It seems like it was a lifetime ago that the finale actually aired. I also feel like the finale shaved years off of my life. YEARS THAT I WILL NEVER GET BACK. #thanksalotharrison
The night opened with Harrison, Rachel, and a live studio audience. And guess what y’all?!? Rachel was going to be there for the whole show. #iwassoexcited #exceptnot
I don’t like change.
Before we really dive in, I have several thoughts that I’m going to throw out there in bullet point format:
- I do not care for the new format. Just wanted to make that clear.
- Rachel’s boobs are perfectly nice, although I’m not sure it was the time for her to parade them about. Judy Daddy is always watching.
- Chris Harrison is dapper.
- Three hours is WAY TOO FREAKING LONG for pretty much anything, EVER.
- This whole deal went 100% sideways at some point, and we were just along for the ride.
- Peter is EVERYTHING.
All right, let’s get to the show.
If you remember, Eric had his fantasy suite date last week (which did not bode well for him). So this week Rachel would be having overnight dates with Peter and Bryan.
We started with Peter. Who is by all accounts DREAMY. You know what else he is? SENSIBLE. This date highlighted the fact that the man is sensible. And YOU WOULD THINK that Rachel would like sensible….that she’d appreciate sensible…..but you’d be wrong. You know what she appreciates? Diamonds.
Peter stressed to Rachel on several occasions throughout their time together that he wants to get married only once. Rachel kept on implying that just because they got engaged, didn’t mean they would have to get married. But Peter stuck to his guns, and I respect the heck out of him for it. Rachel didn’t really understand what Peter was trying to say to her. And Rachel made it crystal clear to him that MAMA WANTED A RING.
That night they headed to the fantasy suites where they were going to talk things out more. As a sidenote, if I were Peter, I’d be writing a firmly worded letter to the production company, because their “fantasy suite” was more like a 1 bedroom efficiency apartment.
I’m not sure what happened between them in the middle of the night (Rachel reported to Harrison that she inquired about life insurance and credit scores! hysterical!), but in the morning he cooked her eggs while shirtless. Who doesn’t love a sids of abs with their eggs? #nobody
Then it was time for Bryan. And I can’t put my finger on it, but I just don’t have warm fuzzies for the guy.
The entire date was spent with Bryan trying to charm her socks off, but all the while, her head was with Peter. Bryan was hella confused. I mean, his charisma and charm had ALWAYS worked in the past, where was he going wrong? Even his own mom was in love with him, for goodness sake!
It was on this date that Bryan’s kissing style started to bother me. Here’s what I didn’t like about it: 1) There were too many sounds. 2) There was too much tongue. Wayyyyyyyy to much tongue. 3) His hands were always on her face. And not gently on her face…but like enveloping her face…and now allowing for any extraneous movement.
I’d like to present Exhibit A, Your Honor.
Exhibit B, Your Honor.
After what seemed like a sweet forever, it was finally time for the Rose Ceremony. AS IF we even needed one. We all knew she was going to be sending Eric’s sweet and tender little heart and new scruff home. Here’s what we weren’t prepared for: she was going to be doing it in an awful red dress. With embellishments on the sleeve. And a leotard underneath.
Rachel gave a little speech about how it was really hard for her because she was sent home on this day, so she knows exactly how it feels. She also used laser vision and bore a hole into Peter’s soul as she said “Peter, if I choose you right now and you don’t give me a freaking ring, I WILL CUT YOU.” Just kidding, she didn’t say that. BUT THAT WAS TOTALLY THE SUBTEXT. What she actually said (while staring straight at Peter) was, ” I want a proposal. I didn’t come here to date. I didn’t come here to get a boyfriend. I came here to cultivate a relationship that’s moving toward the common goal of marriage”. We get it Rachel. You think if he likes it then he shoulda put a ring on it. #ohohohohohohohohohohohoh
Bryan got the first rose. And after a long dramatic pause………Peter got the second rose.
Know this, Eric left with all sorts of class. They sat on a bench, and she told him that she does love him, that she’s just not in love. I roll my eyes so hard when people say that. He thanked her for the experience and said “Truth be told, I’ll always love you.” Whahhhhhh!!!!!! She put him in the limo and he just kept on saying “I’m just going to miss her, man.” It was so so sad.
And then, BAM. He was all of a sudden in the studio in front of an audience with Rachel. And his beard had grown in more AND THE BOY CAN WEAR A SUIT. It was all a good look for him. And I’ll tell you what, he’s just so dang likeable! He talked about how he was “locked in” and ready to propose. They both talked about how the progression of their relationship was beautiful, and Eric thanked her again for allowing him to see love. Now THAT’S how to handle yourself future 2nd runner ups. Take notes.
And do you see what I mean? I could have done with a little less boobage.
It was then time for the final dates with Peter and Bryan.
First up, Bryan. They rode in a hot air balloon, but only one thing really stuck out to me. That’s right. The kissing. Watching these two kiss MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE. His tongue and his hands are both overly ambitious. Exhibit C, Your Honor.
Exhibit D, Your Honor.
They sat down that night, and Rachel told him she was scared because he’d been so constant in his love for her, and she’s not used to that. Bryan responded by saying he thinks it would be a mistake if she didn’t choose him, and he was ready to love her forever.
