Remember the AWESOME MAKE YOU COOLER THAN YOU ACTUALLY ARE CAMO PANTS that I raved about on Monday’s post?!?
Well, now they are on sale AND AN ADDITIONAL 40% OFF!!!!!
For size reference, definitely order a 1/2 size down. I’m typically a 6 or a 6 1/2, and the 5 1/2s were perfect for me.
I chose the grey because I wasn’t sure I could keep the white clean…and I love the grey!
The women’s “DAINTY” version is available HERE.
I have a bone to pick with ABC.
(Oh, and if you don’t care for the recaps, scroll to the bottom for some SALE ALERTS!)
5 hours is too much.
2 hours a week is one thing, but 5 hours?
If we’re being honest, I even have trouble with 2 hours.
I feel like I crossed a line into some sort of loser territory this week.
Please ABC, don’t force me to be a loser again.
So, here’s what happened.
I kind of watched the first hour. And the next four hours really.
Because 5 hours?
Say it with me everybody.
It’s Just Too Much!!!!!!
So, I’m sure I missed things to talk about here and there, but stick with me, because I still found PLENTY O’ STUFF to comment on.
The first hour of our lives (that we’ll never get back) was spent with Harrison hosting.
I’ll give ABC one thing, Harrison is IN HIS ELEMENT during 1:1 interviews.
And he deserves a raise for keeping a straight face during his interview with #kraziinakardi.
Kelsey made America dislike her more, if that’s even possible.
And she used the word “ameliorate”. Which I of course had to google to see how to spell it (it took me like 7 tries to land on the right word) and to see what it meant.
In a nutshell, it’s a verb that means “to make something better, less painful, more tolerable”.
So, if you were to use it in a sentence,
Chris’s decision to kick Kelsey off last week really helped to ameliorate the
viewership’s quality of life.
And I may or may not have snorted when Harrison called the donkey that scared the horses on Chris’s date with Becca “a jackass”.
Okay, I did. I snorted.
That’s funny stuff.
Let me wrap up the rest of the hour with some bullet points:
#crazyeyes (was that her name?) was even crazier than we thought. I mean seriously, the girl is certifiable. She wandered around the sets, “stared into doorways”, and “thought there was a betting ring” that had formed with all of the ABC crew.
Andi is a complete and total wreck about her breakup with Josh.
She absolutely lost it with Harrison when talking about Josh, and she couldn’t pull herself back together.
The girl’s got it bad.
Okay….time to get to the REAL show.
So we ended last week’s episode with #kraziinakardi and #virgininabottle being left to fend for themselves in The Badlands with nothing but a random bed, a fishing vest, and false eyelashes.
As the lone helicopter flies away, I’m thinking that they are going to have to MacGyver their way out of the dessert somehow.
Good luck ladies.
Chris goes to the cocktail party and all the girls say how they are so proud of him for kicking #kraziinakardikelsey to the curb.
He talks to Megan briefly, and they basically admit to each other that neither one of them is “feeling it”. Smart move Megan. Get out before you head to Iowa.
He walks her to the car and sends her on her way.
And then he goes back up to see the other girls, and Harrison tells everybody that there is still going to be a rose ceremony and somebody is still going home. The girls start having mild panic attacks.
But Prince Farming says NO SIR.
He tells Harrison that he is feeling a connection to all the remaining girls, and he doesn’t want to send anybody else home yet!
He announces to all the girls that nobody is going home AND they are headed to Iowa!
And they all lose their minds with excitement.
Jade gets the first 1:1, and the date card says she’s going to
get to see his hometown.
They put her in a car and start driving her out to his home that is several hours away from the hotel.
And pardon my language, but that is when $#it got real for ol’ #fullfrontal.
He shows off his land, and he is so dang proud of all of it that it’s actually pretty endearing.
And I’m telling you, there’s corn as far as the eye can see. And then for another 5,400 miles.
Then they head “into town”
And the town isn’t just small.
It’s like teenincy.
It’s like 45 seconds long.
And not only is it teenincy, besides corn stalks (is that what they’re called?) swinging in the breeze, there is not much movement.
All businesses are closed.
And I guess all the people are dead.
Because y’all.
Jade is saying all the right things, but she looks terrified.
It’s okay Jade, I’m scared too.
I would be all “Where’s the local Taco Bueno?”, because mama needs Mexi Dips n’ Chips on occasion.
