And by the way, when Sean said “We are going to free fall 300 feet.”, I would have been all,
“Bye Bye Sean. Bye Bye Sean’s abs. Peace out. I’m going to go WALK down 300 feet.”
Tierra is beautiful.
Let’s look back to when we first met her.
Oh, the memories.
Too bad it only took her like 13 hours to start lettin’ her crazy hang out.
See Kristy on the right?
She’s doing a cheerleading move in her denim panties because she’s about to pass out she’s so excited that she’s going to get to model.
We get it Kristy, you are really excited that you are about to get to model….cuz you’re a model…it’s what you do……we know.
I seriously haven’t read a book in years (don’t judge)…..
But hold up, did he just say supposebly?
Okay, let’s talk about Desiree’s date for a moment.
All I could concentrate on when she was by herself in that art gallery was what I would be doing if I was alone and I didn’t think the cameras were on me.
I feel sure I would have readjusted my underwear or something equally humiliating.
Now, about the prank, Sean needs to meet my college self.
Yep, they were epic. 😉
I can vouch for the fact that they are awesome people. 😉
You would not see me sitting down. Nope, not me.
Desiree can however rock a bikini. She should wear one on every date she ever goes on AND SIT DOWN if she wants to.
Selma, if this doesn’t work out for you.
Don’t worry girl, you’ll be fine.
I’m pretty sure you will have a husband and a contract with Pantene before the show is even over.
Okay….so about my outfit recreation for today.
I tossed around the idea of copying one of Amanda’s look again for the 2nd week in a row.
(See the first re-creation HERE).
And much like we did with Tierra, let’s reflect on when Amanda was happy and bubbly (see above), and not dark and moody.
Those were the good ol’ days.
Why did you take a turn to negative town Amanda?
Anyway, I considered throwing on a yellow dress and hot glueing some roses to my shoulders, but that seemed like a lot of work. (And let me just say this…in 2 years, I’ll probably be wearing roses on my shoulderes. I tend to be WAY behind the curve on trends. I remember when I saw my sister wear skinny jeans for the first time I thought she had done lost her mind. A year later, and it was all I would wear or buy.)
And I’m not body language expert…but I don’t think this girl is on The Bachelor to make friends. 😉
this week I took the easy way out.
The outfits you are about to see are not so much outfit recreations as they are
“Yeah…I’ve kind of done those looks before, so I’m just going to pull out
2 of my pics from my archives”.
(Everytime I talk about having archives, it makes me feel important.)
So, before the girls changed to their romance novel costumes, two of them had on outfits that I’ve (kind of) done before.
Lesley M. (4th from the right) wearing the denim shirt with white shorts
and Amanda, oh look..I am copying her again….(3rd from the right) wearing the striped shirt with dark denim shorts.
Here are my interpretations….
LESLEY M’S LOOK (kind of):
Fingers crossed for next week!
And listen, if you don’t have a denim shirt yet, we can’t be friends anymore.
Click HERE to see lots of examples of why you NEED one.
I’m telling you, you need one. Seriously. And there are 3 great options below.
THANKS SO MUCH for stopping by and seeing what A Bachelorette Told Me To Do this week!
Check back tomorrow to see what pinterest tells me to.
I’ll give you a hint, it involves leggings.
And check back Friday to see my 3 newest obsessions!
Oh..and don’t forget to check out Shay’s blog for a little family insight and behind the scenes info (without any spoilers). This week she did a little Q & A! Fun!
And as always, you can follow me on facebook HERE.
You can follow me on Pinterest HERE.
Linking up today with:

Mix and Match Mama says
This is my favorite post EVER! Not only is it hysterical, it's an accurate recap of the show, plus you did a great job finding a corresponding look AND the pics from the show look fabulous! Love it!!
Allison says
Such a fun idea!! Great job!
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
I didn't even watch the show and I'm dying! Denim panties? LOL! Gotta get me some of those.
Lisa Jones says
Love this post! Hilarious recap of the show!
Danielle says
Love the recap! Too funny. I really like that denim shirt too. Such a cute look.
Cindy F. says
you are a hoot! all my thoughts exactly!! sitting down in bikini on TV = NEVER!!
Jenni says
hahha…Loving the commentary! You were so right on with it all! This show is the best!
Karen At Home says
Love the recap!! Hilarious! My sister and I were dying over Amanda's dress, what made her think that was a good idea to wear on the Bachelor? Oy!
Kevin, Amy, and Stanton Sloan says
Sarah says
OH gosh, I don't watch the bachelor but I love reading your recap…so funny. Everything you wrote I was laughing and nodding in agreement trying picture it in my head. I totally agree with your comment about desiree and a bikini, if only I could look half that good, right?!
BrittM says
Love, love, love your blog and your recap. The screen shots are priceless and terrifying all at the same time, must like some of the behavior on the show this week. You've definitely found a new fan in me!
