Y’ALL! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S OVER. I mean, we’ve invested HOURS AND HOURS of our lives into this season. AND NOW IT’S JUST OVER. What in the world are we going to do on Monday nights? WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE Y’ALL GOING TO READ ON WEDNESDAY MORNINGS? Logically, I know the world will keep spinning, but I sure am going to miss the crazy.
If you are a Bachelor fan, but new to these recaps, you might have some catching up to do! Click HERE to see all of the recaps from the previous episodes. In most recent news, last week on The Women Tell All, Olivia surprised me (and many of you) and I went ahead and gave her THE MOST IMPROVED award. #fistbumpolivia
So we opened up the episode in a studio with Harrison telling us that Ben and his chosen gal could very well get married on After The Final Rose. And I don’t know about y’all, but I’m just not okay with that. Neil Lane is standing by, as is Ben’s family, both girl’s families, AND SO IS BEN’S PASTOR (get the man a chair people!). But let’s just get something straight right now, if there is a wedding, when the Pastor asks if there are any objections, I will stand up and I WILL BE HEARD. Cuz that just ain’t right.
First we got a little montage of the girls walking around the island, quietly reflecting on their love stories and staring pensively out into large bodies of water. And apparently the episode is being sponsored by denim shorts from 5-7-9. Lauren’s sadly look like they were from 1989 (was she even born then? probably not) AND they look like they got in a fight with a lawn mower.
Ben showed up to the island house where his parents were staying. The dad asked “Are you in love?” Ben said “Absolutely!” And in that moment, his parents were so happy for him! In the very next second he followed that up with “I’m in love with TWO women.” Um. Time stood still for Ben’s Mama. Mama was sad and obviously very worried that her son was seemingly in love with two different young ladies. We’re all worried Mama. And immediately we all officially became #teamben’smom.
Lauren sauntered in with a maxi skirt and a tank top tied at her waist (come on Lauren, step up your outfit game) with flowers and wine, and talked about how she’s wanted to meet them for soooooooooooooooooooooooo long. Since their very first date even! Which, you know, was like 3 1/2 weeks ago. I think Lauren’s definition of “soooooooooooooooooooooo” and my definition of “sooooooooooooooooooooooo” might differ.
When talking with Ben’s dad, she confided that she loves his son. And then she told Mama the same. And she and Mama held hands. I didn’t understand it, but I could appreciate it. Lauren mentioned something about Ben being perfect and Mama straight up guffawed. Like if she would have been drinking something, there would have been a spit take. TALK, MAMA! SPILL!!!! What made you almost snort at the idea of Ben being perfect? The viewing audience would like to know more!!!! After their talk, Mama called Lauren a “sweet gal”, which made me think that at that point Mama was not feeling it.
When JoJo walked in, I felt an immediate chemistry between JoJo and Mama. JoJo was really nervous, but in a precious and endearing sort of way.
She declared her love for Ben, and then she said something about Ben being really hard on himself. And Mama was like “YESSSSS!” SHE GETS IT!!!! JoJo cried with Ben’s dad when telling him about how much she loves him. And it wasn’t cheesy at all, it was very sincere in fact. And then she told Mama too.
I’m sorry y’all, but am I having deja vu here? Didn’t all of this JUST HAPPEN with another girl?
Anyway, JoJo left and declared to the camera that she was now “a million times more sure.” Sigh. I’m glad somebody is sure.
Mama declared that this was going to be a tough one for her son. #youdon’tsay
Ben talked with his mom and dad some more, and even after both girls met the family, HE STILL DIDN’T KNOW WHO HE WAS GOING TO PICK. Let me go ahead and make a little prediction right now: the future Mrs. Higgins is going to need some serious therapy time for the trust issues she is going to develop after watching the show. And I feel like The Bachelor franchise should kick in some dough for the therapist.
Lauren pulled up in a little boat, and she was still in those denim shorts. She needs to stop it with the shorts already. If Ben needs a sign, THIS SHOULD BE HIS SIGN.
They were snuggling and kissing on a boat, but you didn’t have to be Nancy Drew to know something was wrong.
