Okay, Girls! I told you yesterday that there was going to be an announcement today.
So here it is.
Pinterest Told Me To is now called Sheaffer Told Me To.
I KNOW!!!!
This is kind of a big deal!
Now, I realize it’s not that big of a deal for y’all, but it definitely is for me!
So there are about a billion reasons for the change (I might be exaggerating a tad, I’ve been known to do that) ;), but I don’t want to bore you with all of them. All you really need to know is that this new format should make the user experience easier for you. I hadn’t done any organization or clean up on my main page or in my tabs since 2013, so a little house keeping was way overdue. On Friday I’ll walk you through some of the new additions and changes that I think you will all find helpful! If you want to look around today, just notice the tabs at the top of the page, the fun thumbnail pics divided into categories on the right sidebar (scroll through them with the arrows!), and my instagram shots (that are clickable!) across the bottom of the page. And if you want to leave a comment (please do!), scroll to the top of the post and you will click on where it says “Leave a Comment” to the right of the post title.
The other important thing to know is that even though the name has changed, the blog is going to remain true to what you are used to around here. You will definitely still get Pinterest recreations from time to time, but you’ll also get to continue to check out what I wear every day, see trends highlighted that work for my life and yours, and go on shopping trips with me. I will of course continue to share the items that I love (naming the best of the best MUST HAVES), and rest assured I will ALWAYS highlight a great sale. And when it’s Bachelor season, you’ll also get my recaps.
So….more of the same, just a new name!
It is my intention that Sheaffer Told Me To will not just be about clothes and accessories, but that it will be an encouragement to women. This blog is of course a place for ladies who love to shop and have a great time putting outfits together, but it’s also my desire that it will serve as a resource to women who hate to shop and totally dread getting dressed each morning. I promise I will make the “chores” of shopping and dressing much easier for you!
And as for as the new name, “Sheaffer Told Me To”, I have ya’ll to thank for that!
Over the last 3 years I’ve received so many sweet and wonderful e-mails from you ladies, and a common theme of many of them is that the blog has made getting dressed fun again and that you feel better about yourself as a wife, a mom, and a woman! Just the idea that the blog has “helped” people is such an encouragement to me.
Many of your e-mails even included the hashtag #sheaffertoldmeto, which made me smile.
I liked that the “Told Me To” remained in the title (I like familiarity), but I think it’s fun that I’m now a part of the name as well. I fully own that I have a personality quirk where I MUST share things I love with others….which is why I’m constantly telling y’all to! 😉
Now, you ladies should know that I’m seriously technologically challenged. There might be some glitches here and there (you might have even seen the site go live a little early yesterday! oops!), but we’ll be working hard trying to make this transition as smooth as possible.
So, now that the big reveal is out of the way (whew!), it’s back to business as usual around here! Tomorrow there will be a Bachelor recap, and Friday there is going to be a HUGE GIVEAWAY. I want to make sure any possible kinks are worked out with the migration and with all my new social media sites before I host the giveaway, but make sure you come back for that. I promise you won’t want to miss it. The giveaway is my way of saying “THANK YOU” to all of you spending part of your days over here with me. I know that everybody leads incredibly busy lives, and I just feel so grateful that you are willing to give some of your time to this blog.
I think y’all are awesome, and I’m just so happy to a part of this little community.
Nancy Ory says
I love the new name!!! Can’t wait to see what you do next!
Shay Shull says
Woohoo!!! I am so excited for you friend! Your blog looks beautiful and the name change is spot on. Love it so much. xoxoxo
Erika Slaughter says
Sheaffer!!!!! It looks great!! I love love love it!! As bossy as Pinterest can be, it has nothing on you. ;). The name is perfect!! From one untechnological friend to another-I’m also CRAZY impressed!! Way to go, girl!!
Jami says
Very cool! I noticed right away on Instagram & I love it! You’re awesome, so just keep doing “you”! ???
