Today I am partnering up with Shay and Erin Condren to give away an Erin Condren Life Planner.
Actually we’re not giving away 1 life planner…
We’re giving away 20 Life Planners.
As mentioned in the graphic above, there will be 10 winners who get 2 calendars each.
1 for you , and 1 for your bestie.
These planners are pretty much the bomb-diggity.
For the record, I don’t recall ever saying “bomb-diggity” before in my life.
But I somehow felt this situation called for it.
I am soooo Type A it’s not even funny (with just a smattering of
OCD thrown in for good measure) and this LIFE PLANNER helps keep me, our family activities and appointments, my OCD, and my blog in check.
I got my first planner last June, and I truly can’t imagine how my cheap little Target calendar was cutting it before that.
This planner is a game changer.
So yes…the Erin Condren Life Planner is the bomb-diggity and the rest of
her stuff is AMAZING too!
Click HERE to see her entire line of products.
Basically, little Miss Erin is a genius.
Click HERE to see some stickers and address labels.
Click HERE to see products for your i phone and i pad.
Click HERE to see calendars and desk pads.
I’m that girl.
The girl who ALWAYS has a list going. At least 1.
I’ve been doing this since junior high. I know. Total nerd.
I’m also this girl.
Tell me you do this too.
I do it at least one time a day.
- Goals and Notes section on every page
Additional lines below each individual day for meal planning, exercise
routine, newborn scheduling… whatever you need it for, it’s there! - Customizable Stickers
- Elastic Bands to keep planner closed
- Laminated Tabs
- Laminated Cover
- Lined Pages for notes
- You can add your favorite photo to the cover or back of your planner (super fun!)
- 12 labels are included in the pouch of your planner
- Important numbers and contacts pages included
take a picture of the inside, but head over to Erin Condren to get a
look inside to see what they look like!
Or just check out this video!
It shows you inside shots, and it shows you what is new for the 2014-2015 planner!
I’m telling you, you HAVE to take just a second today and browse around the
Erin Condren site HERE. I promise you that you will be INSPIRED!
And if you get her stuff, you will wonder how in the world you ever lived without it.
Now, a couple of things before you enter the contest.
I wasn’t planning on posting any clothes today, but you know I can’t pass up a sale!
The first item that just went on sale yesterday was just named a SUMMER STYLE STAPLE on Monday!
There are also lots of other colors HERE.
On facebook last night two different girls say they have 3 different colors and love them all!
Speaking of Father’s Day, check out THESE Reef’s ON SALE!!!!
WHAT AN AWESOME GIFT for dads out there!!!!
And lots of ray bans are on sale HERE. Also a great Father’s Day present!
There are some Lucky Dresses (with great reviews) on sale HERE…
Oh, now is probably a good a time as any to tell you that I will not be recapping The Bachelorette this week. I have a viral throat infection….and…..wait for it….pink eye.
I’ve been running fever since Sunday night and I am not doing well.
And did I mention it’s my last week of school? Awesome.
I only have about 3,264 things to do, and being passed out at home shivering under a blanket isn’t one of them. Good times.
I got a couple of e-mails today letting me know that the Kate Spade studs (that I just named a SUMMER STYLE STAPLE on Monday) are now $10 off!
that they are on sale (I have a pair of Stella and Dot green studs I
already wear all the time)…but I reader on facebook made me thing I
need the white!!!!!!! Hmmmmmm!
And at LOFT, some of their summer shorts are JUST $20!
Oooh! My favorite khaki shorts found HERE in tons of colors are included!
There are 436 reviews, and they are almost all 5 STAR.
I sized down in these. For size reference, mine are a 2.
I have 2 pair from this year and 2 from last year.
AND…they come in 11 colors!!!!!! STOCK UP!
Oooh!There’s also some new freshly cut items at Anthro (all sale HERE).
Like THIS tote. Swoon.
Andrea? Did your heart just palpitate?
And just fyi, even though it’s not on sale, I went ahead and bought THIS.
Because I couldn’t resist her siren song (and I was afraid she would sell out before
she made it to a sale).
It has pom poms. And I heart pom poms.
I think it would be cute with skinny jeans or cuffed jeans, DARLING with white jeans,
and to be honest….I’m hoping I can wear it as a dress!
I’m just almost 5’4″, so I can sometimes pull that off!
Click HERE for the tunic.
It should also be noted that I want this girl’s skin, because FLAWLESS.
And her hair. I want her hair too. The color is perfection
That’s it for the sale items I’m’ highlighting, now it’s time to ENTER YOURSELF and THROW UP A PRAYER!
Because I’m telling you, you want this planner.
And how fun would it be if you are one of the winners and get to gift one to a friend!?!?
So, TAG YOUR FRIENDS on social media so they can make sure they enter too!
I’m guessing if you tag them and then they end up winning, they’ll probably give the extra calendar to you. So, LET’S MAXIMIZE YOUR CHANCES!
Good Luck Friends!!!!!
Sheaffer 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I am so excited for the June 12 launch date so that I can order my own calendar!! Seriously, this calendar is like my 3rd kid. I take it everywhere with me, I love on it, I pour my heart out in it, it's special to me…love. So glad we're getting to do this together!
Laurie S says
Hi Sheaffer. Sorry to hear you are sick. Keeping you in prayers. Get well quickly!! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Terrie Mathison says
I've used this calendar for 3 years. One year I got a different one…hated it…ordered this one and won't use anything else now! It's the best!
