So if you’ve missed my previous Bachelor recaps, you simply must click HERE and do some catching up. Lots of cringe worthy moments that you don’t want to miss!
Remember that last week Nick pulled an Oprah and handed out 3 goodbyes before a rose ceremony even took place. You’re going home! You’re going home! YOU’RE GOING HOME!!!! The episode had ended with Nick crying to the remaining women and telling them that he didn’t know if the process was working. And then they all started worrying that maybe the 4th time wasn’t the charm. Say it ain’t so!
The show opened this week in the same state of emotional turmoil. Let’s review. Nick was wondering if he could do this. The girls were all wondering if Nick could do this. Chris Harrison was wondering if Nick could do this. And America was all, OF COURSE YOU CAN DO THIS. And if you think you can’t, just take a look the contract you signed saying YOU CAN WILL DO THIS. #goodtalk
After talking to Harrison, Nick went back to the hotel room to talk to the girls. I heard sounds and I saw his lips moving, so I know he said something. I’m just not sure what. OPEN YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU SPEAK, NICK. FOR THE LOVE. Can somebody get me some closed captioning?
Even though I literally had no idea what he said, I was left to assume that he continued on with the show because I saw relief wash over all of the girl’s faces. Not to mention, at this point we were only like 7 minutes in to a 2 hour show. He then announced to the remaining girls that they were all going to go to BIMINI! YAY!!!! Bimini!!!!!
Wait. Bimini? Huh? Where?
The girls screamed as if they were super excited and like I was supposed to know where the heck Bimini was. Nobody has ever heard of Bimini before. If you say you have, I don’t believe you. Never fear though, I googled it. It’s by the Bahamas. I’M IN! LET’S GO TO BIMINI! Plus, it’s super fun to say.
1:1 Date: Let’s Go Deeper….with Vanessa
Vanessa was pumped. Corinne was not. I mean, this was Vanessa’s 2nd 1:1, and Corinne hasn’t had one yet. This is when Corinne told the world that she was “frustrated and bloated”. I tell ya what, this girl is becoming more likable by the minute. I mean frustrated AND BLOATED? Sheaffer can relate.
When she arrived at her date on the pier, Vanessa pulled off a classic run and jump and then declared that she had never been on a boat before. What? Never been on a boat? How is this even possible? Somebody better get her a Dramamine stat, because history has proven she is likely to barf.
While on the boat, I think they were having deep conversation….but I was too distracted by his bracelet to really know what was happening. 2004 called and wants it’s bracelet back. (Sidenote, we will probably find out that this bracelet has some incredible meaning. If we do, I apologize for my stupid joke.)
And can we study this picture for a minute? Imagine yourself…in that red bikini….with snorkel gear on…..with your feet in the stirrups position. How in the world can she make this look good?
They snorkeled and made out under water in full snorkel gear. Vanessa admitted to the camera that she was falling in love with him and that she planned on telling him that night. At dinner, Vanessa toasted to firsts. She said, ” 1st Time on a Yacht. 1st Time Jumping on a Yacht. 1st Time Snorkeling.” And then she told him that she was falling in love with him. Nick spoke gibberish for the next minute and a half trying to tell Vanessa why he couldn’t say he loved her back yet. For all of you long time readers out there, he basically said “eh” with a shrug and tilt. Vanessa might not have been happy with his answer, but I was happy that Nick seemed to learn from Ben’s mistake (freely handing out “I Love You”s). Yep, I was personally glad that he didn’t #pullahiggins.
I’m sure the whole situation was upsetting to Vanessa, but I was too distracted by her hair to really even notice. We are talking Beyonce level with a wind machine proportions. Why is it that when the wind blows, my hair just goes in my mouth and gets stuck in my lip gloss?
GROUP DATE: Corinne, Kristina, Raven – Let’s Just In With Both Feet First
The girls arrived, walked up to a yacht (Good news: Corinne loves yachts), and Nick greeted them in a pair of festive floral swim trunks. And if it’s possible, I think his trunks are getting progressively smaller.