Paige says
Love the new format— the font is nice and clean and easy to navigate!!
Michelle says
I love the name, and I’m so excited for you! Bloglovin’ can’t find your new website yet… Is it me? Do you have to register with Bloglovin?
Heather Bramlett says
Love the new look and name! Way to go girl!! You have helped me so much in the fashion world!!
Lisa G. says
Looks great!
Kellyann says
Congratulations!!!!! The new name is way more fitting, love it!!!!
Heather says
Congrats Sheaffer!
You’re awesome!!
Tanya says
The new format looks beautiful and I love the new blog name! Congrats!
Michele says
FYI…your disclosure page still refers to the site as Pinterest Told Me To even giving a Pinterest Told Me To email address.
Nancy Crain says
Great move on your part! I look forward to keeping my heart rate up when you post sales!
Lisa says
Love it! Looking forward to the new changes! ☺?
Traci Rivard says
Congrats sheaffer!!!! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been like “damn you shaeffer!”? When you’re right, you’re right…. And you’re ALWAYS right. Everything I’ve ever bought (that you told me to) I have loved. You’re so witty and hilarious. I wish we lived in the same city so we could hang out! I feel like we’re already friends! Thanks for being YOU!!
Narci says
So exciting!! So happy for you friend!!
Mary says
I think the new name is perfect! You have been “bossing” me around since I found your blog a few years ago! LOL I had never shopped at Nordstrom before…had never even heard of it…none around here…now I have bought plenty there! ? Congrats on the new name and look for your blog! Can’t wait for the Bachelor recap tomorrow-finally a jump/leg wrap thanks to JoJo! ❤️
Stacy says
Love it! It’s what we all say anyway!
Keisha says
Love the name change!
Pilah says
Love the new look Sheaffer!
Andrea says
Congrats, Sheaffer!! The site looks great and I love the new name…its perfect! xo
kathy says
I love the new look and name!
Darcy says
Woo hoo! The site looks great, and I think the name change makes a lot of sense. 🙂
KellyinPA says
Love it! I think I’ve mentioned this before but I only started ordering from Nordstrom’s because “Sheaffer Told Me Too!”;). Enjoy, precious lady, you do a wonderful work:).
Michele @ The Joyful Home says
Yea! Love the name change and organization. Can’t wait to see what you do next!
Katie says
YAY!! Love this Sheaffer! Congrats! I had an blog post titled “Sheaffer Told Me To” last year!! LOL You can check it out here!! http://themishapsandmayhemofsolitarylife.blogspot.com/2015/01/january-pin-spired-otherwise-know-as.html
Regine Karpel says
So overjoyed for you
Nina says
Excellent news! Congrats. Seriously you are like my own personal shopper – This HAS been helpful in getting me out of my fashion rut and helping me find great outfits, on sale, to wear as I go back out into the workforce. Thanks Shaeffer!
Julie says
Love the new format! It’s so much easier to read. Thanks for all that you do!
Kimm says
Love the new look and the new name !
Susan Pelizzaro says
I love it! It is much more fitting for your blog now. Congrats!
Liz says
Love the revamp and that your name has evolved with your content! Making it personal makes so much sense as one of the best aspects of your blog is that it reads like a ‘best girlfriend giving helpful advice’. Liz familyoffoley.wordpress.com
Jan Fisher says
Love the new blog look and the name…it’s perfect! Congratulations on your “new baby”!
Katie says
Love it! #sheaffertoldmeto
April Parrish says
This is awesome!!! So proud of you! You’ve accomplished a lot with your blog and should be very proud of yourself.
Tiffany says
Love, love, love the change in name!
Joyce Andres says
I’ve called it Sheaffer Told Me To for so long!!!!!! Love the new name! Love that we can now leave comments, too!
Kristin says
Congratulations on name change – love it!
Felicia K says
Love the name change!! Good for you!
