So it’s been a couple of weeks since we talked Bachelorette over here. Last week they showed a rerun. #thanksalotchrisharrison The week before that I was out because we were at the ranch house (with no WIFI) because we were getting a new roof put on our house in McKinney. #thanksalothail
Click HERE if you need to catch up on all of the prior recaps.
Before we start with all things Bachelorette today, I want to show y’all a great tee I picked up last week. Starting tomorrow, we have some prime time Anniversary Sale coverage over here, so I wanted to quickly show you this tee that is currently available. It also comes in orange spice and black. The little lacy inset on both the chest and the flutter sleeves is so pretty and feminine. And the super soft jersey material makes it soft enough to sleep in. And that’s speaking from experience. I wore this outfit on Monday to do errands, and at about 1:00 I pulled off my shorts and bra and climbed in bed for a 30 minute power nap. Why? #because2puppiesisnojoke 😉
It’s a relaxed fit, and the little tiny pleats across the chest and the sleeves are such a nice little detail. I’m wearing a small (which is my regular size), but it is oversized. If you want it less blousy, you could size down. I wore my favorite strapless bra with the top so the straps wouldn’t show through the lace at all (and because it’s so comfy I sometimes wear it when I don’t even have to). However, if you wore a nude bra, I think it would be fine. This one is my favorite, and it’s going to be in the sale!
lace trim bell sleeve tee / best strapless ever/ similar denim shorts (just $39!)/ Haviana flip flops /
Get The Look For Yourself Here:
Okay, BACHELORETTE TIME, PEOPLE!!!!!! If you’re not a Bachelorette fan, make sure you scroll down for some Anniversary Sale coverage at the end of today’s post.
This week’s episode has Rachel with her final 6 suitors remaining: Eric, Peter, Dean, Bryan, and 2 guys that I don’t know. SERIOUSLY. I for real didn’t know the names of 2 of the guys.
Like, who let this guy in? Apparently his name is Matt. DOESN’T EVEN SOUND FAMILIAR, does it? Bit I dig his jean jacket. I maybe wouldn’t button it up all the way, Matt. #butyoudidntaskme
And I’m wondering if they should call security on this dude. Is it just me, or does he look a little bit sketchy?
FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD AND HOLY, CAN’T WE JUST SEND MATT AND THE SKETCHY GUY HOME NOW? I mean, we all know that’s how this is going to end, right?
Rachel let them know that there wasn’t going to be a rose ceremony this week. There was going to be three 1:1 dates and one 3 person group date. And the roses would be handed out on those dates. OR. Maybe they wouldn’t. DUN DUN DUN.
Bryan got the first 1:1 and they were in Geneva. You’re not going to believe this, but Rachel thinks it’s the perfect city to fall in love. #youdontsay
Bryan threw on a suit, and they drove around in a Bentley until they ended up at a watch store. How much do you think the good folks over at Breitling paid for this spot? I wondered if Neil Lane was sitting at home all DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? THIS IS MY SHOW, BREITLING!
They tried on some watches, and Rachel said she was going to get one for both of them. Yeah, right. AS IF Rachel was actually buying the watches herself. And spoiler alert: the last man standing isn’t going to buy an engagement ring either. Isn’t that right, Neil?
And just fyi, a quick search of the watches show they start around $1,800 go upwards of $20,000. #DANG
Bryan done lost his mind when she gave him the watch. He then gave her a proper Geneva thank you by mounting her in the store and sticking his tongue down her throat. #wheningeneva #idontevenknowwhatthatmeans
They headed to a fancy dinner that night in an opera house. Rachel talked about how she thought he was too good to be true, and they discussed their childhoods a bit. And then Bryan talked about a past relationship. If I was Rachel, I think ALL SORTS OF RED FLAGS would have gone up when he talked about how his last relationship ended because of his mom. #mamasboy #youwantahusbandnotasonrachel
But if I’m going to be honest, the idea of an overbearing mom gets me excited, because this should make for a great hometown date. GIVE ME ALL THE CRAZY MAMAS.
Bryan got a rose, which was a 1 way ticket to meet her family. As they were making out to celebrate the rose, violins started playing in the background. And then he basically ate her face. The end.
Dean had the next 1:1.