They drove around on Chris’s motorcycle for awhile, and literally saw only one other car until they finally got to the high school football game.
Aha! That’s where everybody is! The high school football game!
And I’ve gotta say, don’t they look cute together?
She met his parents briefly (she was given NO TIME to prepare for this meeting by the way), but it seemed to go really well.
I’m sure his parents thought that she was a sweet and lovely girl.
Let’s just hope they didn’t go home and google ol’ #fullfrontal.
Because those pictures would make Ma and Pa Farmer blush.
(Dang….later in the show Carly basically says this same thing! Just one reason I now feel that Carly and I should be besties.)
They stroll through his high school together hand in hand, laugh about how they were both “rebels” , and feel as giddy as school children.
I would like to point out here that their definition of rebels is probably quite a bit different.
Chris, it’s not like Jade had an underage drink during her high school years in the local warehouse parking lots (LH SHOUT OUT!) :). Nope, Jade showed her lady bits to America.
Call me crazy, but I’m thinking their definitions of “rebel” might be different.
On the way out of the school, he gently threw her against the lockers and they made out.
The next 1:1 goes to Whitney.
They go to a local art exhibit about capturing love on film, and so they kiss all over DeMoines and document it with pics!
Let’s just go ahead and cut to the chase and make this their engagement photo. Because CUTE!
And Whitney’s already talking about the future: about seeing herself there and married to Chris.
And I actually believe her.
She meets 4 of his best friends and she KILLS IT.
The girl has the perfect answer to every question they throw at her.
She wins the guys over and impresses the heck out of Chris.
And then Whitney talks about her family.
And I just want to hug the girl.
She doesn’t have a relationship with her dad, and she shared with him how her mom went in for a routine procedure 10 years ago and died instantly of a blood clot.
She then goes on to say that she’s looking for a guy with a great family and great parents since she doesn’t have that. And I have to say, I’m on the verge of tears.
She’s talking so honestly and candidly, and I want her to have a family too!!!!!
He then walks her outside and surprises her with a huge painting on the side of the building with his favorite photo of them from earlier in the day.
And she is blown away. In a super authentic, not at all cheesy, and very sweet way.
And I fall a little deeper in love with Whitney.
She first captured my attention when she crashed the wedding,
and after today’s date I love her even more.
Back at the hotel, Jade is regaling the room with tales of her 1:1 date.
Britt. Can’t. Handle. It.
When Jade tells about how they were in the middle of the football field and the crowd started chanting “Kiss Chris! Kiss Chris”, Britt loses it.
A reader left a comment saying that we need to come up with a nickname for Britt, and I’m thinking this is a perfect time. I’m kind of partial to #dirtyhairdon’tcare, but if you have a better option, please fee free to leave a suggestion in the comments.
My Name is Carly It’s Nice To Meet You is BEYOND annoyed with Britt.
But not in an annoying way.
In an endearing way.
Yep, I’m thinking Carly is my spirit animal.
Britt collects herself and all the girls decide they are going to take off together to see Arlington.
And y’all.
The road trip?
It starts out all fun and games with them sticking their hands out the window and yelling “Iowa”!!!!!
But then they keep driving.
And driving.
And driving.
And then driving some more.
And you could hear a pin drop in the car.
And they keep showing this exact shot.
Check out Britt’s reaction to the wide open spaces and lack of life.
I’m imagining her internal monologue was something like this:
They drive through the town in like 28 seconds flat.
And Carly is officially one of the funniest people EVER.
The girl has good commentary.
And facial expressions.
She does not however have a good outfit for the road trip.
Because she’s wearing a denim onesie romper with a cross between gladiatior sandals and
combat boots.
Let’s all give a Whitney side eye to Carly’s OOTD. (This pains me, because I LOVE Carly. Obvi.)
And you know what, let’s go ahead and give the side eye to Kaitlyn too, because she’s wearing camo Hammer pants and a belly shirt.
#dirtyhairdon’tcare basically says there is NO WAY IN HECK that she could ever live there.
The return to the hotel and they are telling Jade about the trip, and #dirtyhair says, “I don’t know, I saw the sunset on the way out of town and it kind of changed my mind about the place.”
And this is Carly’s reaction. Complete with gagging sounds.
I heart her.
Jade then confides in Carly that she posed in Playboy.
and Carly’s facial expressions do not disappoint.
