A couple of housekeeping matters before we get to the recap.
As always, I was blown away by all of the super deserving moms who were entered for the Special Mom contest. There are so many AMAZING moms out there that need to be celebrated.
I’m very happy to be celebrating this one winner, and I can hardly wait until the next contest. I’ll probably do the next one in October or November, so make sure you enter yourself or friend into that one as well.
So, today’s winner is Penny Howard, nominated by Martha Kosel!
With Penny’s permission, I will be sharing more about her and her family at a later date, but for now let’s just all say CONGRATULATIONS PENNY!
We talked on the phone last night and Penny is SO EXCITED!!!!
We are going shopping together next Tuesday, I will introduce y’all to Penny and her family on a blog post on Thursday, and on Friday you will get to see our shopping trip!
It’s going to be SO MUCH FUN!
I can’t wait till you all get to learn about Penny.
She is as sweet as can be (as is Martha who nominated her) and a VERY DESERVING mama!
One more housekeeping matter…
Before I start the Bachelorette recap, I need to let all of you know the plan for tomorrow’s post,
Fingers crossed, THESE boots will be restocked!
The sale will go live on the Nordstrom site at 12:00 a.m. PST on Friday.
So…my post will go live then too (which is 2:00 a.m. CST).
I’ve received several e-mails from you ladies saying that you are setting your alarms for the sale, so I want my post to be ready for you!
By the way, I totally respect your commitment. 😉
Tomorrow I will again be functioning as your Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Special Correspondent, I feel like there is nobody else better equipped for the job, and tomorrow’s post has LOTS of NEW items I tried on at Northpark on Tuesday that I will be highlighting for the first time!
Yep, you heard me right.
I took Northpark DOWN and can’t wait to show y’all what I found!
In addition to all of the new items, I will also be reviewing other favorites at the bottom of the post.
I want everything to be in one place for you ladies that are just now gaining access to the sale.
The post will be as user friendly as possible.
Anyway, I’ll see you back here bright and early Friday morning…or for you die-harders, maybe even at 12:00 a.m. PST (2:00 a.m. CST). Personally, I couldn’t think of a better time to shop than with the kids and the hubby all in bed! 🙂
Is it weird that I’m nervous for you ladies?
Because I am.
But seriously. Don’t worry.
I’ve got this.
So, if you recall, we ended last week with Kaitlyn’s and Nick’s Fantasy Suite Date. And in case you forgot, he makes her feel like a desired woman.
We pick up where we left off last week with Gosling/Alf and THE OTHER GUY (He has a name Gosling!) having it out in Nick’s room.
And I have to say, Shawn is looking more Alf than Gosling to me right now.
These boys HATE each other.
And I want to put them both in time out.
Because it’s getting annoying.
2nd OVERNIGHT DATE: Peter Brady
Peter shows up in a navy cable knit sweater WITH A POPPED COLLAR (nice move Peter) and a pair of sensible khakis.
They ride horses and Kaitlyn talks about how she’s never ridden a horse before.
I want to make a “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” joke, but I won’t.
And then after feeding some donkeys, they get chased by donkeys.
That’s not a euphemism. They literally get chased by donkeys.
They sit down at a picnic, and Peter launches into his desire to spend his life with her and the fact that he’s in love. And then they kiss.
They have dinner at the castle, had an “argument” about who out of the two of them was responsible for how awesome things are between them, and I was transported right back to high school phone conversations with Chris with “You say bye”…..”No you say bye.”
Good times.
And for those of you keeping track, Peter just went up SEVERAL more notches in my book.
Kaitlyn says “it feels good…and right..”.but there’s no mention of her feeling like a desired woman.
She gives him the fantasy suite date card, and he replies with a resounding “Best Sleepover Ever.”
They head to the fantasy suite, “ooh” and “ah over the room, and then cut to the next morning with them gazing out the window.
Kaitlyn confesses that they got about 1/2 an hour of sleep last night.
And then she admits that she’s never been more confused.
I’m left wondering if it’s about her decision, or if in fact she is just confused about Peter’s pants.
Kaitlyn picks Gosling up at his castle and gives him a super bright (and dorky) golf outfit. But don’t worry, it doesn’t stay on for long.
And I know this is surprising, but “golf is a lot like love.”
Gosling starts off strong, but then he starts hitting every ball into the water.
They then play a rousing game of truth or dare.
And she dares him to take off his clothes.
But I again find myself confused.
Why the long underwear Gosling? I mean, you’re golfing, not skiing.
