I was unable to get my act together to get a blog post up today.
But girls…we are going to be DARLING come October.
But girls…we are going to be DARLING come October.
(Not that we’re not already darling…but we are going to be EXTRA DARLING.)
If you need me, I’m under a pile of really cute fall clothes on my bedroom floor….
Karen says
Please tell me you'll be doing bachelor in paradise recaps? I haven't watched yet but I see it was 2 hours last night according to my dvr and its on tonight. Oh boy!
Sheaffer says
Hi Karen! I'm not sure! I thought I was going to, but when I found out it was 2 days a week, I just don't know if I have the stamina! xoxo, Sheaffer ?
Katie Van Vooren says
We would happy with one entry for the trainwreck per week! ??
Morgan Weller says
Yes!! You must do at least one! I LIVE for these recaps!
Karen says
It's going to be two days every week?? I thought it was just for the first week. That's a serious commitment just to watch. However I started watching the first episode and there are already some awkward "hi my name is Carly" moments that I NEED you to comment on!!!
Erika Slaughter says
Hahahahaha!!!!! 🙂
Selena says
Haha, I love it! Glad you gave yourself grace and took the day off. I'm thankful to you for my long black Zella leggings, and my Thompson Tomboy jeans– they are so soft, I kept them on all day instead of ditching them the moment I got home! The gorjana long bar necklace will be my birthday gift from my husband in a few weeks- yay! Thanks for your help, and for making shopping fun! xo
Narci says
So fun!! Can't wait to see all of your cute finds this FALL!! 🙂
TexRn says
OMG, you ARE real! Enjoy your day, and we definitely understand!!!!
I Like Ike says
Thanks SO much for all your hard work! Not having a Nordstroms anywhere near me, I would have no idea how to shop that amazing sale! Over the past couple years my eyes have been opened! You rock! Get some rest. ?
Amanda @ Old House to New Home says
Just got an email that some of my items were cancelled! I'm so disappointed but am looking forward to trying some of the things I always hear you talk about!
Stephanie says
My blardigan was waiting for me when I walked into work this AM, where has this been all of my life? I just found this blog 2 weeks ago so far you have steered me towards life changing Hue leggings and Wit & Wisdom jeans & a blardigan. You are doing God's work with this blog.
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
Thank you so much for your hard during the sale.. from the bottom if my heart we truly appreciate it xo
Michelle N. says
I'm so glad the sale is over! I've shopped! And I've shopped everywhere. Nordstrom, Gap, Loft. Whew!
Lindsay Otis says
haha rest up! look forward to a new post!
not a mom
Susan says
THANK YOU so much for all of your hard work and great ideas! I did not know until this year how great the sale is. My husband is pleased that the sale is over – I drove to Denver three times during the sale to shop! Plus online shopping! Yes, we will look great this fall!
Erin Stinson says
Lol. I think this is the shortest blog post you've ever written. I'm glad you took some time off. If anyone deserves it after all the hard work you put in the last two weeks, it's you. Thanks for keeping us looking cute 🙂
Laurie S says
Rest, Sheaffer… there are other sales to be had in the near future – THINK LABOR DAY, HALLOWEEN, THANKSGIVING, AND CHRISTMAS!!! We're going to need you to tell us what to get, etc.
Liz and Brian says
In the first few minutes of last night's "I am Cait" episode, Caitlyn is rocking the ombré blardigan!!!!!!
Amy Flick says
So funny, I just sent the same message!
Amy Flick says
On last nights "I am Cait", Caitlyn Jenner is wearing last years BLARDIGAN.
Sara Brandon says
I NEED BIP RECAPS!!! paradise is a freaking circus! PLEASE!!! and tell me I'm not the only one who saw a very obvious baby bump on Lacey last night?!?!?! Freeze frame that TV when they are saying their vows and you will see it under Chris Harrison's vow book!
Bethany says
Take all the time you need! That sale was hard work :). When you're back and up for posting again, I'd love to see a post about how you store all of your jewelry. I can't seem to find an organized way where I can remember what I have!! Thanks for all you do!
Carol Nelson says
ABC has taken the cheesiness to the next level. Chris Harrison toasting to the new season holding half a watermelon. The night two intro montage was amaze balls or should I say amazecheeseballs. It was like a throwback to a 70s sitcom. And. I. loved. it. #imnotthatoldbutgrewuponnickatnight #teamcarly