Her eyeballs just about popped out of her head.
Carly, call me. Let’s be BFFs.
Seriously Carly. CALL ME. Let’s hang out.
The Group Date Arrives: Kaitlyn, Britt, and My Name is Carly, It’s Nice To Meet You get to go.
The date card says “Icy our future together .”
The girls arrive at a hockey rink.
I’m questioning Britt’s flannel tied around her waist with her belly shirt AGAIN, but I of course LOVE her denim jacket. It looks VERY similar our MUST HAVE jacket right?
I’m unsure about Carly’s fringed sleeves and tribal necklace,
But I want to rip Kaitlyn’s denim jacket right off of her body and bring it home to live with me. Love the leather sleeves.
#dirtyhairdon’tcare pulled Chris to the side first, and she feeds him LIES!
She basically says that she loved his town and could totally see herself there.
She actually says the words “fell in love with it” and that “she really liked it”.
But her voice went up like 23 octaves when she said it, so we really don’t believe her.
Then Carly gets some time with him.
She says she’s protective of him and I automatically get nervous.
She’s about to throw Britt under the bus.
And she does. She throws her right under the BIG OL’ LIAR bus.
Chris actually really appreciates it, but it’s obvious that Carly just crossed over into friend territory.
That’s okay Carly. I’ll be there for you. Because we’re gonna be besties, remember?
Prince Farming questions #dirtyhair about her feelings regarding the town, and my goodness she puts on a good show.
She says that Iowa is just part of the package, and that she’s choosing him.
She also talks about being a Mom in Iowa, and I’m pretty he almost proposes on the sport.
Oh what a tangled web we weave Britt.
Kaitlyn gets 1:1 time.
He sees that Kaitlyn is still struggling a bit with uncertainty about how he feels about her (aren’t they all?), and he waltzes in and grabs the rose (that’s sitting in front of Brit) and heads out the door to go give it to Kaitlyn.
She accepts.
Kaitlyn and Chris walk back into the room with Carly and #dirtyhair,
and the scariest music I’ve ever heard starts playing.
Britt cracks her knuckles (I’m not kidding), Carly says something very gracious about having a good time that day and liking Kaitlyn, and then Britt starts into a monologue about her feelings.
In front of the other girls.
Chris tries to give her a nice answer to make her feel better (and shut her up), but #dirtyhair won’t have it.
She says she’s “processing out loud” and he continues to try to shut her down.
He says “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
And then he drops the mic and leaves the room.
Back with Whitney and Becca at the hotel, Carly and Kaitlyn tell the story of what they surely feel was the beginning of the end for #dirtyhairdon’tcare. Carly says she’s feels like she has “done her duty”. She is THRILLED with how things played out.
But guess what, we are going to have to wait to find out who goes home, because that’s on Monday night’s episode…and I haven’t even watched it yet. And full disclosure, as much as I want to see who goes, the thought of two more hours kind of makes me want to bawl.
Come back tomorrow (Thursday) for my recap of Monday’s show!
Actually, I’m not 100% SURE it’s going to happen, but I’m optimistic.
Pray for me and my Bachelor watching stamina.
The struggle is real.
Remember to leave a comment for nickname ideas for Britt!
We also don’t have one for Whitney or Becca! GO!
Sheafer 🙂
I’ve got some SALE ALERTS!!!!!
A couple of new markdowns at Nordstrom include THIS Caslon military jacket I featured a couple of weeks ago. It’s now 40% OFF!
Check out THESE darling sleep shirts (4 color combos to choose from)!
And I featured THESE jeans in a sale collage last week and received lots of e-mails about them. Apparently lots of you ladies love these jeans already and scooped up another pair on sale!
Great news! They are still fully stocked!
LOFT is having 40% OFF of some seasonal favorites (no code needed)!
ACTUALLY…a bit of an update… of this afternoon (like 4:00 p.m.) they changed the sale up a bit. Many items in the below collage are still on sale and then an additional 40% OFF, but the pants are no longer included.
HOWEVER….LOFT is now ALSO running a FLASH SALE where you spend $100 on full price items and you get $50 off (unless you are a cardholder, and then you get $60 off)! See below the collage for some text links you might be interested in….
Here are some great items I found that are included!