He gave her a Spanish dictionary with an extra page he added to it with important words like “husband”, “wife”, “love”, and “forever”. I thought it was a cute gift. I did feel like he left out a very important phrase that Rachel is most certainly going to have to learn how to say in Spanish if they do end up together: Retrocedo a mama. Which loosely translated, means “BACK OFF, Bryan’s mommy.” I’m thinking that one will probably come in handy.
And then they kissed some more. AGAIN with the tongue and the hands. Exhibit E, Your Honor. The Prosecution rests.
Bryan, I would like to tell you that girls typically like hands on their face when they are being kissed. But here’s what you need to know. We like it IN MODERATION. If you do it every dang time, the move loses it’s power.
Peter’s final date with Rachel was in a monastery. Seemed like an odd choice, but whatevs.
Peter again told us (and Rachel) how he didn’t feel like he was going to be ready to propose. But he also said again that he wasn’t ready to lose her. He believed that he was falling in love with her, but he just didn’t know yet if it was life long love. WHICH IS OKAY! In fact, it’s admirable! He takes the institution of marriage VERY seriously, WHICH IS WHAT RACHEL ULTIMATELY WANTS AS WELL! #comeonrachel #shakingmyhead
Rachel told Peter that he “runs too easily”, and Peter told her that wasn’t a fair assessment BECAUSE HE WASN’T RUNNING…HE WAS RIGHT THERE NEXT TO HER.
Valid point, Peter.
She asked him what his fears were of marriage, and he was quick to answer that he wasn’t afraid of marriage, and that it’s something that he really looks forward to in his life. GOOD ANSWER, PETER!
They headed off to the evening portion of their date. And this is where it all started falling apart. He told her again that he wasn’t going to be ready to propose in 24 hours, but he also told her….and this is important….that he is also not ready to stop being with her. And that’s when the tears started. Rachel just didn’t understand. They went back and forth and back and forth AND BACK AND FORTH. #andbackandforth
Peter said he didn’t want to break up and wanted to give “tomorrow a chance.” Rachel thought that was ridiculous, because what was going to change in 24 hours? He told her that he didn’t think that tomorrow was the right time to propose, but he did feel like she was the right person….so if he had to, he would. Rachel wouldn’t accept that.
So this was the first time during the episode that I agreed with Rachel. I thought Peter was 100% within his rights to not feel comfortable with proposing after 8 weeks. But I also understood Rachel in this instance. I respect that she didn’t jump at the chance to have him propose, even though he clearly had reservations.
And ladies and gentleman, this is where the wheels came off. They were both so upset, and it became crystal clear that they were at a complete impasse. They were hopelessly deadlocked. You know what else was obvious? They were both very much in love.
Peter said, “I think we’re both going to regret this decision. If you change your mind, you know where you can find me.”
Peter was so upset. Rachel was so upset. These two clearly love each other! And if they were in the real world, and not a Bachelor bubble where a proposal is expected in a super short time frame, they WOULD NOT be breaking up.
They hugged, they kissed (and it wasn’t gross – I’m looking at you Bryan), and they told each other they loved each other. Let that sink in.
Y’all, it was incredibly real to watch. It was also incredibly painful.
Let’s take a brief moment and think about the fact that Peter and Rachel aren’t the only ones upset now. Can you imagine how Bryan AND HIS MAMA felt while watching this? I mean, Bryan had to be watching and knowing he was 2nd place….a consolation prize at best.
At this point, I will say part of me was still thinking that Peter might still be the one. That maybe we were about to witness a complete turnaround, and that Peter was going to come running back with a ring….or even better that Rachel would come around to say “I love you enough to trust you, Peter.”
But that was not the case.
Harrison said “Peter’s backstage and we are about to bring him out.”
Peter came out, and the first several minutes it seemed clear to me that these two were still very much in love with each other.
HOWEVER. A switch flipped. And all of a sudden Rachel started acting differently. Almost rude. Definitely judgey. Peter looked confused. Heck, I was confused. And then I realized what was happening. Rachel was going to now do her best to convince us that Peter wasn’t the one for her, and that it was Bryan all along. UM, OKAY Rachel.
Harrison brought up that Peter had basically implied back on their date that Rachel was choosing a ring over happiness with him. Little Miss Rachel did not like that. She got all sorts of attitude, she shifted her body away from Peter and towards Harrison, she flipped her hair, and she said “I’m living my best life.” Yep, she was in full blown CYA mode. And it was not a good look on her.
And then Rachel got her lawyer on. Peter said that he felt attacked, and she demanded evidence, witnesses, and DNA proof. Of which he had none.
And y’all, I think Harrison was trying his best (with his line of questioning) to say things and prompt feelings to provide an environment for these two crazy kids to get back together right on the stage in front of everybody…..to pull a Mesnick if you will….Bryan and his mom be damned! But it didn’t work. Harrison flat out asked them if there had actually been a break up. Peter said it perfectly when he said, “Sometimes things don’t have to be said for things to be felt.” And that was that. Peter is hot AND WISE.
Peter stood up because he was over it. As was I.
And then all of sudden we were watching Bryan pick out a ring with Uncle Neil. But I swear they only gave him 3 seconds of air time doing so. And then we we were watching him climb up a hill to propose. And then we were watching him declare his love for her (in the middle of gale force winds, mind you). And then she declared her love to him. And y’all. None of it was believable. Was it just me?
