I love all of them. And I haven’t taken 1 thing back, which is impressive because my friends have an inside joke that I take back more than I buy.
(Don’t tell anybody, but I’ve actually kept a tag on things that I wasn’t sure about, worn them, and still taken them back.) Ha!
Anyway, out of all the things I’ve purchased (Vigoss jeans, Pleione shirt which I now have in 3 colors, nude flats, Stella and Dot jewelry, leopard flats, leggings, lots of tunics, and some cute Anthroopologie finds), these wedge boots are my favorites.
I love the color, I love how they fit tightly around my calves and look good with both my skinny jeans and my leggings, and I love that the wedge gives me some height (I’m only 5’2″).
Plus….holy cow at the comfort. I saw other readers say how they “wore them all day long” or “to the zoo” or something crazy like that, and I didn’t think they could be that serious.
But they were right. ALL DAY COMFORT.
So, thanks for the boot recommendation! I should know to always listen to you!
Click HERE for the boots.
I’m 34 years old, and I swear that for 20 of those years I’ve been searching for a pair of brown boots that I love that would fit my muscular calves (I’m a runner).
Well, my search is over.
The Penny Boots are my boot.
The boots I’ve been searching for my whole life.
I feel like I need to write you a hand-written thank you note, but this will have to do.
Thank you.
I love you,
Click HERE for both the regular and the wide calf versions.
I’m so glad you can stop your search!
Footwear was big this year for you ladies. And some of you were SO excited about your new Hunter boots. See, look how excited Melody is…
Melody scored some classic matte Hunter Green ones! (Loved her picture!)
Click HERE for all Hunter boots.
As you know, I got them too!
Click HERE for my Pillar Box red pair.
Here are you girls in your new Wellies!
Click HERE for all Hunter boots.
Oops! I overlooked these next 3!
Glossy Black, Pillar Box Red, and Glossy Graphite. Love all of them! Thanks Girls!
And this is just a side note from me.
Get ready to be seeing LOTS (and I mean LOTS) of red welly pictures from me.
I’m kind of obsessed.
Wait, that’s a lie.
Fair warning.
You ladies also LOVE your MUST HAVE leggings!
And who can blame you.
Click HERE for the leggings.
For size reference, I’m a size 4, and the small is perfect on me.
(The leggings are long, so I can’t wear mine with flats, but I just cuff them and tuck them into boots. If you are tall, you could probably choose to wear them with flats also if you wanted.)
I’ve never owned a pair of leggings in my life, but the day you named them a MUST HAVE I ordered them. You seem to hold some sort of MUST HAVE power over me and I love it!
You were right on the money about these leggings. It’s the “ultra wide” waistband that puts them in a leggings class all by themselves. They are so comfortable, they don’t sag, they wash well, and they aren’t see through AT ALL.
I now have 3 colors, and that’s just because they don’t make more.
I promise you I would buy them in10 more colors if they had them.
Anyway, thanks for making my legging dreams come true.
Hey Sheaffer,
I’m a bigger girl, so I was hesitant about buying the leggings. I shouldn’t have been. As long as my top is long enough they look awesome. AND I feel great about myself when I’m wearing them.
And the fringe scarf?
OH MY GOODNESS at the fringe scarf.
(Sadly, the fringe scarf is ALL SOLD OUT. However, it looks like I might have a source for one that is VERY similar. I’ll keep you posted!)
seriously you and I need to be fashion friends! We have the same taste!
Every time I check your blog, which is daily, I hear myself saying OMG
I have those or I literally just bought it. I have the same nude flats
and love them too! I also highly recommend the Sam Edelman flats. I own a
few pairs and they are the most comfortable flats ever! I also have a
pair of their booties and love the too! I also want to thank you so much
on the tip of the fringe scarf….I LOOOVe it! I wear it all the time,
looks great with a flannel shirt! Wish I bought another one but too
late, it is no longer available! Bummer! Anyways thanks for awesome
blog…one of your biggest fans!
I am SO CLOSE to having a great option for you for a fringe scarf for those of you that missed out on this one or for those of you that love your first one so much that you want another one!
I hope to have some information next week!
I know I’ll be buying a 2nd one.
I’m interested in knowing if Shay will be a 4th one. Not even kidding.
Love you Shay!
And I also have 2 different collages for just some random items that didn’t fit into a category.
Every single time I see one of THESE tunics, I want another one.
They just look SO DANG GOOD with the leggings!
And I have just a few other e-mails that I want to share.
Your e-mails, blog comments, and facebook messages mean the world to me!
a great Christmas and wish you all the best in the New Year. My 2013
was made better because I discovered your blog, and shared it with my
sisters and friend! (All of whom I know are submitting entries too!!) We
love it and consult each other daily about it…and are now
Nordy-obsessed! Look forward to all you have in store for us in 2014!
together” more outfits since following your blog than I ever have in my
entire life! I’m a much bigger girl than you are but still, your style
WORKS and I am seeing ways to put things together that I previously had
no idea (and no confidence) to try. Thank you so much!!
I have been reading your blog for months now, and you finally
convinced me that I *needed* some of these items for Christmas! I am
creeping up on my 30th birthday (yikes!!), I’m a mom of two young kids,
and I teach middle school – I am in need of some refreshing! I was
looking for a way to spruce up some of my wardrobe and this seemed like
the time to do it. Thank you SO MUCH for your help! I LOVE all of my
items and can’t wait to go start wearing some of them!!