Pay special attention to “f” the skinny ankle pants! I’m featuring them next Monday and they are AWESOME! Beautiful color and so flattering!
a) short sleeve jacquard sweatshirt HERE
b) polka dot sweater HERE
c) diamond pointelle sweater HERE
d) double face open cardigan HERE
e) textural stripe sweater HERE (lots of colors!)
******* f) tech stretch skinny ankle pants in Marisa fit HERE ******
g) aviators HERE
h) open bangle bracelet with drusy HERE
i) leather ladder bracelet HERE
And here are some items that would be included in the FLASH SALE (spend $100 get $50 off). These are all items that I’ll be featuring in my LOFT post on Monday! I don’t have them photographed yet, but if you want to check them out and get a jump on your shopping, please do so! 🙂
striped 2:1 sweater HERE
lace edge sweater HERE
blue gingham windowpane tunic HERE
navy pocket henley blouse HERE
floral charm bow neck blouse HERE
mixed media tiered peplum HERE
tech stretch skinny ankle pant in marisa fit HERE
black tech stretch skinny ankle pant in marisa fit HERE
white cuffed cropped jeans HERE
If you want to see my previous Bachelor recaps from this season, click HERE! If you haven’t read them yet, I’m giving you the Whitney side eye.
Mix and Match Mama says
Listen, Britt's reaction was priceless! And I don't understand why these girls aren't road trippin' in their Blardigans? I haven't taken a road trip in 2 years without mine on (even in the summer!). It's like wearing a snuggie in the car…but a little more chic.
Erika Slaughter says
You totally nailed Carly! As soon as she said it, her time was limited. And doesn't she say, "Even if he sends me home, I've done my duty"?? Fabulous recap!
Susan H. says
#1 Although I haven't actually watched The Bachelor in years, I LOVE your recaps. You are hilarious – I am truly laughing out loud every time I read one.
#2 A few days ago I realized I had a ton of unused credit card points and based 100% on your influence, I used them for a big ole Nordstrom's gift card. Can't wait to go shopping – I've already been going over your must haves and the recent sale posts looking for ideas. Thanks for the fun 🙂
Liz says
I absolutely love your recaps! As I sit and watch each episode, I think about how I'm dying for your recap. Hilarious! And yes, wayyyyy too much this week. I'm so happy with the way it all turned out though. Chris is maming the right decisions! I told my husband I couldn't live in Arlington if it didn't have a nail salon. #PleaseANailSalon
Maggie Kosciolek says
Ah I think Carly is super annoying- she's obviously jealous of Britt but listening to her talk about it for an entire episode nearly made me lose it.
Sheaffer says
No Maggie! I LOVE HER!!!!! Ha!!!! 🙂
Kim says
Carlie NEXT Bachelorette!
Unknown says
I agree I got sick of her complaining! She had a new victim to complain about every episode! Although when sheaffer mentions it it's much more funny!
Anonymous says
In our house we call her #stinkyBritt. Love your recaps!
Meg Hodges says
Becca= #therealvirgininabottle
marianne says
Whitney's name has to be #babymaker. You'll understand after you watch Monday's episode!
Anonymous says
Yes! I love it!
Heather says
Oh yes!!! #babymaker is perfect for Whitney!!
Jersey Love says
I love this recap ESPECIALLY because I chose to watch the SNL 40 year show instead of this 3 hour drama….which I almost regret now, but will watch later today because CLEARLY I missed a lot!! I did watch Monday's episode, but won't spoil it for you… It's a good one though.
I think #dirtyhairdon'tcare is PERFECT for Britt – absolutely perfect.
As for Whitney… I refer to her as #MsBabyMaker ~ btw I LOVE HER for Chris…. I'm over Kaitlyn and I think Becca is going to be too inexperienced for him, I hate to say it but I think that's the case. I do see it being those two at the end though. I like Becca I and I feel bad that shes never loved anyone before…. I'm blanking on a nickname…. hope to see some good ones 🙂 Can't wait for your thoughts on Mondays episode!!
Anonymous says
Becca could be thecajunvirgin.
I was so glad Britt showed her dirty side.
The 5 hrs was too much, I fast forwarded through a lot of it…the kissing mainly.
Christin Jones says
Sheaffer!! I loved Carly since she stepped out of the LIMO!!! I hear ya about the five hours! It was a little too much, but you'll LOVE Monday's episode! Can't wait to read your recap!