The girls stripped off their cover-ups and then Nick rubbed 2 of them down with sunscreen, paying special attention to Kristina’s inner thigh area. You can’t be too careful. #spf #safetyfirst However. If I were Nick, I would have been a little less concerned about Kritina’s upper thigh and a little more concerned that Raven was having to try to reach her back herself. I mean, that could set her off.
Nick told the group that they were going to be swimming with sharks. Kristina was petrified, Corinne asked if the sharks had teeth, and here’s what we now know about Raven:
They all had a quick swim WITH THE SHARKS. And I felt like it was just plain rude that Alexis wasn’t there.
It didn’t take long for Kristina to be all PEACE OUT and get back on the boat. Nick followed to check on her, never mind the fact that it looked like Corinne was calling out Nick’s name and drowning.
The group met again that night, and he gave the group date rose to Raven. It’s important to note here that Raven getting the rose was sending Corinne into dangerous territory. Corinne said, “Corinne is going to keep doing Corinne until I’m engaged to him.” She also said, “I’m just eating cheese. I’m eating my feelings.” Y’all. Tell me you aren’t starting to like Corinne too. #thatsright #youcant
Next 1:1 – Let’s Ride Off Into The Sunset Together with Danielle.
Nick and Danielle rode bikes through the town, played basketball with some kids, ate some local fare, and really struggled for conversation.
At dinner that night, the struggle continued. I mean, she professed her love to him…but I’ve got to say, it fell seriously flat. It’s like she was talking about how much she loves brushing her teeth or something. So, she professed her love, and Nick looked something like this.
Nick told her that he couldn’t see her being the one, and they both cried.
It was around this time back at the beach house that Corinne started plotting. Because by golly Corinne was going to keep doing Corinne.
In case you hadn’t heard (J/K – they played the sound bite around 17,000 times this episode), Corinne’s heart is made of gold and her vajeen is made of platinum. #goodtoknow So in Corinne’s effort to keep doing Corinne, she set off on a mission.
I’m going to affectionately refer to her Plan of Action as OPERATION PLATINUM VAJEEN.
Let’s walk through the steps, shall we?
Step 1: Throw on a jumpsuit with a plunging neckline and apply lip gloss.
Step 2: GAME FACE.
Step 3: Put on Louboutins. Never mind that you can’t walk in them.
Step 4: Apply Dry Shampoo.
Step 5. Surprise Nick.
Step 6: Drink, start to make out on the couch, take it to the bedroom.
Step 7: Step 7 should have been to TURN OFF THE MICROPHONES.
Step 8: Instruct him to never jiggle, but lightly massage.
Step 9: Make kissing noises and moan.
Step 10: When leaving hotel, bypass the automatic door and head straight to the manual door. I’m thinking that bypassing the wide open auto door is somehow a metaphor for life, but I haven’t settled on the meaning just yet.
Step 11: Call her best friend (Raquel) and have her give her #pv a pep talk. Because I think this is what the ol’ p.v. looked like after being turned down by Nick. Surprised and confused.
So basically, Corinne tried to seduce Nick…but Nick showed some restraint and he shut ‘er down. The whole thing was a little anticlimactic. #seewhatididthere #badumching
Final 1:1 – Let’s Get a Taste of the Local Flavor with Rachel
Rachel was obviously pumped that she got the last chance to make an impression before the rose ceremony. They hung out together at a local dive bar, and you could tell they were just having a good time. There was more talk about The Honorable Judge Daddy. They decided Nick would most definitely refer to him as “sir”, and Rachel tried to put his fears at ease.
And then they had a moment with the bartender. He said, “Make sure he needs you, not just wants you.” I love it when the bartender lays down some truth. #micdrop
Now all the dates had happened, and the girls were back at the house trying to decide what they thought was going to happen at the rose ceremony. And Corinne was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Nick waltzed through the door, asked to speak to Kristina, and they headed out to the back patio.