April Parrish says
Awesome Giveaway!!!! I want it!!!! So sorry you are under the weather. Prayers that you feel better very soon! Have a blessed day!
This Gingers Journey says
AWESOME giveaway!!!
P.s. I totally am "that girl" too…. Lists after list after list. Heck I think I even have a list for my list!
Anonymous says
Oh My…I want this planner! I am totally type A and I do write things on a list that I have already completed just to cross them off. I have also thrown a list away and started a new one if I wasn't making good enough progress…Crazy! I just got Erin's address book…LOVE it! That planner will make me so happy!
Oh, and I have on my patent flats today…love! so comfy. It's raining, what I really need is a pair of those Hunter Boots!!! LOL
Have a great Day Sheaffer! Feel better!
Jan Fisher
salcam says
Oh, squeal – such a great idea. I ordered some notepads this year as Teacher gifts, and the teacher was over the darn moon. I made big big big brownie points – shoulda done that at the BEGINNING of the year!
Thanks for the terrific giveaways!
Anonymous says
When are we going to see a C. Lowe giveaway package?
Sheaffer says
Actually, Shay and Erika are partnering up for that one and have it scheduled for July 8th! The stuff is really cute so get ready!!!!!!!
Sheaffer 🙂
Anonymous says
Next giveaway, C. Lowe???? 🙂
Sheaffer says
See above!!!!
Habitual Spender says
OK.. So I really hope I win this giveaway. But even if I don't, I see myself purchasing this planner in the very near future. Like next Thursday.
Kimm Atwood says
The shoes…those fab flats…do they run true to size???
Sheaffer says
Hi Kimm! Tab flats? Do you mean the nude ones? If so, yes…they are true to size?
Sheaffer 🙂
Kimm Atwood says
Yes the nude flats. I have them in my shopping bag just wanted be sure if sizing. Thanks girl 😉
Funny in My Mind says
I have bought every single color of the Vince Camuto Ellen flats including the snakeskin print and I live them like children. I own a restaurant so I wear them to work and I even have 2 of some of the same pair so I can keep a nice pair or 2 for days I don't work.
Erin Stinson says
Oh my gosh! You and Shay have read my mind! I ordered my first EC life planner last year after you highlighted it on your blog, and I, too, cannot imagine my life without it! Just the other day I was thinking, "I wonder when the new planners come out so I can order one?" and today I saw this post! I'm dying!!! I cannot believe yall are giving away 20! What an amazing gift to win, but even if I don't…rest assured I will have an order placed! Last year I went with the Happy Stripes Design, and this year I'm looking forward to being able to switch out multiple covers! I'm so excited I can't wait! Thank you Sheaffer and Shay!
Anonymous says
Hi Shaeffer! I have entered to win the planner and have my fingers crossed to win 🙂 but just in case I don't how much do these babies normally cost? Couldn't find anything on the website. Hope you get well soon!
Habitual Spender says
Totally stalking your blog today, shamelessy. Just wanted to let you know that Nordstrom has a Michael Kor's bag on sale right now that would match your mandarin flats you love so much.
Amy says
The thought of winning this amazing planner excites me greatly! With 5 kids and 2 working parents, a planner where everything can be written down is an absolute necessity!!!
Amy says
I absolutely need one of these in my life. With 5 growing kids and 2 parents that work full-time, my regular planner isn't cutting it anymore!
Kelsey Long says
I'm such a sucker for MK watches. Thanks for sharing! I just may have to go shopping…..
Mrs. Mody says
I am a new stay-at-home mom for the year (my baby is now 9 weeks). I am trying to figure out how to structure the year and part of that includes what to wear. I am having a hard time moving from my work clothes to casual everyday clothes without heading straight to yoga pants! I am looking at your blog for ideas for sure! Thanks from San Diego:)
Lynette says
I just took your advice from a previous blog and ordered the Nars Pure Radiant tinted moisturizer. I'm hoping its awesome! I don't wear a foundation for the simple fact I feel that if I smile my face might crack! Hopefully this product is great. Can't wait!
Erin Condren says
hi sheaffer,
aww, thank you for another wonderful blog post! we've loved working with you and hope to keep these fun collaborations going… thanks again, LOVE everything about this!
just pinned to our Pinterest giveaway board.. http://www.pinterest.com/erincondren enjoy!
Katie says
LOVE my Erin Condren planner!
Amanda Bajin says
Wahooo….so excited!! I ordered my FIRST EC lesson plan book. So excited to use it in the fall. 🙂
Katie Fitzpatrick says
My sister-in-law wore that Jessica Simpson dress to our wedding last month, and it was adorable!
MikiT says
Off topic but THANK YOU for the Kendra Scott code!!! I've been stalking your necklace since you first posted it & thanks to the 15% off I finally ordered it. Yay! Hope you feel better soon. Love your blog.
Lindsay D. says
I am a total list girl and usually have a to-do item that says, update list! 🙂
Amber says
I love calendars. Hope I win. I do not have an instantgram so I hope that doesn't hurt me for winning.
Mariela says
Ok I have to say…blue is your color! red/bright pink shorts and navy blue tee and light blue top with skinnies looks amazing on you! And now I need those shorts 🙂
Laura says
Praying for a speedy recovery! Thank you for another great giveaway. I'm hoping to win so my best friend has a place to keep track of her kiddos OT/PT/speech appointments!