The world is watching in disbelief as Houston and all of the surrounding areas are covered in water. My heart is so heavy. I know today is supposed to be What’s Up Wednesday, but after talking to Shay and Mel, we decided to postpone WUW until next week. Please hold your posts and link up with us then. Today we need to talk about helping our fellow Americans.
I know that many of you have friends and family that have lost everything. I have several friends that are in that situation. They are so grateful for their lives, but the devastation in their communities is catastrophic. They are going to have to rebuild their lives. And this rebuild isn’t going to happen next week. It will take months and months, possibly years, before a since of normalcy returns. In order to make this happen, we all need to GIVE.
I’m going to list several ways to give today, but I also want to make sure you read through to the bottom of this post for a story of hope. In addition, I will be linking to a friend’s facebook post that recounts things he witnessed when rescuing people on Monday. He shares several amazing stories and gives us a glimpse into the humanity he witnessed.
Houston and it’s surrounding areas are in a state of emergency, AND THEY NEED OUR HELP. I’ve compiled a short list of ways to help from information that I’ve received from our church as well as from people who’ve been through disasters like this. I’ve learned that money is the best way to support people right now. There are some organizations that are asking for specific supplies that they are prepared to disseminate (please don’t veer from what they are requesting), but otherwise, a monetary donation is the way to help.
*Go to to make a credit card donation. I’ve had readers comment on how this organization helped them previously in times of need. They have 5 tractor trailers currently on their way to Houston.
*Text HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross. You can do this multiple times. You can also visit or call 1- 800-RED CROSS. The Red Cross depends on financial donations to help provide immediate relief.
*JJ WATT (a Houston Texan football player) created a donation page and he pledges that 100% of the donations will go straight to disaster relief, to the people in need. I don’t know much about JJ, but everything I’ve seen written in the last couple of days raves about him and his generous heart. People that have seen him in action are vouching for the fact that all of the money is going to go directly to the people. You can find the site HERE. When I checked early yesterday it was at 1.6 million. The last time I checked (yesterday at about 7:45), the total was up to $4,300,000!
*My friend Courtney and her husband Josh started a non-profit called Mission Regan several years ago in McKinney. They specialize in delivering medical supplies to those in need (both locally and abroad), and right now they are putting together teams to deliver supplies to the hard hit areas in Houston. The first team left yesterday, but they are already preparing for the 2nd round. Click HERE to donate. Please specify “hurricane relief” in the square NOTES section and select “general fund” in the drop down box. Click HERE to hop over to their facebook page to see a video they filmed yesterday showing some of their preparations getting ready to go.
*The United Way has also announced a way to text a donation: Text UWFLOOD to 41444 to donate to the United Way Flood Relief Fund.
*Donations to support The Salvation Army’s Hurricane Harvey relief efforts can be made at or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY.
*Carter BloodCare covers hospitals in north, central and east Texas. To donate, call 877-571-1000 or text DONATE4LIFE to 444-999.
*To help animals suffering from the disaster, visit the Houston Humane Society or the San Antonio Humane Society.
*The Texas Diaper Bank has issued an urgent request for donations, stating that diapers are not provided by disaster relief agencies. The diaper bank will be distributing emergency diaper kits to affected families. You can donate money HERE, or you can send diaper to the following address: The Texas Diaper Bank 5415 Bandera Road, Suite 504 San Antonio, TX 78238
*AABB coordinates a task force to manage blood collection efforts.

Comments welcome if you have other organizations to suggest for giving!
UPDATE: While watching Channel 8 news this morning, I learned about Amazon Wish Lists for different organizations. What an easy way to help!
*American Red Cross Wish List:…
If you follow me on social media, they you already heard this story. It’s so good, I of course wanted to share it here too because it’s a story of hope. I have friends in Houston whose husbands have been out in their boats, rescuing families. I’m so proud of these men for being the hands and feet of Jesus to so many people in need. I have one amazing story from my friend Jill (you may remember Jill from last summer when her son Drew had an AVM, soooo many of you prayed for them) that I want to share with you. Jill and her family live in Memorial, one of the areas that was hit hard. So far, their house is somehow okay (and they are hoping it withstands the levee breaches), but their neighborhood is devastated.
Jill’s husband Michael and his friends have servant’s hearts, and they’ve been rescuing families in their boats. Jill told me they rescued a young family with young children who were obviously very distraught. After rescuing them, he found out that the family was the daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids of one of their previous pastor’s, a pastor that was instrumental in shaping their faith. I know stories like this bring hope, so I wanted to share it here.