Lauren asked him what was bothering him, and he was all “Oh, nothin.” But Nancy didn’t believe it. She kept pressing him and he would come back with things like “You’re beautiful.”, which I did not think was a good sign. That night he told her “there’s so much that I could never imagine that’s happened.” But he wasn’t really talking. He wasn’t telling her the real problem. He was using words like “impress” and “support”, and Lauren was FREAKING OUT. But then she told him that she’s never been more sure about everything in her entire life. And I think Lauren and I have different definitions for the word “sure”. But that sentiment from Lauren was met with crickets. CRICKETS. And then he said this: “Lauren, no matter what happens. You’ve made me a better person. You’ve made this worth it. You stood beside me at all times, and um not only allowed me to be better but also to fall in love with you.” Her eyes basically bugged right out of her head, and you can tell she finally got that Ben was having a serious struggle.
Now, before we move on, let’s take a moment. I would like to tip my hat to The Bachelor producers right now. Because I literally HAVE NO IDEA who he is going to pick. What kind of Jedi mind tricks were they playing on us? I mean, did he just say good-bye to Lauren? OR was Ben doing his best to trick us and make us feel like he was going to pick JoJo when it’s really been Lauren all along? I’m a mess. Somebody hand me a bottle.
Ben picked JoJo up in a Jeep, and her boob game was strong. They frolicked in a waterfall swimming hole together (again),
and then they perched up on a rock (again), and he finally admitted to her that he was confused. She asked why. He said “It’s exactly what you think it is.” And then JoJo puked. Or maybe that was me.
It’s here that I started to feel ragey. You could tell that the man was seriously conflicted…but I was losing patience. BEN, PUT YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES ON AND MAKE A FLIPPING DECISION.
That night they sat down together on a couch and he continued to tell her how confused he was. She asked him to tell her what his concern was with the two of them, and he said “this isn’t going to help, but I don’t have one.” And then she rolled her eyes BIG. And I’ve never loved her more.
In the hopes of getting away from the cameras, they moved their conversation to a bathroom stall. And I can’t help but wonder…Are they standing in there? Are they sitting on the floor? Is one of them perched on the toilet? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. But don’t you worry, even though you can’t see them, the bathroom acoustics are stellar and you could still hear everything that went on. And if you couldn’t hear, don’t you worry, because you were provided with subtitles.
And whilst they were sitting on that bathroom floor, I was trying my hardest to sympathize with Ben and figure out where his head was. But I’ve never been in love with 2 people at once. I have however had to choose between a brisket taco with crispy potatoes and sour cream sauce and a shrimp taco with crunchy cole slaw and a creamy remoulade before. And I’m thinking it’s kind of the same thing. Cuz that’s hard, y’all.
Neil Lane showed up, and Ben first acted confused, like he didn’t know who he was buying choosing the ring for. And at this point we are an hour and half or so in AND HE’S STAYING HE STILL DOESN’T KNOW. Are we supposed to believe that Ben’s TO DO list said “BUY RING FOR ______.” ? All the while Mr. Lane is internally high fiving himself for the fact that he’s getting all of this publicity, but that he’ll most probably be getting the ring back. But then ALL OF A SUDDEN Ben said he DID know who he was choosing. WELL IT’S ABOUT DANG TIME! And when I looked at the ring, I thought it looked like a JoJo ring.
We got to catch a glimpse of both girls getting ready. Lauren chose a royal blue body conscious dress, and JoJo chose a pageant dress. Both girls looked fab. And even though I realized I should of probably hated JoJo’s dress, I didn’t. In my mind, JoJo and those boobs can do no wrong.
Time for the helicopter rides to the proposal scene. I held my breath when waiting to see who was going to be the first girl to arrive. A foot with a strappy sandal stepped out of the helicopter, I got a glimpse of some sequins, and I was all “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!”
JoJo was the first one to show up, which historically does not bode well. She walked on some creeky planks thrown on top of some merky water to get to her man. And then she went through her whole spill (BEN! FOR THE LOVE! DON’T LET HER KEEP TALKING!). She ended her monologue by saying “No matter how hard it gets, I’m not going to run from this.” Ben responded by saying, “I didn’t know if I could find love. I found it with you. BUT I found it with somebody else more.”
