I am absolutely thrilled to be partnering with Mon Amie today, a new brand on the scene that gives back in a BIG way. “Mon Amie” is French for friend, which is totally fitting since they want to encourage friendships and promote philanthropic giving in a really fun and creative way (which we will get to in just a second)! The company just recently launched in October, and I’m so happy to help them get the word out about their products and their mission. They are going to do BIG things! And they have DARLING watches. #everybodywins
Stated simply, Mon Amie was created to enable people to give and empower others. The brand is rooted in 5 causes: food, education, opportunity, health, and water. All extremely important facets of life, and all areas that I’m quite sure most of us take for granted. The watches in Mon Amie’s debut collection do two things: 1) they help families in Kenya (learn about specifics in a minute), and 2) they empower the people wearing the watches by inspiring us regular folks to be a part of the change we want to see in the world!
Here are the watches in their first collection.
The specific causes are outlined below, and you can get a closer look at how each watch makes an impact.
- Health watch: Purchase gives prenatal care for one woman
- Education watch: Purchase gives school supplies for a classroom
- Food watch: Purchase gives school lunches for two months for one child
- Opportunity watch: Purchase gives financial literacy training for 10 women
- Water watch: Purchase gives clean water for a family for two weeks
The watch I chose has a blush pink band and a tiny little heart icon at the 12:00 index (or “mark”). A portion of each purchase of this particular watch provides pre-natal care for one woman in Kenya! And look how pretty the watch is! I love the clean white watch face, the size of the face, the lovely blush band, the gold trim, and the little crystals found at most of the indexes. It’s a really great watch, and a really great deal at $95.
I wore my new watch to the mall last week as I was picking up a blardigan for a friend that’s been going through a very difficult time. She received an unexpected diagnosis right around Thanksgiving, and she hasn’t left the hospital since. She’s a wife and a mama to 3, and she is going to be spending her Christmas in the hospital. She definitely deserves a little extra love and attention this holiday season, and I was excited to be able to let her know I was thinking about her and praying for her by giving her a blardigan and a note. (The blardigans didn’t make for pretty and colorful pictures, so my friend Cassie and I hopped over to the scarf section to grab some pretty pictures. We thought a scarf would be a great and relatively inexpensive item to gift somebody that’s in need of some love too!)
watch / scarf / sweater (plus size sweater HERE)/ jeans / must have boots
Get The Look For Yourself Here:
I love how the blush pink band complimented the colors in my sweater. And look at the buttons down the sides of the sweater! Such a nice detail!
The watches are beautiful (total bonus!), and they can be great reminders for all of us to DO GOOD all year long!
Each watch comes in a pretty little box with a pin for gifting.
I love it when gifts are presented beautifully, and the pin provides another great way to get the conversation started about spreading kindness and being a part of the change. “Wear the change you want to see in the world.” What a wonderful message. I’m going to give my pin to one of my friends who is in the process of adopting. She and the birth mother have become friends, and my friend has become an incredible support to the birth mama during the pregnancy. I also know that my friend is so very grateful that the birth mom is taking her prenatal care very seriously. Adoption is so hard, but it’s also so beautiful, and it’s wonderful to hear the stories of these two women that are coming together for this baby.
And how cool is this: every Mon Amie package comes with an 8-digit code allowing customers to track exactly where and how their purchase has made an impact in a WE Villages partner community. You can see exactly how your purchase helped somebody!
Purchasing a watch is of course an easy way to participate in giving, but there are so many other ways to facilitate the spirit of a giving! As a family, there are several ways we give back together every year (our favorite is definitely picking out gifts for a little one from the Angel tree every Christmas), but we also like to just be inspired throughout the year to help with causes that just come up and give back when opportunities present themselves.
I compiled a list of some ideas of how you can love on people a little extra during the holiday season and all year long. And remember, it doesn’t have to be a big and dramatic gesture to have a dramatic impact. If you have other ideas, I would love for you to leave them in the comments!
- If you know of somebody that has recently lost a loved one, do something to let them know that you are thinking of them and missed their loved one too. This might include a care package, or it might just simply be a handwritten note.
- Have y’all heard of Blessing Bags? The idea is that you fill a large Ziplock baggie with essentials that you can hand out to people in need. A toothbrush, toothpaste, baby wipes, lip balm, mints, foil tuna packs, protein bars, nuts, bottled water, a small devotional book, etc. You keep these bags in your car and they are ready to hand out to those in need.
