These are the boots that I’ve been drooling over and are on my Christmas list!
Santa – I hope you are listening…you need to get these for me NOW before they sell out!
They were $169 (if I remember correctly), and they are now $135!!!!
Click HERE for the regular version.
Click HERE for the wide calf version.
Both have fantastic reviews!
(In fact, in my post tomorrow I have yet another e-mail that I received yesterday singing their praises!)
And wait! My leopard flats are on sale too!
Click HERE for the leopard flats. They used to be around $110 and now they are $87!
And actually, all of the Felicia flats (cognac and nude too) are now on sale….$71! Click HERE!
Now think about this….if these are items you were really wanting for Christmas, I would highly suggest you doing what I’m going to do.
Buy them now…and then send a note to your Santa saying….I just took care of part of Christmas!
I’m too afraid if I wait that my size is going to sell out!
As often happens over here on the ol’ blog, I had an entirely different post planned for today, but then things happened. The temperature dropped yesterday in my neck of the woods, I was sick at home….
But just for the record, when talking about chicken noodle soup,
I think a high noodle to chicken ratio is very important. I also enjoy celery in my chicken noodle soup, although I wouldn’t say that I typically enjoy celery.
Purely fyi.
I’m sooo sorry.)
whole entire world
And I received this e-mail about the blardigan just yesterday:
just had to write and tell you that my ombre’ blardigan arrived in the
mail today, and OH MY GOSH! You are SO right… it is like wearing a
blanket!!!! I truly didn’t believe it til I felt it. I will be wearing
this ALL the time! Like constantly. It is so cozy and comfy, yet
cute! It
dressed up my jeans and white t-shirt as soon as I threw it on. LOVE
IT! 🙂
Sharon Anderson
Thanks for the e-mail Sharon!
I have 2 different pairs of TOMS that I wear all spring, summer, and early fall. However, they are both canvas and very summery looking. I decided I need a pair of TOMS that would be perfect to slip on in the fall and winter and more appropriate to the season.
So, I did what I always do. I hit up, and I whipped up a collage as a visual aid.
Notice that the rust knit and the light grey woolen (which also comes in black) are both lined.
I think I’m going to go with the grey jacquard or the metallic herringbone.
And think about the fact that TOMS make a FANTASTIC gift!
I went ahead and added a pair to my collection of GIFTS LADIES WOULD LOVE over on my Christmas Ideas for Everybody page found HERE.
How had I never noticed these before?
around my head when I saw them.

love Toms, but these have to be the most comfortable I have worn from
their line!!! So squishy and comfy inside that I never want to take them
off! Really warm too, perfect for cool weather. And they look
absolutely adorable on!!!! Love, love, love these boots!

I was looking for an Uggs alternative, I’m a bit old for Uggs I think. And these are perfect!
They are super warm and perfect for walking the dog late at night or early in the morning or throwing on to run an errand.
Yep. These boots are going to be ESSENTIAL to my leggings outfits this winter!
The first two that I am wearing are both from Juniors, so keep that in mind.
I have kind of a big chest and a big rib cage, or otherwise I could
wear a smaller size. I always seem to need to size up at least 1 size
in coats.)
had my eye on this coat for several months, but they didn’t have it at
Stonebriar, and I never talked about it because based upon the pictures
on the website, I thought the collar had the potential to be way too
large and awkward. When I went to Northpark on Friday, I
finally got to try it on, and guess what…the collar is my FAVORITE
Click HERE for the black peacoat.
guess what? It’s back in stock (which I don’t really understand since
it sold out when it was on sale), so you ladies need to take advantage
But for $45, I’m going to just deal.
I also wanted to showcase some of the coats that are included in the Half Yearly sale right now.
There are TONS on sale, but here are 4 of my favorites:
Are you DYING over the skirted back? Cause I’m DYING over the skirted back!
This next Santa Alert makes for SUCH A GREAT GIFT!
They are gloves that you can wear AND STILL USE A TOUCH SCREEN AT THE SAME TIME!
There is a special type of technology built into the fingertips that allow you to operate a touchscreen with the gloves on.
Tell me who in your life doesn’t need these.
Great gift for hubands and wives…but also for moms and dads…and daughters and sons!
This gift spans the ages.
In addition to the gloves pictured, there are several other choices for men and boys HERE and TONS of other choices (at varying price points) for women and girls HERE.