Outch. That had to sting.
And I found myself wondering where the Fletcher brothers were. I imagined they were sitting at home looking something like this.
Ben was sad about JoJo’s exit for about a minute and half and then he called Lauren’s dad and says he was “so confident and so excited.” OH, REALLY BEN? REALLLLLLLLLLLLY? SO confident? Again, I would have disagree with his use of “so” here. Ben asked Lauren’s daddy for her hand, and the dad said yes.
Lauren arrived, they both said a lot of sweet things, and then he got down on 1 knee and proposed. And as mad as I was at him a short 3 minutes ago, the rage somehow faded away. The way he was looking at Lauren was actually very sweet, and he all of a sudden appeared to be a 1 woman kind of man.
And call me crazy, but I think these two kids are actually in love. Only time will tell if the future Mrs. Higgins can get over the whole Ben handing out I Love You’s like Oprah.
So now we are back in the studio with the studio audience. Harrison and Ben sat down and he verified that Ben was all sorts of torn up when making the decision, but he also held him to the fire and asked him what the deciding factor was. Ben said it was the fact that even though he loved both of them, he couldn’t imagine spending any of his life without Lauren.
JoJo came out first and DANG, GIRL! She was wearing her YOUR A BIG OL’ DODO FOR NOT PICKING ME DRESS. GIRL LOOKS GORGEOUS. Her make-up, her hair, her dress, her lip gloss, her boobs (duh)…everything is good. Ben started saying a ton of nice things about her, and I’m all BEN! BE CAREFUL! DON’T SAY THAT YOU LOVE HER! And then like 2 minutes later, Harrison just flat out asked him if he did still love her. HARRISON! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? He didn’t say it. Whew. #thatwasacloseone
JoJo was incredibly gracious and it made me love her even more.
Harrison then got up and announced the new Bachelorette. AND YA’LL! IT’S GOING TO BE JOJO!!!!!! No offense to Caila and her shiny and bouncy hair, but I was super excited to hear it was JoJo! And ya’ll, NOBODY was more surprised than Ben with the JoJo announcement. He gave the slowest of all slow caps I have ever witnessed.
Harrison looked at Ben and asked “Good choice?” And Ben said, “Yes. Where do I sign up?” Just kidding, he didn’t say that.
And as excited as I am that it’s JoJo, I’m feeling SUPER sorry for Caila right now. I hope she gets an endorsement deal from Pantene or something.
Lauren came out and looked gorgeous as well. They talked, giggled, and declared their love for one another. And Harrison did EVERYTHING HE COULD to get them to agree to a live t.v. wedding AT THAT VERY MOMENT, but thank heavens they declined. WHEW! That was a close one!
But y’all, Ben then asked Lauren to stand up. And he proposed again. And I found it soooooooooooooooooooooo awkward. See, Lauren? That’s an appropriate use of the word “sooooooooooooooooooooo.”
Lauren’s gorgeous family and Ben’s family both came up to the stage, and I really felt like you could tell that this was a good match! They all seemed to fit right in with each other.
So what do y’all think? Are Ben and Lauren in it for the long haul? Are they going to have little turtle babies and live happily ever after? Are you as excited as I am to watch JoJo and her boobs on her quest for love? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Before you go, I’ve got an Accessory Concierge 20% OFF code for you (STMT20) for 20% OFF your entire order! (Click HERE for one of my more recent Accessory Concierge posts if you want to see some of my favorite pieces styled!) AND several colors of my favorite cardi are on sale as well! And the jeans are UNDER $50!
They have a mid-rise waist and man are they comfy! Make sure you order 2 full sizes down. Yes, 2 full sizes!
cardigan ON SALE / jeans / similar tee ON SALE / hammered hoop earrings
pink dip tye tassel necklace c/o A.C. / nude patent flats
Okay! See y’all back here on Friday!