They were wearing their Sunday best and headed to a Catholic Mass (which was all in French). Rachel talked about how important it was going to be for the person she was with to respect her faith. But what I’m sure she really wants is somebody that shares the same faith, and places just as much importance on faith as she does. I’m not sure if Dean is ready to be that guy.
They walked the streets of the town and slow danced on a cobblestone path. Everything seemed to be going along swimmingly, until they sat down and actually started talking. Rachel told him it was time to really get to know each other, so she encouraged him to ask her questions. HERE YOU GO, DEAN! TIME TO SHINE, DEAN!
Dean took the moment to ask the following hard hitting questions like….wait for it…..Do you believe in the tooth fairy? and What’s your favorite dinosaur? Neither Rachel nor I was amused. He tried to pacify her with an awkward You’re so pretty. Nice, try.
That night she admitted to him that she had planned the date to get to know him better, but she felt it didn’t go so well. Dean giggled some more, and then he had a real moment and admitted to her that he was having a hard time because he really really likes her, but he’s concerned about taking her home to his not so traditional family. He said she wished he could meet his family before he was 16, because his family after he was 16 (after his mom died and his dad didn’t really step up like he needed to) was not one he felt like she would like. He described his dad as “eccentric”. It was a very real moment, and as a mama, I just wanted to hug sweet Dean. (Sidenote: The previews of next week’s episode make me think that “eccentric” is code for CRAZY. Because Dean’s dad looks straight up cray, and maybe a little mean.)
Rachel appreciated his honesty, and she gave him the rose.
The final 1:1 date went to Peter.
Which meant the 3:1 was going to be Eric, and the other 2 guys who shall remain nameless. Only because we don’t know their names.
When greeting Peter, Rachel tried to perform the Bachelorette signature move. But Rachel’s run and jump move needed a little work. It was more of a HUG AND HOIST, but it still got the job done. She still has a handful of episodes to work on her form.
On their date, they went on a helicopter ride to see the Swiss Alps. Now THAT’S a cool date. #seewhatididthere
When they landed, they went dog sledding. Neat in theory, but really, can you even imagine how cold it was? And the sledding position bothered me because it looked like her feet were in stirrups, and I felt like she was about to get her annual exam. #scootdownalittlemore #alittlemore
This date had me taking a walk down memory lane to Sean and Catherine’s date where Sean morphed into an Oompa Loompa. Those were some good times.
That night at dinner, Peter shared with her that he absolutely wanted her to meet his family. He told her that he had never “dated a black girl” before, but he wasn’t worried about how his family would react. Then he had a very raw moment. He explained through tears how his last girlfriend never met his family and something about how he knew they were growing apart and he left her crying as he watched her in his rear view mirror. I was a little confused if it really happened or if he was recounting an 80s movie or a sad country song. He got all choked up, but I feel like the story was a little bit random. Deep down in my soul I feel that they are grooming him to be the next Bachelor.
The 3:1 Date Card showed up for Eric, Adam, and Matt. It said Tomorrow will be difficult. I don’t know what else to say. Rachel.
Well, allrightythen.
My gut was that Bryan and Matt would be the ones to go, but then I remembered that Eric tends to annoy the fire out of me by whining and questioning the relationship, so I thought he might do the same to Rachel. NOBODY LIKES THE NEEDY GUY, ERIC.
It deserves a mention that this 3:1 date was clearly sponsored by the pea coat.
They hopped on a small boat and headed to France. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned for their safety. Look at the 4 of them all precariously perched on top of top of this smooth and round portion of the boat (like my boat terminology?)…surrounded by freezing cold waters….WITH NARY A LIFE JACKET IN SIGHT. Guys, those pea coats will just weigh you down.
Come on, ABC….Did Tierra teach us nothing about the dangers of hypothermia?
Each of the 3 on the group date had some alone time with Rachel. During her time with Matt, Rachel started BAWLING. She explained to him how he was more like her than any other contestant, but alas, she sent him packing.
I have this picture here because I think we need to take just a second to talk about Rachel’s eyelashes. NO M’AM. Eyelashes should not look like a shelf. We can all learn from this. #teachablemoment
So that meant Eric and the sketchy guy were left, fighting for 1 rose. And they were going to do it while sitting at the tiniest table known to man.
