I know I sure did.
We opened presents, ate, snuggled, ate, watched movies, ate, played games, ate…
You get the idea!
I’ll have some pictures on my Friday Favorites post this week to share with you!
Anyway, I was having so much fun with my people that I never got around to writing a totally new post for today.
But I thought that some of you might want to see my make-up post again!
I run this post every so often (the last time I ran it was in August), and since all of the items are still available it’s still valid!
I am also still using (and LOVING) all of the products!
If you need a make-up refresh, today’s post is for you!!!!
But before we get started, I want to take a second to address the devastating tornadoes and storms that hit Garland and Rowlett on Saturday night. We live about 30-45 minutes away from where the storms hit, but so many families are mourning either the loss of a family member (11 casualties) or their homes.
Friends from church (First Baptist McKinney) have a non-profit called Mission Regan, and they posted this to their facebook page yesterday, and you can be certain that all donations they receive will get to where they need to go.
Here’s what we can do to help our neighbors effected by the tornadoes that devastated so many yesterday. We are accepting donations of formula, diapers, and baby food that will be delivered to partners in the effected areas. Message us for the address to bring these to. We are not accepting any other donations at this time, including clothes and furniture, but will keep you posted as needs arise.
We also have local fire chiefs reaching out to the effected fire departments to assess medical supply and medication needs for effected residents. If you know of someone who has lost medical supplies, equipment, or medication, please contact us.
Contact information:
[email protected] or call (214-577-5662) and we will see what we can do.
Other contact: [email protected]. / cell 214-577-1561.
If you have supplies or gift cards you would like to drop off, call or e-mail one of the above contacts.
Again, I know Courtney personally (and Josh is her husband), so you can feel certain that your donations will get to wear they are supposed to be! Courtney said that Josh went to the Congo on a mission trip with several pastors from a Rowlett church, and he’s working with them to help needs get met!
I booked an appointment with a make-up artist (one that was not specifically associated with any of the brands), and I just told her to use HER favorite products. The products that were GO TOs for her when she was doing her make-up as well as client’s make-up.
The experience was AWESOME.
I fell in love with many of the products that she recommended, and 2 years later I’m still using many of them, so they have definitely stood the test of time.
I get questions about my make-up routine every so often, so I thought it would be
fun to re-visit this makeover post….with some updates.
I will highlight the items that I’m currently using in turquoise!
Some of them will be the same products that were recommended during my initial consultation, and some of them are new!
Now let’s be clear.
I am IN NO WAY a make-up expert.
I put on my make-up from start to finish in under 5 minutes, and I like it that way.
Still, I know what products I like, what works for me, and I thought y’all might be interested!
Yep, you heard me. I’m about to get real.
I snapped this pic before walking out the door to head to Northpark. With no make-up.
I feel like I should have earned some sort of Girl Scout badge for that.
Because if you didn’t hear me, I went to NORTHPARK. WITH NO MAKE-UP.
Caitlin (the Nordstrom beauty consultant) got right to work!
She started with my eyes, and she said she always starts with eyes.
(Oops. I’ve always done my eyes last.)
Her reasoning for starting with the eyes? If there are smudges or if eye shadow drops onto the cheeks, you can wipe the area clean and not disturb other freshly applied make-up.
Well, that makes perfect sense Caitlin.
So, let’s just jump right into this.
First up, my eyebrows.
Also, several reviews mentioned “no sharpening needed”, which is also great.
Click HERE for the Trish McEvoy Precision Brow Shaper Pencil.
It has 22 5 STAR Reviews. (Update: Now it has 29 5 star reviews!)

I think this is an awesome product, especially for somebody with less full brows.
This next product was the one that probably surprised me the most!
What was it?
I was like WHAT? What is eye base? Why does anybody need eye base?
Caitlin insisted that it was a must have product, but I didn’t “get” it.
But you know me, I heard the words “must have”, and I was intrigued! 🙂
On a regular day I wear eyeshadow, but nothing fancy, and I feel like the eyeshadow does it’s job.

I told her I use the Bobbi Brown product that is similar and that I love it (found HERE), but she used this on me because she said her clients have better luck with this product not drying out.
Click HERE for this eyeliner in Noir.
Bobbi Brown eyeliner brush HERE.
Okay, so the crossed out part above WAS TRUE when I wrote this post a year ago, but I’ve since gone back to THIS type of eyeliner (57 5 STAR Reviews). I had a sponsored post for Lancome last year sometime, and their eyeliner changed my mind!
I found I was able to apply it more quickly, and I was just as happy with the results!
You have the eyeliner on one end, and a sponge to help you smudge it on the other.

I live in the South, where the humidity is 100% and the temps get above 100 in the summer. This primer has really helped my foundation last in the heat. Normally I walk out the door and I’m oily and shiny within a couple hours. Not with this stuff! It goes on smooth and you can’t even feel it’s there under your makeup. Love it!