The ONLY thing that makes sense to me is that he was possibly trying to avoid a panty line in his white pants.
Don’t worry ladies, he strips the long johns off as well.
And then Kaitlyn steals his clothes and takes off running.
They sit down for dinner that night, and as soon as Kaitlyn mentions Nick, Gosling starts on a downward spiral.
Shawn needs to RISE ABOVE, because at this point, I feel like he’s looking wayyyyyyy worse than Nick. He throws down the gauntlet and says that if she chooses Nick then that’s fine with him because they must not have been meant to be together anyway.
Get your head in the game.
If you want this girl, just talk about how you are the right guy for her…and not how Nick is the wrong guy. And stop with the name calling.
I’ll say it again.
They head back to the hotel room, and for some unknown reason the editing guys spare us of being subjected to kissing and slurping sounds.
Is it possible that they’ve heard our pleas?
The next morning, Gosling leaves with a hoodie pulled over his head and walks through a parking lot.
But looks whose casually leaning against the stone building waiting for him?
That’s right, Nick.
Time for Round 2.
So the guys sit down to have a “man to man conversation.”
That didn’t happen.
What they did have was a “jackwagon to jackwagon conversation.” Which is totally a thing.
Gosling needs to cool his jets and make like Elsa.
Here’s the deal about Shawn though, I think he really does love her, and that love is making him a little bit cuckoo right now and maybe he’s doing/saying things he wouldn’t do in real life…and we all know that this set of circumstances is far from real life.
I think that removed from the crazy Bachelorette machine, they could be really good together!
He ends up telling Nick to “get the eff out of his place.”
Nick leaves, and that’s that.
Harrison and Kaitlyn sit down for a heart to heart.
Lucky Harrison, Kaitlyn is wearing a DEEP V dress.
And I have to say, I have a deep respect for Kaitlyn’s boobs.
They’ve got mad skills.
Those suckers stayed put, all perky and and perfect.
Just as she is about to hand out the roses, she panics and leaves the room.
Harrison pulls her aside and tells her to put her big girl panties on.
She marches back in and kicks off Peter Brady.
And I’m like, Marsha is going to be pissed!
But not me, I’m PUMPED Peter got kicked off.
Because OH MY WORD he is the perfect pick for the next Bachelor.
Let’s all write a strongly worded letter to the powers that be DEMANDING it to be so.
Peter takes the boot in stride.
He’s classy and exits with the grace of Jared.
But really, can’t the limo just take him straight to his own Bachelor mansion?
We then spend the next what seems like hour and a half in awkward silence and watching Nick and Gosling fidget and pace.
It was painful.
And hysterical.
Let’s all take a minute and pay homage to the fact that we are finally leaving Ireland. It’s time for Hometown Dates….but they aren’t really hometown dates….they go to a hotel somewhere.
Because NO RULES.

Gosling sits down with his Dad and he leads with “What the hell is going on?”
Get The Look For Yourself here by clicking on what pics you are interested in. I threw in another statement ring because it just felt right. 🙂
And to end today, if you are a cardholder and there is anything in the sale that you’ve been on the fence about, I suggest you go ahead and get it now.
When looking online yesterday morning after the sale went live, THIS vest caught my eye.
Insulated Vest HERE.
During Sale Price: $72.90 / After Sale Price: $109
I absolutely adore the puffy collar that conceals a hood.
I agree with the sizing recommendation to order a size up. I’m wearing a medium.
Other items in the picture are THESE ZELLA LIVE IN LEGGINGS (YES!) and THIS NIKE PULLOVER, also both part of the sale.
When I was at Stonebriar yesterday the Zella stuff was flying off the shelves. Click HERE for all Zella for women that’s included in the sale! And I got several messages yesterday from readers telling me I needed to try THIS ruffle back jacket from Zella because it’s so flattering (make sure you size one size up).
meghan says
Any chance you have seen any cute flare jeans on your Nordstrom sale trips? I'm ready to hang up the skinny jeans this fall (or at least have a little variety in my closet), so I'm looking for a flare jean and the appropriate shoes to pull off the look.
Sheaffer says
Hi Meghan! I haven't, but I haven't been looking for them. I will definitely look next time I go!! I"ll keep you posted….
Sheaffer 🙂
Monica Carpenter says
I bought the Nikki Flare Jeans and I love them. They are a great price and they are very flattering.