He declared his love, she declared her love, he proposed, and then she said yes.
BUT Y’ALL. Her reaction was sooooooooooo telling. She said, AND I QUOTE (while jumping up and down and doing the “come here” motion), “It’s so pretty! Give it to me. Give it to me.”
Rachel. I’m shaking my dang head.
After the commercial break, they cut back to the studio with Harrison, Rachel, and Bryan.
Bryan came out and immediately proposed to Rachel again. #gag #puke
Then the three of them had a talk. Harrison asked Rachel when she knew it was Bryan. She said she really new back in Dallas.
I’m going to go ahead and call a HUGE BS on that.
I think we all know that she didn’t know it was Bryan until Peter let her get on the elevator the night before.
And if we are being honest, SHE STILL DOESN’T KNOW. Yes, she’s sitting on the stage with a big ol’ diamond on her finger that she thinks is very pretty, BUT SHE STILL DOESN’T KNOW.
Furthermore, when asked about their future plans, she kind of waffled around and basically said that they don’t have any solid plans right now, they are just going to continue to get to know each other.
Do you hear that?
That’s the sound of Peter’s soul screaming.
Because Rachel is doing with Bryan EXACTLY WHAT PETER WANTED TO DO WITH RACHEL.
Oh, the irony.
In conclusion, I have to say that I feel badly for all parties involved. I reallllllllllly liked Rachel this season…until the last couple of shows. Her insistence on a proposal and a ring seemed very out of character for her, and I just plain lost respect. I feel bad for Rachel because I don’t think it’s going to last with Bryan. I feel bad for Peter because it’s clear that he loved her. And I feel bad for Bryan because now the whole world knows he has an overly enthusiastic tongue.
It was here I let out a sigh of relief, because at least the madness was over.
But before they let us go (PLEASE HEAVEN, LET US GO!), they decided to show us a clip of Bachelor in Paradise. I will tell you two things after watching the teaser package: 1) I will not be recapping it. 2) I needed a shower after watching it.
Okay, that’s it guys. I’m dying to know what other people thought. Am I way off base here? Do you think she and Bryan are going to make it? Sound off in the comments!
Tish Ferry says
OMG! I agree with EVERYTHING you said! Bryan was completely 2nd choice because she is OBSESSED with getting a ring and being engaged NOW. Makes me feel sorry for her that she may have missed out on true love with Peter. Dittos about the shower after the Paradise preview however I’ll miss your recaps! They always make me LOL! I look forward to your blog! Thanks for taking the time to recap them!
Angie N says
I agree 100%! One of my least favorite seasons. I noticed Rachel’s change in attitude as well; and thought it was pretty funny that they aren’t thinking about marriage until late 2018 or early 2019! I don’t see the difference in that and what Peter proposed. I doubt they last until then. Maybe Peter will be the next Bachelor!
DeniseZ says
NO!!! Please do NOT make Peter the next bachelor! He’s got way too much class for this show.
Kate says
You are not off base. You said everything that I was thinking. I actually hope that her and Bryan break up, that’s horrible, I want her to be happy but I don’t think that it’s with that guy. They are not right for each other and he was totally Plan B. I’m glad Peter didn’t end up with her because I think he’s too good for her. And I really hope he’s not the next Bachelor, because he just needs to meet a girl at a party like a normal person and fall in love in a normal time frame, without all the pressure and cameras. I respect him for not giving in to the show and her expectations. And can I also just say that what was going on with Rachel’s sparkly dress?? It looked like a bag that was bedazzled, didn’t hug in any of the right places, she had no boobs and was gappy at the bottom. I like the idea of it, but did not work out.
Susan Jeffries says
You officially have my family hooked on this show. Except my husband – he hates it(: Personally I feel like most of this is staged and just for fun viewer pleasure. That is ok with me. Except – I hate that it gives my daughter the thought that it is ok to be in love with several men at one time. We fast forwarded through most of the final episode and we will not be watching Paradise. Ugh. Thanks for the fun recaps. They are much better than the show(:
Shay Shull says
Yes, the Bachelor/Bachelorette CAN take years off of your life. I couldn’t agree more 😉 .
Meredith says
OMG I echo everything you just said here!! Peter IS hot and so sensible which Inlove about him. Rachel is an idiot. I don’t get it…she gets a shiny huge ring…but if they break up she has to give it back anyway right?! Also when Bryan and Rachel kiss I have to look away. Nobody wants to see that!! I agree how Rachel got sassy towards Peter in the finale. I was like “whoa!” She even said it after he apologized! Peter is clearly HOT husband material. She is insane. But I hope they will make Peter the next bachelor even tho she said “I don’t think you’re meant for this franchise.” There is something about Bryan that I dont like either. He seems like a nice guy but who knows what is behind that tongue and sly face. Lol
And yes, BIP looks so raunchy which makes me sad. Why do they have to make things so sexual on tv?!? ????
I’ve enjoyed your recaps (as always!!)
Kay G says
I felt exactly the same way watching this. Not going to last, and she is going to lose the ring and Peter! Peter is a gem!
Beth Miller says
Completely agree!!!! Peter was a class act and Rachel is kicking herself now. As I was watching I kept thinking Bryan and his mom are watching this. She’s going to have to deal with mama!
Sydnee says
What a circus! Is it really over???