- If you know somebody that is ill, give them a little bit of extra love. Leave them a new pair of pajamas, (my favorite thing to gift is still a blardigan because I think of it as giving a hug), and just a sweet note. If you have a group of friends, you can go in together and fill a basket.
- If you are visiting somebody in the hospital, bring treats for the staff that is caring for them.
- Give a generous tip when at a restaurant.
- Send dessert to another family at a restaurant.
- Send an e-mail to a co-worker that you appreciate. Or maybe even send an e-mail to your boss about the co-worker, and BCC the co-worker! Don’t we all love to feel appreciated?
- Donate your talents. Ex: If you are a photographer, donate a photo session to a family who might not be able to afford family photos. If you are a great cook, take a family a meal.
- Offer to keep a friend’s kids while they go on a date night!
Also, make sure to get your kids involved! It’s so important to instill the spirit of giving at an early age. Give them the opportunity to be excited about the blessings you are handing out as well, and by doing so, you will hopefully be raising life long givers!!!
And always remember, opportunities for kindness are all around us, we just have to be aware and willing to jump in! Any act of kindness, no matter how big or small it might be, can make a valuable difference in someone else’s life.
For example, this is a small gesture, but when heading home from the mall, I swung through Starbucks to pick up some gift cards for our regular UPS guy and his holiday assistant! Heaven knows he delivers a lot of packages to my house throughout the year, and I want him to know that I appreciate him!
Thank you to Mon Amie for championing the idea of giving back, for inspiring me to pass along some extra love and kindness, and for sponsoring this post.
And great news, ladies! When I told Mon Amie about my post, I asked if they would want to give a couple of watches away, and they agreed!
So, here’s what I’m thinking. In the spirit of giving, instead of entering this contest for yourself, I would like you to enter this contest for somebody that you think needs a little extra love this holiday season. Is a friend going through a divorce? Did somebody you know recently lose a loved one? You don’t need to share specifics, but to enter, please just leave a comment stating who you would gift the watch to if you won it (and make sure to leave YOUR e-mail address). The winners will be chosen by a random number generator, and I will announce the winners on Friday’s blog post!
And again, here are the watches to choose from. Just click on the one(s) you are interested in!
Have a wonderful Tuesday everybody! See you back here tomorrow for What’s Up Wednesday!
Erika Slaughter says
Love love love this, Sheaffer!!
Kate McDonald says
I would give the watch to a friend who is going through a deployment right now
Kasey White says
I would love gift this watch to my friend Annette. She could use a little pick me up right now!
Debbie says
I would give this watch to my Mom who loves to give to others.
Shay Shull says
Those are so beautiful! I love this!!
Katie says
I would give the opportunity watch to my mom who has given the opportunity to be the person I am today.
Dana says
I would gift the watch to Page, a young Momma whose baby girl was given the diagnosis of Alper’s just one week before, her first birthday. Page is an AMAZING Momma, providing the best care for her little girl night and day!
Narci says
Those watches are so pretty, and I love this! Greta post, friend!
Mary Jo Contello says
I would give the watch to my friend who lost her mom that was also her best friend in September. Thus is her first Christmas without her. Not only is it hard for her but for daughter who was so close to her grandmother.
Heidi Bakker says
I would give the watch to my friend Caroline. She just had a baby boy 3 weeks ago, and 5 days later her older son Corbin, who is 3; started chemo and radiation. She also has 2 other children ages 5 and 7. Her family could really use some prayers right now.
Cassandra says
Will remember your friend in my prayers.
Cassandra says
I would give this watch to my girlfriend who is going through a terrible divorce. She gives back to so many and it’s so hard for me to see how she’s being treated.
Marci says
I would give it to Katie
Stacie says
I would gift it to my mom. She’s had a rough year and could use a little encouragement!
Britney says
I’d give it to my sister who’s been struggling financially after her divorce with two little boys. She sure could use a special, just for her gift.
Rathi says
I would gift it to my close friend tetyana, who is going through cancer treatment for a second time. She’s an awesome mom, teacher and wonderful friend!
Nancy mandell says
I would give the watch you bought to my daughter Amanda . We lost my husband and her beloved dad this past February. She took care of him with me for two years. She misses him so so much. Merinance4@aol.com. This would be so appreciated in her dad’s memory.