She’s darling.
And she’s just as sweet as she is cute!
(Remember that on Friday I have an entire post dedicated to tops to wear with leggings!)
Lovie looks AWESOME in her MUST HAVE Hue leggings (HERE), her sweatshirt tunic (HERE), and her Penny boots (regular version HERE and wide calf version HERE)!
I absolutely LOVED how she styled her whole look, and her tunic sweatshirt is so perfect!
And lucky us, the tunic is from Nordstrom and is currently available!
Here is one of the online reviews for the sweatshirt:

this. I am a size 4 and I ordered the xsmall size. I have even washed
it and it came out nice. This is the perfect length to wear with
leggings. The material is soft and feels good next to your skin.
as you (not even nearly) but am petite and still want to be stylish.
I’ve gotten some great finds from your blog. Leggings are so cute and comfortable,
but I don’t want to look like I’m trying to be too young. Help!
woman….should we really be wearing leggings in public?? I did this
the first time around…I think it was the 90’s….and not sure if we
should be wearing them this time around. I know I must not be the only
older reader you have following your blog. Love your blog by the
way….and I really need to get on it and order that fringe scarf asap.
I think Lovie has shown that you can totally rock the leggings!
You just need to be extra careful what
you pair them with. I would say that the tunic should not only cover
the “crotchal area” ;), but it should be at least mid-thigh.
Don’t look for shirts, only look for tunics. And remember, pile on the layers! Hope this helps!
Sheaffer 🙂
p.s. You need the scarf for sure Lori! Order it immediately! 🙂
and a black pair for about a year and a half and they still look brand
new. This is saying a lot since I wear them at least once a week. Best
$40ish ever spent!
I received my pair of Hue leggings in the mail on Friday
and today was the first day that I got to wear them. I wore them to
work and even had my crotchal area covered, even though I definitely
need to purchase some longer shirts for my closet! I wanted to tell
your readers that I’m a size 16 and the XL leggings fit really well. I
love the extra wide waist band. It didn’t roll underneath my tummy
once, so these leggings are PERFECT! (tee hee) They are so soft and I
just love them. Thanks for all you do and keep up the terrific work!
I’m destined to be stylish and that’s because of you and Pinterest!
One last thing before you go!
I got this in my inbox this morning and new I had to share it with you!
40% off of EVERYTHING with the code FRIENDS!
Click HERE to shop.
Lots of good stuff ladies! LOTS of good stuff!
And you can shop the LOFT GIFT GUIDE HERE!
They have it divided up by category and/or price with lots of good ideas!
That’s it for today, but before you go,
Sheaffer 🙂
Linking up Today With:
My Friend Erika over at A Little Bit of Everything!!!!
Get Your Pretty On
The Pleated Poppy
Because Shanna Said So
now find me on instagram at @pinteresttoldmeto
Mix and Match Mama says
My mom was cute yesterday, right?!?! I'm so glad you're not only bossing me around but her too! OK…I need the black peacoat, the pink toggle coat, and at least two pair of Toms. I'm off to shop!
April Parrish says
It turned really cold in N.C. last night as well. We even had a little snow/sleet mix through the night. That's amazing for November in eastern N.C. 🙂
I have seen those Tom boots a few times over the past few weeks in different shops around and I really like them. My favorite is also the mixed woven nepal. Now you need to purchase these babies immediately and start styling them with some cute outfits for me to see if I need them!!! 🙂
Hope you feel better very soon!
Kelly says
Shay's mom is so pretty! The outfit looks great on her!
I ordered the leggings and they should be here today!!!
Peggy Bowes says
Great post! As a 40-something (but still trying to be stylish) mom, I especially appreciated the photo of Lovie and links to what she's wearing. She looks great and shows how older moms can still look super cute and polished. Please post more photos of her in the future!
Kim says
I was thrilled to see that your blog answered a couple of questions that have been going around in my head: #1 – women in our 50's can indeed wear leggings in public (and not look like we are trying too hard). I purchased the leggings you recommended and after trying them on, went and bought 2 more pair (on sale). I figured I would only be wearing them at home, but after seeing the picture you posted of Lovie, I am more confident that I too can do it. I actually already had the sweatshirt tunic she is wearing in my "wish list" at Nordstrum's site. And #2 concern was that at a size 16/XL, do I have an business wearing leggings at all. As much as I love your style, I often have to think twice about ordering something, due to the fact that I am NOT a size XS or S. I sure can't order your Junior size picks.