Anonymous says
I really love your blog! Always puts a smile on my face and motivates me to get pretty!
JenniferW says
Hilarious! I had no idea that beautiful Amanda from your first recreation was the same person in the hidious yellow dress (she frightens me….smile a little, you're on tv!)
Love the outfits…especially the first one…but I must say, wearing white denim scares me more than the colored denim you "made" me buy 😉 I totally see myself sitting on something. Scary. Eventually I will suck it up and buy a pair bc I love the look! I do have white shorts I wear…same idea, but less surface area for me to spill on 😉
By the way…I wear the mustard yellow and the light teal skinny jeans and feel less and less like my legs are screaming, but haven't made it out of the house in the red ones. Some day I will be brave enough to do it…I hope!
mel @ the larson lingo says
YES. This is the best. Loved your recap, wish we could watch the show together. *sigh* And, of course loved your outfit recreations. And, why oh why did you post that green cardigan?!?! I don't have a green cardigan (in that shade) yet…..must resist buying another cardigan….
Brandi says
Great post! I'm a new follower!! And you sure do know how to rock the white pants!!!! JEALS!!!!
Lori says
Hilarious Sheaffer! I love this post 🙂
Carly says
First time popping in from Get Your Pretty ON link up….
I feel like I don't even need to watch the bachelor..I can just read your roundup!
Also love that green cardi over the striped shirt.
New follower via google friend:)
J and A says
Ok the bikini talk killed me – so so funny!! I love your play by play! Hilarious and totally agree.
Tanya T. says
Several of the girls started letting their crazy hang out this week! The post was hysterical. The entire episode last night I was thinking, what in the world is Sheaffer going to wear!! Hot glue flowers….hysterical! Love it.
Maddie~The Whimsy One says
Between you and Mel…I am going to look like I am incapable of my own idea looks for the pinspired link up. Get ready…cause they're gonna look familiar;)
Andrea {blonde ambitions} says
You are hilarious! I love reading your recap!! You did a great job (as always) creating your outfits!!
Tara G. says
Seriously, what happened to Amanda from the picture to the show?!? Wow. No really, WOW. She just seemed dark and creepy on the last show. And I totally thought the same thing about being left alone like Desiree!
Brooke says
I laughed out loud reading your recap! Love it! Keep it coming!!
Katie Did What says
hahaha I love everything you had to say. Yes, that girl's right eyebrow needs to STOP, like, yesterday. And there is noooo way I would have dropped down that building. Sorry, not my idea of a fun date!! No matter how good his abs look. "….cuz you're a model…it's what you do……" hahahhaa YES, THANK YOU. What everyone was thinking!
I love this post so much. Keep 'em coming, girl!
smk053078 says
I think Chris Harrison should hire you as his co-host!!! You would kill it!! Thanks for the recap…I don't even have to watch the show to get a good laugh. Those poor girls are a wreck. Thanks for linking up!
dedivahdeals.com says
You are hilarious – thanks for the laughs!
Anonymous says
Love your blog – just found you and I'll definitely keep reading!
Kelli @ Life at 818 says
THis was so very funny, and I don't even WATCH this show! But I just might start if you are going to do a post like this every week! Adorable. Oh, and I guess I better get off my butt and get a denim shirt – friends? 😉
Object of Maya*ffection says
OMG – I LOVE watching the Bachelor JUST to see the girls fashion, hair and accessories!! SO DANG disappointed I missed (please tell me just one) it!
Kourtney says
This was hilarious! I love your humor about the show, and your outfit inspirations!
Mimi says
You are so funny! With a girl almost 14 and a boy 18 (who is an "adult" now), I can always use a laugh. Found you on Shay's blog. Your blog is the most clever (and cleanest) one I've ever read on the Bachelor!
I'll be back…
Suzanne Carillo Style Files says
What a funny post! Glad I stopped by from I Feel Pretty : )
Maritza says
I seriously think that ABC should hire YOU to write their blog posts on the bachelor episodes they are freaking hilarious!!! I honestly look forward now to your "a bachelorette told me to" not only for style but for a great laugh to start off my day! Thanks to you I'll be living a little bit longer because your blog posts crack me up! Have a great day! 🙂
Anonymous says
Thanks for making me LOL today! Bachelor and Bachelorette are my guilty pleasures. My favorite bachelor before Sean was Brad Womack but Sean is definitely my favorite now. Love a humble, handsome and sexy man that thinks with the right head ;).
Redheaded Daybook says
omgosh!i love both these looks so much!
green is my favorite color and i def am into the denim look!
happy friday!
Redheaded Daybook
Emily R says
I totally heard him say 'supposebly' and it's a huge pet peeve of mine too!
Kacie says
I love The Bachelor! I can't wait for more Bachelor posts 🙂