They sat down, and Nick was a wreck. He told her that he had stronger relationships with other girls in the house. She fired back with “You didn’t give me a chance.” Nick then said, “This is not because I don’t think you’re amazing.” And he looked genuinely torn up.
And then this happened. Nick leaned over a balcony, while questioning his actions, and crying. #classic
Kaitlyn did it on her season.
And I do believe Jason Mesnick was the pioneer. Yep, he was a real trail blazer.
I do have one final request, I think somebody needs to put out an APB for Vanessa. WHERE DID SHE GO? She was totally MIA for about 80% of the show.
I would like to make some predictions. Corinne and her #pv go to Paradise. YEAH! Nick chooses to not continue his journey for love on this season. Instead, he goes home….and, wait for it…..shows back up on Rachel’s season. Ha, JK, but wouldn’t that be somethin’.
And in closing, let’s talk about the fact that Rachel has already been announced as the next Bachelorette! I like her (I like her a lot), but I was of course surprised they made the announcement WHEN SHE’S STILL ON THE SHOW, but whatevs. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT WITH YOUR THOUGHTS.
Now, before you go, the ladies over at Accessory Concierge did us a solid and have extended the 20% OFF SALE code for another 48 hours. Use the code STMT20 for 20% OFF your entire order! Here are the pieces and the outfits I highlighted on Monday’s post!
turquoise necklace / pave crescent necklace / neon sunrise tassel necklace / peacock pave agate necklace
Here’s a side by side of the necklaces with my trusty must have jacket and my new white distressed skinny jeans.
turquoise necklace / neon sunrise tassel necklace / peacock pave agate necklace / MUST HAVE jacket / grey tee /earrings / distressed white skinny jeans / perforated booties
Get The Look For Yourself Here:
And here’s a side by side with different necklaces with my new modern cardi!
similar tassel / neon sunrise tassel necklace / peacock pave agate
long linen blend cardigan / grey tee / blingy hoop earrings/ white distressed skinny jeans / similar jeans / wedge booties/ neutral tote
Get The Look For Yourself Here:
See y’all back here on Friday!
Susan Jeffries says
I was so frustrated that they announced the new bachelorette! That sort of ruins the fun of the current show! I think he is sending all of the wrong women home. And if I was his mother I send him some new, looser fitting, shorts(: Thanks for the fun today!
Erika Slaughter says
A couple things….I thought the Rachel as the new Bachelorette was false. I was shocked they announced it before she was even off the show. Why???? I kept telling Danielle (through the tv) to stop with her love confession. I thought it was painful. And apparently you’re always facing the wrong direction during wind gusts. Hahaha!
Shay Shull says
The red bikini/stirrups position comment had me laughing out loud! Oh my goodness!
Julie C. says
I’m irritated that they announced the next Bachelorette as well. They totally just ruined their own show!!!!! How dumb!!!! And that was my big ques this week…where the heck is Vanessa??????? Towards the end when I realized she hadn’t been on since her date, I thought maybe she went home & I somehow missed it!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Anna says
Me too- about Vanessa! I even texted two different people asking them if Vanessa was sent home and I didn’t pick up on that haha! There has to be a way to find out where she was!
Teagan Gray says
Rumor has it that Vanessa apparently had a big blowout with Rachel and all of the remaining girls took Rachel’s side. Rumor also has it that Vanessa tended to be a bit condescending and even arrogant , but the editors decided not to show the true dynamics in the house among the girls. Too bad because I kinda like getting to watch them interact with each other and to see how they’re able to form friendships under such weird and uncomfortable circumstances!
Wendy says
Thank you for another awesome recap. I fell asleep about an hour or so in, so this saves me having to watch it again. So not fair that dolphin girl wasn’t there to partake in the shark fest.
Question on the pink cardi….have you washed yours yet and if so, did you wash/hang to dry, wash/dry or dry clean? I love mine and want to buy more (but not if it requires special washing care).