Michelle says
I would give it to a friend who lost her husband in a fishing accident a few months ago.
Blair says
I would definitely give it to my mother-in-law. She lost her Mom way too early to cancer this last August. This is her first Christmas without her, and I can tell it is difficult.
This company sounds great! Thanks for hi lightning them!
Beth says
Your blog is so fun, informative and a bright spot for me! I would give a watch to my friend Carla who is battling brain cancer.
Cheri Gerlach says
I would give the watch to my young friend Kelly who is caring for her husband who has early onset dementia while also raising a teenage son and working full time. She could use a bit of encouragement!
Kerry Roy says
I would gift this to one of my fellow special needs mommas, Lori, who was diagnosed with MS in 2016 and now breast cancer in 2017. She just started treatments in October.
Melanie Castillo says
Love this! I would gift it to my niece Angelica who recently had a miscarriage.
Barbara Standridge says
I would give this watch to my friend who is going through a divorce. She is such a giving person. She is a hair dresser and regularly goes to an area of town where there are many many homeless people to offer free haircuts.
Tess says
What great ideas in your post! I would gift the watch to my sister she is working so hard studying every single day to pass her accounting exams. She needs a little pick me up to keep her motivated and let her know I’m thinking of her!
julie says
I would give this to my friend Anne. She and 2 of her sons were in a car accident a year ago today and both of her precious boys were killed. Anne, her husband and their oldest son (who was not in the accident) are, of course, experiencing overwhelming grief but they are believers and have the hope of heaven, of being reunited with their boys someday!
Kadi Lyddon says
I love this post and this watch brand! – I wish I had the money to gift them to several friends I know! – I would choose my co worker Jennifer to gift one to if I had to pick one. She has been on my heart, she is young and has a toddler and a baby due next month and her fiance just started a new job where he will be away for long periods of time. He will miss the holidays and have to leave the day new baby is born so she will be on her own from day 1. She has caught a series of bad breaks lately and I would love to encourage her with a beautiful new watch.
Drew Simon says
I would gift this watch to my mom, Greta Blythe! She does so much for us all year round, and is definitely in need of a little treat for herself!
Ashley says
Such cute watches, and I love their cause! And how cool that my two favorite bloggers are friends in real life. I didn’t know that!
Bridget Self says
I love these watches! I would be thrilled to gift one to my friend Suzanne who just started chemo treatments for ovarian cancer. Giving her the visual reminder of my love and friendship for her would make this difficult time just a little bit easier.
Jamie F. says
I would give the watch to a friend whose husband is very sick and she has four small kids.
Christina Brown says
I would give this watch to my dearest friend who is about to welcome her sweet baby at the end of a difficult pregnancy!
MelanieL says
I love your generous heart!! I would give the watch to my aunt Karen who deserves something special for herself. Have a great day:)
DG says
What a lovely thought! I would give the watch to my sister who is finally able to rebuild her house after Hurricane Harvey.
Terry says
I would give the watch to my daughter’s good friend. She is 31 and just lost her husband in a fiery farm explosion 2 weeks ago. She is left with a 3 year old and almost 1 year old.
Ginger says
I would give this to my friend Tracey who lost her husband this year. This will be their first Christmas without him.
Erin says
I would give to my nephews girlfriend who has just had a hard time with a personal medical diagnosis.
Sarah Skloss says
I would give the watch to my friend Lindsey. She just went through the longest divorce ever. She has three great kids and often cares for her sister who has Down syndrome. She is an occupational therapist in the home health field and is always going above and beyond for her patients.
Jennifer Willoughby says
I would give the watch to a Anna, a friend and fellow baseball mom from Jackson’s team. Her husband passed away 9 months ago. They have 2 children, boy 14 and girl 9. This is and will be a very difficult time for her. The first Christmas without the love of her life will be so very difficult.
Meredith Bleasdell says
I would give this to my friend Lorri. She has had some down times lately and needs some brightness.
Kyle Hickey says
My lovely friend Kayla
Jessica Glynn says
so beautiful! I would give this watch to my sister-in-law… we just lost my mother-in-law to cancer over the summer and she has been grieving. On top of that, she accepted a new job in a new city and has moved away from the support of family and is trying to navigate her new home and routine. All the change has been hard, and I know she’d love the little reminder that someone loves her a lot!