Also, thank you to my friend Carrie for the above picture that her husband Victor took during the rescue efforts he participated in with his friends. Click HERE to read a facebook post that Vic wrote late Monday night after returning home from rescue missions. During the worst of times, he witnessed the best in people.
My facebook feed has been filled with SHARE AFTER SHARE of God showing up. The stories highlight people trusting in God and showing immeasurable faith: furniture store owners opening up their stores as shelters, people breaking out in praise and worship songs in shelters, ordinary people risking their lives to save people they’ve never met. It’s all incredibly inspiring.
I want to leave everybody with one thought. Even with all of the poignant pictures and videos on the news and social media right now, I think it’s still sometimes possible to watch the news and feel removed from the stories if you don’t personally know the people affected. Please, don’t allow yourself to feel removed. Even if you don’t know anybody personally affected, imagine it’s your sister, your mom, your child. Give what you can. Let’s all rally around these families and give them some tangible support. The world is watching, let’s show them how we help each other! AND KEEP PRAYING!!!!!!
Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
Susan Jeffries says
Thank you. We will be helping the abandoned animals in Texas. We appreciate the links, as we are in Ohio and we were unsure of how to donate. Blessings
Morgan says
Same here! thanks for including those links.
Shay Shull says
I just cannot stop thinking about Jill and her family.
Narci says
Praying for Houston. These are some great resources! Xo
Margaret Daniel says
As a Houstonian, I would like to thank you for using your platform to highlight ways people can help those affected by the floods.
Sheaffer says
Margaret, we are praying for all of you and are committed to helping! xoxo, Sheaffer
Paige Sullivan says
Thanks for all of the links- this is a great resource for us all. I love your blog- and this is one more reason. You always seem to know what your readers need- Thank-you:) Sending hugs and prayers from the Chicago area to all of you down in Texas.
I have a fundraiser set up also, with 25% of all sales going to the American Red Cross.
Kathleen says
Thank you for your list and God Bless the people of Houston. One correction — the site for Samaritan’s Purse is
Sheaffer says
Oh no! Going to fix it right now! Thank you, Kathleen! xoxo
Connie says
Thank you these are wonderful places to donate. There is also one called Together Rising which is Glennon Doyle Melton’s charity. They are matching donations up to $100,000 so it will do double the good. Please check them out and consider adding to your list. Thank you so much for keeping all of us outside of Texas updated.
Alyssa Wilson says
This is awesome Shay thanks for sharing! I am from Rockport, Texas and they have a community GoFundMe account they are using to help Rockport-Fulton Residents who lost everything! The small little coastal paradise town took a direct hit with the eye passing right over them!
Jill says
I have donated and my heart goes out to all those affected. I live in Columbia, South Carolina where we had 100 year floods two years ago. Forty-three dams burst and there are still so many fixing up their homes and dealing with insurance problems that I know Houston has a long road ahead of them. Prayers for all!
Meagan says
I’ve followed you for years but not sure I’ve ever posted a comment.
As a native Houstonian living elsewhere can I just say thank you for taking the time to dedicate today’s post to both the people and city I love. Thank you
Sarah says
Thank you so much for all these wonderful links. The pictures are devastating and I cannot fathom the pain these people may be feeling.
I didn’t see it mentioned in your post but Kendra Scott is donating half of all proceeded from online sales (I believe to the Red Cross).
Thank you again for this post.
Sheaffer says
Hi, Sarah! I thought this was only yesterday? Is it still going on?
Laci says
Praying for Houston and will donate to all that I possible can! Texas Strong!!
Holly says
Thank you for your kind words and support for Houston. We survived all the rains and floods only to be forced out with the controlled release of reservoir. Grateful to be safe with our 3 dogs but left everything behind. Houston appreciates y’all!
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
So many great ways to donate!! My heart is just broken for all these people! We have friends and family who have had to evacuate and I just can’t stop thinking about it.
That Inspired Chick
Carly says
I did not know about Amazon wish lists! Thank you! As a Houstonian, I’m so grateful for your heart. We can use all the help anyone can give. Thank you for being a light that shines so bright.
