and 1 item came to mind.
One item above all other items.
It’s an item that I’ve owned personally for almost 3 years now.
I named it a MUST HAVE when I found it back in 2013, and it was a Santa Alert last year.
And it’s a gift that I gave to 5 people last Christmas.
My mom, my sister, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, and a grandmother were all happy recipients of this gift.
It’s a gift that spans the ages, and my 29 years old sister loved it just as much as Chris’s 82 year old grandmother.
What was it?
If you are a regular reader of this blog, go ahead and say it with me now ladies…
Yes, you read that right.
We’re not just giving away 1 blardigan.
You win a blardigan for yourself and 9 friends!
You can go ahead and take a second to regulate your breathing.
So if you are new here and have NO IDEA what in the world a blardigan is, I might as well admit it’s a made up word.
I made it up myself to name an item that is actually called a “drape front cardigan”.
But I’m sorry, “drape front cardigan” doesn’t do this item justice.
If “blardigan” could be found in the dictionary, I’m quite sure it would say this:
blardigan – noun
part blanket, part cardigan, and the absolute coziest item of clothing you will ever have on your body. EVER. in your whole life. EVER.
*see the bottom of the post for specific washing instructions*
And the baby blardigan is HERE.
Let’s take a walk down memory lane and check out when I named the original blardigan a MUST HAVE back in November of 2013.
I wear this one around the house almost every single day.
And no, I’m not exaggerating.
But this also shows how you could style it to wear it outside of the house.
The fitted arms are what make it “outfit appropriate”.
For size reference, I’m wearing a small/medium.

Shay named it the baby blardigan, and I thought that was perfect because it’s a smaller version of the original. As soon as they came out with this bad boy, I ordered it. Immediately.
Like within 20 seconds of seeing it, I was ordering it.
It’s more expensive, but I didn’t even bat an eye.
The blardigan had more than proven it’s worth to me over the last several years.
This is an outfit I wore just last week over Thanksgiving break.
I met Shay at Starbucks (some last minute planning for these giveaways!), and it was the perfect cozy thing to throw on.
baby blardigan / similar white tee / multi glitter studs / crescent moon necklace /
similar leopard belt/ similar jeans from same maker / leopard booties (order 1/2 a size up)
Size References: I’m wearing an x-small/small in the baby blardigan.
I’ve received LOTS and LOTS of messages from y’all about the baby blardigan since I introduced it several weeks ago.
Here’s what I think is happening.
If you already own and love the original blardigan, you are buying the new baby blardigan because you need a back-up….or because you like the idea of one that is even easier to wear out of the house.
If you never bought the first blardigan because you are petite and you thought it was too much fabric, then you are buying the baby because it’s easier for a petite frame to wear.
And even if you gave a gift of a blardigan last year, you know how much the person you gave it to loves it, and you are now considering giving a baby blardigan this year.
Let me go ahead and show you several different outfits that I’ve worn with the new baby blardigan just in the last 4-5 weeks or so.
So I’m basically wearing pajamas. 😉
And again, I feel like I’m wearing pajamas in this outfit, but you could even wear it to church!
shift dress / MUST HAVE leggings / earrings
necklace sold out/ similar cognac boots (with fantastic reviews) / watch
Get The Look For Yourself Here:
And I also tried it on in black in store so you could see that too:
baby blardigan
So, to sum it up, you need one of these in your life.
Again, I fully recognize the fact that it’s expensive.
I am also aware that I’m being really bossy.
I’m telling you, the cost per wear is MINIMAL.
In fact, I’m pretty sure mine is paying me to wear it at this point.
And I’m not kidding when I say it will bring you joy.
Here are just some of the pics….
And some more….
To own a blardigan, is to love a blardigan.
And if you don’t own one, you probably think we are crazy and don’t know what the fuss is about.
If you don’t own one, you just don’t get it.
And as long as we are talking about cozy things, check THESE out.
They are from the maker of the blardigan.

Not that you need another email about this but I’m even more convinced that the blardigan is the best thing ever. I think that every new mom needs at least 2 in the rotation when they are home from the hospital. I can look somewhat presentable when people stop by but basically I wear it constantly and only take it off to wash and shower. Perfect for nursing. Good thing I have a 2….But I probably need another one.
– Sarah Whitlow
I get SEVERAL e-mails, facebook comments, or blog comments every week with y’all telling me how your kid wants his or her own.
I got a blardigan during the anniversary sale in 2014 and whenever I wear it my son wants to cuddle. He loves it and asked me to buy him one. Apparently he figured out how to get his own because he’s asking Santa to bring him a blardigan blanket! (of course mom helped with spelling)
I mean, that’s an endorsement. A 3 year old boy asking for one from Santa!
And don’t worry, I asked his mama, and he’s getting one! Hysterical!
So, my job today has been to convince you that a blardigan will literally make your life better.