Heather @ Happily Her says
Love Carly! I would love to have dinner out with her. I feel like she could keep the whole table entertained. I find Britt incredibly annoying! I can't wait for you to watch Monday's episode so we can read your recap!
Anonymous says
Oh how I love your recaps! And oh how I loath Britt! How does she always have big old red lips? Thanks for pointing out how her voice went up several octaves. Red flag!!!! I also love how you notice the fashion too!!!
Anonymous says
I feel your pain…that is just TOO MUCH!!!! I can't watch anymore…just love reading your recaps and that is enough for me!
Hang in there!!!
Jan Fisher
Sabrina says
Whitney is my favorite!!! I love how natural they are together. And Brit-well I did like her until she acted like a toddler about not getting a rose. #byefelicia ha!! Hilarious recaps – love them!
Anonymous says
I just died. 🙂 hahahhahahah! Bye Felicia! -Purvis Love yoU!
Narci says
So funny!! Love it, and Carly is SO cute!!
Jenny Morgan says
I swear my whole day instantly gets better when I read your recaps! And I agree, way too long ABC–help a sister out here! After the 2 hour threshold I have already zoned out and moved on. I'll admit that I had been pulling for #ithinkimthesh%¥britt (primarily because I have been crushing on her hair–albeit stinky) but after her unfortunate monologue I was wanting Chris to send her home that very moment. I really wanted Carly to get a hometown, mostly because Zak would have been on it but I think they crossed the friend zone way earlier than this week. However I will totes miss her facial expressions and one liners! At this point I'm rooting for Whitney, even though her voice is slightly (and by slightly, I mean highly) annoying but I do <3 her and think they make the cutest couple–I mean they've already crashed a wedding and have their engagement photos done.
Laura says
Not a Britt fan and was ready for her to go, but I do think Carly showed a lot of immaturity and jealousy. I think Kaitlyn and Whitney handled things the best 🙂
Anonymous says
I love #dirtyhairdontcare but my girlfriends and I call her #kellykapowski. Loved your recap!
Rachel Sowers says
Help! I need the source for Becca's yellow peplum top on Monday night's show. Thanks for any ninja warrior research you can do to help find it:)
StacyHudson says
Rachel, my husband actually found me a great website/facebook page that will find tv items for you. Check out Big Blonde Hair. You just post a pic of what you're looking for on her fb page and she'll try to find it for you.
Emily R says
I read on twitter or instagram that she got it at loft 🙂
CrazieChrisa says
I love Whitney! She's gorgeous, funny and so classy. Becca is gorgeous and I love her values but I don't think she'll win. I'm bored with Kaitlyn. Carly wouldnt stop talking about Brott. She came across as such a mean girl. I loved Britt until her ugly side so that may be why Carly got on my nerves. I knew as soon as she told him about Britt, she had slipped into the friend zone. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Monday nights episode:)
Abby says
Carly totally cracks me up! 5 hours was way too long! My mom was over and watched Sunday's episode with me and I kept fastforwarding through parts as I was trying to get to the end so I could go to bed, and she kept saying "I want to see that" or "I want to hear what they are saying". No Mom, you don't. Bed is more important…
Carly throwing #dirtyhair under the bus was the best. She totally had to see the writing on the wall that she was going to be sent home no matter what, and to tell Chris that she had his best interest at heart, made him rethink all of the crap that #dirtyhair had been telling him. I have yet to decide who I want to win. Can't wait to read your recap from Monday night's episode. I struggled through that one as well, so good luck to you!
Anonymous says
My liking of Carly went way up this week. I think she is hilarious! And the best was seeing Britt self implode. Happy dance. Love your recaps!
Alicia in Arizona
Anonymous says
I hoping Carley for the next bachelorette!
Jordyn Brown says
I will never, ever get tired of your recaps…because hey, it keeps me from having to watch 5 hours worth of the Bachelor!
xoxo, SS
The Southern Stylista
Anonymous says
Sheaffer, I'd love to hear your opinions on who should be the next Bachelorette! Could you maybe include that in your post on Thursday?
farmwife03 says
You have to watch Monday's episode!! Some of it is fast forward worthy but if you think you like Whitney now, you'll LOVE LOVE LOVE her after Monday's episode. I want to be her friend 🙂 Plus, you can't miss #missfullfrontal's confession. Chris' amount of uncomfortableness is priceless. These last two episodes have been exciting for me, as a farmers wife, to watch. I want to sit down with them all and tell them what it's REALLY like and what you are getting themselves into. It takes a special woman to marry a farmer and live the lifestyle. The town we live in is actually smaller (if you can believe it) than Arlington (we live in central Illinois). It has a population 350 and a bar, that is all. And I wouldn't change for it anything. I love raising my daughters out here, it's so peaceful, beautiful, and quiet. Farming is a tough business and I hope whomever he chooses is ready for all the ups and downs that come with it.
