If you listen closely, I’m pretty sure you will be able to hear my little sister and a few of my friends laughing right now.
Q: Am I a writer?
A: No.
Q: Am I a fashionista?
A. Um, no.
Q: Do I subscribe to lots of fashion magazines and feel like I am “in the know” about trends.
A. Again, no.
However, I do watch The Rachel Zoe project, which I think should count for something.
Here are a few of my redeeming qualities:
1) I LOVE a good bargain. Like, REALLY. LOVE. a good bargain.
(Just ask the hubby. I am constantly saying things like “Guess how much this was?”, and then screaming something ridiculous like “NINE DOLLARS!”)
2) I like a challenge.
Now let me be clear.
I don’t like a challenge that requires any type of physical activity or too much brain power. Don’t ask me to run a marathon or even walk a 5k, and please don’t hand me a crossword puzzle.
But a challenge that involves cute clothes and an aforementioned good bargain?
Well, then I’m all in.
3) Pinterest is my new bff.
I am a pinning fool.
I can pin and pin and pin and never tire of it.
So, since I am a self-proclaimed “non-fashionista”, Pinterest provides me with endless ideas on how to put clothes together and look “in”, although I don’t pretend to really know what “in” actually is.
It’s a WIN – WIN.
So……to make my really long explanation a teensy bit longer……
I am going to try my hand at copying some Pinterest outfits and then blogging about them.
I am going to do it without buying lots of new stuff. I will try my best to do it with things that I already have in my closet. If I do buy something because of an inspiration photo, then I will tell you.
Simple really.
Without further ado….
Copy Cat Look #1.
Drum roll please.
(Inspiration photo pulled from this blog.)
I saw the inspiration photo last night and thought about the pieces I already had in my closet that would work. I don’t have a pink bubble skirt (who does?), but I do have hot pink shorts. I also have a wide navy and white striped tee.
And….to kick it up a notch…why not put a smaller striped scarf with my wide striped shirt?
I like to live on the edge.
Never in a million years would I have put these things together on my own.
But Pinterest told me to, I listened, and I liked it!
It’s basically the fashion equivalent of “If you’re friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you? 🙂
Shirt – The LOFT
(I bought this top a couple of year’s ago, so the link is to another striped LOFT top in different colors.)
Shorts – Gap Outlet
Scarf – Francesca’s (no longer in stock, but lots of other great scarves)
What do you think?
Did I pull it off?
Would Pinterest make YOU do it?
Sheaffer says
Pulled it off AND inspired me….I'm gonna attempt with pinkish coralish jeans and navy/white striped tank….
Team Seghs says
The comment "pulled it off AND inspired me….I'm gonna attempt with pinkish coralish jeans and navy/white striped tank…" was posted by Alli Seghers
girlonthemoveblog.com says
I absolutely love this idea of showing what Pinterest inspires you to do in real life because in my opinion that's what Pinterest should be about…not just pinning hundreds of ideas but actually doing them! It's probably why the Friday feature on my blog (www.girlonthemoveblog.com) is called "From Pinterest to Real Life" lol
Misty says
found your blog via pinterest and LOVE IT!! (I just said that in my Oprah's favorite things voice) 🙂 you have totally inspired me to change out of my mom mode style rut that I have fallen into the last year… yay! hope you don't mind if I follow along!
rachel says
Sheaffer, this blog is SO fun! Found you via Hi Sugarplum…what a small world. Hope you and your family are well! Looking forward to many fabulous outfit ideas. 🙂
Bethany@http://thislittleestate.blogspot.ca/ says
You are hillarious. I just found you through Debbiedoos newbie round up. I have a love hate relationship with pinterest. I swear I thoght of all the great ideas first but others did them first and pinned them, and I am in the corner puting in dismay. lol
I love your littl nautical outfit with a punch of colour. You pulled it off girl!
Michael Z says
Even your 1st ever post was awesome! No wonder your blog took off running!
Krafty-K says
I read your entire blog last night & then spent $300 at Nordstroms.com. I am in San Antonio, how do you pull off a jean jacket already? Way to hot for me! Awesome advice! Thank you!