Sketchy guy had alone time with Rachel, and it seemed to go well. They ended it with a kiss, and I was starting to think that sketchy guy might win out over needy Eric.
During Eric’s time with her, he talked about how his childhood years weren’t easy. His background seemed like the polar opposite of Rachel’s upbringing in the church, with a solid family unit, and her father as a federal judge. He told her how he had never taken a girl home, and that worried Rachel quite a bit.
So, who was it going to be? She sent the sketchy guy home. Who I am sure isn’t sketchy at all. He just looks a little sketchy. Oh, wait! This guy’s name is Adam! You know, the guy who brought the doll who appeared in the background of lots of shots! ABC, you really should have had Adam Jr. sitting in the limo waiting for his dad to join him. That’s what you call a missed opportunity.
I was struck by the fact that they didn’t even give these two guys the courtesy of a rose ceremony. I’m guessing ABC blew their budget on Bryan’s and Rachel’s watches. OR, WAIT. Where was Harrison this whole episode? Was he on this week at all? Maybe he was taping Millionaire or something, and with nobody to pop in and say, “Rachel…Gentleman….This is the final rose tonight”, THEY JUST DADGUM CANCELLED IT. Get your priorities straight, Harrison.
I’m soooooooooooooo looking forward to hometown dates and getting to meet Dean’s eccentric CRAY CRAY dad. And then I’ll caress Dean’s hair, sing him a lullaby, tell him everything is going to be okay, and rock him to sleep.
Please leave your Bachelorettte thoughts in the comments!
My post will definitely be live by 5:00 a.m. CST on Thursday morning!!! In fact, as soon as the links go live I will put them in my post and publish it immediately….but it might take awhile for all of that to happen.
I’ve received several e-mails from you ladies saying that you are setting your alarms for like 4:00 a.m. so you can shop before others are shopping, so I wanted my post to be ready for you! (By the way, I totally respect your commitment. Y’all are my people.)
Tomorrow’s post is all about making your shopping experience as easy and stress free as possible. I will have some FAVORITE FINDS highlighted, and I’ll also be talking sale strategy (with some tips and tricks). As far as inventory goes, I know that my favorite bra is in the sale (I know many of you buy 1 every year)….and although I haven’t seen THESE in the catalog or in the line sheet I received, I am hoping they are in the sale. Mama needs some new drawers. 😉 And not only are the blardigans and baby blardigans in the sale, but there’s a new hooded blardigan. YES M’AM. The other items I’m SUPER excited about are a pair of AG jeans, a pair of Articles of Society Carly jeans, and a Leith cocoon cardigan. (There are no links yet because the new items aren’t live yet.)
Anyway, I’ll see you back here bright and early tomorrow morning. Personally, I couldn’t think of a better time to shop than with the kids and the hubby all in bed! ????
Is it weird that I’m nervous for you ladies?
Because I am.
But seriously. Don’t worry.
We’ve got this.
GO TEAM!!!!!
Shay Shull says
Oh my goodness, that picture of Sean had me laughing out loud!
Erika Slaughter says
Every Wednesday I look forward to these posts!! It sounds like Dean’s hometown will be the one to watch!
Jaclyn says
I have heart palpitations and all the nervous energy getting ready for tomorrow!!! Best. Day. Ever! I can’t wait to see your picks!
JoAnn says
I about died at the picture of Sean and you saying he morphed into an Oompa Loompa…haha I can’t even type this sentence right now because I’m laughing!!! And THANK YOU for saying something about Rachel’s obnoxiously fake eyelashes! They have been bugging me this whole season haha!!
Toni :0) says
Me too!!!! I have HATED those furry things that could be wrapped around her head they are so huge and SO ridiculous!!!! Looks like she has a layer of carpet on her eyes. Ugh ugh ugh!!! Be natural for crying out loud!!! She’s a pretty girl but those!!!
Kimberly says
I don’t see the hooded blardigan online; it’s only in the catalog. Do you think it will be available tomorrow?
Sheaffer says
Hi, Kimberly! YES! The links haven’t gone live yet! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Betsy says
Sheaffer–you CRACK ME UP! Every time. You are too clever, Funny Lady! Thank you. I love to laugh!
Narci says
I am so excited for the sale tomorrow, girl!!! And, the recap had me laughing so hard! Seriously, so funny!!