Amy says
I couldn’t agree with you more on this entire recap. ????She obviously was so in love with Peter and unfortunately the way she handled the whole situation at the end did not sit well with me either. She flipped a switch and did not represent well! Sadly I don’t expect her and Bryan to last either.
Megan says
I completely agree. So painful to watch. Rachel ruined an entire season of likability with her reaction to Peter on the couch. I can only imagine that mama and judge daddy are shaking their heads at her. They raised you better than this, Rachel. One last thought…#peterforbachelor
Ellen says
Yes! There was no reason for her to get mad at Peter on the couch, she was just trying to make herself the victim somehow. She made a huge mistake. She clearly loved Peter but her ego got in the way.
Holly Allen says
I could have written this post word for word (but it wouldn’t have been as funny!). I totally agree with everything you said! Peter just wanted to propose when they had done a little life outside of this show and when she was dating only him! She lost the best thing that ever happened to her. She said yes to cringe-worthy Bryan as her eyes were still puffy from crying over Peter. Something is wrong with that! Also, I have to say that I did not like her behavior at the live show. That comment Peter made about having a crappy life was actually very sweet! He was just telling her that she should not pick a ring over true happiness. The whole thing made me so sad. Ugh!
Kim says
Your right on.. Not sure how long this will last. Peter is awesome.
Erin says
I couldn’t have said any of this better myself! But the nail on the coffin was dying about the ring rather than the engagement! My husband was even laughing at your recap today. Will be watching Paradise with closed eyes!
Anna says
Based on interviews post-show, it sounded like we weren’t privy to other parts of the conversation between Rachel and Peter. And, if past seasons of editing have taught us anything, it’s that we missed part of the conversation in order for Peter to get “the Bachelor edit” – he will definitely be on our screens come January! I also think Rachel was just over the entire process; and, I don’t necessarily blame her. I couldn’t imagine knowing who I was supposed to be with only to have to continue to date several other men…I’d be exhausted. And, after all of the BS she put up with earlier in the season, it just makes sense to me why she would want to be done and move on with her life – whether or not she and Bryan have what it takes to last. Also, I do hope the winter games show brings Eric on, I really enjoyed him the last few episodes! (But I agree with Bachelor in Paradise…I just can’t)!
Amanda YC says
I agree with you 100%!!!!!! A fantastic summary as always and well worth the wait! I do also feel that Rachel may be wanting to sabotage Peter being the next Bachelor as she mentioned on TWO occasions that “this process” isn’t right for him etc. I was a fan of Rachel right up until she was on the sofa with Chris Harrison and Peter. I think the whole of America and the world are hoping Peter will be the next Bachelor!
Cheri says
I did not even watch until the proposal night and it was even clear to me that Peter was the one and Bryan was second choice. I’d be surprised if they ended up getting married. I do love reading your commentaries of this show…you are too funny.
Stephanie says
Sheaffer, i think you were SPOT ON! Legit everything you said were thoughts that were going through my head watching the finale. Especially the proposal! I cringed watching her jump up and down… it pained me how fake it all was. The interview between Rachel and Peter on stage, I felt so bad for Peter. IMO Rachel made a fool of herself then with her comments to Peter and attitude. In the end she showed her true colors and I am glad you noted that too in your post! Bachelor in Paradise… the cast is ridiculous and will do anything for another minute of fame and a paycheck! Well said blog post! I enjoyed reading!
Kathy says
First, I have to say that your recaps are always spot on and this is no exception. If you haven’t considered it, I strongly suggest you write a novel. Your humorous outlook on life is perfect. I’ve been on #teampeter since first getting to know him on his one-on-one. There is just something about him that makes me swoon. And, I have no doubt he was Rachel’s first choice. If she already knew she was picking Bryan, Peter’s lack of commitment should have been a relief knowing she wouldn’t have the difficult task of breaking his heart. That was not the case as she was clearly heartbroken. I, too, call BS. Like you, I sat there waiting for it to be Peter in the end. WHAT! Although I loved Rachel on the show, I have no interest in Rachel/Bryan (Brachel). That said, I am following Peter on instagram. Please don’t judge or call me a slacker because I see that you are too. ???? #eyecandy #heissosweet
Juls says
Please recap BIP (bachelor in paradise) because you are down right hilarious and literally make me LOL (and my girlfriends who I forward it on to). Please reconsider recapping this because it will be a long time until Bachelor (Peter, Dean or Eric?) comes back!
Rachel clearly wanted a ring. Rachel and Peter wanted the same thing, just different time frames and it was beyond frustrating to watch. You hit the nail on the head with this post and I couldn’t agree with you more!
Thanks for the weekly laughs and for sharing all of your amazing fashion deals!!
Lauren Baxt says
You recapped this to perfection and exactly how I felt watching all of this! I admire and respect Peter for being levelheaded and real that after 6 weeks he was not ready to propose. Rachel and Bryan will not last but in the long run, Peter is better off without her after seeing her on the finale, I lost respect for her as well.
Kristy says
Thinking back to Desiree’s season when Brooks Left and clearly he was her first choice at the time, people forget that, and she went on to get engaged to Chris and get married even tho people thought he was the second choice. I think it will work the same with Rachel. She came on to get married not for a boyfriend so I get it. What did Peter think he was on for? That’s the premise of the show
Laurie says
Yes, I agree!! I thought this was just like how Desiree’s season ended! I remember Desiree sobbing over Brooks before she claimed that Chris had really been “the one” all along!