Erika Slaughter says
I completely agree!! I was glad he chose Lauren and am excited to watch Jojo in May! I LOL’d when you related Ben’s decision to choosing tacos. You’re right…it can be tough. Ha!
Tamara says
Another great recap! Maybe it’s just me, but I felt like Ben’s demeanor instantly changed when Jojo was announced as the new Bachelorette. I thought he suddenly got icy. Jealous? Territorial? I don’t know- but something got awkward. Did you think so??
Sheaffer says
I think so too, Tamara! That’s why I mentioned the “slow clap”. I thought he was stunned, and the clapping and smile were both somewhat forced!
Aislin says
I agree. I am guessing he probably figured once he picked Lauren, JoJo wouldn’t be in their lives anymore and he wouldn’t have to hear/see her to think about it all. Now that she is on her own show and part of the Bachelor “family”…
Rachel says
I think he already knew JoJo was going to be the next Bachelorette. Reality Steve had already announced that beforehand (even though he wasn’t 100% sure) so I would be really surprised if Ben didn’t at least have a strong suspicion that she would be it.
Shay Shull says
My favorite part of the whole night was them naming Jojo the next Bachelorette! I think she’s going to be so much fun to watch!! What a fun season friend!!
Julie Connelly says
I have been #teamlaurenb for quite awhile now & am soooooooo glad he picked her!!! 😉 I was glad to hear Ben was upfront w/ Lauren from the beginning telling her right after the proposal what he had said to JoJo. They both see like truly genuine people & so do the families. I really do think they will last. Well, I HOPING they do!!! And yes, I am SOOO EXCITED to watch JoJo & her boobs in May!!!!!!
Narci says
Haha!! Choosing between the shrimp tacos and brisket tacos is tough!! Excited to watch Jojo as the Bacherlorette!! She is so fun!!
Aislin says
This might have been the first year I really liked both girls, so I was a little torn. But in the end (and I agree with JoJo), the way he looked at Lauren and talked about her was just a little different. I hope they stick it out! Watching him break it off with JoJo was so horrendous…as in, I watched with my hands covered over my eyes and mouth. My husband walked into the room and just rolled his eyes at me. I was SUPER excited JoJo was the new Bachelorette though! I seriously squealed. I was on the same page as you, Caila is a sweet girl, but I don’t think she has enough personality to hold her own show!
Maggie C. says
I could not agree more with everything you said! I’m so glad JoJo is the next bachelorette! I don’t think Caila could’ve carried an entire show by herself. She just seems a little too young and inexperienced in life, but super sweet. I hope Ben & Lauren make it. One thing I noticed though, was that they never really seemed to laugh or joke around much. But maybe that’s just the way it was edited. I just can’t imagine a relationship where I rarely laughed.
Gina says
Had heard Lauren was chosen a few weeks ago but was really hoping it was going to be Jojo. I felt she clicked with Ben’s parents better as well. Perhaps Jojo and Ben are just “best friends.” I about died when I saw her climb out of the helicopter. My daughter who doesn’t even watch the show (what??) noticed the sun was higher in the sky when it was showing Jojo in the helicopter and called it that she was the one being let go. I felt just like you when she was declaring her love for Ben and wanted him to stop her. I felt so badly when Ben said “but I love someone more”. So glad Jojo is the next Batchelorette. So glad they didn’t get married on the show too!
René says
I called Lauren from day 1. Still can’t believe it took him so long to decide….at least according to the edited version:)
Lindsay says
I agree with the awkward proposal, I had to fast forward when he started! Team JoJo all the way, the girl’s boobs can do no wrong!
Linds @ Not A Mom
Laci Murray says
JoJo as bachelorette is all that kept me from having a full on panic attack!!! I was all “Ben you need to marry your best friend..the girl you can be honest and open with”…but alas he loved Lauren more. Can’t wait for May! Great recap, of course!
Amanda P says
Totally thought it was a JoJo ring too!!! 🙂 Happy to see that she’s Bachelorette!
Cara says
Girl, you’re KILLING me with these recaps!!! I have never watched a Bachelor episode but look forward to every recap you do!!!