Jillian says
Rachel’s eyelashes have been distracting me this whole season. They are awful! Doesn’t ABC have a better makeup artist they can give her?!
Megan says
early in this season I called Peter as the next Bachelor and I’m still standing by that prediction. I’m with you, who were those other guys? The new hooded blardigan is the first thing going into my cart. We are headed to China in a few weeks to bring home our newest and i think it will be perfect for the plane!
Adrianne Massow says
Two (ok, maybe three) things bothered me this episode. One, did you see the little scene with all of them in the room, and Peter with his lot propped up looked like he had a hole in the crotch of his pants! I had to go back and pause it to make sure I was seeing things clearly. And I may have taken a picture of it. For evidence.
Two and three, those eyelashes and hair extensions have been bugging me all season long. Surely, ABC can splurge on someone that can do better. Hair extensions freak me out anyway, but it’s so obvious. I don’t like it.
Anywho, I always love reading your recaps. They never fail to crack me up. Have a great week!
Shalane says
What time does the sale go live?
Sheaffer says
Hi, Shalana! It goes live at 2:00 a.m. CST!!! WooHOooooooo!!!! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Nancy says
I thought for sure Bryan’s pants would get a mention. What the heck were those?? Capri and tight rolled?? I saw ankles and socks! Go back and look, you’ll crack up!!
Thanks for that pic of Sean!
Gloria says
Nancy, I thought the same thing!! I kept trying to figure out why his pants were so short……were they from high school and he outgrew them, did he forget his at home and borrowed them from another guy, did he go out to buy them and didn’t try them on or is that the style these days!!!
Emily says
Does anyone know what time the sale actually goes live?
Sheaffer says
Hi, Emily! It goes live at 2:00 a.m. CST! Happy Shopping! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
sydnee says
Your recaps are hiliarious!! Are you this funny in real life?!
Marilyn says
HI! Of the 2 Blardigans, which one would you recommend buying first? And, true to size? Tks!
Sheaffer says
Hi, Marilyn! That’s a hard question! I wear my baby blardigan more now (the one with the pockets and the rounded hem), but I still love to really wrap up in the original blardigan! AND THE NEW ONE WITH THE HOOD AND POCKETS IS AWESOME!!!! Happy Shopping! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Sara says
I’m a mama to a 17-month old, which can be exhausting at times. For Christmas 2016, one of my gifts was a “gift certificate” from my husband for 4 hours of interrupted Me Time when he would watch our daughter so I can do whatever I want. I’ve been saving that golden ticket and I’m cashing it in on Saturday so I can shop the sale. I don’t know what I’m more excited for, all the awesome sale items or just the fact that I get to go shopping, BY MYSELF, without feeling rushed.
Christina says
Do you know what time the sale goes live? Last year I got up at 3 am and shopped! My list is ready!!
Sheaffer says
Hi, Christina! 2:00 a.m. CST! Happy Shopping! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Shelley K. Watson says
Hilarious! I thought I was the only one bothered by her lashes… ABC needs to do better. Thanks for the funny recaps!
Leah says
Hi Sheaffer! Your posts crack me up!!!
I am loving the puppy posts too…my husband and I just brought home a 9 week old golden retriever on Friday!
Amy Gallardo says
So I was trying to search for some catalog items online (you know, just training for tomorrow) and I typed in blardigan without thinking… and they came up in the search! Haha, Nordys recognizes Sheaffer slang! I’m sooo excited for the next couple of days
Sheaffer says
I LOVE that, Amy!!!!!! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Kara says
Great recap!
I am so excited about the sale tomorrow and can’t wait to see your post early in the morning. Quick question-what type of blardigan did you buy Carter? I have a little girl in my life that is so jealous of mine…think it is time to get her one of her own.
Thank you in advance for your help. 🙂
Sheaffer says
Hi, Kara! I got Carter the original blardigan. It’s huge, but he loves to wrap up in it! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Melissa says
Okay, I just have to tell you that I have never even watched the Bachelor/Bachelorette and I look forward to these posts every week. They are always so funny! Thanks for making me laugh 🙂
Jodi says
Are the original rise hanky panky going to be on sale???
Sheaffer says
I believe so, Jodi!!!!