Anyway, just wanted to thank you for the variety of things you cover and making it so fun to sign on to your site everyday! I do not have a Nordstrum in my area, and am thrilled with their free shipping/free returns policy. It is a life saver!
Liz/happymommy says
Get the TOMS Metallic Herringbone shoes…those are perfection and they just went on my Santa list!!! And Lovie, well she looks awesome in her adorable outfit and are you sure she is Shay's mom, cause I am thinking that maybe Shay just has a sister she hasn't told us about and that's her….she looks great!!! 🙂
Anonymous says
Do you happen to know any blogs similar to yours for us plus-size girls? Being this size is HARD (in so many ways). I appreciate that you occasionally show plus-size options but I need an entire wardrobe make-over and most of the items featured here just don't work for bigger girls. 🙁 I'm tired of being fat & frumpy. I'm working on the fat. Now I need to work on the frumpy.
Sheaffer says
I'm sorry, I don't..but I will see what I can find out!
Sheaffer 🙂
V @ X-tremely V says
Love this post! Baby it's cold outside seriously started playing as I was reading this 🙂 First, I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Now I love those light grey woolen Toms! They will be on my Christmas list! Side note: I have rocked my vigoss cuffed jeans with my converse and it looks great 🙂
I might have to add that junior's toggle coat to my list as well.
Super excited that my leggings (black & espresso) will be arriving in the mail today along with the fringe scarf! Thanks for all the great clothing advice Sheaffer!
This Gingers Journey says
The rustic knit Toms are on my list! Love those colors 🙂 Great post! I am so excited (more than I probably should be) about the upcoming tunic post!!!
Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} says
How cute is Shay's mom!? I love her outfit. What a stylish lady. I am in love with that toggle coat. So perfect. And the blardigan. Oh the blardigan. I'm so in love with it. It is like buttery soft. Like silk. It's amazing.
Jen Pogue says
I've had my eye on that sweatshirt tunic and seeing it on Lovie sealed the deal! Now to decide what color to get? Sheaffer, those North Face gloves that you can wear while using your smart phone are genius! They just went on my Christmas list.
Lori says
Scarf is on it's way! I still wasn't sure about the leggings until reading your post today. I was in Nordstrom yesterday and still couldn't bring myself to purchase them. After seeing Shay's mom looking so cute, I'm going to have to rethink it. I looked at her sweatshirt yesterday too but they didn't have it in my size. I may have to order it online along with the must have leggings. Thanks for assuring me it's OK for those of us over 50 we can wear leggings…..again.
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
Isn't this cold weather amazing? I've been listening to Christmas music for two weeks already and now that song is stuck in my head too. 🙂 I've got the blardigan on my Christmas list, Santa better come through!
Anonymous says
Love Love your blog and I'd love to see more 40+ and also Plus Size suggestions!!
Meredith says
Ok so here is my helpful comment on the tech gloves, about 2 years ago I got the North Face e-tip gloves for Christmas, and i must say the are by far THE BEST gloves I have ever had. I have short fat fingers and always have a hard time finding gloves that fit riht and these do beucase of the material they are made from. Plus they are warm, I would not say they are ski gloves but for sure warm enoughfor daily wear or even a night outside.
Meredith says
OK I have to say i am reading through the comments and as a plus size girl I want to say hold on, you CAN wear alot ofthe stuff Sheaffer shows. Yes it might not be the exact same Must have top, but Nordstrom has tons of options that are very similar. I am on the smaller plus size end but was once larger and Nordtrom has always been my go to shop for cute trendy clothes. Plus they have also started selling plus size Juniors which is a nice younger look. Hope this helps you larger women
Sheaffer says
Thanks so much for the input Meredith! I appreciate it so much!
Sheaffer 🙂
Leah McPeak says
Hi Sheaffer! I may have to get a pair of the Toms boots. Love them!!! I bought the fringe scarf and love it. I've gotten a lot of compliments since I've started dressing better (instead of my mommy yoga pants all the time!). The best part is that I feel better too!! Thank you so much for all the tips!