StacyHudson says
I must admit…I was thrilled with all the Bachelor air time! I just can't get enough. I wish that Carly put more energy into Chris than she does with mission: send #dirtyhairdontcare home. I can't wait until the women tell all and seeing Chris ask if she REALLY doesn't shower. I think he will…don't you? And on a side note, I had to laugh. It took me a minute to figure out what you REALLY meant on your "f" the skinny ankle pants comment. I thought you meant something entirely different!
Janet says
I was so glad Carly threw Britt under the bus. Someone had to because he sure wasn't seeing it. I'm not sure who I think he will end up with. I can't explain it all now since you haven't watched Monday's episode. They each have little things that I'm not sure would work out. But we will see. In other news, I bought the Old Navy Peep toe shoes you featured a couple of weeks ago. Will love them for this spring. Toms has a pair for the spring that looks similar. I actually like the ON ones better. Also bought a maxi skirt in ON that I know I will love. Jersey material very soft and silky.
Katie Cox says
I'm from Iowa, so I LOVED this episode! I grew up in a super small Iowa town so it was fun to see the girls reactions to Arlington. I promise small town Iowa life is actually pretty darn awesome. I live in Des Moines now and thought the girls dates here were awesome and really showed off just how amazing Des Moines is. I really love Whitney and will be cheering for her from now on. Signed, #iowagirlforlife
Dee says
Can you find the super fun nail polish that Britt is wearing?
Kate says
I love Carly too! I really want her to be the next bachelorette because she is so funny. At first, I wanted her to slow it down with the Britt hating, because it didn't make her look that good either, but then I realized I was saying those exact same things…the only difference was I wasn't saying it on camera. I also feel like Carly knew she wasn't going to go all the way, but she did really like Chris and I don't think she was being fake or terrible when she basically broke into tears over the idea of Britt deceiving him.
Wendy says
I actually like Britt….but maybe I was just awestruck of her hair. I mean, she has some seriously gorgeous hair (clean or not).
I do think Whitney is classy and genuinely seems to love Chris, but where exactly is she going to be a fertility nurse in Arlington?? Maybe she can get into the genetically modified corn industry. I think her name should be #Minniemouselivesincornland.
My favorite is Kaitlyn. I think she is also genuine, very pretty, knows how to laugh and could deal with the isolation of Arlington.
I can see Becca (#pioneerwoman#2) making a good farmer's wife (although I find her to be a yawner).
Carly, in my opinion, is the winner of this season (even with no Chris, that girl should get a job on a sit-com). Her eye expressions are priceless.
Anonymous says
I agree Wendy. I love kaitlyn. She doesn't seem high maintenance and her and Chris have so much fun together. Always laughing.
I think I'm one of the only ones who thinks Whitney is just saying what she thinks Chris wants to hear. Shes probably the best one for him, but theres just something that doesn't sit right with me. I first saw it when she was meeting his friends. Did not seem genuine to me.
Anonymous says
Good recap! Enjoyed it all and cant wait for tomorrows. Our name for Britt is #BritttheBrat
Anonymous says
Love your recaps! Totally agree with you about the length of the show-five hours is three hours too long!! So glad to see Britt go 🙂
Tiffany says
You're killing me Scheaffer! It's like Christmas morning every time I look at your blog! I just ordered the camo pants and stripped top from the loft. I MAY have to go back and order the druzy bracelet too! My wardrobe has greatly improved since finding you.
Megan Sutherland says
Whitney = #letsmakeababy
Kristen says
Love the LH shout out! You and your recaps are the bomb!
On another note, I have given up clothes/jewelry shopping for Lent! Truly, not sure I can do this but gonna try! Thank goodness I already own camo pants – would hate to have failed on Ash Wednesday!