Ann Marie Lyddane says
Congratulations! I love the new name! I’ve loved every.single.item you’ve ever Told Me To buy! 😉 #noregrets
Thank you for always giving great guidance!
Wendy Benjamin says
Love the new name! I always tell people that “Sheaffer told me to” when I get compliments on an outfit! The only other appropriate name would have been “What would Sheaffer do?” I love you & your blog! Have a blessed day! ❤️
Sarah Goldsberry says
Love the new name! I like that it shows you take ownership of it all 🙂 Love reading your posts and they always bring a smile to my face!
Angie says
Love love love the new name
Carrie says
You’re awesome. Hey, I know this is kinda personal, but weight loss is on my mind. I was trying to find your posts from a year ago about how you lost weight, what you are, etc. Where did those go?
Out of curiosity, have you managed to keep the weight off? I know that’s so private, but your a blogger I feel like I can ask! Lol! 🙂
Sheaffer says
Hi Carrie! I did NOT! I didn’t gain it all back, but I gained some of it back…trying to get it off now! If you e-mail me directly (still pinteresttoldmeto@yahoo.com for now), I can send you all of the information! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Jessica W says
Well, this just makes so much sense! Love it! #STMT
Kari Maddox says
Oh my goodness! When I came to the page this morning, I was like THIS IS CRAZINESS! What is going on! I love it! I think it will be easier for when we tell friends about this page. They always have to repeat the whole “pinterest….” and now I will just let them know that Sheaffer told me too….so I did…..
Allison says
The new site looks amazing!!!! Congrats Sheaffer! So excited for you!
Gail W says
Eek!! Your new site has been blocked at my work and there’s no way around it. I think it’s a sign I need to quit my job!!!
Sheaffer says
This made me totally lol. That seems like the only logical course of action. xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Debbie Hutcherson says
Looks Great!
Leigh says
Beautiful!! And let’s not forget – its because of all of your hardwork that you can claim #Sheaffertoldmeto!! You deserve it – way to go!
Missy @My Sh!tty Kitchen says
Excellent! I have been basically calling it that since I found your blog, I have so many items I have purchased because you told me to 😉
Grace says
So awesome!! The blog renovation looks incredible. Have a great day!
Shelly Victorian says
Awesome! Congrats Shaffer I’m so happy for you!
Angela says
Congratulations on the new name! What an exciting time and the new site is beautiful!
Mel @ The Larson Lingo says
LOVE the new name!!! It’s perfect!!!! So exciting 🙂
Jody says
Love it sheaffer!! Perfect!!
Deborah says
I love it and love you!! Perfect!!
Marla says
love it! and I have to laugh at how many things I have purchased because of you since I started reading your blog.
Kelsey says
Love the new blog look!!!
Krista says
Congratulations, it’s a good move!
Cynthia in IN says
Exciting and fun news! Congrats!
MelanieL says
I love it! You’ve never let me down…Pinterest has:)
April Harrison says
Love the change! It is much more fitting for you and the blog. I love your ideas and I have stimulated the economy based on your recommendations, lol. It is so easy to get stuck in a fashion rut and you have great ideas and style. Keep ’em coming!
Taylor says
My BFF and I have been reading your blog FOREVER, and are so excited for your name change! This is probably a silly question, but now that your site name is official, could you clarify how to pronouce “Sheaffer?” I have no idea if it’s Shee-fer or Shay-fer! Hopefully I’m not the only one…
Sheaffer says
Hi Taylor! That’s a great question! It’s pronounced “Shay-fer”. Thanks for reading and for the sweet words! xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
Lauren says
Love the new name! I enjoy reading your Bachelor recaps but I noticed today only episodes 1-4 recaps are showing up on your blog now. They are hysterical and I was looking forward to showing a friend them. Just a heads up!!
Dana Hauck says
<3<3<3 love love love!!!!
Lindsay Dunagan says
Congratulations!! I love the blog and I think the new name is a perfect fit!!