Jocelyn S says
I was totally Team Lauren, but Jojo totally impressed me in the After the Final Rose. Her whole thing about being so happy for them really came off sincere. And I’m with you. That 2nd proposal was hella weird. Your recaps are the best thing ever! Cannot wait for Jojo’s season!!
Nancy says
Love your recaps Sheaffer! I was #teamlaurenb from day one so I was very happy that Ben proposed to her! They seem genuine, very much in love, and the fact that Ben was upfront with her right away about JoJo, I think they have a great chance to have a long lasting relationship! You can’t “fake” being in love just for the publicity, and they really appear to be in love! Looking forward to JoJo being the bachelorette but not her creepy brothers! lol!
heidi says
Yes to everything!!!!.. dang girl you literally say everything I think lol
Ok, when they announced jojo as the Bachelorette I think ben was not only stunned but jealous too.. yes he chose Lauren but not long ago was telling jojo he loved her too.. he knows jojo will be making out and she’s gonna move on.. I think he didn’t like that at all !!!!
I think she will be great !
April Lorvick says
I think my fav part is when he asked the couple if they were going to watch jojo on the Bachelorette….awkward
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
I couldn’t wait for your recap! Seriously I would never be able to decide between two tacos like that, how can he decide who he loves?! haha jk I was Team JoJo because I thought their relationship seemed more down to earth and I definitely agree that Ben’s Mom was Team JoJo. Lauren is going to have to go to therapy over that one. Also the picture of JoJo’s brothers after Ben dumped her was priceless! The only thing that made this all better was that she is going to be the next Bachelorette!!!!! I wasn’t a fan of Caila so I’m very happy about this decision. Ben definitely looked upset about the announcement but I can’t put my finger on why, perhaps that he still loves her a little bit?! Ah this final episode was a rollercoaster, I’m going to need both tacos right now 🙂
Stephanie Jennngs says
I’m very happy he picked Lauren. I think they are a better match. Of course, I knew it was coming because I read the spoilers. I can’t help it. Hate surprises!! Haha!! I read it was HOURS before Ben pulled himself together after sending JoJo home, if that makes you feel better. Lol. So glad JoJo is the next Bachelorette. Caila would not have done it for me. I also read they actually filmed her opening for the show already, and then changed their minds to have JoJo. So, could you imagine thinking you were it, filming the promo, and then being told no? Wow!!! Love the recaps, love the new blog name, love you!!!
Kelli says
I love your recaps! They are the best!! Nancy Drew!! LOL
Maureen T says
Thanks for great job once again!! I know your a great sleuth so do your magic please and tell me where did Lauren get those earring she was wearing on “After the Final Rose” I loved them. Thanks Maureen T.
Meg says
I totally yelled; “Ohhhhh Noooo JoJo” when I saw her get out of the helicopter first. She’s just so likable! Lauren and Ben are a better match though. Plus I totally think JoJo is too good for Ben. Great recap, and I can’t wait to see JoJo as the next bachelorette!!!
Abby says
I couldn’t believe Ben let JoJo go on for as long as he did. I was shouting at him to cut her off and just rip off the band-aid that he wasn’t picking her. Not cool. Love the comment about handing out I Love You’s like Oprah – hilarious! So excited that JoJo is the next Bachelorette and I agree that Ben’s response was super awkward. Not sure Ben and Lauren will last, but time will tell.
Andrea says
I need some sort of tutorial from the #teamLauren people to explain her likeability. Is it her ability to insert the word “like” in to every sentence multiple times. “I like love you, Ben, like…”. Is it her arrest for public intoxication at Coachella that people find endearing? I just don’t see it. Ben said in an interview that she stopped him as he was praying before bed recently and asked him to “not pray so loudly.” What a gem!
Jaclyn says
I am with you on this! I am not a fan at all.
Andrea says
Yes I don’t get the Lauren love either – maybe it’s just the editing… although the post interviews don’t paint her in a better light either!