If you’ve never used a make-up primer, I highly encourage you to give THIS one a try.

When applying, you can apply it with a foundation brush if you’d like, but you can also just apply it with the pads of your fingers. Caitlin recommends warming it up on your finger tips and then applying it on your face beginning in the middle and moving outward. (I have a new way to apply it that you will read about in a second)
After the original post went live, my sister recommended a product to me that I have sense fallen in love with.
THIS pink egg-shaped sponge.
This is how I now apply my NARS tinted moisturizer.
I seriously cannot imagine applying it with my fingers now. And if you try it, I PROMISE you will be hooked as well.
I’m now using THIS product.
Yes, it’s the same product you saw above that I’m using as my eye shadow…which makes things super easy! I just use different brushes to apply!
It has fantastic reviews, and I know you’ll love it too! I use this all year long, I just apply it with a heavier hand in the summer months!

A good bronzer brush is very important, and this one is awesome.

It went on smoothly and had a bit of a minty taste that was quite nice!
Remember, the color is FASHION ICON, and it’s not at all goth like it appears on the website! 🙂

It was so much fun hearing all of your favorite picks and getting to watch you work your magic!
It’s nice to feel your best, and I feel like you totally made me feel like just the best version of me!
UPDATE: I just got this comment from a reader about the bag:
I’ve had the MK Bedford bag since summer and it’s fabulous! It’s the perfect size for everyday and I love that you can wear it with the strap long, crossbody, or as a shoulder bag. It’s beautiful in person, too! 🙂 – MommyLu
plaid infinity scarf / similar sweater ON SALE! / similar cognac cross body/ faceted stud earrings/ double wrap leather watch / drusy bracelet (on left) / pyrite bracelet (on right)
and I was sold.
I’m not wearing a cami with it in this picture (I literally took it out of the box yesterday and put it on the second it arrived), but I will wear a cami with it in the future. However, one reader said she had the slit stitched up a bit so she wouldn’t have to wear a cami!

Mix and Match Mama says
Happy Monday friend! I love, love, love your makeup tips! This post might actually encourage me to get dressed today…I've been wearing my pajamas since Friday.
Narci says
Those tunics are the best, and that plaid scarf is such a steal!!
Anonymous says
I LOVE LOVE this post. I adore favorite things posts. And I love makeup. I am obsessed with the Real Techniques beauty blender. Best one ever, and cheap. It has a flat end that you can get right up under your eyes. The BEST. I'd love to see a "what I'm reading post" and your favorite blogger posts. 🙂 Happy New Year.
kimm atwood says
I don't know how I ever survived without the beauty blender…seriously !
Monica Warren says
What kind of socks do you wear with you ankle boots? Ones that won't show.
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
I loved this.. I ordered the shirt in olive I can't wait.. but it's on back order…
Ok Mac's oh baby has been my signiture gloss since I was 18… I love it!!!
Tiffany Bagalini says
Ditto on the PJs! I now feel the need to get dressed and actually put on make up! Happy Holidays!
Regine Karpel says
Thank you
Sasha Posey says
I love all of these makeup tips!! I wanted to recommend a product I LOVE… It's made by "It" and it's called "Bye Bye Redness". I struggle with redness too and thought you might like this 🙂
Ang Gayle says
Love, love, love all of your makeup suggestions. I have a list for Nordstrom and Ulta. I don't buy anything- clothes or make-up without the PTMT seal of approval at this point. I am not sure if you can remember, but what color of polish is on your nails? It is such a pretty, fun color and would be great in the spring or summer. Thanks so much and have a great New Year!
Sheaffer says
Hi Ang! I have no idea. So sorry! 🙁 Thanks for the sweet words, and have a happy new year! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Andrea says
Am I crazy or does the 'Perfect' Roll Tab Sleeve Tunic you are wearing not have a pocket? I really prefer the look without the pocket but all the ones online have it?
Sheaffer says
Hi Andrea! Mine has a pocket too!!!! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Andrea Rush says
I've used Lancôme Definicils for literally 22 years. Every girlfriend that has ever tried my mascara, switches. And then when I ask them what they want for their birthday, they say the same thing every year….Definicils. If you really want to go crazy and get insane results, use the Lancôme Cils Booster first. These are two products I will never go without. And no matter what I've tried, nothing else has ever compared to them! Next time you run out of mascara, give it a shot, you won't be sorry! (Wishing you guys a Happy New Year…give my best to Chris! Love your blog!) ~Andrea
Brandie says
Hey Shaeffer! Happy New Year!!! I'm wanting to start the year off with some new make up!!! Love your make up post. One question: do you set the tinted moisturizer with a powder?? I have always used a powder but have not been happy with mine this "winter"?? Thanks for all of your great suggestions and hard work to make shopping so much easier and fun for me!!!!'
Sheaffer says
I just use my bronzer after the moisturizer! Thanks for the sweet words Brandie! Xoxo, Sheaffer