Elle says
Cannot wait for your bachelor recap! Best Bachelor ever!
Veronica says
Yay!! I love your blog and congratulations on the new name.
Kelli says
Congratulations I love the new name!! I think this is going to be great change for you. Thanks for having such a fun blog. The Bachelor Recaps are my favorite!
KayVonne says
Your name can stand on its own. CONGRATS!
Bev says
I think it’s an awesome move, and very appropriate to how the blog has evolved. I have no doubt that you will continued to have success and that your readerships will only increase. After all, who needs Pinterest to tell us what to wear when we can have Schaeffer!!
Suzanne says
Great change! Glad to read The Bachelor posts won’t be going anywhere either! Love them!
Paula says
Love the name change! Best of luck with all the exciting changes.
Alison Lumbatis says
Aww Sheaffer! I’m so happy for you! YOU are your amazing brand and this is the perfect name. Cheers to this next chapter!
cheryl says
The new blog name makes so much more sense. Congrats.
Elizabeth says
YAY!!! So excited for you! LOVE the new name! It’s a lot of work to change over your url (especially for me, who is super technology challenged) but so so worth it!
Farryn Bussa says
Love love love your blog and the new name is just great! I’m pretty sure my husband knows you by name anyway. Ha You’d think we were neighbors ! 😉 Go girl! Excited for what’s next!
Anne says
Love your new blog name! You go girl!!
Colleen says
Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you. The first thing I do in the morning is read your blog. It just makes me happy everyday. Thank you for all the hard work you do. You are loved!!! Congrats!
Karlene says
Congrats on the name change! Love reading your blog and all the help you give with clothes and outfits! You are the best!
Martha Overton says
Sheaffer, the new site and name look great! Have been following you for a few years now from Ontario and my patience has paid off because we now have Nordstrom in Canada! (Although still no option of free shipping and returns…can you talk to someone about that? 😉 ) Love everything I’ve acquired under your recommendation and have educated Nordstrom staff about your site and your beloved blardigan. Which leads me to the one surprise I had from your new design – shouldn’t one of the pictures in the header be of you in your ombre blardigan? The photo that started the movement..? Sheaffer – you made an international retailer adjust their website to recognize the word – add the photo!
Keep up the inspiring work, and remember – when you look great, we look great!
Heather says
I don’t even watch the Bachelor, but I love to read your Bachelor recaps. They are always so funny! Seriously, I think you could be a writer! I love reading your blog and I can just tell you are such a wonderful person!
Casey says
OK, did you see Chris Harrison’s face when the second girl told him that Ben said he loved her too?? It was the funniest expression ever!!! I had to rewind and watch his face a few more times! Great new blog name too!
Karen says
Love the name change. And I love your blog – you have helped me a lot with wardrobe ideas, and this is invaluable because I hate shopping and putting clothes together. And I love the Bachelor recaps as well. I don’t even watch the show! Thanks!
Jennifer says
Sheaffer! I LOVE the new name! I have actually been thinking you should change it to that for quite some time, because you gave Pinterest too much credit for all of YOUR amazing finds and ideas! I’m so excited and happy for you with this change! And I am excited to keep reading!
Lisa Richardson says
Congratulations Sheaffer!!! Change is scary…Change is good! My family has learned that in 2 moves that took place in 5 years…taking us from the Far East Coast, to the upper Midwest and now the faaaarrrr West Coast. Stretch and grow!!! Great job my virtual friend!!!???
Tamara says
I LOVE the new name- anytime someone compliments me on something I’m wearing, usually I wind up saying “Sheaffer told me to!”…so it’s perfect!
Ellen A says
Congratulations! I think it is a great idea to change the name. In the beginning the concept to use Pinterest as a reference was a great idea….but you have grown and now it is all about you and your creations! You have great style!
Diana C says
Congrats! How exciting.
Diana C