It's August 4th? Huh? When did this happen? What's my name? Where am I? Seriously, I find myself feeling very confused THAT IT'S AUGUST. As always, as the first of the month approaches (this time it's already passed!), I partner up with Shay at Mix and Match Family and Mel at The ...
Get Pinspired: Denim and HOT Pink
It's June 30th. What the What? How did that happen? As always, as the first of the month approaches, I partner up with Shay at Mix and Match Family and Mel at The Larson Lingo to Get Pin-Spired, and we're hoping that all of you will join in the fun! Here's my inspiration for ...
Get Pinspired: STRIPES and LACE!
Before we start the actual post today, I have a request for all of you ladies! I've been receiving some blog comments with questions that I am unable to respond to because the commenter is "anonymous" or because they accidentally have "no reply" clicked on their settings. I don't like taking ...
April Pin-Spired: Neutral Blazer Love
It's April 2nd. Which is CRAZY! Because basically we'll turn around and it will be November 2nd. Which means I'll be panicking because I haven't bought even 1 Christmas present yet. Yeah. Welcome to my mind. Welcome to crazy town. It's April 2nd, and I somehow just managed to have ...