Sheaffer says
Hi, Wendy! So, I haven’t washed mine yet. Even though I’ve already worn it 3 times, I did a sniff test and it was still good to go! 🙂 I will probably dry clean mine (I do this with a lot of clothes that don’t necessarily require it), but the online instructions say “hand wash cold and dry flat”. Whenever instructions say hand wash, I always ignore this. I just wash as normal, pop in the dryer for like 5 minutes, and then hang or lay flat to dry! Hope this helps! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Wendy says
Thank you for the information. I wasn’t going to hand wash either. I will wash and dry for a few minutes and hope it doesn’t shrink. I go to the dry cleaners a lot (mostly for my husband’s business clothes) and on a recent outing, talked with the owner about laundering vs dry cleaning. All the years I have been taking clothes to the cleaners and I didn’t know this….dry cleaning does not get out body smells, only stains. Not sure why this never occurred to me, but it didn’t She also told me some rather disgusting stories of the kind of things that people bring to the cleaners. Suffice it to say, people are thoughtless and gross. Thanks again for washing info!
Sharon says
Have you ever tried Dryel – the home kit for drycleaning. It works amazing and saves a ton of money and the time of taking to drycleaner and bringing home. Great for freshen ups too.
Wendy says
I have not tried Dryel. I will have to look into it. I go to the dry cleaners about twice a week, so it would definitely save me time and money. Thanks for the tip!! Much appreciated.
Narci says
True story: we had to rewind to make sure he hadn’t actually sent Vanessa home because she was gone so much at the end. Also, that’s crazy about Rachel! I like her too though!
Jamie Z. says
Seriously, where did Vanessa go? We also had to rewind and verify that she hadn’t been sent home, I was all, “maybe I blacked out and missed that part?” Shoulder shrug/head tilt.
Jen says
I heard that her and Rachel got in a huge fight. But they didn’t show anything if it. But she was definitely MIA and it annoys me that they just ignored it ????
Jennifer says
Step 2: Game Face. I laughed out loud. Loved that and the #pv “reaction shot.” This recap is pure gold!!!! I mean, platinum. 🙂
Kristen says
As always, your commentary cracks me up! You’re saying what we’re all thinking 🙂 On an unrelated note, I love your bangs! How would you describe how they’re cut?
Sheaffer says
Hi, Kristen! Oh gosh, I have no idea how to explain my bangs. So sorry! I actually curl them just a bit with a large round brush (just to give the a little bit of bend), so they are a bit longer than they appear. Hope this helps! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Erin says
Several things: I think Vanessa must’ve been napping just as hard as Corinne for the entire episode. And I’m dying over your comment about her not being able to walk in the shoes!! Also, Paradise gold would be Corrine, Chad and Lace… it’ll be the best thing to happen to the franchise!
Emily M says
LOVED this recap. I just want to put in my two cents here. Because of the hectic schedule of Nick’s season airing then jumping right into filming The B’ette, I’ve heard that producers made this announcement as a service to Rachel. This gives potential guys anouther 4 weeks to quickly apply to be on her season. I’m seeing this as producers wanting a surge of diverse men to apply now that they have an African American bachelorette.
Paula W says
Exactly what I was thinking.
Judy says
Love your recaps. Look forward to them. Why did they announce the new bachelorette when she is still on the show?? Kinda weird
Megan says
I typically watch with girlfriends but the last three weeks my hubby has been lucky enough to watch it with me instead. The only thing he can talk about the entire time is how ridiculously short Nick’s shorts are. Ha!
Lisa says
I am annoyed that they announced Rachel was the next Bachelorette. Kind of ruins this season.
Heather says
I love your recaps every week, you are so dead on with your comments. I was surprised that they announced the Bachelorette so fast however, I like Rachel and think she was the best choice and I am for once happy to see them finally mix it up a bit. I believe that they announced very early for 2 reasons. 1. I think the ratings are not great and this will keep viewers interest until she leaves the show and how it plays out 2. Since she is a minority, that they are looking for a more diverse group of guys that would be interested in a woman of color. So, they are getting the word out now to get a respectable/decent pool of men that would be interested in Rachel. I believe more so it is the latter than the first.