Lisa B says
Hey Sheaffer! Can’t wait for tomorrow and the Anniversary Sale posts. Question on your favorite bra…what”s the best way to know your bra size for sure?! Also, is there a great strapless bra for B cup girls? I think you mentioned that in post once but can’t find it. Thanks! xo
Sheaffer says
Hi, Lisa! I’m not sure about knowing your bra size unless you go in and get measured. I think there is a Wacoal that’s good for B cup girls too! Have fun shopping tomorrow! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Chris T says
too bad reality steve already outed the winner-I believe it is obvious-but will say no more. and yes who were those two guys that kept getting the rose but never talked to her?!?! and now gone whoosh!!!
Keisha Dawson says
Always love your Bachelorette recaps, and I am so pumped about the Anniversary Sale. This will be my first year to shop as a cardholder!
Sarah L says
I can’t remember the last time i LOL’d so hard! #scootdownalittlemore I died. I never knew if I was the only one that they had to coax down that table because I’ve never asked a girlfriend if her dr said the same thing, like 3 times, every visit. But now I know, so thanks for clearing that up!
Husband has been prepped for Nordstrom Anniversary sale. #ifyouknowwhatimean #winkwink #noshame
Kelly says
What time does the sale go live online? I know last year was 2am because I stayed up and shopped while the rest of my family was sleeping. It was pure bliss and I’m hoping to repeat it tonight 🙂
Sheaffer says
Yes, Kelly! 2:00 a.m. CST! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Heather says
Can cardholders shop early access in store or only online tomorrow?
Sheaffer says
Hi, Heather! You can shop online at 2:00 a.m. CST! 🙂 xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Blake says
So excited for the sale to start! It always falls over my bday (next week), so it’s perfect timing to treat myself!
If you have a chance during the weeks of the sale, would you please highlight any fall dresses included in the sale that would be good for fall weddings? I have several to attend this year!
Great recap too, btw! 😉
Amanda says
That picture of Sean is amazing.
Hmm I don’t really care for any of the guys left-although as a boymom I too want to comfort poor Dean and maybe give him a popsicle or something to help him feel better….I really liked Anthony (the guy she rode horses with on rodeo drive). I found it refreshing that he said he had a perfect childhood and wonderful father. It seems like contestants usually only talk about their family when there is a sad backstory to tell. Also, Anthony looked exactly like Mr. Clean, which always gave me a chuckle. Oh well there’s always Bachelor in Paradise!
Lori says
Yes, clearly she should have gotten to edit the dogsled ride shots of her area. Not attractive at all, but she was laughing all the way…. those eyelashes are way too extreme!
Kathleen says
Sheaffer I love your recaps so much. I cracked up this morning, and now I’m sitting on my couch reading it for a second time so my husband could enjoy it. Just as funny the second time. “Tiniest table known to man.”
angela says
OMG so so funny! You had me LOL during the bachelorette recap so so funny- great job! Can’t wait to see next week as we’ll! #teamdeanORpeter
Meredith says
Soooooo, my 7 year old son wants a blardigan of his own (since he’s always wearing mine!!!!)….do you recommend the classic blardigan or the baby? Thanks!!!
Sheaffer says
Hi, Meredith! I LOVE THIS! My son (8 years old) prefers the classic because he can really wrap up in it! He got his for Christmas 2 years ago! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Katie Allred says
#1- so excited for the sale!
#2- I agree on the “sketchy” guy… there is just something that rubbed me the wrong way.
Meredith says
Haha I was wondering who the two guys were…especially Matt! Lol I don’t know why she likes Dean. He’s sweet but such a baby. I’m excited to watch his crazy dad too!!! Lol Maybe he got on the show bc of his dad? But in all reality a I feel bad for him losing his mom. 🙁 I think Bryan is too much. Eric is a red flag to me. I’m all Team Peter!! I thought his tragic romance story was odd too… I secretly hope she picks Bryan so Peter can be the next Bachelor!!! Although she will be crazy if she doesn’t pick him!
Diana says
hahaha! this recap was hilarious! A big WIN for the hashtags, still giggling! Some of the scenes of Rachel crying are definitely because of her eyelashes, they look heavy and super uncomfortable.
Kelly says
Great recap as usual! Thanks Schaefer always so entertaining!