Jade says
I look forward to your Wednesday posts each week and I am not sure what I will do without them! You are hilarious! I feel so much better knowing that I’m not the only woman who was looking at Jojo’s assets. I mean, really, can she get more perfect?! Girl’s got it.
Anyway, I can’t wait for the Bachelorette and for your Wednesday posts!
Kate says
#TeamJoJo for life! So excited to watch her, but so disappointed to not only have to wait two and a half months to watch but also two and a half months to laugh over your recaps. They are THE best. Thanks, Sheaffer!
Alyssa says
I am soooo excited that Joelle is going to be the bachelorette!! And agree Ben’s whole deminor changed when that was announced!
Leah McPherson says
I lost it when you compared Ben’s love to tacos – seriously, though! I’m so excited for Jojo to be the bachelorette. As much as we loved Caila’s hair I just do think she would have been a good pick.
Karn says
Tacos and turtle babies…PRICELESS!!! bwwaahhaaaaa!!
Great recap. :o)
Katie says
You cracked me up with your shorts from 1989 comment! I work at a college and I’m fairly confident that the closet of the 21 year old girl who works for me is made up entirely of my clothes from 6th grade. And, she has no idea that all these clothes were already in fashion once (and in my opinion should NEVER be brought back…they’re SO bad). All of this, of course, makes me feel really old.
Jamie says
I swear you bug my house and listen to what I say while I watch, because your recap is always EXACTLY what I think! HA! I looveeee Jojo Soooooooo much! And am stoked that she is the next Bachelorette. Ben’s dumb for not choosing her – but at the same time I think him and Lauren are a better match (ahem, “too perfect” aka borrrring). Jojo was too cool for him, I cannot WAIT to watch her season! <3
Erin says
Hilarious and wonderful!! So sad the hammered hoop earrings are still unavailable!!!
Lindsay says
At least with tacos, you could just eat both… 😉
chris says
Sorry Lauren, you’re wearing Jojo’s ring. When he picked out the ring I thought it totally looked like jojo. Anyway, I’ve been team jojo. She is BEYOND gorgeous, her body is BEYOND rockin, and she is just fun and real and has depth. Lauren is suuuuuuuuper bland. Nice enough but very bland. For that reason, I think she belongs with Ben. Ben’s a nice guy. But he isn’t very interesting. Jojo’s way too much woman for him. I think Jojo will make the ideal bachelorette and I think the men vying for her will be FLIPPIN OUT over her. It should be a GREAAAAAT season. (Caila is a nice gal and cute and all but Jojo will make for much better TV and I think she is more the total package).
Elaine says
Like all the other commenters, I love your recaps and look forward to them each week! I’ve retyped this comment several times to figure out how to say “yes, I look forward to watching JoJo and her boobs” and sound funny (like you) and not creepy 🙂
Thanks for all the laughs and great commentary!
cassie {hi sugarplum} says
All I can think about now is tacos!!! But I loved this recap so so much, and am going to miss them!
Courtney says
I don’t know why, but throughout the whole season I could tell Ben looked at Lauren differently, but I just never connected with her or rooted for her. I just felt like JoJo was someone I could be friends with. I could not be more excited about her being The Bachelorette! I think out of the top girls she’s going to be the most fun to watch for sure! Holy moly, if her dress on After The Final Rose didn’t make a statement, I don’t know what did! I HATED Lauren’s shorts, I have no idea why she wore them so often! Surely she has cuter clothes than what we saw on the show! I’m gonna miss these posts, but can’t wait til next season! Thanks, Sheaffer!
Casey says
I thought it looked like a JoJo ring too! I wanted him to choose Lauren because it seemed he’d loved her from the beginning. I’m hoping they’ll last!!
Sammy says
And the opposite of a slow clap on this recap goes to Sheaffer! So enjoyable! How has nobody mentioned Lauren’s new teeth on ‘The final Rose’??? Looks like she got her top 4 teeth replaced for the TV interviews this week. Good for her I guess!
Dana Ivy @ www.iadorewhatilove.com says
Love this recap! And love your blog! Shay {who I’m speaking like I know her personally but really only feel like I know here through her blog!} totally turned me onto it!!