Amy says
These recap posts are my favorite! And I love Rachel, but yes! Why not wait to announce it until after she gets the boot? Corrine is just good television. Her in those heels, my oh my. 🙂 Ready for next week! Hopefully we see Raquel make some of that famous cheese pasta. I’ll be cooking up some of my own to celebrate 😉
Sharon A says
Great recap, as always!! And I LOVE how you snuck in a “Corinne” here by saying; ” I mean frustrated AND BLOATED? Sheaffer can relate.”
Classic! 🙂
Kellee says
I’m glad that I am not the only one that does not understand a word Nick is saying!? He mumbles waaayyy too much! I am excited that Rachel is the next bachelorette. As a woman of color, I am happy to see her taking a lead role 🙂
Laura says
Great recap! I can’t wait to read every Wednesday! Here’s my theory on Rachel:
1. Nick chose her and the relationship has already gone caput.
2. Hometown dates implode and Nick doesn’t choose anyone.
3. Rachel’s hometown date goes so badly that ABC has to make up for Nick asking if she’s every brought home “anyone like me.”
Kate says
This season has been somewhat underwhelming. Corrine is really the only one with any personality. I spend most of the episode looking at clothes and noses.
Along those lines, it looks like every single remaining girl has had a nose job. They are all perfectly sculpted noses.
Kate says
Ok a few things..1. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who didn’t understand a SINGLE THING he was talking about for the first 7 minutes. Honestly, the girls cheered and I was like, “Ok, I guess things are back to normal now?” 2. The Livestrong bracelet has been killing me all season. I had the same thought about it probably meaning something sentimental, and I guess shame on us if it does, but gosh, I truly feel like I’m back in 2002. 3. I honestly said out loud, “Give Raven a stiletto and she’ll fight off the sharks.” 4. Danielle seems sweet, but man, their convos were PAINFUL to watch. 5. Corinne and her platinum vajeen not walking through the automatic door made me seriously LOL. 6. I adore Rachel, but I truly don’t get why they announced her as the bachelorette so soon. Thank goodness we know there will be some good scenes with her Judge father, or else I wouldn’t even want to bother watching their interactions the rest of the season. 7. Your recaps are MY FAVORITE!!! Thanks so much for the constant fun.
Bec says
My family all wear a plastic bracelet for a friend who’s going through cancer. That’s typically what they are for these days. Sad but true.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one wondering where Vanessa was! I assumed she went home and I missed that part when I was flipping that laundry ????
shar y says
Your recaps are also my favorite. I even have an alarm set on my phone each Wednesday morning to make sure that I read them ASAP. For some reason, even though I used to get it, I do not receive your blog posts anymore. I even signed up again and I still do not get the email with the blog posts.
I do not understand ABC, they should have held off and not made that announcement. I mean, they might as well tell us now the next winner in DWTS. I would save a lot of time!
Karla says
I saw Chris Harrison in an interview several weeks ago, and he said we would develop an affection for Corrine and well, he was right. That girl cracks me up. She’s a complete mess, but I like her.
Kristi @ Happily Ever Griedls says
Yes – I kept saying “where is Vanessa?!?!” She was only in the 1:1 and the first time Nick came to the house.. otherwise totally MIA. What the heck?!
Angela Ellingson says
Seriously, so funny and I had so much to say! But now I can’t remember because Rachel is the next bachelorette?? Apparently I’m out of the loop. So dumb that they announced it while she’s still on the show. What in the world is the thought process there?!
Amy says
A few things.
-I don’t know how they take him seriously with his choice of swim trunks
– I feel like maybe Nick has a retainer and thats why he talks a little odd??
– Corinne has grown on me. I seriously like her. She’s funny!!
– And this is the first season I’ve found your recaps and I’m kicking myself. Hysterical.