Beth Hoden says
Great recap! I grew up in a small town in Iowa (8,000 people) and I wouldn't trade it for the world! Not all of Iowa looks like Arlington…there are some pretty awesome people in this state! Even Chris Harrison said some pretty nice things about the people in Dubuque in his blog yesterday:)
Anonymous says
Nicknames for Becca and Whitney? How about #believableinehinwhiteBecca or #notuntilalterBecca. Whitney-#letsmakebabiesWhitney or #wearitonmyfaceWhitney
Anonymous says
And yes I agree Carley is obviously the most hilarious one on there! Her recaps are priceless, like thank you Jesus for her recaps cause I needed those to make it through 5 hours! I need either Carley or Whitney to be the bachelorette 🙂
The Rohman Family says
Ok, so I clicked on the red pants and didn't see that they were on sale…maybe I missed something? Or didn't get to them in time?
Sheaffer says
Hey there! They were this morning, but now they aren't. HOWEVER, there is now a FLASH SALE going on at LOFT where you get $50 OFF your $100 purchase ($60 if you are a cardholder). So, you can get them like that with the code BIGDEAL!
Hope this helps!
Sheaffer 🙂
Danielle says
I am rooting for #letsmakebabies for Whitney. That seems to be all that is on her mind, ha!
Liz says
Whitney= #southernsweetheart
Becca= #thefirstheartbreakisthehardest
Carly= #newestbachelorette
Kaitlyn= #soborediamboring
Chris' future kids= #childrenofthecorn
MB says
Becca: the non-ragin' cajun!
The Rohman Family says
Well, I just went ahead and ordered the black AND red tech stretch skinny ankle pants…got the flash sale deal…can't wait to see how you style them! Totally trusted that these will be versatile and worth the money!
Tamara M. says
Ok. Yours are my fav but #rootslikewhoa was what I called her. It looks like she didn't have time to get her color done before she ran off to lie to Chris for weeks. Or. Her stylist skipped the ombré lesson day and winged it. Ok that's mean. I'm sorry lol.
Kelli says
I love your recaps! I think Britt's nickname should be #topangawannabe and Whitney's should be #hellonurse (said flirtatiously) because I'm a nurse and if she was working with some of the old man I do they might have a heart attack with how good she looks in scrubs!
Angie says
Love your recaps Shaeffer! Thanks for the laughs! I like Whitney but that voice! I'd have to go with #whineywhitney or #babyvoicebabymaker I love #dirtyhairdontcare and Becca bless her heart she is about to be heart broken as soon as she tells him she's a virgin I'm afraid she's a goner. He may not want #fullfrontal but I don't think he wants the opposite either…
Claire says
Becca should be #boringbecca because her and Chris are so boring I fast forward through all their dates. I love Carly because she literally says everything I'm thinking. I just think Kaitlin could not live in Iowa (just go research her) but Whitney is my pick. Girl is sweet and genuine!
Emily Morris says
For Becca I'm voting #NeverBeenTouched. Kinda an ode to one of my FAV Drew Berrymore movies. And once you live through Monday's ep you'll understand.
Rebecca Carl says
I loved all 5 hours and stayed glued to the tv! My poor husband who works out on an oil rig for 3 weeks at a time usually calls me right when something good is fixin to happen and I have to say "shhh, don't say a word for a minute"!
Whitney=eekshutup, Becca=willshedoitinfantasysuite…..I just love all your names! Whitney and Becca are definitely favorites! Whitney is so hilariously funny – wait til you see the ending for Monday night….her poor dog is gonna have a complex!
~cyndi says
Becca should be #WhiteWedding and I agree with others that Whitney is #BabyMaker. Love your recaps, so much fun!
Jane H says
Britt- #prettylittleliar
Whitney- #babymaker
Lynn Elliott says
Just found this site and laughed myself sick.You are right on the money about everything. I HEART Carly, too and think she's the SINGLE FUNNIEST thing to ever happen on this show. All that mocking and gagging she does on the side, and sometimes right to people's faces reminds me of Chevy Chase doing it to Jane Curtin on the news on the early SNL shows. Just TOO FUNNY Love your blog.
Anonymous says
#sistaneedstobackoffBecca I mean, what sister tells THE HUNKY bachelor her sister does not like intimacy?
Heather says
I'm stalking your blog for Monday's recap!!!
Kayla Zegels says
This made me think of you… Michelle Money helped out our girl Carly a bit! Love it, and them –