Kari Cox says
I would give this watch to my daughter who is a single mother.
Mary Asher says
I would give this watch to my mother.
Eileen says
My friend Meranda. She could use some extra love right now. She’s going through a really hard time.
Kathy Lang says
The watches are beautiful, and I love this post so much! Praying for all of those who have commented that know and love people that are dealing with heartbreaking situations.
Joy says
I would gift it to my friend from 1st grade (we are now 44) whose husband left her and 2 boys 7 weeks ago.
Melissa Dykstra says
I would gift it to my precious Mom!
Chris T says
I would like to win this watch for my friend Jayne who recently lost her young son-in-law in an unexpected death. My friend and her widowed daughter are really having a tough time . Thanks for the opportunity Sheaffer!
Susannah Anderson says
Hi Sheaffer! I so enjoy your blog and wish you a very merry Christmas and happy New Year!
I would gift this watch to my daughter, Jenna, who is going through a rough patch.
Amber says
I would give the watch to my mom. She’s going through chemo and it’s been really rough on her.
gina says
Not a heartbreaking situation but I have a friend who is going to be blessed with her second set of twins soon all under the age of 3. I think she could use something beautiful just for herself.
jeanmarie says
I would gift this watch to my friend Amy Lee. She has three kids and just recently left her husband of 17 years and really could use something like this to lift her spirits during the holiday season.
Erin Templeton says
I am plus size and in the picture on Nordstrom it appears that Caslon sweater has a larger than normal neck opening area. Do you find that to be the case?
Sheaffer says
Hi, Erin! I actually would say it’s larger than normal. I wish it was smaller, but I still kept the sweater because I like everything else about it! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Dawn P says
I would gift this watch to my Mom. My Dad passed away this year and we are going through our first set of holidays without him. She’s had a really hard time and could use some joy. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
Danielle says
What a sweet idea! I would give the watch to my mom, who is so selflessly giving to others all the time!
Dawn Williamson says
Lindsay McAlpine
Tina Mahler says
I would gift it to my sweet sister who works so hard and needs a little pick me up.
Janet says
I would give it to my friends daughter, Cortney. She is a wonderful person who has been going through a really rough time right now. I would be honored to give this to her. Thank you for this inspiring post!
Janice Wilson says
I would give this to my friend who lost her husband last May. The holidays are a tough time, and I want her to know I’m thinking of her and praying for her.
JeNN M says
I would give this gift to my sister as she is hard working mama who could use a little something extra.
Ashley Hatfield says
I would give this to my sister – an extra little something!
Danielle H. says
My brother in law dies earlier this year so either his wife Cristal or my mother in law Kerri.
Jodi says
I would definitely give it to my Mom. My Dad died in September after a long illness and this is our 1st Christmas without him. It’s so hard on all of us, but losing your husband after 50+ years is absolutely heartbreaking.
Pam Zercher says
My sweet cousin who lost her mama *yesterday*.
Sarah says
My girlfriend Lisa who just had a miscarriage this week. Since this season is supposed to be joyous and filled with love I think it has been extra hard. My heart hurts for her.
Thanks so much for your consideration!
MLeslie says
I would gift this watch to my cousin’s wife. Their 20 year old daughter is in the care of hospice. They are celebrating all the sweet moments this Christmas season and are grateful to be in the comfort of their little home.
Lesli says
I would give this to a friend who is spending her first Christmas without her mom.
Cindy says
I would gift my Mom the watch! She has had her own medical conditions. And now she is dealing with my brothers health issues. Praying for my brothers health and my moms sanity!! She sure would love a new fancy watch!
Katy says
I would love to gift this watch to my sister-in-law as she is going through a breast cancer diagnosis.
Stephanie says
For my friend Jori who is going through a difficult divorce.
Renee says
I would give the health watch to my sisters friend Baye Bagby. Yesterday, her 2 year old son died and this is right before Christmas. It is a very tramatic time for them and a reminder that someone is watching over her and her family is needed so badly.
Rita says
Hi sheaffer, I would gift the water watch to my friend Heather. Our community, Kingwood, Texas, was devastated by hurricane Harvey and unprecedented flooding. Heathers home flooded along with so many others in our town. They had only owned the home for 6 months. They have been working so hard the past 3 months to get their home liveable again and I know she would treasure this gift.