Sheaffer says
I Love You, friend. Praying for you. xoxo
Erica Hyatt says
Thanks for this! We donated to JJ Watt’s donation page, love that he is giving 100% of the donations! We also donated to for the fur babies. They received many of the Harvey animals last night. Go to their facebook page to see pictures:
Rebecca says
Thank you so much for this post, and postponing What’s Up Wednesday. I had already postponed all of my posts this week because I live in Houston and it just didn’t feel right to post as normal when everyone around me is suffering during this time. It’s devastating, even if our home wasn’t directly flooded someone we know has lost everything.
Any and all help is needed, now and for a long recovery of our beloved city. It still feels very surreal.
denise says
Thank you for including UMCOR on your list. As Methodists, we always give through UMCOR. One thing that others might want to know is that 100% of donations to UMCOR go to disaster relief and none of the money is spent on administrative expenses.
We’re praying for you, Texas!
Nadine says
I am a reader from Houston. My family was rescued by boat yesterday. Our neighborhood was impassable by car, even though our house had not flooded yet. We are lucky to now be staying with a friend. We could only bring one bag of things with us. I brought important papers, toiletries, medicine, some clothes, my iPad and phone, etc. But one thing I also brought was my baby blardigan. I had been wearing it around my house since the start of the storm, and it made me feel cozy and safe. And it is still doing so. Houston thanks you for your love and support. And thanks for your blog.
Sheaffer says
Oh my goodness, Nadine. I’ve cried so many times over the last several days, and this made me tear up as well. I know you are so thankful to be safe, but I know your heart is still broken for all of your friends and family. And you are of course still anxious about your home. Continued payers of course! xoxo, Sheaffer
Nadine says
Thank you, Sheaffer. It means a lot. I have a great neighborhood, and we will get through it together. It is the Houston way!
Sara Hornbacher says
Hi!!! Reading from Kansas and praying hard for Texas!!! Just wanted to give y’all a link to my sisters Etsy shop, where the proceeds from her Texas Tough shirt will be going to help those in need!!!
Kara says
Thank you for sharing the facebook post…I teared up and probably would have full out cried if I wasn’t at work.
It is so encouraging to me that no matter what the media posts, people are still good to one another.
Deej says
Thank you for listing all of these great ways to support the people of Houston. My heart breaks for everybody that is affected.
Tara says
I love your blog so much, and this post is NO exception. I am not religious, and sometimes find myself frustrated when faith is overly promoted and/or discussed on blogs that I love…but I did not feel that way here. This was really beautiful and moving and I’m really happy you shared — faith parts included. 🙂
Sheaffer says
Oh, Tara. Thank you so much. I’m happy you read it with an open mind and just heard my heart. xoxo, Sheaffer
Kate McCord says
Thank you so much. I live in the Memorial area of Houston and it is amazing to see the service and kindness of total strangers. My family is safe for now, but many friends have lost everything. Thank you for your help!
Sheaffer says
Praying for all of you, Kate! xoxo
Katie Potesta says
A friend’s daughter has a candle shop in Austin. She is donating 100% of the profits from her soy “Don’t Mess With Texas” candle and her “Howdy Y’all” candle to hurricane relief.
I lived through Hurricane Andrew, and know every little bit helps.
Sharon says
As sad and devastating as it is to watch, It has been wonderful to see all the people come together to help. No consideration for race, creed, religious background, sexual orientation etc I hope that somehow, this can continue long after the flood waters have receded
Heidi N says
Thank you for the Amazon links. Diapers are on their way!
Carolyn V says
Lilly Pulitzer has created a “Lilly Loves Texas Colie Top” and all net proceeds will benefit the American Red Cross (Pre-order here:
You can also shop this Saturday, September 2nd, at all Lilly Pulitzer retail stores and where 15% of all sales will go to the American Red Cross.
Evelyn says
Thank you for this, Sheaffer! I live in Houston and seeing all the support and help we have received, and continue to receive, has left me in tears. We will get through this together.
Jackie T. says
A flooded Houstonian here. Just wanted to say thank you to you for and everyone else here for your thoughts, prayers and love.
I’m experiencing the worst event of my life and surrounded by devastation and grief, but I have never ever felt such overwhelming gratitude and generosity. It brings me tears all day long. It has moved me in a way that I will never be the same again. It has made me a better person.
Thanks Y’all Texas Strong!!
Sheaffer says
Oh my goodness, Jackie! We are praying for y’all and hope you do feel all the prayers and love!!! We will continue to pray and give! xoxo, Sheaffer