Amy says
Sheaffer!!!! YOU ARE EVERY GIRL!!!! You are always saying what I’m thinking about this show and I love it!!! You are always so spot on!!!! I did read that Vanessa got into a fight with Rachel and all the girls sided with Rachel thats why Vanessa wasn’t in the episode much. I am so excited for Rachel as the next bachelorette but totally bummed that they announced it so soon. Wondering why? Maybe a ratings thing? A political thing? Who knows…but I love her and I HOPE SHE STAYS TRUE TO HERSELF!!!!
Gina says
Great recap as always! I had heard of Bimini…..popular place for serious scuba divers. Cracked me up that Corrine ignored the open automatic door…she was concentrating too much on putting one foot in front of the other and not breaking an ankle in those heels. I too thought Vanessa had left as she was not seen after her 1:1. So disappointed in ABC announcing Rachel as the next Batchelorette so early. Really think the ratings are hitting an all time low.
Toni says
While Rachel is one of my favs, I’m glad she is not ending up with Nick! I need you to know though that as I watched the episode (particularly the Platinum Vajeen) I keep saying, “What’s Scheaffer going to say about this?!?!?!?” I think that the Platinum Vajeen is better suited for Paradise..but we’ll see.
Lisa says
So true about Nick’s mush mouth. He sounds like he talking with a mouthful of marbles. But what was really bothering all night was HAIR. Corinne’s extensions were looking a mess and her roots were an inch long. Do these girls not have a chance to get a touch up while they’re filming? I think she was going for a beachy look, but it was not working for her. Buy a brush girl! Also, Danielle’s hair on the 1:1 was just awful. That said, her hair is the most interesting about her. She was so boring, I wanted Nick to poke her with a sharp stick to see if she was still alive.
Sanna says
Glad there were others who couldn’t get passed the hair!!! Oooh those extensions looked so ratty.
Dawn Spencer says
Ugh! Rachel is the next Bachelorette? I didn’t even know an announcement had been made until I read your post today. What in the world?!! How strange that they announced it already! At least wait until after home towns! You would have to assume that the whole show falls apart on hometown dates, with nobody left standing. Still, I’m looking forward to next week and hope the Judge sets Nick straight on a few things . . . such as the wearing of short-shorts, mumbling when you speak, and clarifying the meaning of his “someone like me” statement. Such an immature and uncomfortable way to broach that subject. Obviously a conversation worth having but I was so disappointed in the way he approached it. Nothing wrong with having a direct, intelligent, and thoughtful conversation about it but he totally blew it. Anyway, I am much more interested in finally meeting the Judge than I am in the outcome of this season. And I love Rachel. She’s the best Bachelorette they’ve had in a long time. I’ll definitely watch. Thanks for another hilarious recap!
Kristin S says
YES!!! The mumbling makes me absolutely nuts. The thing is, he was on the talk show circuit last week. While he lisped (speak to this speech therapist, Sheaffer), he was at least articulate and opened his mouth. I had his identical lisp as a child. I went to therapy. Bye bye “s” issue. He’s 36. Bless his heart. Get therapy and whistle when you say your “s’s”!
Sheaffer, I was counting on a hair tie comment for the yacht. I was so distracted by all three of them holding their hair the ENTIRE time!
And, the door from the SHERATON (not a Marriott this week). I couldn’t figure that one out either. Maybe she was tired from walking crazy on those heels.
All the Rachel hullabaloo. So, People posted it on Instagram DURING the show. Ding. First sign. She was had already filmed Kimmel with Harrison at that point and was on a plane to NYC for GMA Tuesday morning. Oh, this was all planned and I think it’s because ABC knows how dang bored we are with this season and knows how much we like her and can’t wait to meet her parents and… boom. Let’s keep viewers interested by teasing the next season because, yawn Nick.
Jenny says
Seriously, I love, love your recaps! They are the highlight of my Wednesdays! 🙂
Whitney Pegram says
#pullinahiggins … bahaha!!! You crack me up!!