Kim Garland says
I am so happy I found your blog one sleepless night….you have been a Godsend! I love Nordstrom and coming to your blog really helps me to put some 'must-haves' on my list and then go get them. I was able to buy the Blardigan (bless you – this is an amazing item). I bought one for my bestie for Christmas, too! I also bought the plaid top, Tom wedge shoes and black Hue leggings. I'm hoping they will get the grey ones back in because they are sold out. Thanks to your newest post, I now have to go back in search of more items. Those Tom boots are to die for! Thank you for showing an option other than the dreaded UGG which I could never bring myself to buy. I really enjoy your blog and find myself checking in daily to see what you have posted or to read previous ones. On a side note, I did subscribe to email and so far I haven't received an email yet. Any suggestions? Hope you are feeling better!
Sheaffer says
Hi Kim! I'm so happy you found the blog too! Sounds like you've purchased some of my favorite things. And I'm so happy you LOVE the blardigan!!! About the e-mail…mine comes to my inbox every night around 9:00 p.m. How many days ago did you sign up?
Kim Garland says
It was a couple days ago – but I just received the latest one after I wrote this. Go figure!! Yay, now I am fully connected! Love it – keep up the great posts! I am a follower!
Anonymous says
I've been following your blog and love it! I've been stuck in the house sick all this week and you are helping me melt my credit card! I've ordered the Hue leggings, the Ellerby boots and am seriously considering the "blardigan"! We don't have Nordstrom here in Tulsa, but we are getting a Rack in 2014! Yippee!!
Susanne says
i always look forward to your posts! i have a question about the nordstrom sale…how long does it last? do items go back to their regular prices or stay on sale until they are sold out?
Sheaffer says
That's a great question Susanne! If it's like the Anniversary Sale, they will go back to regular price…but I'm not sure when that will happen.
Sorry I'm not more help!
Sheaffer 🙂
Susanne says
Just wanted to say that I ended up calling nordstrom and they said the sale on women's and children's items will end november 17.
Jennifer Haag says
Our Nordstroms is about 45 min away from me, but we do have a Carson's close by and they carry the Penny boots. Carson's price was $198 for the boots, but on their website it states that they will price match any store in their local area. They sold me the Penny boots at Nordstroms $135.95 today 🙂 Very happy to have me some new boots!! Can't wait for your post tomorrow!
Jill says
I'm patiently (*not-so-patiently*) awaiting the arrival of my ombre blardigan! I also found a shorty hooded robe by the same brand for a christmas gift for my sister. I was checking out the Kut from the Kloth skinny cords, but saw the boot cut corduroys on sale so ordered those instead. Something that never happened before happened – they fit perfectly! I am ordering a second color and going to try the skinnies and a pair of sale jeans as well. At this point I decided you were onto something so I threw the must have shirt and the hue leggings in my cart too! I am waiting for tomorrow's post to check out…can't wait to see what you found!
Jack's Mom says
Hey Sheaffer! Just wanted to pass on a little info on the blardigan. I ordered it in the solid color taupe. I'll be honest that in this particular color it is obviously intended to be a robe/blanket/house garment. :(( It has a shimmer and the fabric just looks like a spa robe….super comfy and as soft as described, but not intended to wear as an outfit! Super bummed, but I will just return it for a tried and true color. Just wanted to pass on the warning!
Jack's Mom says
Oops, the color I ordered was Cocoa (blardigan), not taupe. I got the taupe fringe scarf…and loved it. Also loved the Hue leggings…thanks for all the tips!
Nicole Bickham says
Hello Shaeffer! You are my new favorite thing…well, your blog is! All my friends are following you now because I keep saying, Shaeffer says to wear this, Shaeffer says to wear that! In fact, I just saved $35 on my Sam Edelman Penny Boots because you told me they are on sale! I was at Nordstrom in So Cal yesterday and I bought so many things you've recommended. So here is a BIG thank you for sharing your fashion advice. This California girl thinks you are super fun and super fashionable! Yeehaw for Shaeffer!!
Nicole Bickham says
Hello Shaeffer! You are my new favorite thing…well, your blog is! All my friends are following you now because I keep saying, Shaeffer says to wear this, Shaeffer says to wear that! In fact, I just saved $35 on my Sam Edelman Penny Boots because you told me they are on sale! I was at Nordstrom in So Cal yesterday and I bought so many things you've recommended. So here is a BIG thank you for sharing your fashion advice. This California girl thinks you are super fun and super fashionable! Yeehaw for Shaeffer!!