Jessica says
Monica, I've been looking at those Nikki flare jeans too! Do you mind sharing how tall you are? I am 5'7 and wondering if they'd be long enough for me? I would love to add a bit of variety to my closet!:)
Mix and Match Mama says
Two things…I want to meet Nick's sister Maria. I just get this feeling that we're soul sisters. And second, I'm totally a Shawn fan! Love him!!
Narci says
Caitlin's booties on the couch are adorable which reminds me…I have some shopping to do!! Woohoo!!
Erika Slaughter says
My favorite statement, "He needs to make like Elsa". Hahahahaha!!!
Anonymous says
I'm with Erika! #letitgo was my favorite part!
Julie Clark says
Loved that too!!
E. Erquitt says
Shawn is really intense and it is sometimes too much for me but Nick makes my inner weirdo sensor beep like crazy.
Also, haven't been following the anniversary sale posts but had time to look at some this morning and will be setting my alarm tonight to buy that cardigan similar to kaitlyn's. Thanks!
Anonymous says
Agreed!!! Sean=a little too intense, Nick=creepy
Sarah Kuykendall says
I agree, the men fighting is getting ridiculous! Can't wait to hear about your experience with MTA.
I finally get to shop tomorrow!!
Jersey Love says
your #boingboingboing hashtag KILLED me!! Hahaha
Love this whole post!
Baby Kate's Mom says
Love the recap but I cannot wait to hear your MTA behind the scenes deets! I am dying to get those Frye boots tomorrow! Fingers crossed my size is in stock when the sale goes live – I circled them when I got the sale flyer in the mail & my hubby gave me his blessing.
Monica Carpenter says
I think we need a resale site. Good news is I have lost weight since last fall. The bad news is that my Vigoss jeans from last year, must have shirt, and several other of my anniversary finds from last year are now way too big. 🙁
Rachel says
Just ordered my first blardigan and Zella leggings and I AM EXCITED!!!
Lori says
Boingboingboing…. can't stop laughing! Thanks for another great morning read! Is the sale at Nordstrom Rack too?
Anonymous says
I was also very confused by Peter's capri pants!! And Kaitlyns' boobie dress grossed me out…sorry. Gosling said (very quickly, so it was hard to catch) that the train he wore those long Johns was because it was a "bad laundry day" or something. I guess it's all he had clean! Haha!
Blake G says
Several Things…
1. #letitgo… No truer words have been hash-tagged!
2. What do you think the likelihood of items being restocked when the sale goes live tomorrow? Blardigan colors? BP bootie colors/sizes? KS studs?
3. Have you tried the wit & wisdom black skinny jeans? Are the as perfect as the regular must-haves?
4. See you at 2am! 🙂
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
It was a great show and I'm kinda over the man drama as well. I wonder who's going to be the neck bachelor? I think either Ben would be great choices 🙂 Fun recap!
Lisa St Peter says
Kathy Lee and Hoda were on "Watch what happens live" and gave Kaitlyn the Jackhole of the day, week, month and year award. Ouch
Anonymous says
I keep clicking on the Kendra Scott necklace in the turquoise & gunmetal and its not there. Can I still order it ? I love your Bachelor recaps!!
Sheaffer says
It is now sold out. 🙁 It's a possibility they might re-stock tomorrow when the sale goes live to the public. Fingers crossed! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
#benforbachelor I'm rooting for him!!!
#let it go yes and yes again
as for the thermals I was informed that they might be compression underwear to help with muscles… LOL
Why do I like nick way better when he's wirh family.. and the second he's not I want to hit thst smug grin.. I know not nice of me.
I always want someone to pass kaitlyn a brush but she looked lovely in that long cardigan.. hair and all..
suffice ti say.. I'm over this season.. bring on Ben !!
Jenny says
You have been talking about this amazing blardigan forever and I just didn't believe you how soft it could be. Well, I finally decided to order one and oh my goodness… You were so right, and I was so wrong. I may never take it off! It is the softest thing ever!!! So my sincerest apologizes for not listening to you and getting it the moment you told me it was a must have. I have learned my lesson! 🙂
Katherine says
OK-so I'm kinda panicking that the sale is open to the public tomorrow because I feel like everything that I'm on the fence about is going to sell out and I have no more time to honk about it! First world problem.
Anonymous says
Did this post stop with the picture of Kaitlyn in a cardigan and 2 pictures of items to purchase or is my computer messing up? Sorry if that's a stupid question. I love your recaps!
Am having such a good time at the Nordstrom sale, well shopping online, and so appreciate all of your guidance. Thanks!