Because it WILL.
I know it sounds ridiculous, but it’s actually true.
And giving one?
Well, you will pretty much go down as the best gift giver EVER.
Here’s some other cozy items (from Barefoot Dreams) that anybody would flip over if they were under the tree!
I’ve had some e-mails about some of your blardigans “shedding”.
I don’t have any personal experience with this, because neither one of mine have ever shed.
I called the company directly to ask them if they had washing recommendations.
This is what they said:
Wash in cold water on gentle cycle. Do not use fabric softener.
If you do dry it, air fluff or dry on lowest setting. Do not use fabric sheets.
But they actually recommend laying it out to dry.
So, those are the official recommendations.
But I seriously just wash mine with everything else with my regular detergent.
And I typically dry it for 10 minutes (with a dryer sheet! oops!) and then
hang it to dry the rest of the way.
So y’all. I know this recipe is going to be a hard sell. BUT TRUST.
Several years ago Chris’s aunt (we call her Sue Sue) was telling me about this recipe. I thought she was crazy. But then, on a whim, I made it for one of Shay’s Christmas party, and everybody FLIPPED THE FLIP OUT.
Now, I’ll be the first to say it’s not the prettiest….and when you hear the list of ingredients you will scratch your head….but when you actually put it in your mouth YOU WILL DO A HAPPY DANCE.
So easy to put together and sooooooooooooooo delicious.
Hop over HERE and see what’s in it!
Allison Murray!
Congratulations Allison!
Shay emailed you this morning! You have 48 hours to email her back and claim your prize of 8 Barrington Bags!!!!!
Anonymous says
Shaeffer, it's Lauren S.. I still can't figure out how to comment with my name…don't have any of those accounts. Love your blog…can't say enough about how much I love everything I've purchased because of you! IMPORTANT QUESTION: can I wear the blants out of the house? #pleasesayyes
Sheaffer says
Hi there, Lauren! Hmmmm…I actually probably wouldn't wear the blants out of the house. But maybe others would?!? They are amazing. xoxo, Sheaffer 🙂
gina says
What a great giveaway! I bought a blardigan earlier this year and wear it every day around the house. I just put the baby blardigan on my Christmas list. Oh I'd love to win so my daughter, sisters and mom could enjoy the coziness too. Keeping my fingers crossed I win. Missed out on yesterday's giveaway so adding a Barrington bag to my Christmas list too. I've made that casserole before and it is delicious!
Anonymous says
WOW this offer is unbelievable, because did you know a major tv shopping channel was selling this item last night!!! And to think I actually thought about ordering, but realized item would cost less from Nordstrom due to free shipping!! Either style would be great!! You Ladies Rock on giveaways!!
Erika Slaughter says
After reading this post, I wanna throw on my Blardigans and do nothing but be cozy all day!!! #butthatcanthappen #waaaahhhhh
Heather Bramlett says
The Blardigan is AMAZING!!! I have the orinigal and the baby! Both are my favorites!! My 8 year old daughter walks around the house in mine all the time! They really need to make kid sizes 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
When I die, I want to be buried in the blardigan. Andrew will try to bury me in something short and skimpy…but you step in and insist he buries me in the blardigan. Okay?!
Narci says
Blardigan for President!! It is so soft and cozy!! I can't wait to order the baby Blardigan–I love it with the shift dress!!
Anonymous says
I own two regular blardigans, and now I'm dying to own a baby blardigan! Love all the combinations you provided in pictures. The 3 yr old that asked for a blardigan blanket for Christmas is the best!
~ Kathy Lang
Katie Jackson says
I have one and love it. Would love the baby one 🙂
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
Those blardigans are soooo comfy!!
Michele Tucker says
I have the taupe baby blardigan. Love it, but mine has shed, so I will try those washing tips!
MommyLu says
My 7 and 9-year old daughters both asked for a blardigan for Christmas! They're both getting one…maybe because I want them to stop stealing mine. 🙂
Shaya says
I know 9 blardigans to give away is a lot. Generous. Plentiful. But I could not bring myself to complete the first RaffleCopter thing because of the guilt I feel about NOT tagging everyone else. #blardiganproblems #can'tchooseatleastnotinpublic
Monica Carpenter says
I finally bought a blardigan during the Anniversary sale and I must say I am hooked. Everyone at work has heard about my blardigan!
Lindsay Truax says
Amazing post!! You covered it all!! Sold on the blardigans!!
Becky says
Love love the Blardigan! Now you need a contest on how many times the word Blardigan was used above! LOL. It's the best! Would love a few more for gifts! Xoxoxo
Tiffany says
Sheaffer, why not 10 winners of the blardigan? Instead of one winner who receives 10. Just curious but also very thankful for the opportunity to win.
april wrona says
I would love to own a blardigan!
Natalie and Adam says
Love the blardigans!