Sara says
1) 1000% she was sooooooo inappropriately and unnecessarily sassy to Peter during the final rose! I was so confused the whole time and it was throwing me for such a loop because clearly she had held together that side of herself the whole season…. aaaaand maybe that’s who she is…. just straight up sassy!?!?!? So in all honestly if that’s who she truly is…. Peter is better off without her!
2) PETER IS SO HOT! And how he is soooo well spoken and confident in what he wants ….. ahhhhh! That’s hot! Oh and so well dressed! But he is a model, so go figure! (Insert eye roll)
3) I was also Uber disappointed in her definition of “engagement”! Peter was more in line with reality! All those conversations between them about that was frustrating! Pull it together, Rachel!
Lynne says
Your recapping skills kill me!! Lol… and I’m being literal! Spot on! The 1 bed room efficiency apartment, awful bedazzled red dress????, gale force winds (hello that’s a sign!) – and I also agree with with AmandaAC that Rachel was going to make sure Peter isn’t the next bachelor! She repeated that this process isn’t for you! I agree this look wasn’t good for her! You got the ring but now what??????
OH and please please let Peter be the next bachelor!!????????
(Says the happiest married women with two kids!!)
Angela says
Ugh totally agree!!! #teamPeter and I don’t think she and Bryan will last either- I felt so so bad for Peter and wanted him to run after her and HIM to be the one at the end! Great points and I totally agree with you- lost a little respect for her at the end being excited only about the ring it seemed- ugh my life will go on however, hahaha!
Erika Slaughter says
Girl!! You did it! We need to celebrate with tacos soon! Another season recapped-oh so well!
Sarah M says
Perfect summary and I felt exactly the same way throughout the episode. I actually didn’t mind Bryan but it was crystal clear that Peter was her #1 the whole time and that intense breakup scene solidified his place in her heart. What made me cringe (among many things) was when she was thinking the morning of the proposal whether “she is ready to get engaged to Bryan!” Wasn’t that Peter’s concern the whole time – this is all so rushed! She looked so foolish on the couch and SO defensive. It was obvious she had feelings for Peter and just wanted to prevent him from becoming the next Bachelor. Peter is SUCH a great catch and I hope he never comes on the show again because he is too good for it….I will just have to follow him on Instagram to enjoy the eye candy 🙂
Diane says
Team Peter! #alwaysandforever. Rachel make a (as Pretty Woman would say) Big mistake…Huge. She left most of bachelor nation shaking their heads. I’m not sure I can get over this one. Until now, Sean has been my favorite bachelor, but Peter is #thisclose behind. I looove reading your recaps. It’s the best part of watching the bachelor series. BIP needs your unfiltered comments.
Rebecca G says
As everyone has said above, you are 100% right on everything you wrote! Plus, I have watched several interviews with Bryan and Rachel, and the way that she gets so defensive and wonders, “why would people think I liked Peter more than Bryan?” just shows that she is trying to convince herself that Bryan is the one. And poor Bryan usually just says that he hates that Peter put her in that position. Eye roll.
As mean as it sounds, I give it 6 months.
Carissa says
I felt the SAME WAY! After the final rose I suddenly didn’t like her anymore. I totally felt like she settled just for a ring.
Heidi says
100% right on everything. Oh Peter how I love him haha.
She wanted that ring…. boooo
I was so sad for Peter bit o admired him so much.
Chantelle says
This is the most perfect recap I have ever heard!!!! Like everything. I didn’t even watch the whole finale bc 3 hours of tv in the summer is just not happening. They need to change that! We have things to do people!!
Sara says
So my take is this: She really did love Bryan and wanted to marry him, because he is so different from the guys she’s dated in the past. But, this was a case of her “want to” leading her over her actual attraction. No more picking guys who can’t commit, pick the guy who is LEGIT ready to commit! I think if she really wanted to be with Peter, she wouldn’t have pushed the ring issue. I think that was her way of asserting herself over him and all the guys she has dated in the past who didn’t propose either. That last fight with Peter was laden with emotions and arguments she has had with at least one other guy if not more. Now this is a deep dive into her psyche but I have a masters in counseling so it’s what I do, ha!!
Erin Port says
I didn’t watch this season but I was so intrigued by the final episode and everyone freaking out that I watched it. Yikes she picked the wrong guy! Bachelor in Paradise has a better track record somehow of getting people married…ha! xoxo ERIN
Kelly says
I don’t even watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette, but I LOVE your recaps – even to me it seems like Peter is the best choice! Go back to Peter!! Change your mind!! Thanks for keeping me entertained week after week and giving me all the details and sassy screenshots! 🙂
Katie says
100% spot on! I definitely think she just wanted a ring and that her and Bryan won’t last. It also really bothered me how she seemed to be trying to make sure Peter wouldn’t be the next bachelor by saying MULTIPLE times that this show just isn’t for him. Great recaps – they’re hilarious!!
Kristin says
Team Peter 100%
Laci says
YES to everything you just said!! My girlfriends and I ALL AGREE this was the worst finale ever!!! What was Rachel thinking letting Peter go all over a stupid ring!!??? Dumb, dumb, just dumb. Three hours is too much of anything Bachelor- ABC take note!