Christie says
This is so cute! My best friend would love this.
Heather says
Thanks so much for this reminder to show love in easy ways!
I would love to give this to a friend!
Diana Fernandez says
Oh boy! So many people to choose from… I would give this to my friend who I met at church, Sarah, she was diagnosed with Leukemia this year and she continues to smile and take care of her family. She has more faith and strength than most moms I know. She has 2 boys and her husband who have been just as supportive. She’s been matched by 3 people for a bone marrow transplant. Praying that this happens for her in January. So, this watch may help lift her spirits a little during this time. Diana
Priscilla says
I would definitely give this watch to a young single mother of three that I have mentored the past few years. She lived in housing for single mothers, for two years, while getting back on her feet. This is an outreach ministry of my church. She did this while working full time, and just graduated, in December with her four year degree. She also worked to be awarded a Habitat for Humanity home. She is such an inspiration to me.
Kelly K. says
I would gift the watch to one of my besties whose husband lost his job months ago. He has diligently been applying and interviewing to no avail. She has been a rock to their family as she manages 4 kids and encourages and supports her husband. She also leads a small group of high school girls and encourages their hearts weekly with Truth. She is precious to me.
Kerry says
I would give this to my bestie Elaine who is always so giving of her time and resources to others!
Kelly says
I would give the watch to my friend who has had theee miscarriages and is now pregnant with another child. She of course is nervous about this pregnancy as anyone would be. She is a kind and giving friend who would truly appreciate the generosity behind this brand.
Joyce Andres says
I’d give the watch to my friend, Sandy Waters, a teacher in South Georgia. She loves teaching more than anyone I’ve ever known, and she’d love that Mon Amie gives back. She’s the kind of person that would give you her last dollar, and go hungry (I’ve actually seen her do this!) if she knew someone needed that dollar more than she did!
Lynn says
I would love to gift this watch to my daughter-in-law this Christmas. She just found out her Mom may have cancer again. She has been in the hospital for over a week so they missed their early Christmas together. So my sweet dil is trying to make a Merry Christmas for her 1&3 yr. old while worried about her mom! The healthcare watch would be perfect! Love her & her mom!
Tracy says
I would give it to a friend who’s had a tough year financially.
Amy Parker says
If I win, I will give the watch to my friend whose 3 year old daughter is battling leukemia.
Marly Page says
I would give the watch to my mom- she’s had some hard hard weeks and a little gift would be special to her.
Natalie says
Such an awesome mission! I would give this to a fellow co-worker who really advocates for women’s rights and helps to fight against human trafficking and the exploitation of women. These are really awesome and versatile.
Kasey Langhofer says
I would give to my mom. She just received news of cancer in her body. She is scared she is anxious she is just down right terrified. Maybe a little something special like this for her to wear would brighten her day. She is our rock and my mom. God knows and he will see us through this.
Sara says
These are beautiful watches! I would love to gift one to my friend Amy. We’ve been friends since we were 11 (so over 30 years!) and she’s had a rough year. Thanks Sheaffer!
Kirsten Pontarelli says
This watch would go to a friend going through divorce and all of the upheaval. She’s also just become an empty nester, so it’s especially tough…
Debbie says
One of my coworkers is going through a terrible divorce. She is a very loving and giving person, but this divorce is really taking a toll on her.
Lindsey says
I would LOVE to gift this to one of my best friends who just lost her first baby at 7 months pregnant. She had a c-section yesterday, and got to meet her precious girl who is with Jesus. 🙁 She needs some extra love and prayers for the days, months and years to come.
Stacy Huse says
I would give the watch to my friend, who recently moved from MN to OR with 4 little kids (twin babies and a 2 and 4 year old). She left her family behind and is starting over with no friends. Very difficult for her as she makes this crazy transition while trying to also care for her very young family!
Kim Mann says
I would give this watch to my daughter, Kristina, who works tirelessly in the critical care unit of the hospital.
Pam says
I would give this watch to a friend who recently suffered a breakdown.