Colleen says
OHHH MY GOSH!!! I am HIGHLY entertained by all your recaps but today’s was especially ON POINT!!! Literally laughing out loud in my office…my co-workers must think I’m crazy! The step by step Corrine plan was amazing! Annnnnnd YESSSS…WHAT was the deal with taking the side door not the automatic dooor!!! Ohhh and lastly pooor Corrine did NOT know how to walk in her red soled beauties…bless her heart! 😉
Mary says
Hi Sheaffer! Quick necklace question: why do the two AC necklaces look like they are different lengths on you when the website says they are both 36 inches?
Sheaffer says
It was incorrect on their site, and they apologize! I think it’s fixed now! Xoxo, Sheaffer
Mary says
Thanks! You’re a peach! : )
Kelli says
I love your recaps! My favorite part of the whole episode was Raven stacking cheese on Corinne’s head while she slept! I watched it over and over. Everyone left on the show seems so serious, so it was nice to see a couple of them laughing and having fun!
Paige says
I thought this episode was sooooo boring but your recap was hysterical!!
Shelley says
My husband’s theory, heck yeah he’s watching;there’s an espn bracket, is that Nick picked Rachel, but she declined.
Abby says
Love the recaps! Yes I agree it was odd that they announced Rachel as the next bachelorette before she’s been sent home.
As for Vanessa, I read that she and Rachel got in a huge fight (must have been dull not to get aired) and most of the girls sided with Rachel. That would explain why Vanessa was MIA and probably off by herself.
Sonya says
Seriously where was Vanessa hiding? I so wanted Corinne to wipe out in those shoes. She couldn’t walk in them. Also, I wanted to brush her hair.
Janelle says
If you look quickly at the picture of Corinne in the red bikini, in stirrup position, it looks like her crotch is a solo cup. I am looking at the picture on my phone and I am all of a sudden wanting to play some beer pong ???? You know you are smiling now because you just went back and looked. Are you seeing what I am seeing?
Calypso in the Country says
Laugh out loud funny! Loved every single observation and the leaning over the balcony scene is always a classic! I love Rachel and think she will make a great Bachelorette. I think the reasoning behind announcing it early is this – People have gotten board with Nick, or just haven’t watched it this season. By announcing the new Bachelorette while she is still on the show might cause more people to tune in while she is still on. That way it gives people an introduction to the new Bachelorette so they can root for her to find love on her season. Just my two cents. Still love the show after all these years…
Kelly Fredrick says
I am very bored with this season. I used to look forward to Monday nights and now I barely make it through the show and I am not upset if I fall asleep! #snoozefest!
Amanda says
I’m so sad Rachel is the next bachelorette! I Really REALLY thought she was going to be “the one” after the Bimini trip. 🙁 Looking forward to her season though! Now I’m thinking Raven will win Nicks heart. All the girls seem great so I wish he would STOP OVERTHINKING and go with the flow. Falling in love should be fun!
Sanna says
The Danielle date was seriously uncomfortable for me to watch, but not just because there were awkward silences and no chemistry between these two. I forgot how long ago she said that her fiance passed away, but I just don’t get the sense that she has worked through that loss enough yet, to appear on a show like this. How long it has been is irrelevant anyway, because everyone deals with loss at their own speed and in their own way. She just always looked sad to me, even before he sent her home. It made me sad watching her.
Terra Heck says
I think Rachel is a great pic for the next Bachelorette. I love how you zone in on the simple things, that the average person might miss – like the automated/manual doors scene.
Liddie says
HELP!! I put off reading your recaps because I thought I was going to watch this season, but life keeps getting in the way! Now I want to read from episode ONE but literally cannot find my way to your archives!! Your “Click Here” links for last episode keep going to the most recent post.
Sheaffer says
Hi, Liddie! Keep scrolling down and they will all be there! If looking on a personal computer, there’s also a tab across the top with different categories…and “The Bachelor” is one of them! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