Christina says
I needed to look at some sale items after this blog post. I do think that she was too much “about the ring”….
Brooke says
On Point!!
I thought she was very classy to begin with and was really there for the right reason. Not sure what happened to her, but she totally lost sight of things and could only focus on getting a ring! and wasn’t that so apparent as Bryan knelt down?! I’m doubtful their relationship will last.
Peter is a little love! I sure hope he finds someone deserving of him!
Lisa Richardson says
You NAILED it! She got her ring, but not her true love. Here’s to 2nd place Bryan. (and the whole world seeing it #sucker) Sorry for your bad luck! Peter, you dodged a bullet!
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Alllllll my thoughts, exactly!!!! I was just telling my friend last night (who didn’t watch the finale) how incredibly AWKWARD that proposal was!! She doesn’t love that boy! I actually think she loved ERIC more than Bryan. But man, that girl is STUBBORN. She absolutely chose a diamond ring over true love. As in “I’d rather have this nice enough boy with a rather aggressive kissing style and his fat diamond ring, over the man I’m head over heels in love with because he refuses to propose tomorrow! And I just can’t wait 6 more months! Peace!”. Shake my head is right!
I’d love to see Peter as the next bachelor just to stick it to Rachel but I kind of agree that he may not be cut out for that. I hope he finds someone awesome. 🙁 And I hope Bryan’s heart isn’t breaking into pieces right now as he’s realizing he was most definitely not the first choice.
That Inspired Chick
Jane says
I agree completely. I was disappointed in Rachel’s behavior towards Peter, but he remained a class act. I would of course watch if Peter was the Bachelor but I think he’s better suited to date outside the Bachelor world. There’s something about those mid-western men (like your buddy Sean!) you can just tell he has good values. I love your recaps!
Jen K. says
All I can say is #TEAMPETER
And if you need me…. I’ll be in Wisconsin hunting down that silver fox of a man! 😉
Jess says
The first thing I thought of with Bryan being so handsy is that episode of Friends where they’re killing off Susan Sarandon’s character on Joey’s soap and she’s teaching him to kiss and cover the other person’s face with her hands so that the camera only sees her. Remember?
Debbie K. says
Thanks once again for a very entertaining recap, Shaeffer! You definitely make this show more fun to watch, and you absolutely NAILED it with this one. I agree with you 1000% on everything here (including that AWFUL red dress and too much boobage in the finale–I was praying the whole time she was wearing double-sided tape).
Rachel and Bryan will not make it to the altar. All I keep thinking (shades of Charles and Diana) is, “There were three people in this marriage.” You got the ring, Rachel, but you picked the wrong guy. Bryan gives me the willies with his crazy, over-possessive mom ad his Satanic facial hair. Ugh.
PS. I live for BIP! Watching pretty people frolic in the waves near Puerto Vallarta, fall in “love” and have messy breakups is highly entertaining. It is not as sleazy as they make it look in the commercials. They’ve actually had proportionately more weddings come out of two seasons of that show than they have out of the Bach/ette series. It is hecka guilty fun!
Julie says
I agree completely with everything you said!! I loved it when Peter said, “I’m not afraid of marriage. I’m afraid of multiple marriages.” He’s the best! I also think Rachel said he wasn’t right for this franchise because she doesn’t want to see him with other girls and falling in love with someone else because she is still in love with him. It’s sad she chose the ring over the relationship.
Kelly says
I completely agree. You’re spot on- too painful to see Peter find love with someone else
Liz says
Nailed it! This season by far was my least favorite. Bryan was so fake from the get go. The kisses! So gross! Producers need to turn the sound way down…no one and I mean no one needs to hear kissing…seeing it is sometimes bad enough. It was obvious she was after the ring…I dont think this will last long at all. They need to stop choosing the next contestant from previous episodes. Start fresh each time, in my humble opinion anyway. It’s getting old, very fast! Rant over. Love reading your recaps, as I most always agree with every detail! XO
lindsey b says
You aren’t going to recap Bachelor in Paradise?!?!!?!?! I live for your recaps!!!!! Wednesday mornings with a cup of coffee….
Susie says
Nailed it. Down to the terrible red dress. Although, I was thinking you would also mention the awful black suit with ginormous shoulder pads.
Linda Z says
Love your recaps Sheaffer!!
A romantic at heart, I just wait for the finale each season – The music, the setting, “the Harrison” with his just so calming presence who gestures “the one” up the mountain, across the bridge. through the tropical plant maze to the gently rolling sea. And then this. Oh my. What a travesty. hehe.
We won’t even mention that I am not even over Ben and Lauren’s break up yet.
Thank goodness for Sean and Catherine and Des and Chris with their adorable Instagram posts!!
I am skipping BIP this season but will be back and ready the possibility and a new journey in January!!
Look forward to the next set of recaps!
April says
Totally agree. Did you read her people mag article. She says she only told bryan she loved him. Ummm nope you told peter too ???? love your insight and almost always agree with you! Come on you know you need to watch BIP. Carly and Evan get married ????
Angie says
I agree a million percent! I really loved Rachel, but she seemed completely different at the end, and agreed, almost rude to Peter, which was super surprising!! Ahhh. We’ll see what happens. I certainly wish them all the best, but clearly she and Peter were in love!!