Paige Lombardo says
I've asked for Nordstroms gift cards for Christmas so I can go and buy all these goodies!
Sarah N says
I picked up a blardigan during the anniversary sale this past August, and I am SO glad I did! I've already gotten tons of use out of it, esp living in Minnesota. When I saw you post earlier in the fall about the purple ombre one my face went all heart eyes and I had to order it immediately. I'm now the proud owner of two blardigans and would love to be able to give some to my friends and family for Christmas!
Angela Ensslen says
I can't wait to try your pineapple casserole. Thank you for the great giveaways. Love the blardigans!
Cara@HomespunKitchen says
LOVE my Blardigan!!
Steve Kachelmeyer says
I bought 2 blardigans from the Anniversary Sale. One for me and one for my daughter. The one for my daughter was to take to college. I told her that whenever she needed a hug or was homesick to put on the blardigan and it was like a hug from home. She wears it all the time and loves it. Sara Kachelmeyer
texasmom356 says
I bought a blardigan after reading your blog recommendation during the anniversary sale and LOVE IT! It is so warm and cozy that I never want to take it off! I can see a baby blardigan in my future. 🙂
Shawnee says
I may or may not own 3 blardigans……and I want the baby one! 🙂
Monica K. says
That baby blardigan looks so comfy!
MissAdaptation says
I fear I would never leave the house but that might be okay! Kids are old enough.
Anonymous says
I have two and told my kids they were woven by angels. I bought one for my sister-in-law for her birthday during the anniversary sale. I seriously have lost track of things I've bought for her that I have NEVER seen her use (she's pretty picky). But, she has raved about her blardigan non-stop since she's had it. She had some quality issues with the first one, but Nordstrom promptly replaced it and she's still a true believer. Thank you for finally helping me score with a great gift!
Little Bits of Joy Blog says
SO excited for this giveaway!!! I mean, they were onto something when they invented the Snuggie because it's a blanket you can wear… #genius… but who wants to wear one? But this???? This super cute blanket thing???? YES YES YES!!!!
Katie H. says
I love pineapple casserole!! And I'm seriously contemplating buying blardigans for every lady in my life!!
Diana Griffin says
Need to give and receive this!
Diana Griffin says
Love this!
I Like Ike says
The only thing my 6 year old son asked for this year was his own Blardigan after he saw the one I bought my mom. I also bought 3 others as gifts. Pretty much, if there's a woman you love and want to be happy and cozy all their days, buy them a Blardigan.
angelasbrandnewbag says
Love the blardigans! I have been looking for these and can't find any local. Thanks for the chance!
Nancy R says
Love to have a Blardigan for my next flight! Would help keep me comfy warm and hide some bad spots! LOL Entered on Facebook!
Kim says
I own 2 of the blardigans and love how comfortable they are. My question is, how do you keep it from getting fuzzies all over everything you wear? I obviously love to wear it with my leggings, but the sweaters shed something fierce. I once wore it on a road trip and it left fuzzies all over the black cloth truck seat! I don't dare throw it into the dryer, so is there any other way to de-fuzz it?
Kelly S. says
Love it – thanks for the giveaway
Christy Q says
Love this wrap! I've already gifted one to my mother-in-law and have a few more people on my list so this would be an awesome way to surprise quite a few folks!
Megan says
Pretty sure I need a baby blardigan in my life!! I HAD to have the regular one last year when I had my youngest baby. It was a NEED for the hospital.
Kim Kauffman says
I had to go put my blardigan on after reading this post! It's so cold and rainy and it's so cozy! Best thing ever.
Kylie McGraw says
Hahaha I just did the same thing!!!
Kim Kauffman says
PS just ordered the shift dress! Sooo cute!
Leann says
How fitting I wore my blardigan today!
Jennifer says
This blardigan looks so comfy! I would love to win this. Thanks for the contest!
The Rohman Family says
I never got the original blardigan b/c I'm not one to sit around the house in anything but a sweatshirt. But when I saw the BABY blardigan…I was sold. Ordered immediately. No problem with shedding but honestly I haven't washed it b/c I always wear something under it. And I LOVE seeing you style it. So far I've worn it over a denim knee-length dress with tall brown boots or Hunter rain boots. And I've worn it over an Anthro short sleeve blouse with dress pants. It can't be beat!!! I'm looking forward to some casual styling, too, as seen in your post today. LOVE!!!
Lorri Dockery says
This is amazing, they look fantastic and comfortable!!
courtney says
i need a blardigan in my life!!
Tanya says
Blardigan?????? Baby or Big???? How to decide????????? AAAAAHHHHHH!!!
Ralinn bsirious says
I love seeing how you style your blardigan. I need to just break down and buy one. I keep reading how soft and cozy it is. On these cold days it would be amazing I'm sure. Thank you Nordstrom for this fabulous giveaway.
Unknown says
Would absolutely love one to give & receive!!