Xox Dana Ivy // http://www.iadorewhatilove.com
Stacey says
Team Lauren all the way!! JoJo was sweet but, not a good fit for Ben!! Looking forward to the Bachelorette recaps
Mona says
Great post! So funny as always. I have looked forward to reading your recaps every season since Sean Lowe’s season. They make me laugh so hard I cry! Couldnt ageee more on the ring for JoJo and the slow clap. Thinking back on the finale, he seemed very unnatural or trying extra hard to be on his best behavior with Lauren and not totally himself as opposed to how he acted around Joelle. But to each his own… I hope they work out since now JoJo is moving on to greener pastures as the Bachelorette! Woop!Woop! Her class and maturity during the finale won me over. She was truly the best woman for the job. He missed out on a heck of a woman. JoJo looked stunning and did a Becca on the finale in her “Eat your heart out dress! ” Thanks again for another season of recaps! I love the name change, since its your name 🙂 and style!
Karla says
Like all of you other ladies I too thought it was Jojo’s ring. I appreciated Lauren’s more consertive outfit when she met Ben’s parents. It’ll be great to have a fellow Texas gal as bachelorette. #texasforever
Denise Holthaus says
Loved the recap! It’s funny, as soon as he picked the ring, I said, IT’S LAUREN. LOL. Fun season and they do seem genuine! I saw them on Kimmel that night and they were so cute together and Lauren wore the SEXY dress on that show!! Thanks Sheaffer!
Megan | Honey We're Home says
I don’t even watch this show but your hilarious recaps make me want to!
Rikki says
Sheaffer, loved the recap once more, and I am a day late to the party, but is it me or did I see a couple of “Forrest Gump” moments with Ben during the finale? The pacing and pensive looks and I thought I saw a “hands on the hips” moment when I thought he would say “I am not a smart man, but I know what love IS”! Just saying’!!
Till next time…thank you Sheaffer!! 🙂
GiGi Turner says
I absolutely love your recaps and will sure miss them! Why don’t you do a Dancing With The Stars recap in the interim? I agree with you and so many others, I sure thought the ring looked like a “JoJo” ring. I could tell from early on that Ben looked at Lauren a little differently and thought she would be the “one”. I love JoJo and am so happy to watch her as the Bachelorette! My guy friend I watch with (my husband doesn’t watch) said Ben’s pastor was going to reach the Bible from Genesis to Revelations before the show was over as often as they showed him pacing and reading! Between the two of you, I am always entertained (aka laughing) by the show!!! (He’s team JoJo for obvious reasons!)
Kelly says
I love that you always say so many of the same things we say to one another (I watch with my 17 and 18 year old daughters and their godmother)! We liked both, but thought Lauren was a better fit for him. And we loved that the brothers were conspicuously absent from the final show… probably arranging the hit on Ben!
Angela says
Great recap, as usual! I love that you were able to throw in JoJo’s mama drinking straight for the bottle again. I was team JoJo all the way and was heartbroken he didn’t pick her so I’m thrilled she’s the new bachelorette. I may or may not have screamed in my hotel room when it was announced. Harrison really had me going there and I was so worried it wasn’t going to be her. Also, can we please plan a shopping trip with JoJo and a hair day with Caila? And of course, drinks with Mama Fletcher! 😉
Lynette says
Sounds like I’m in the minority, but I feel like Ben made a big mistake. Maybe it’s just editing, but he seemed to have the emotional connection with JoJo. He admitted that she was his best friend and that his relationship with Lauren was completely untested. I think he was attracted to Lauren from day one, but his bond with JoJo was far more intense. I mean sitting on a bathroom floor having a deep emotional talk? Come on! That’s the kind of thing that marriages are built on!
Oh, and I thought the ring was very conservative and a “Lauren ring” all the way.
Hoping the best for JoJo as Bachelorette. I’m guessing Ben will be secretly second guessing himself all season…
Kristin says
I have always loved your recaps because when I watched it, I always wondered what you were thinking!!! I am going to miss them but hopefully you do them for Bachelor in Paradise or Jojo’s season!