Heather Forcey says
Oh my gosh! I agree with EVERYTHING you said! Boobs? Way too much on a Monday night. Tongue? Way too aggressive. Loving Bryan? Not convinced.
I soooo badly wanted Harrison to ask Rachel if the outcome would have been different if Peter had somehow realized in six weeks that he wanted to propose. I feel like it absolutely would have been different.
I also agree that I liked Rachel all the way up until the very end, but that changed for me. She was downright mean to Peter on that couch saying she’s living her best life. He apologized for the comment and said he was so emotional that he didn’t even remember saying it. That didn’t seem to be good enough for her.
I do not see Rachel and Bryan working out, especially because of his mother. It’ll be interesting for Rachel the second she and Mama are at odds and it’ll be interesting to see how Bryan leans. I’m guessing towards mom.
Such a disappointing end to a fun season.
Becky says
Thank you thank you thank you for your recaps!!!! Please don’t stop! Ha ha! I was so bummed to see how Rachel treated Peter on the couch. And I somewhat feel better knowing that you and your followers agree with me that Rachel was a little brat to Peter! He was so sweet and sensitive and I was dying for him! I really liked her until that moment. Then I couldn’t understand how she could treat someone she cared about like that. Anyway, thanks for all the hilarious comments!! You are the absolute best at this!!!! And of course I love your fashion!!! 🙂
Amanda Bordonaro says
This was hilarious!! I feel sad for any future ladies that have to kiss Bryan (that is, if they don’t make it). So sad that she lost out on a really amazing potential relationship for a diamond right now.
Verna Caho says
This season reminds me of Desiree’s season with Brooks and Chris. She was so “in love” with Brooks but he just never got there. It appeared with editing that Chris was her second choice but they dated for 2 years, got married and now have a cute baby. They do a great job of edit for sure!
Liz says
100% accurate. I also found it interesting that when Rachel was talking to her girlfriends she mentioned that her first impression of Bryan was that he was a douchebag. Girl, should have listened to your gut!
Also, I didn’t like that she was trying to sabotage Peter’s chances of being the Bachelor with her comments that night (and other comments in media interviews). Too me it’s just more proof that she still has feelings for Peter and doesn’t want to have to watch him fall in love with someone else!…
Chelsea Barnhart says
Agree with EVERY WORD. So I didn’t get to watch live, and accidentally came across a FB post from a friend that said “Rachel and Peter forever!” So naturally I thought I read a spoiler and watched the entire episode thinking it was all a play on events and Peter wins… but then she was kind of mean and Bryan proposed and Peter didn’t win. Still in denial.
Joanne says
I totally agree about that fantasy suite! I told my daughter it wasn’t my idea of a fantasy suite. It was more like a run down cottage. Haha.
I also agree about Rachel’s insisting on a ring. She was being unreasonable and it was clear how strongly Peter felt for her and vice versa. Bryan’s a snoozefest. He says what she wants to hear but I don’t find him to be very genuine. Sorry but I don’t think she’ll be keeping that ring that she’s obsessed with. She was so rude to Peter too. She turned into a mean girl. So glad the seasons over.
Amy says
I agree with you. I agree with you on alllllll of it. 🙂
Mari says
You just totally made me relive the finale. I bawled when peter and Rachel were breaking up. I swear I never cried watching this show before.
It’s like you took the words right out of my mouth. Rachel’s reaction to the proposal/ring was the most cringeworthy part of the whole show. Yikes
Jennifer says
100% agree on your read. Her choice completely came down to the fact that she wanted a ring. I am pretty sure that Papa Neil doesn’t give out any of his babies as a promise ring…which is what she was 100% adamit that Peter propose. I guess she didnt read the fine print in her Bachelorette contract that states you must return the ring if the engagement is called off…and she’s an attorney. SMH
Carrie says
I was sure you would mention her crying her fake eyelashes off! That was a true sign she really did love Peter. My sister and I were dying over that. And then when he said he looked at them on the ground for 2 days after 🙁 #teampeter
Kathryn Story says
Omg! Your recaps are always so perfect and hilarious, and this one is just so spot on!!
Narci says
I have loved reading your recaps even though I didn’t watch this season!
Kristen Temple says
Spot on SISTA!! I’m realistic…I believe in loving with reckless abandon BEFORE a ring. SOOO…Can I have Peter? 🙂
Arleigh says
Brian kissing Rachel = the episode of Friends where Susan Sarandon shows Joey how to kiss…
Jennie says
All of this is truth. Hilarious, yet sad, truth.
Also, the former Spanish teacher in me can NOT get past the fact that he misspelled words in his little dictionary for her! Gah. He’s the worst. El malo.
Sanna says
Jennie, seriously, “por sienpre” really?!?!?!?
Fern Anderegg says
I agree with your recap 100%! I di really like Rachel for most of the season but lost some respect for her in that last episode. I certainly picked up on her defensive attitude when she said she was “living her best life” but to be honest I think she became defensive because she realized she had made a mistake. I LOVE Peter and as my mama always said, “Everything happens for a reason.”
Dee says
Thanks for a fun recap of a not so fun episode. I knew the spoiler so went into it thinking that she had already decided on Bryan. That all changed when I saw them when she let him go. It was painfully obvious that there was something special between them. It was made worse by her being more interested in the ring at the proposal. I haven’t seen such an emotional goodbye since Des’ season. It did work out for her but I don’t believe it was just editing. She had a great alternative with Chris and they put the work into it but it’s hard to see how she’d have picked him if Brooks hadn’t left. I guess time will tell if Rachel & Bryan have what it takes. I haven’t trusted him from the beginning because he came on too strong, too soon.