– I told you I went PTMT crazy for Christmas!! I also included (for
fun) a pic of me with my fam on Christmas Day – I LOVED wearing all of
my stuff and I felt so pretty. I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! You
have totally helped me get out of my dressing funk and put fun back into
it! I probably never would have picked these items on my own – now
that I have them – I LOVE them! I know I’ve said that a ton, but I
really mean it! So thank you, Sheaffer!!
is a picture of my friend and I wearing our matching Miz Mooz boots on
Christmas Day! I’m also wearing the Hue leggings and must have scarf.
It was truly a “must have” Christmas!
– My husband loves everything I’ve purchased because of Pinterest Told
Me To. He even said, “I should write that Pinterest lady a thank you
note.” Happy New Year! 🙂
HAPPY 2014!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh.my.goodness! How fun is this post?!?! I love this!!! I'm so glad Pinterest Told Me To tells me what to do too! XOXO
Jane {torontoShopoholic} says
Wow Sheaffer the community you have built here is AMAZING. Love this post. Will have to use that hashtag!
SarahN says
Love LOVE seeing there are many other normal women out there as obsessed with your blog as I am! 🙂 Dang we all look good! Thanks, Sheaffer! Happy New Year!
Slightly Askew Designs says
Can I just go back to our conversation in my driveway a year and a half ago about you "maybe" starting a style blog but not thinking too many people would read it?!?!?! Well, friend – God is good! Amazing to see all the fabulous women reading and listening to your style advice. 🙂
Jo-Lynne {Musings of a Housewife} says
You are SERIOUSLY making me want that blardigan! GAH. But I am on a spending freeze. No fair!!
Blue-Eyed Bride says
Your blog community makes me so happy! Forget all the adorable clothes… let's talk about the adorable Sheaffer! I just love this. The people that emailed you and sent photos and listen to you and love you and your personality and your style. I'm proud of all you've done this year, sweet friend. Thanks for reaching out to me a year ago and introducing me to the goodness of your fabulous blog. Happy New Year!!!
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
Ohmygosh — look at all these people you've inspired!!! That's a lot of shopping going on!! Happy new year…I know 2014 will be your best yet! xo
Jackie T. says
Congratulations to Denise! That was so fun to see everyone in their must-haves! Great contest!
Lindsay says
Oh my gosh Sheaffer, what adorable collages!! I am totally relieved to see that so many of the other gals are also wearing MULTIPLE PTMT articles in each of their photos as well. Thanks for including my pics..I was so excited to see them. Happy New Year to all!
Jenni says
Happy New Year Sheaffer!!! You had a great year and I'm excited to see what you have in store for us in 2014!!!!
Shawnee says
I didn't get any pics submitted but I've bought tons of the stuff you have recommended. I'm still on the fence about the blardigan but I'm pretty sure I will end up with it. 🙂 I also want wellies in red or yellow. I'm completely Nordy obsessed!!
smk053078 says
Dang girl, you have a cult out there and I LOVE it!! You seriously have helped so many women this past year! So crazy proud of you!! Keep it up!! Happy New Year and many blessings in 2014!
Erica says
I have been in my new ombre blardigan since 2013! 😉 LOVE It!
Courtana says
Yes, yes, yes, another source for fringe scarf would be fantastic! I got the oxblood from my Nordy's Wish List and I have a hankering for a taupe, too!
StacyHudson says
Wow…I must say, it must be crazy to actually SEE how many people you inspire by your (not so) little blog! Very cool, Sheaffer! Keep it comin' in 2014…I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
Leslie Epstein says
Even though I didn't win the contest, I feel like being featured on your page is an awesome kind of win!! 🙂 In addition to wearing your white popover side stitch shirt today with my must have skinny jeans and a pair of toms wedges–I finally ordered the blardigan!! I hope your Erin Condren phone case has arrived–you will love it and it is surprisingly accident proof. I've dropped it many times and it protects my phone each time!! Thanks again! Leslie E.
Angela says
So if I am going to break down and order a blardigan… which color is most useful/practical? Shay looks adorable in hers, you are super cute in your ombre, but then there is the red option, etc. Help! and Thanks!
Carly Lee (C. Style Blog) says
I love this post! I loved seeing all the pictures of everyone wearing their items in different ways, so fun!
Candice says
I wanted to let you know that I went out and bought the boots, blardigan, and leggings from Nordstrom's on your recommendation. You have great taste! 🙂 Here's the link, in case you wanted to read my post for yourself: http://lattesandlists.blogspot.com/2013/12/nordstrom-haul-review.html
~Candice from Lattes and Lists
mel @ the larson lingo says
Blardigan = BEST INVENTION EVER!!!!!! I am embarrassed to admit how much I wore it over Xmas break. Yikes.
Jolyn Bunac says
Hi Sheaffer! I've been stalking your blog for months now and I have to admit I've made a few purchases now ONLY because you told me to. I have the fringe scarf, the must have leggings, a blardigan and the penny boots are on their way to me as we speak. You've created a monster and I can't be more grateful 🙂 I have a question about the Hunter boots. Have you tried on the boots in the big kid size? They cost considerably less ($75) and I know they are shorter but I was wondering if they would work for somebody petite. I should probably just go and try both on, but I trust you SO MUCH that I would simply take your word for it.
~ Jolyn