Jenny says
My mom is who I would gift this to. She has had an incredibly rough year. She had a mini-stoke in the spring, my dad has had been sick with skin cancer, and she’s had to move both of her parents who have Alzheimer’s and dementia and other health issues to her town from another state. It’s been a horrific move because of how advanced my grandparents are with their diseases. The horrible and hateful things they have said and done (this is due to the Alzheimer’s and dimentia) have just broken my heart for her. But nothing fazes her and she is the most loving and generous daughter, mom, grandmother, caretaker and friend. She is a blessing and joy to everyone who knows her. I know she worries every day that this terrible disease will also be something she gets one day since so many of her family members have had it. I would love to be able to give her something nice just for her and her selflessness.
Jessica Quade says
I would give it to a friend of mine who just received some hard news about her fathers health. ????
Alicia Fedell says
I would love to give this to my friend who is rocking full time work with 3 girls (2 are special needs that require a lot of extra therapies) as a single parent while her husband is in rehab. She amazes me.
Kim Looney says
I would gift this watch to my boss, she is such a wonderful lady and her husband has been undergoing cancer treatments. I know she is exhausted but she does so much for all of us at work!
Tori C. says
I would give it to either my boyfriend’s mom who is recovering from her second reconstructive surgery after breast cancer or my grandmother who is having a procedure today to hopefully get her feeling better! Both could use a good pick me up/feel good gift to lift their spirits a bit.
Lizzie says
I would gift this watch to one of my besties, Shanna who lost her husband (and daddy to her two girls) to cancer 3 months ago.
Katelyn Eddleman says
I would give this watch to my best friend who just started counseling people, she serves people faithfully and walks with them through their lowest points in life and helps to give them hope! She works with college students struggling with depression and anxiety and new moms with heavy post pardnum depression. She always has to wear a watch because she has to keep track of the time because each session is 50 minutes! She deserves the world! Her name is Lacey!
Susan says
My friend Julie!! The most amazing friend and single mom!!
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
Good family friend- her parents house flooded during Harvey- over 6 ft of water in the house. (we live in houston) She moved her parents into a retirement facility and then her mom died a couple weeks later. Then a few weeks ago she fell and broken her arm (above her elbow) and tore her rotator cuff! Just a hard year!
Cheryl Mullikin says
I would give it to my daughter! She has recently found out she is pregnant after facing infertility.
Kari Cameron says
I would gift this watch to a woman I know that is having a really hard time with knee pain and a difficult job.
Barbara Parnell says
I would give it to my friend Christine,who like me, is an autism mom! Her son has so many difficulties,and many physical issues as well,and she works so hard! It’s a 24/7 job. She deserves a little( actually a lot) of joy. Thank you!
Melody Bowers says
This is a great idea! I would give it to my daughter Amanda who is going through a really hard time right now.
Racheal says
I would love to win this watch for a coworker that has had a rough couple of years. Several family members have fought cancer, her daughter’s restaurant burned, and now she just found out her young son in law has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Would love to brighten her holidays a bit.
Stephanie Guyotte says
I would give this to a friend who needs a pick me up ❤️
Sarah Johnson says
I would love to gift this to my mother!
Alyssa says
I would give it to my mom who has been a little down recently based on some health news…
Ali says
My mom who lost her sister in October to cancer.
Sandra says
I would love to give this to my mom!
Gwen says
I would gift a watch to my sister, Nelda, who traveled from MS to FL twice to rescue me when I was dealing with breast cancer. The first time she stayed 2 weeks when I had bilateral mastectomies. The second time she came to be with me for a week during chemo. A week when I felt like I just couldn’t do it. She’s rescued me several times in our lives. The first and most sacrificial was when she left her dream college to come home & take care of a 12-year-old me when our mom died of breast cancer. I’ll never finish thanking her. She’s absolutely the best.
Christine G says
I’d give it to my friend, Jessica, in Houston. Between the hurricane and a tough divorce she deserves a pick-me-up.
Brandi says
I would gift this watch to my younger sister
Sarah Meenan says
I would gift this to my friend who lost her dad this year and has been so strong through it all!
Denise says
My heart goes out to everyone in these posts. Unfortunately there are quite a few people I can think of facing hard times right now who really could use a pick me up. I would gift one of these watches to a friend of a friend. She is 6months pregnant with twins, and she lost her husband to a sudden heart attack just last week.He was only 32 years old. I cannot even begin to imagine what she is going through right now, but I do know she could use some extra thoughts and prayers.
Sara says
To my mom who is always there for us.