My opinion of Rachel changed somewhat from the way she treated Peter. I think there’s a little rewriting of history now. She certainly doesn’t want him to be Bachelor. It seems petty to me. I’m torn because I’d love to see it but think maybe he’s better off saying goodbye to the franchise.
Sanna says
I get the feeling that Rachel would see it as a personal fail, as well as an ego-killer, if she wouldn’t get that proposal at the end. This show is all about that proposal, and for sure her ego couldn’t handle being the girl not being proposed to at the end.
Her reasoning made no sense, when she said that she could see Peter being just like her ex, whom she was in a relationship with for years, yet never got proposed to. Because, it seems to be better to not get proposed to, than to be proposed to, and then having to break off that proposal, and in her case, giving back that sparkly huge ring she coveted so much. She won’t have either: not that sparkly ring, nor the guy she truly was falling in love with. Also, Bryan’s mom will be upset about several things: why her baby was questioned so much at the home town visit with Rachel’s family, and now having watched her baby’s fiancée, being absolutely heartbroken over another guy ONE day before she got engaged to her baby. This won’t last. Thank you for recapping. It was fun!! I understand you need a break from recapping this franchise, because my goodness, these episodes are looooong, but I think Bachelor in Paradise would give you much more material to recap. Then again, maybe too much material.
Sanna says
Oh, and I forgot to mention how much I agree with you regarding that hideous red dress she wore at the rose ceremony!! What in the world were those things on her shoulders?! Don’t the leads have a stylist!!! I couldn’t get passed how bad that dress was from every angle. Fashion suicide.
Sherri says
I just read your post and so completely agree with all that you said. I thought Rachael was such a great girl during the airing of the show. But, when Peter came out to sit on the couch with Rachael my opinion veered off to another direction. She was quite Sassy with Peter. Peter said he was feeling “attacked” and she didn’t understand it? C’mon, let’s be real. I totally agreed with Peter. He was being attacked. Actions (tone of voice) speak louder then words, girlfriend!
I was on vacation and stayed up in the early morning hours to merely watch a girl be excited about a ring. I am sure rachael likes Bryan. But after viewing the live version of those two together, I concluded “very good acting you two”. You sucked me into this pretend world and I’m not sure I can be part of Bachelor/bachelorette nation again.
Every season Chris Harrison says the same thing. Blah blah blah, get some new material:words.
Calypso in the Country says
I always LOVE your recaps! I agree that Rachel and Peter really loved each other. That break up was truly painful to watch. My heart broke as well. I have a huge respect for Peter for not caving into the proposal pressure. Hoping to see him as the next Bachelor – such a hottie!
Sanna says
I agree with the respect Peter is getting for not caving in and proposing, because it is entirely too short to know someone for that short a time and propose. Especially because the lead is dating many people at the same time.
Having said that though, I don’t know how they are going to make Peter the bachelor without addressing that tiny part this show has been pushing so hard for all these years: the proposal at the end! It would make no sense for Peter as the lead to change his mind all of a sudden and then propose on his own season anyway.
kellie s says
I 100% agree with your assessment here! I loved Rachel too, until the end, and then it just seemed she wanted to proposal more then a satisfying marriage. I so respect Peter for sticking to his guns and not giving in to the pressure of the classic Bachelor ending. I also think she was defensive on the live portion with him in part, because I don’t think she’s fully over him (I don’t think I’d be, ha!). I didn’t like it. It felt like she was trying to plead a case for why he shouldn’t be the next bachelor, instead of just wishing good things for him, which is the normal response.
The proposal at the end was the least genuine/emotional one I’ve seen. It was truly just about the ring! And speaking from experience, over bearing MILs can be a beast to contend with, so she’s got her hands full!
And it’s totally BS that she didn’t just want to date after this, when that’s exactly what they are doing!!! Ugh!
Kelly Rogers says
I have and idea…..
Let’s get Peter and Becca from Chris’s season together. Then the two of them can compete for who is least ready and unsure to commit. Come to think of it, they would make a gorgeous couple!
Linda says
You are 100% correct on everything! I saw/felt exactly what you saw/felt. It was Peter she was in love with; Brian was just a sure thing. The ATFR was very telling in every way. Peter is everything! Love your recaps; spot on & so funny. You have a gift, for sure. Love your blog & recaps. Thanks for sharing it all with us. I have been following you for the last 4 years and really enjoy your blog & all the other McKinney ladies I’ve come across along the way.
Angela Ellingson says
It made no sense that she was so adamant that she get a proposal while also saying an engagement doesn’t necessarily mean marriage… Great recap!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
“That’s the sound of Peter’s soul screaming” I lost it Sheaffer!! you really have a gift with these recaps. I couldn’t have said it all any better. Girlfriend doesn’t understand we can all see it clear as day. Peter is a sweetheart!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Emily says
I agree with every part of this recap 100% and I stopped watching after Peter left. I knew where it was going and I didn’t want to see. I loved Eric and his excited dance so much! I was looking for your take on her proposal dress though. I thought it looked ripped on the leg and I couldn’t take it.