Sheaffer says
Hi there! My post is all messed up, but I'm working on fixing it now. Check back in like 30 minutes to see if I have everything fixed!!!!!
Sheaffer 🙂
Anonymous says
Wow! You are fast!! Thank you!!
Candace says
Congrats to Penny!!! She's gonna have FUN!
Danielle says
So, I may have heard wrong but I could have sworn I heard Gosling/Alf say something about laundry day after the he took his clothes off and showed his long johns. Haha. I died laughing. And it may have been at nothing if he didn't say it- haha!!
I think she chooses Nick. That's just my guess. She seemed very meh about Shawn. But with him acting like a 17 year old boy, who could blame her.
Olivia B says
#YouHaveTheBestHashtags #ForReal
Claire Panebianco says
Hi Sheaffer! I LOVED the army green pants with zippers you put in your post and even tried them on to order in the store but (tragic!), they didn't have my size! The sweet salesgirl sent me a pair, but they were the wrong pant entirely when they arrived in the mail! I now see that the army green pant with zippers in your post is out of stock…any super secret word on if they'll be restocking anytime soon? I'm dying to have them!
Sheaffer says
Hi Claire! Oh no! I didn't know they were already sold out. I have no idea if they'll be restocking or not. 🙁 I''ll keep checking and be sure to post if they are back in stock! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Lindsay Otis says
Is it bad that I am kinda over this season?! I dunno why! I started so into it but it just lost me at some point. Excited to see the men-tell-all because those are always good. I am dying over that cargo jacket you posted a few days ago from the sale!
not a mom
Breana says
I totally snorted my coffee this morning when I came across the #boingboingboing!! HILARIOUS!! Love your blog!!
Stephanie says
Sheaffer I just got my tomboy Vigoss Jeans and Kate Spade Gitter Studs in the mail!! They are like "butta", I already love them and the earrings are the bomb! I thought that you would be able to feel the glitter but they are smooth and that is great, I was worried about the glitter coming off!
Waiting for my boots and Blardigan to come now, come on Tuesday! Thanks for making me order!
Caroline Reese says
Maybe it was just a rumor but I thought they confirmed Ben H. was the next bachelor?! Hoping it's true!
Kim says
Quick question. I am thinking about ordering another blardigan, and I love the striped one. However, I noticed that the ombre one that I already have sheds all over our couch, my car seat, etc. Will this stop after I wash it? I hate to get the lighter color and have to worry about that happening when I wear it with dark jeans or black pants. Have you had this problem in the past?
Sheaffer says
Hi Kim! I have had a couple of other people tell me that their blardigan sheds, but that has never happened with mine. I do think it's possible that the light color might very well show on dark clothes, but I'm not totally sure. Sorry I'm not more help! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
kristen says
I think you are safe with the ones on the sale. I bought the dark gray one during last year's sale and have worn it constantly for a year with no shedding. I was getting funny comments from hubby this winter that he sure saw the blardigan "a lot" so I went to Nordstroms to buy another one to rotate them. I felt them (including the ombre one) and they just didn't feel like the same material,etc and I felt like they were "cheaper" feeling and might shed so I didn't buy one. This year's sale rolled around and all four types that are on the sale are the same luxurious softness of my gray one so I think you will be safe from shedding (I did buy the light gray and blue stripe so that I don't get any funny comments from hubby anymore). See, I can justify anything??
Sheaffer says
Kristen, I totally agree with you! The ones in the sale this year feel nicer to me for sure!! yay!!!! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
JenA says
Got my glitter studs in the mail and I love them! Got them for my college age cousin for her bday and wishing I would have gotten my own! Ordered some boots, dresses and undies today. Didn't move fast enough on the grey blardigan but still considering the red… Can't decide!
I would take either Ben as the next Bachelor. Loved them both.
Shaunacey Bonneville says
loved the recap I'm #teamshawn too! Nick creeps me out for some reason.
Emily - Live This Love says
Ugh, I can't even with Nick! Also, I am so conflicted with Gosling/Alf. Sometimes he looks smoking' and sometimes he DOES look like Alf…but if you close your eyes he sounds just like Matthew Mcconaughey. But if you open your eyes he has the body of a personal trainer…but then you see that he looks like Gosling/Alf…it's a vicious cycle.
Amy Madill says
I don't even watch the Bachelorette but I come back every week for your hilarious recaps. Your hashtags kill me! After all that kissing/love/smush I need to find myself a boyfriend. Kaitlyn doesn't get to have all the fun! #teamAmy